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Roman Zelenka Podcast

Roman Zelenka – speaker, podcaster & business mentor

Join our podcast journey to finding happiness and leadership success. We bring insights from experts, CEOs, and inspiring figures, offering straightforward advice and motivating stories to help anyone navigate life's challenges and opportunities. Great for those seeking inspiration and practical wisdom.
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Send Me

SOCOM Athlete

This is the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, America’s #1 resource for Special Operations career preparation. Special Operators such as Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, Rangers, USAF PJs, USMC Recon, and more tell their stories while offering life wisdom & training advice. Host of the “Send Me” Podcast, Jason Sweet is a former U.S. Special Operator who also played Football for the U of A, Baseball for GCU, and earned a Bachelor's in Biochemistry. Jason & his father Maurice made American his ...
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show series
Join us on the ROMAN ZELENKA PODCAST for an inspiring conversation with Garry Ridge, former CEO of WD-40 Company, as we explore the essence of leadership, culture, and business transformation. Garry shares his wisdom from decades of leading a globally recognized brand, emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture of care and accountability. In…
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Poslechněte si druhý díl rozhovoru s mistrem ve zvládání zátěžových situací. Ještě nedávno pil alkohol a kouřil krabičku cigaret denně a nyní má tři světové rekordy. Byl neoprávněně vězněn v arabském kriminále a přesto to zvládl! Co se v člověku děje v takové situaci? Co vše je za tím být držitelem světovému rekordu a přežít přes devět hodin v plan…
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Poslechněte si mistra ve zvládání zátěžových situací. Ještě nedávno pil alkohol a kouřil krabičku cigaret denně. Byl neoprávněně vězněn v arabském kriminále. Co se v člověku děje v takové situaci? Co vše je za tím být držitelem světovému rekordu a přežít přes devět hodin v planku, když běžná populace zvládá maximálně 5 minut? Proč má smysl vykračov…
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Z jakéhokoliv průseru je cesta ven vždy možná! Robert Slabihoudek byl v našem rozhovoru ochotný "napráskat" své největší životní průšvihy a bolesti a zároveň popsat, které nástroje mu pomohly najít cestu ven. Robert je vášnivý tenista, pisálek, věnuje se Human Designu a fotografii. Baví ho sporty, filozofie, psychologie a především tvorba mindsetu …
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Inspirace pro všechny ředitele, majitele, personalisty nebo vedoucí týmů! Legendární Eva Mohauptová v rozhovoru na téma "Jak efektivně rozvíjet týmy". Jaké jsou typické dysfunkce týmů? Jak poznat, co tým potřebuje? Jaké jsou formy rozvoje týmu? Jakou aktivitou začít? Jak správně poptat týmového kouče? O čem je vůbec týmový koučink? Jak vyhodnotit, …
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Neskutečně lidská, autentická, inspirativní a vyzrálá zpověď člověka, který skutečně něčeho dosáhl. Skvělá inspirace nejen pro lídry, kteří vedou týmy. Všechny rady a tipy jde krásně napasovat na běžný lidský život. Pojďte si poslechnout, jak Láďa vybudoval svou kariéru, kdo ho inspiroval, jaké nástroje používal, jaké chyby udělal a jak se z nich p…
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"Never Quit! On this inspiring episode of the "Send Me" podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by Navy SEAL Sniper and K9 handler John Collins. John is the definition of the phrase "Never Quit." He went through 6 different BUD/S classes and nearly 3 Hell Weeks before finally graduating BUD/S and becoming a Navy SEAL. Throughout the ep…
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This exciting and educational episode features LIVE Q&A with Medal of Honor recipient MSG Earl Plumlee from SOCOM Athlete students and listeners from across the United States. The Medal of Honor is the United States Armed Forces' highest military decoration, and is awarded to recognize warriors who have distinguished themselves by heroic acts of va…
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Join us on the ROMAN ZELENKA PODCAST as we sit down with AI expert Jan Vasil to explore the intersection of leadership and Artificial Intelligence. In this conversation, we dive into how AI is not just changing the game for leaders but also how it can become a personal ally in navigating the complexities of the modern world. In this episode, we cov…
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The Medal of Honor is the United States Armed Forces' highest military decoration, and is awarded to recognize warriors who have distinguished themselves by heroic acts of valor. On this episode of the "Send Me" podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by MSG Earl Plumlee, who was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2021. A Green Beret of 1st…
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Získej konkrétní tipy, jak být díky umělé inteligenci (AI) produktivnější! Jan Vasil, expert na AI, tě seznámí s appkami a postupy, které používá. Naučí tě, jak se umělé inteligence ptát a jak ji začlenit do každodenního života. Přeji příjemný poslech! Bonusové materiály (PDF s odkazy na appky + návody k promptování) získáš na…
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Já i Martin jsme opustili zdánlivě úspěšný business ... oba jsme také opustili dlouholetý vztah. Zajímá vás proč? Jste zvědaví, jaké techniky fungovaly? Pak si pojďte poslechnout tento úžasný rozhovor na téma „Proč osobní transformace stojí za to“. Martin Fuks provází lidi na cestě osobního i profesního rozvoje od r. 2007. Není přitom žádný teoreti…
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“Earn your trident every day!” Get your notes ready and join SOCOM Athlete for this educational and exciting episode, featuring LIVE Q&A from listeners across the United States. We're joined by active duty Navy SEAL SO1 Sanchez. The episode features questions such as how to be successful at MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), BMT (basic military…
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How do you become a Navy SEAL? What is the pathway and how does it all start? Get your notes ready and join SOCOM Athlete for this educational and exciting episode featuring host Jason Sweet and active duty Navy SEAL SO1 Sanchez. The episode describes in great detail the pathway from talking to a recruiter, to earning an SO contract, the Delayed En…
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How do you get into Special Operations? What is the pathway and how does it all start? Get your notes ready and join SOCOM Athlete for this educational and exciting episode featuring host Jason Sweet. The episode describes in great detail the pathway from talking to a recruiter, to earning a contract, graduating basic military training, prep course…
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Daniel Gamrot parádně vysvětluje, jak efektivně plánovat svůj kalendář, jak ve své produktivitě udělat rychle co největší pokroky a také jaké technologie k tomu můžeme využít Ostatně, posuďte sami a dejte vědět, co vás nejvíce zaujalo A nezapomeňte na skvělý bonus k této epizodě na Pokud byste rádi odebírali pravidelné …
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Můj host, Honza Vojtěchovský, se zabývá fascinujícím tématem dlouhověkosti a zdravého životního stylu s odhodláním dosáhnout věku 150 let. V tomto inspirativním rozhovoru Honza sdílí nejen své znalosti, ale také praktické tipy, které nám umožňují zlepšit naše zdraví a prodloužit životní cestu. Díky jeho nadšení a expertnímu pohledu můžeme objevit n…
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Inspirativní rozhovor s Martinem Cheníčkem, alias Čárysem, o tom "Jak dát svému životu hloubku". Zaposlouchejte se, jaká byla Martinova cesta, co mu v životě pomáhá a jaké konkrétní techniky aplikuje. Další epizody jsou k dispozici i na videokanálu Bonusová část pro předplatitele a klienty je na https://…
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David Vencl, světový rekordman v potápění na nádech se svěřuje s tipy, jak se připravuje na vrcholný výkon, jak bojuje se strachem a jakým způsobem překonává sám sebe. Řada témat je překvapivě přenositelná i do běžného života a businessu. 🚀 Davidův web: Romanův web: další podcastové epizody:…
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Pavel prošel jsem radostným a nabíjejícím budováním vlastní firmy - i tvrdým vyhořením a neschopností cokoliv dělat. Úspěchem a bytím na výsluní - i selháním, ztrátou smyslu a prázdnem. Úpěnlivým kontrolováním všeho - i velkým pouštěním a skoky do důvěry. Tato epizoda ve formě tzv. discovery session přináší popis Pavlových důležitých životních okam…
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Roman Zelenka interviews Marty Neumeier, sought-after teacher, speaker, and best-selling author, who worked with top companies such as Apple, HP, Adobe, and Google. His book The Brand Gap is considered to be a foundational text for modern brand building. Get specific tips on how to become a brand genius and succeed in your business. More episodes: …
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Martin Rozhoň vybudoval miliardovou ecommerce skupinu VIVANTIS, kterou po 18 letech prodal Mall Group. Nyní je startup investor, který investuje do leaderů s dobrou karmou. V tomto rozhovoru jsme si povídali o tom, jak efektivně aplikovat spiritualitu v podnikání nebo jak pracovat se svou intuicí.
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“Earn your trident every day!” Get your notes ready and join SOCOM Athlete for this educational and exciting episode featuring LIVE Q&A with SOCOM Athlete students across the United States. We're joined by former Navy SEAL and bestselling author, Chad Williams. Chad served with SEAL Teams 1 & 7 on multiple combat deployments including Fallujah, Ira…
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How do you conquer your fears? How do you build a daily schedule and develop a routine? On this exclusive episode of SOCOM Athlete's podcast "Send Me," host Jason Sweet records LIVE from Albuquerque, New Mexico after watching a SOCOM Athlete student graduate the USAF Pararescue (PJ) training pipeline. The episode discusses techniques and mindset fo…
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Jak budou vypadat firmy až opustíme ekonomický růst? Jak se připravit na budoucnost z pohledu leadera? Tato témata probíral v živém rozhovoru Roman Zelenka ( s Tomášem Hajzlerem, expertem na téma práce a budoucnosti podnikání. (
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"De Oppresso Liber" U.S. Army Green Berets of 5/19 Special Forces Group (A) join host Jason Sweet for this exclusive episode answering all the important questions about Special Forces in the Colorado Army National Guard & how to start your journey today! Episode topics include the SFRE (Special Forces Readiness Evaluation), Recruiting Processes, Sp…
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by Kevin Baier, who just finished serving over 10 years as a U.S. Navy SEAL Sniper, Automatic Weapons Gunner, and Instructor. We're excited to announce that Kevin is our newest SOCOM Athlete instructor, and will be instructing at our upcoming Hell Day event in San…
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Co typicky brání dalšímu rozvoji firem? Jak odstranit tato “úzká hrdla”? Jak zajistit, aby vaši lidé pracovali pod menším tlakem? Jak lépe využít jejich talenty? Tato témata probíral v živém rozhovoru Roman Zelenka ( s Michalem Martochem, expertem na rozvoj firem (توسط Roman Zelenka (
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by Ryan Zinke, former SEAL Team 6 Commander, Montana State Senator, Congressmen, and 52nd U.S. Secretary of Interior. Ryan shares stories of his childhood, analyzes Navy SEAL & BUD/S training, discusses running for U.S. Congress out of Montana, and more. If his ca…
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by former U.S. Navy SEAL Sniper now running for Congress, Brady Duke. Brady served on SEAL Team 1, seeing multiple combat deployments, including twice to Afghanistan as a Sniper/AW. A humble & quiet professional, Brady is now running for United States Congress out…
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Firmy to stojí spoustu peněz. Účastníky to stojí spoustu času. Lektory to stojí spoustu energie. Školení a tréninky zaměstnanců. Všechno proběhne a je to třeba moc fajn. Všechny to bavilo. A tady to končí. Nic se nezměnilo, nikdo nedělá věci jinak, nemyslí jinak. Třeba vám to tak stačí. Ale jestli ne, pojďme se bavit o tom, co s tím můžeme udělat. …
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Vyřešte už jednou pro vždy svá traumata z minulosti a poznejte techniky, jak si vybudovat zdravou sebedůvěru, stanovit si pevné hranice a být úspěšný. Autor: Roman Zelenka ( Host: Miloslav Hubatka ( Odkaz na video:
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Online rozhovor s horolezcem Lukášem Jasenským o jeho přípravě na výstup na K2 a technikách, které mu pomáhají v překonání nejrůznějších překážek. autor: Roman Zelenka ( host: Lukáš Jasenský ( odkaz na video:توسط Roman Zelenka
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by Force Reconnaissance Marine MGySgt Cory Paskvan, one of the most elite & fittest Marines in the entire Marine Corps; currently serving over 27 years in active duty. MGySgt Paskvan supervises & oversees all the training that goes into becoming a Recon Marine; th…
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by a U.S. Navy SEAL running for Congress, Eli Crane. Eli is the Founder/CEO of a multimillion dollar business, Bottle Breacher, which was featured on the popular TV Show: Shark Tank. While a member of Navy SEAL Team 3, Eli deployed 5 times to combat zones in the m…
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by former U.S. Army Ranger Sniper Nick Gough, now a sniper instructor and owner of Dark Corner Concepts LLC. While a member of 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Nick deployed 15 times to combat zones in the middle east. Nick then took his career to the CIA's GR…
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On this episode of the "Send Me" Podcast by SOCOM Athlete, host Jason Sweet is joined by former Combat Controller (CCT) Eric Hohman, running for Congress out of Texas' 28th District. Eric was born in Mexico City, in which his family immigrated to the United States. He received U.S. citizenship after being adopted by his stepfather. Prior to running…
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“Earn your trident every day!” On this powerful episode of SOCOM Athlete's podcast "Send Me," we're joined by Navy SEAL Chad Williams, Author of the bestselling book “SEAL of God.” Chad served with SEAL Teams 1 & 7 on multiple combat deployments including Fallujah, Iraq. He tells the incredible story of his path from a Southern California skater & …
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Without having the north star to guide you, you can end up going unhappy in any direction. That's why it is so important to have a life goal that helps you focus on how you want to live your life. Discover why and how to set a life goal with Kris Girrell and Yuka Nakasone, the real experts on this topic.…
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On this special episode of the "Send Me" podcast, host Jason Sweet is joined by SGM Matthew Williams, an active duty Green Beret of 3rd Special Forces Group, who was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2019. SGM Williams was awarded the Nation's Highest Honor for extreme valor & courage in combat while risking his own life to save others in the Shok Vall…
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"Earn your trident every day" On this episode of the "Send Me" podcast, host Jason Sweet is joined by former Navy SEAL Ray "Cash" Care, who has a powerful story to tell. From a childhood of great adversity to joining the United States Navy, Ray spent most of his career on SDV (SEAL Delivery Vehicle) Team 2, piloting miniature submarines on long-ran…
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"These things we do, that others may live!" The motto of a USAF Pararescueman (PJ). On this episode of the "Send Me" podcast, host Jason Sweet is joined by TSgt John Hamilton, a Tier 1 PJ of the 724 STS; John spent his early career as a PJ at the 23 STS, in which he deployed to Afghanistan with an Army Special Forces ODA Team. For his actions in co…
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🙂Gustavo is a sought-after speaker in the areas of change leadership, team building, and culture change. He has facilitated hundreds of workshops in the US, Europe, and Latin America. Get ready for his specific tips and tools on how to tune your company culture to another level. 👉Do you have any more questions for Gustavo? Go ahead, add it in the c…
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The Bible includes many stories of warfare, and the United States Military has historically presupposed a Christian worldview. However, the 6th Commandment states: "Thou Shalt Not Kill (Murder)." Join SOCOM Athlete for a special episode featuring Dr. Frank Turek discussing "Justified Killing vs Murder," and "Christianity & the United States Militar…
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A professional nutritionist, bodybuilder, & dietitian, Courtney Reeves has been mentoring SOCOM Athlete students for over 3 years. Join us for a special episode of SOCOM Athlete's podcast "Send Me" as we host SOCOM Athlete's Nutritionist Courtney for round two of LIVE Q&A. Host Jason Sweet & Courtney discuss topics of nutrition, meal planning, and …
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