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Season 2 Outer Space We Go! This is Mars. 願音如光, 在人與人的宇宙間穿梭折映。 生活哲學/書影心得/各界對話 記錄下人生中火花交會的軌跡。 歡迎來聽聽 屬於我的外星荒誕奇談 Instagram: mars1diary -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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ICRT「新聞說分明」 透過輕鬆的聊天對話探討時事,讓你學到最實用的英語表達方式! ICRT BreakDown is a conversational chat about topics in the news, and useful English terms and expressions. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Keeping abreast of Taiwan news has never been easier, nor more informative. Every week, the ICRT news team from around the island takes a look back at the important stories that affected Taiwan. From Taipei all the way down to Pingdong, and even far beyond. Friday nights at around 8:20, tune into ICRT FM 100 for Taiwan This Week. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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聽 ICRT「新住民心人生」娓娓道來新住民朋友、在台灣生活的喜怒哀樂,以及剛到台灣的緊張與期待,在教育資源、醫療福利等支持下,如何鋪成在台灣生活的美好未來。 週一到週五、早上九點到十點,請鎖定 ICRT 的「新住民心人生」特別節目。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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MJ英語的英文聽說訓練,主要針對想對於英文聽說能力想更精進的朋友所創建的英語流利聽說訓練頻道。 YouTube上有生活英語、口語訓練等學習影片,上面有清楚的字幕,方便提供學習。 請在通勤・上學・搭電車、搭公車或捷運的空閒時間輕鬆的學習吧! 贊助支持: Youtube: 聯絡信箱 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世 ...
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Taiwan is patchwork quilt of diverse, motiving personalities. Here, we have politicians who make history, entrepreneurs whose innovations help keep the global economy afloat, and artists who explore creativity in fascinating, inspiring ways. Taiwan Talk shows its listeners the unique perspectives of Taiwan all over the world. From those at home, those abroad, and those who’ve chosen to make this island their home. Taiwan Talk airs on ICRT FM100 at 8am, and in the evening in the 6pm news hour ...
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Sponsored by Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. Hakka make up more than 10% of Taiwan's population and boast a proud heritage dating back hundreds of years. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM and 10PM hours. -- ...
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客家族群人才輩出,精彩「客事」就在Hakka Dialogue!節目將邀請在各領域頗富盛名的客家人物進行互動訪談,主題多元又有趣。DJ Caitlin將與來賓聊聊關於他們的 「客家情」,有客家工藝、音樂、美食、表演藝術和節慶活動等主題。透過DJ與來賓一來一往、輕鬆豐富的對談內容,帶你了解更多你不知道的客家文化喔! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby

Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活

Join Abby to explore Taiwan while improving your Mandarin listening skills and learning to talk like a native Mandarin speaker! Each podcast is 100% in Mandarin, best for intermediate to advanced learners. Full transcripts are available on my Patreon. 透過各種話題的分享,希望讓外國朋友們在學習中文的同時能更認識台灣。 ► Patreon(Full transcripts): ► Chinese graded readers & Chinese Lessons: ► Support my work: Tip ...
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SilverAI Company Technology

SilverAI Company

SilverAI is a company specializing in AI applications for images. With its main products SnapEdit – AI Photo Editor and Enhancer – AI Sharpening, SilverAI has made it easier for millions of users around the world to edit their images. Website: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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從「話題式」的角度出發,以日常對話的方式,與主持人Elise聊一些生活中的趣事,輕鬆練習英文聽力! Listen to our podcast on: Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts - KKBOX - SoundOn - Anchor - YouTube - English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - 更多資訊 -
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百萬夫妻 Paiwan couple

我們是一對百萬夫妻媒體人, 沒有年薪百萬,更沒有月薪百萬, 只有濃濃的原住民排灣族(paiwan音同 百萬)的血統與靈魂。 百萬紐思集 Paiwan Talk News, 是台灣第一個以原住民族為觀點的『媒體識讀』播客。 我們將從排灣族的視角,用新聞扭轉你的思考, 也用新聞重建你對原住民族的印象。 We couple from paiwan tribe are media persons.We don't have million("million" sounds like "paiwan" in chinese) annual salary, and don't have million salary either. We only have pure blood and soul originated from our ancestor and paiwan people. Paiwan Talk News,is a media reading podcast program that focus on what Taiwan indigenous people thoug ...
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Improve your English with the ICRT News Team! Here you will find useful expressions and vocabulary from the news to help you better understand what's happening around the world, and speak like a pro. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The Smocktail Club | 薰樂會

The Smocktail Club ‎| 薰樂會

我們是兩個愛丁堡大學的畢業生,不約而同12歲出國留學,在異國文化中成長並認識世界。歡迎收聽薰樂會,了解第三文化孩子的視角 & 聆聽我們分享人生中的所見所聞。 The Smocktail Club 的靈感來自於Smell(聞)和 Mocktail(仿雞尾酒) 的組合,以味道揭開故事帷幕,暢聊如同無酒精雞尾酒般醺而不醉的有趣軼事,不限年齡,大家都能淺酌體驗。 The Smocktail Club was inspired by the words ‘smell’ and ‘mocktail’, as we wanted a name that represents what we want to bring and who we are. We believe stories can be told through the smells that remind us of it, and our experience growing up in different cultures are like mocktails which everyone can enjoy, regar ...
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show series
越南新二代的嘉玲,為了了解媽媽的語言以及文化,在大二時轉系至政大東南亞語言學系,除了課堂的學習之外也積極參與非政府組織,到國小帶活動。這些經驗使嘉玲更加立定志向,期盼未來投身非政府組織工作。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط ICRT
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高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 -- 生活處處需要用到錢 你的存款由中央存保來守護 在台灣如遇到金融機構發生問題 中央存款保險公司將依法賠付存款人 最高享有新臺幣300萬元保額 新臺幣加外幣存款,本金利息都有保!                   免保費 #打拼人生要有存保 #中央存保廣告 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】…
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Taiwan may be one of the most fertile areas in Asia -- but its warm, humid environment doesn't particularly encourage grape growing. So what does Weightstone Vineyard Estate and Winery do to overcome natural challenges to create wines that have been recognised by both Decanter World Wine Awards and New York International Wine Competition? Estate ow…
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在庸碌中麻木 在堅固裡痛苦 早晨的自瀆 竟成一天的幸福依附 所幸凝滯凍結的人們 將在愛裡死去 在美中重生 深入聊聊美國經典電影 American Beauty (1999) 美國心玫瑰情(???) 我都念美而美(?) Intro: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Enine : Nirvana BGM: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Amine Maxwell & Soyb : Inside Outro: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Khaim : Somebody -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…
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高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 ▶【更多PDF下載】…
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今年高雄市舉辦了第1屆「雄新獎」,表揚新住民語文教學支援的優良人員,其中來自越南的武綺綿老師,為了融入台灣環境,一邊學習中文一邊工作,從國小補校一路唸到研究所,也朝著通過閩南語檢定邁進,讓我們一起聽聽她的故事吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط ICRT
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Ep. 10: Triathlon Up for some swimming, biking, and running? Get a head start by diving into this episode of BreakDown with Tim, Paz, and triathlete Sam Hsieh (謝昇諺). Hear about Sam, how he became an elite athlete, what the great benefit of exercise is for him, and how he inspires others. Learn what a triathlon is and what triathletes need to succee…
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高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 ▶【更多PDF下載】…
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越南新二代朱秀蓮運用築夢獎金,將越南傳統服飾「奧黛」融入現代元素,創作出「現黛」服飾,希望更多的民眾對於越南文化有更深的認識! 讓我們一起來收聽,本集精彩的節目吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط ICRT
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中路特區指標建築『百俊吾双』 60米大興西路,27層雙塔地標,600坪泳池花園,壯闊落成 42至52坪戶戶挑高3米4大氣尺度,即可入住! 實品屋全新完工,敬邀名家鑑賞 預約專線:03-3311688 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們…
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Taipei means different things to different people… but the city is looking to make it as a trendy destination too. Organizers behind this year's "Trendy Tapei" speak to ICRT about what motivated the city government to come up with what they hope will be one of Taiwan's biggest cultural events this year. Hosted by ICRT's Hope Ngo. -- Hosting provide…
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王喬尹,創作歌手,擅長輕快曲風,曾參加過幾個知名的電視音樂比賽。2024年4月推出全新客語專輯《還記得》,與擅長文化融合的「留聲樂團」合作,以長期受阿茲海默症與中風之苦的阿婆視角為出發點,呈現出阿婆極力地想抓住最後那份記憶的堅持與渴望。 Joyin, a singer-songwriter known for her upbeat musical style, has taken part in several popular TV music competitions. In April 2024, she released a new Hakka album titled “Huan Ji De” (Still Remember.) Collaborating with留聲樂團Reson…
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日本每年6到10月的夏季期間,各地都會舉辦各式祭典活動,因此日文中有「夏祭」這個詞,用來描述全國各地夏天舉辦的民俗活動。日本的夏日祭典大多起源於盂蘭盆節和七夕,自古以來便認為祖先的靈魂會在7月和8月的盂蘭盆節期間回來,並且會舉辦各種活動來款待祂們。 說到靈魂,不得不提到最近Z世代的人常用XX魂來描述在某個領域中備受矚目和尊敬的人物。比如在音樂領域,我們常聽到「搖滾魂」或「電音魂」,這些詞語讓靈魂不再讓人感到恐怖,而成為了一種生活態度。對於萬事萬物都充滿敬意的日本人,自然也不會讓這些「魂魄」失望。因此,每年8月與9月,全國各地會舉辦一些音樂祭典,比如給「J-POP日本流行音樂魂」的ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL、在富士山滑雪場舉辦的富士搖滾音樂節,還有發源於美國、同時也是日本最大…
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趙倩筠,來自臺中東勢,是以大埔腔創作歌曲的音樂人,2013年曾發行首張客語創作專輯,2022年她再次推出新歌《頭擺个火車頭》,並回到家鄉拍攝MV,帶領聽眾穿越時光隧道,想像騎著單車遊覽東豐綠色走廊、石岡水壩等東勢景點。每一幕都有著童年滿滿的回憶,也表達了她對家鄉東勢的深刻思念。 Zhao Qianyun (趙倩筠), hailing from Dongshi District in Taichung, is a musician who creates songs in the Dapu Hakka dialect. In 2013, she released her first Hakka-language album, and in 2022, she introduced her ne…
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臺灣客語分為五種腔調,其中詔安腔主要分布在雲林縣,當地知名的詔安布袋戲團,團長善於使用閩南語和詔安客語來演出布袋戲。這個布袋戲團去年更獲頒客家貢獻獎傑出成就獎。除了布袋戲團,雲林詔安客家文化節將於9月14號登場,將透過多元豐富的節慶活動來展現獨特的詔安客家文化。 Taiwan has five main Hakka dialects, with the Zhaoan dialect primarily spoken in Yunlin County. A renowned Zhaoan Puppet Theater Troupe in this region is led by a director who excels at performing puppet shows in both …
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彭柏邑,臺灣客家男歌手、詞曲創作者、音樂製作人,入圍多次金曲獎。自學嘻哈創作及編曲,擅長EDM電子舞曲,並將多元風格融入客家歌曲中。在「記得」這首歌中,客語的唱腔自然又輕鬆地融入濃厚的西岸West Coast風格,像是在夏日海邊開車兜風。 Boiii P is a Taiwanese Hakka singer, songwriter, and music producer who has been nominated multiple times for the Golden Melody Awards. He is a self-taught hip-hop creator and arranger, specializing in EDM (electronic dance music)…
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在台灣,客家戲曲主要分為兩大類:「三腳採茶戲」和「客家大戲」。客家戲曲的劇目涵蓋傳統神話故事到現實社會劇,展現了客家人勤勞、堅韌和智慧的品格。它不僅是一種表演藝術,也反映了日常生活的縮影,使觀眾能夠了解客家文化的歷史與現代面貌。 In Taiwan, Hakka opera is divided into two main categories: "Hakka Tea-picking Trio Opera" and "Grand Hakka Opera." The performances range from traditional mythological stories to contemporary social dramas, highlighting the hardworkin…
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A special show featuring a panel discussion organized by the Asia Pacific Youth Association and recorded live at the Legislative Yuan titled An Election That Influences the World: Taiwan and the 2024 US Election. It brought together Taiwan People's Party lawmaker Janice Chen (陳昭姿), the Deputy Director of the DPP's International Department Michael C…
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On the occasion of President Lai Ching-te’s first 100-days in office, we’re taking an unconventional look at this milestone. Instead, we’re talking to the unique TV host and model who emceed the official inaugural banquet held in Tainan. Kevin Tai shares with us the excitement of hosting a state dinner, as well as some of the struggles he has faced…
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華碩商用電腦ASUS Expert台灣市佔第一! 通過多項軍規測試,以優異品質、高擴充性、完整軟硬體解決方案,幫助企業降低擁有成本、簡化管理。 結合客製化保固與在地服務,華碩商用小隊是各大企業、政教單位的最強後盾。 商用AIPC首選「華碩」,值得信賴! -- 中路特區指標建築『百俊吾双』 60米大興西路,27層雙塔地標,600坪泳池花園,壯闊落成 42至52坪戶戶挑高3米4大氣尺度,即可入住! 實品屋全新完工,敬邀名家鑑賞 預約專線:03-3311688 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭…
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Ep. 9: Street Art Join Tim, Paz, and their guest, the artist, singer, TV show host, and actor Xiao Ma for a lively episode on street art. Find out what street art means to Xiao Ma, how he got started, and what helped him draw when he had no prior experience in art! Then hear whether these terms are cat’s meows or pet peeves: beauty is in the eye of…
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Protecting the environment and promoting circular economy are important issues in Taiwan, particularly with the growing threat of climate change. To address this concern, the government elevated the Environment Protection Agency, making it a ministry… and in May this year, one of Taiwan's most noted weathermen and climate researchers took the helm.…
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He first came to Taiwan to learn Mandarin. But since that time, Catholic priest Joyalito Tajonera aka "Fr Joy" has become an important advocate for migrant worker rights in Taiwan. He talks about developments in Taiwan society that have supported migrant workers here, and addresses work needs to be done to improve living and working conditions for …
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中路特區指標建築『百俊吾双』 60米大興西路,27層雙塔地標,600坪泳池花園,壯闊落成 42至52坪戶戶挑高3米4大氣尺度,即可入住! 實品屋全新完工,敬邀名家鑑賞 預約專線:03-3311688 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【字幕影片&留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們…
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高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ▶👍【留言支持我們】 ▶🍭【贊助支持我們】 ▶🤝【成為會員支持我們】 ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 ▶【更多PDF下載】…
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