Kid produced podcast sharing interesting and weird facts about various topics!
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In each episode you'll discover weird and surprising facts that will make you say, "Wow, really?!" Each episode provides cool things to share with family and friends. They will think you're brilliant!
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In this episode you'll discover an array of fascinating, weird, and unusual facts to include: "Prosecutor says golden toilet was stolen from English palace in ‘audacious raid’". AP News. Link: "What Exactly Does the “Q” in “Q-tips” Stand For? "Rea…
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In this episode you discover: The surprising number of people who get Super Bowl rings The REAL name for hashtags Pelicans can hold how much water in their mouths? Who has more water in their bodies - males or females? What percentage of the earth is covered by water? How deep is the deepest part of the ocean? The first candy eaten in space was... …
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Articles and facts featured in this episode include: "It’s Christmas for the elephants as unsold trees are fed to the animals at Berlin Zoo". Link: "Mittens the cat is mistakenly left on a plane and becomes a frequent flyer".…
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Country With Most Pyramids? Nope Not Egypt, Primary Source of Oxygen? Nope Not the Rainforest, More
Articles shared in this episode from: "125 Interesting Facts About Practically Everything". Readers Digest Online. Link: "Odd News". Link: Articles from the Readers Digest site: "Fact: The world’s oldest wooden wheel has been around for more than 5,000 years". "Fact: …
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Weird and surprising facts and articles that you'll discover in this episode include: "Over 100 Trillion Cicadas to Emerge After Solar Eclipse" Source: "". Link: "BBC Science Focus". Link: Book: Patrick Qu…
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Stories that are included in this episode include: "California man collects 1,136 hotel keycards, earns world record". Link: "Coyote with head stuck in bucket rescued in San Diego". Link:…
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Camera Stealing Fox, A Four Dollar Goodwill Vase Sells for $100,000, Increase Brain Power, So Much More
In this episode of "Weird and Surprising Facts", you discover: A camera stealing fox; A dinner menu sells for $275,000; A $4 Goodwill vase sells for $100,000; On average, a person spends 153 days looking for lost items; Want your brain to be more effective? Talk to yourself! Wild elephants sleep how many hours a night?!?; What makes up 95% of a Jel…
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Emotional Support Alligator Goes to the Ballpark, Mole Sniffing Dog Makes Major Discovery, So Much More
Articlef summaries highlighting weird and strange facts include: "Wally the emotional support alligator went to see the Phillies. Then he went viral". Link: "Holy Mole-y: A sniffer dog helps rediscover a rare mole". Link:…
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A Pet Alligator in the White House, A $100 Million Non-human Co-Host for "The Today Show", And So Many More Weird and Surprising Facts
Weird and surprising facts shared in this episode include: "History of Dentistry"; Link: "J. Fred Muggs" - Chimp co-host for NBC Television. show, "The Today show"; Wikipedia link:…
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Weird and surprising facts highlighted (with time stamps) in this episode include: 01:39 - Origin of the Loch Ness Monster Legend; 02:49 - Why the first roller coaster was built; 03:43 - How the popsicle came to be; 05:07 - Why food doesn't taste as good when you fly; 05:33 - Trouble sleeping? Come back in your next life as a snail 05:49 - Color of…
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Discover weird and surprising facts to entertain and amuse friends, family, and yourself. Facts include: - Largest padlock in the world:,916%20lb)%20including%20the%20key. - Human and dolphin breathing: https://www.factretr…
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Discover: - The only animal that can clap to music and rythm. - What on our bodies never stops growing? - Why clouds appear to be white. - What on earth is hotter than the sun; and, - So many more weird and surprising facts that will amaze your friends and family. --- Host: Stephen Carter. Email: CarterMethod@gm…
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Weird and Surprising Facts You Discover in This Episode Include: - Ketchup was once considered medicine; - The name for a group of hippos; - The original name for ice cream; - The original use for Play-doh; - A fun fact about a die; - Peanuts are not nuts; and, - so much more. --- Host: Stephen Carter. Website for this show: https:WeirdandSurprisin…
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In this episode you discover: * How you're related to every other living organism through your DNA; * How many times a year your heart beats and the number one indicator of heart health; * The specific kind of music that wards off mosquitoes; * How many licks on average it takes to eat one scoop of ice cream on a cone; and, More weird and surprisin…
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In this episode you discover: - The oldest living animal - meet Jonathan the 190 year old tortoise; - The weird wife carrying contest in Finland, - The surprising speed Sloths can achieve in water, - How the Beatles helped end segregation, and, - Ever so much more. --- Timestamps: 00:00 - Episode topic; 00:36 - Show and host info; 01:05 - Meet Jona…
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Weird and suprising facts for this episode: - History of women's rights - or lack thereof - in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia: yes, there are similarities; - The case of Katie Mulcathy charged for attempting to smoke in public; - KFC sues the colonel and the surprising outcome; and, - More. --- Timestamps: 00:00 - Show topic; 00:43 - Show and host info …
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Discover (with timestamps): - The link between Neanderthal and modern human beings [01:22]; - How Humpback Whales protect other animals from killer whales [04:56]; - Why Alexander the Great washed his hair with saffron [06:04]; - How tall is the world's tallest canine? [06:42]; - How Harvard gained, lost, and regained the title of the U.S.'s oldest…
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During this episode, you discover: - How a Scottish zoo penguin became a knight; - How the "French Fry" came to be; - The single location where the most choclate is sold in the world; and, - The most visited attraction in Europe. --- Host: Stephen Carter; Website:; Email: --- Source for thes…
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In this episode you discover why you should thank a vulture for the work he or she is doing to cut greenhouse gases. Other weird and surprising facts include: - How frogs hydrate; - How many times the average heart beats daily; - Why trying to outrun a hippo is a terrible idea; and, More... --- Source for Lead Fact: "Vultures Prevent Tens of Millio…
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65 million years ago the baddest dinosaur on the plant was Tyrannosaurus Rex. Do relatives of the ferrous T-Rex still roam the earth? Stay tuned for the surprising answer as you discover facts you likely never knew about dinosaurs, chickens, emus, and kangaroos! --- Timestamps: 00"00 - Episode info; 00:28 - Host and show info; 01:27 - Do dinosaurs …
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In this episode you discover: - Why sea otters hold hands; - Multiple surprising facts about otters and related mammals; - How many muscles in a cat’s ear?; - How many calories are used when you lick a stamp?; and… - More strange and surprising facts. — Sources for information in This Episode: “12 Facts About Otters for Sea Otter Awareness Week”: h…
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This show name is changing from “Weird and Wacky Holidays” to “Weird and Surprising Facts!”. In this episode, you discover: - Why dolphins sleep with one eye open; - What are the 10 unique physical characteristics you have no one else in the world has; and, - What percentage of people are left handed and other surprising facts about left handedness…
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In this episode you discover proclaimed holidays that include how you may save lives, help stop human trafficking, and why you should pursue a hobby. You also discover other proclaimed holiday observations, some weird, some whacky, and some really important. In the "Fun Facts" segment, you learn what percentage of the population is left handed and …
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With October being Emotional Wellness Month, this is a great opportunity to identify and neutralize stressors in your life. In this episode you receive suggested ideas and actions you can take to identify and release stress to enhance emotional wellness. — Host: Stephen Carter, CEO, Stress Solutions, LLC. Website: Email: Car…
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On April 19 we honor those killed and injured in the Oklahoma City bombing attack that occurred on April 19, 1995. This act of domestic terrorism was the deadliest attack on American soil until the attacks of September 11, 2001. The April 19th attack took the lives of 168 people including 19 children, all under the age of 6. More than 680 people we…
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Ty and Sinclair explore all the ways that squirrels are helpful and clever rodents!
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How to Celebrate Self-Care Awareness Month 7 Easy Ways for Self-Care Ep 30 Weird and Wacky Holidays Host Stephen Carter, CEO of Stress Solutions, LLC. Note: The info in this episode was also shared in episode 18 of the, “Mind Over Stress Show”. Given National Self-Care Awareness Month is a recognized holiday month and self-care is so important in d…
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Listen as animal expert Ty White and Sinclair explore some interesting facts about African and Asian Elephants!
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National Girlfriends Day - Show Notes Episode 30 August 1st is National Girlfriend’s Day! In this episode, we offer suggestions on why it’s a great idea to connect with girlfriends old and new. In this world of Facebook and other social media, it may seem like we have amble opportunity to connect with friends. But think about, say three girlfriends…
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July 24 is National Cousins Day. Cousins are often the first people our own age we play and interact with. Cousins share genes of course, but equally important cousins often share experiences that can create memories lasting a lifetime. Unfortunately, as we mature we often lose touch with these special people. This day - indeed any day - is a wonde…
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National Safety Month - 7 Ways to Stay Safe! Show Notes June is National Safety Month! In this episode, I’ll share seven simple, easy ways to enhance your safety and the safety of your loved ones. With June being National Safety Month, I’m recording this episode for two of my podcasts. Those are, “Safe Living Today” and “Weird and Whacky Holidays”.…
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In 1999 the U.S. Congress declared May as National Military Appreciation Month. One of the main reasons for choosing May is there are more military related holidays in May than in any other month. These include Loyalty Day, VE Day (the end of WWII in Europe on May 8, 1945), Armed Forces Day, Military Spouse Day, and - the most important - Memorial …
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Show Notes: April is Stress Awareness Month. This is a great time to look at the stress and the stressors in your life and create a path to eliminate or significantly lower the chronic stress response. In Summary - The 3 Stress Busting Ideas: - Take a Stress Inventory and identify two or three promising stress lowering strategies; - Create a video …
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International Day of Happiness - How to Be Happier! March 20 is International Happiness Day. In this episode, you'll learn how this special holiday came to be and how it literally unites the world in the goal of increasing happiness around the globe. Each year the United Nations publishes their survey of international happiness for each world natio…
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Today’s featured holiday is,. National Compliment Day... Show Notes Where did this special day get it’s start? National Compliment Day is celebrating it’s 20th birthday this year. We have two ladies from New Hampshire to thank for this holiday. In 1998 Kathy Chamberlin of Hopkinton, New Hampshire and Debby Hoffman of Concord, New Hampshire created …
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National Hobby Month - Ep22 - Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is,. National Hobby Month… In a 2015 post entitled, “Six Reasons to Get a Hobby”, published in “Psychology Today”, Jaime L. Kurtz, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Psychology at James Madison University, points to these six reasons to spend time pursuing a hobby: * Hobbies help you s…
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National Hugging Day - Ep21 - Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is,. National Hugging Day! Unlike many of the 1,500 national holidays where the source of the holiday isn’t known, National Hugging Day had a definitive start date and identifiable person who started it. On March 29, 1986 Rev. Kevin Zaborney of Caro, Michigan created National Hugging…
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National Disc Jockey Day! - Ep20 - Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is,. National Disc Jockey Day.. Having been a musician in a rock band and a Disc Jockey for a teen club when I was in high school, I’ve always loved music and the showmanship that goes with it. Like a delicious dinner, the total music experience is enriched by a well done presen…
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Show Notes for Ep19 -National Popcorn Day! Today’s featured holiday is,.. National Popcorn Day. Before reaching into the popcorn box to enjoy a tasty treat of popcorn, let’s have a look at the history of corn. According to a 2012 article in “National Geographic”, people in what is now Peru were producing various corn based foods to include what we …
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National Winnie the Pooh Day - Show Notes for January 18 - Ep18 Today’s featured holiday is National Winnie the Pooh Day. In 1926, British author Alan Alexander Milne, known as A. A. Milne, authored the children’s story that would bring joy to millions of children and adults over the coming decades. Winnie-the-Pooh is as beloved today as it was nea…
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National Bootleggers Day - Ep17 - Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is,.National Bootlegger Day. We as a society have a love / hate relationship with alcohol. Descriptive terms range from “Nectar of the gods” to “Demon Rum”. So how did National Bootlegger’s Day come to be? January 17 is the birthday of famed criminal and bootlegger Al Capone, and…
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Ep16 - National Religious Freedom Day - Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is, National Religious Freedom Day. The roots of RelIgious Freedom Day extend back to January 16, 1786, when the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was signed into law. The statute was introduced by Thomas Jefferson. This Virginia law was the model for the Establishment…
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Weird, Wacky, and Traditional Holidays - Ep15 Show Notes Today’s featured holiday is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Let’s begin with a question asked by Dr. King: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Dr. King. asked this question of everyone in the United States and beyond. We’ll return to this question …
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Today’s featured holiday is, “Dress Up Your Pet Day” - Ep14 - Show Notes At the top of our conversation about Dress Up Your Pet Day, I suggest you refrain from bringing your cat to the party unless you and your kitty have had a serious conversation about what your feline will tolerate. I knew a cat 40 years ago who was fine with his owner dressing …
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Show Notes: National Vision Board Day - January 13 Today’s featured holiday is National Vision Board Day. This holiday came to be when the Registrar of “National Day Calendar” proclaimed that the second Saturday of every January would be National Vision Board Day. It’s hard to believe, but the film, “The Secret” was released nearly 12 years ago on …
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Ep 12 Show Notes: National Pharmacist Day Welcome to episode 12 of the Weird and Wacky Holidays Show”. I’m your host, Stephen Carter. Today’s featured holiday is National Pharmacist Day. Each year January 12 is set aside to honor the 293,000 men and women who are professional pharmacists. We normally associate pharmacists with retail stores such as…
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Show Notes: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day - Ep11: Today’s featured holiday is, “National Human Trafficking Awareness Day”. In 2007, the United States Senate designated January 11th as “National Human Trafficking Awareness Day”. Human trafficking is a huge global scourge. Experts estimate there are 20 to 30 million people in slavery aroun…
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Houseplant Appreciation Day - Ep10 Show Notes: Today’s featured holiday, started by the Gardener’s Network, is, “Houseplant Appreciation Day”! The end of year holidays are behind us. Decorations are all back in their appointment storage containers and - if you observe Christmas and put up a real tree - the Christmas tree needles are all vacuumed up…
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National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day - Ep11 Shownotes Today’s featured holiday is, “National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day”! As a former police officer, trainer, and Chief of Police, this day is near and dear to my heart. Across the U.S. alone there are more than 800,000 sworn police officers serving communities large and small. When we add…
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Ep8 - National Bubble Bath Day Today’s featured holiday is, “National Bubble Bath Day”! While the exact date when the bubble bath was born, we know it extends back to the 1930s. Bubble bath photos appeared with the marketing of a product called Dreft in 1933. A bubble bath scene was in the 1936 production of a play called, “The Woman. According the…
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