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By Rev Charlie Lacey | John 2:1-11 John 2:1-11 (NIV) The main purpose of the Christian life is to become more like Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit, as listed in Galatians 5, are traits that Jesus has in abundance. Today we looked at the Patience of Jesus. We also baptised Raymond, who was due to join the army the very next day.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Matthew 12: 1-14 Matthew 12: 1-14 (NIV) In recent weeks, we’ve been attempting to answer the question, ‘What does it mean to be human?’, and last week, we saw that God has given us the task of ruling over creation and caring for it on his behalf. In other words, to be human is to work in partnership with God and one another. …
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Genesis 1: 27-31 & Genesis 2: 15-24 Genesis 1: 27-31 & Genesis 2: 15-24 (NIV) Today we had the penultimate talk in our ‘Being Human’ series. So far we have seen that God created us to be: physical, rational, emotional, communal, relational and sexual. We have also been given useful work to do. Most of us spend a significant p…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Matthew 19: 1-12 Matthew 19: 1-12 (NIV) Today was week seven of our ‘Being Human’ series. We were talking about something that is often misunderstood and misrepresented; sometimes controversial; and always countercultural, namely the Christian view of marriage and sex.
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By Rev Trevor Adams | Mark 10: 29-31 Mark 10: 29-31 (NIV) Last week, as part of our ‘Being Human’ series, we saw that we have been created to live in community. But we can’t have a successful community unless we interact with one another in a positive way. If the church is going to thrive, we need to nurture close relationships and friendships. To …
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 2: 42-47 Acts 2: 42-47 (NIV) Today we had our International Service and the baptisms of Zarah and Zoey. So far in our 'Being Human' series, we've seen that we have been created to be physical, rational and emotional. Today, appropriately on International Sunday, we focussed on the fact that God has created us to be commu…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Psalm 42 Psalm 42 (NIV) So far in our 'Being Human' series we’ve looked at the physical and mental aspects of our humanity and today we looked at the emotional. As Christians, we recognise that it’s not healthy to give free reign to our emotions – but equally, it's not healthy to repress them. So how do we strike the right ba…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Philippians 4: 1-9 Philippians 4: 1-9 (NIV) We are integral beings. Mind body and Spirit are meshed together. Last week, we focussed on our physical bodies. Today we’re looking at the mind. Jesus is the perfect example of humanity – and so we should aim to have the mind of Christ.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Genesis 2: 4-9 Genesis 2: 4-9 (NIV) Today was week two of our ‘Being Human’ series, and we can’t possibly answer the question, ‘What does it mean to be human’, without considering our physicality. We live in a real physical world and we have real physical bodies; so what is the Christian understanding of the body?…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Genesis 1: 27 – 2: 2 and 3: 1-12 Genesis 1: 27 – 2: 2 and 3: 1-12 (NIV) How are we to understand our humanity in light of Biblical truth? This is what we'll be looking at over the next 9 weeks, through our new series, 'Being Human.' Today we established a framework that will help us to better understand every aspect of our hu…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Matthew 28: 16-20 Matthew 28: 16-20 (NIV) This is the final part of our short series based on Matthew’s Gospel. Week one, we looked at Jesus calling his first disciples – ‘Follow me’. Last week, we looked at how Jesus offers to lighten our burdens -‘Come to Me’. And this week we looked at the ‘Great Commission” – when Jesus c…
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By Rev Bev Bell | Matthew 11: 28-30 Matthew 11: 28-30 (NIV) To be yoked with Jesus means that he shares our burdens of life, and walks with us and helps us carry our loads and worries. He is God with us – the human face of God – May we lean on him and learn from him and find Gods love, grace and forgiveness.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Matthew 4: 18-22 Matthew 4: 18-22 (NIV) Jesus invited the disciples to become ‘fishers of men’. And he invites us to embark on the most exciting and amazing adventure, as we take part in his great rescue plan for the whole of creation.توسط Rev Charlie Lacey
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | 1 John 5: 1-15 1 John 5: 1-15 (NIV) No matter what we experience in life, we can have total confidence in the Good News of Jesus. He died for our sins and rose to new and everlasting life. The wonderful news of the Gospel is that we share in His victory over death. Jesus is God’s testimony in person, and we can trust him comp…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | 1 John 3: 11-24 1 John 3: 11-24 (NIV) Jesus makes it very clear that if we belong to him we will love one another. In fact, our love for one another is one of the key pieces of evidence that shows that we are children of God. Our love for one another will transform the way we live, strengthen the church, and present a clear a…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | John 3:1-5 and 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 John 3:1-5 and 1 John 2:28 – 3:10 (NIV) When we give our lives to Christ, two things happen: we are washed clean of our sin and filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to submit to Christ's authority and live a God-oriented life.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | 1 John 2: 18-27 1 John 2: 18-27 (NIV) We live in a world full of misinformation, deception, lies and half-truths, especially online. Often it is hard to distinguish truth from lies. Notwithstanding, the most important of all truths is that resurrection life is possible through Jesus.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | 1 John 2: 12-17 1 John 2: 12-17 (NIV) Today we compared what Jesus offers with what the world offers - and in so doing we saw the importance of clinging to that which lasts and letting go of that which is temporal…توسط Rev Charlie Lacey
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 27: 13-32 Acts 27: 13-32 (NIV) Life is good, but it’s not easy – and all of us will face seriously difficult situations at various points in our lives. Sometimes we refer to these as life’s storms. Whilst none of us will have a ‘storm free’ life, it is certainly true that rejecting Jesus will take us into storms – and tr…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | John 20: 19-31 John 20: 19-31 (NIV) A lot of people are under the misapprehension that believing in Jesus requires a blind leap of faith, when in reality it’s more of an informed step of faith. Today we looked at some of the evidence from John’s Gospel that assures us of Jesus’ literal, bodily resurrection.…
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By Rev Bev Bell | Isaiah 53: 1-7,Matthew 26: 57-58 and 63b-68,Matthew 27: 11-31,Luke 23: 26-27 and 32-43,Matthew 27: 45-52a, 54, 57-60 Isaiah 53: 1-7,Matthew 26: 57-58 and 63b-68,Matthew 27: 11-31,Luke 23: 26-27 and 32-43,Matthew 27: 45-52a, 54, 57-60 (NIV) We call this day Good Friday. Why good? When it seems so awful. It has been said that it may…
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By Rev Trevor Adams | Matthew 26: 17-19,Mark 14: 17-25,John 13: 3-17,Mark 14: 32-42,Luke 22: 47b - 53 Matthew 26: 17-19,Mark 14: 17-25,John 13: 3-17,Mark 14: 32-42,Luke 22: 47b - 53 (NIV) Peter starts a short but sharp retort with Jesus. He doesn't accept Jesus' prediction of Jesus's violent arrest and hanging! Then three days later rise again? Jus…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Matthew 21: 1-11 and Acts 26: 1-18 Matthew 21: 1-11 and Acts 26: 1-18 On the first Palm Sunday, the crowds welcomed Jesus as King. In less than a week they were screaming for his crucifixion. A total change of direction. However, it can also go the other way. The Apostle Paul began by hating Christians and ended up wanting ev…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 22: 1-22 Acts 22: 1-22 (NIV) We live in a time and place where it’s safe to be a Christian. We can talk about Jesus and proclaim the Gospel without any serious risk of violence being done to us. Living the Christian life here in Australia doesn’t take as much physical courage as it might do in other parts of the world, b…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 20: 7-12, 17-38 Acts 20: 7-12, 17-38 (NIV) The book of Acts tells the story of the growth of the early church. We read how Paul established multiple churches all over the known world. The fact that Paul was able to keep moving on shows that those churches were not reliant on Paul but on the guidance, inspiration and unit…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 19:1-20 Acts 19:1-20 (NIV) All human beings are broken and sinful, and we rebel against God in all kinds of ways. We need to change – and we need to go on changing over the course of our whole lives. God will not force change upon us, but if we put our trust in Jesus he promises to fill us with his Holy Spirit. It is the…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 17: 16-31 Acts 17: 16-31 (NIV) If we are going to make the Gospel relevant to people today, we need to understand the culture we are living in. However, we must understand the culture without succumbing to it in ways that compromise our faith.توسط Rev Trevor Adams
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 15: 1-11 Acts 15: 1-11 (NIV) The simple message of the Gospel is this, 'everyone who puts their faith in Jesus will receive God’s forgiveness and everlasting life'. However, we love to complicate things, and some people may tell us that we need the Gospel, plus something else. But there is no Gospel plus. Our salvation i…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 14: 1-20 Acts 14: 1-20 (NIV) The First Christians shared the Gospel with all kinds of people, in all kinds of contexts. In Lystra, when Paul prayed for a lame man who was subsequently healed, the crowds began to worship Paul and Barnabus as gods. The fact that those people would make two mere men the object of their wors…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 12: 1-24 Acts 12: 1-24 (NIV) No evil person – no evil plan – no evil situation, can ever derail God’s plans. The good news remains good news, no matter what’s happening in the world or in our lives.توسط Rev Charlie Lacey
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 11: 19-30 Acts 11: 19-30 (NIV) The good news of Jesus has the potential to spread quickly and the Church has the potential to grow quickly. The Jewish Christians in Antioch shared their faith with out and out pagans, with amazing results. There's no reason why the same thing shouldn't happen today.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 11: 1-18 Acts 11: 1-18 (NIV) God gave Peter and a Roman centurion called Cornelius separate visions in order to bring them together and affirm non-Jewish inclusion in his kingdom. God demonstrated his acceptance of gentiles by pouring his Holy Spirit out on Cornelius’ household. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is …
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Acts 10: 1-23 Acts 10: 1-23 (NIV) We’re beginning a new series based on the book of Acts called ‘The Gospel Goes Out’. Today we’re going to see that the early church quickly discovered that Jesus didn’t just come for the Jews, he came for the whole world.توسط Rev Charlie Lacey
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Luke 2: 1-18 Luke 2: 1-18 (NIV) Jesus was born in a backwater of the Roman Empire. An empire that encouraged the worship of an array of false gods and even Ceasar himself. The gods of the Greco-Roman world were capricious, petty and egoistic. Jesus showed the world what God is really like, and it's not what anyone expected.…
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By Rec Charlie Lacey | Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew 1:18-25 (NIV) People often dismiss the Christmas story as a fairytale, not because of a lack of evidence, but because to acknowledge its veracity would mean allowing God into their lives.توسط Rev Charlie Lacey
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Hebrews 2: 14-18 Hebrews 2: 14-18 (NIV) Someone once said that “many people are tiptoeing through life, trying to reach death safely.” Death has almost become a taboo subject in our culture. People try not to think about it. As Christians, we don’t fear death because we know that Jesus has defeated death on our behalf. In ord…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Philippians 2: 1-11 Philippians 2: 1-11 (NIV)' Jesus has always existed, but he became human in order to serve a sinful world that hates God. His greatest act of service was to die on a cross for you and for me. We can hardly comprehend the selflessness of Christ and yet in many ways we are called to emulate it.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | John 1: 14 John 1: 14 (NIV) Advent is a time to remember, not just that Jesus has come into the world, but to look forward with hope and anticipation to his second coming. In our Advent series, ‘The Wonder of the Incarnation’, we will be rediscovering what it means to worship a God, who is not aloof and distant, but has enter…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 40: 1-10; 12; 21-22; 25-26 Isaiah 40: 1-10; 12; 21-22; 25-26 (NIV) We stand at a point in history when God has already entered into his creation in the person of Jesus Christ. With Advent just around the corner, we are reminded that we are waiting for Jesus to return. Just as John the Baptiser prepared the way for Jesu…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 36 Isaiah 36 (NIV) When we are facing a tough situation, there are potentially three ways that we can direct our trust. We can direct it inwards by relying on ourselves; we can direct it outwards by relying on the people around us; or we can direct it upwards by relying on the Lord. King Hezekiah of Judah, faced a terr…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 11: 1-10 Isaiah 11: 1-10 (NIV) More than 700 years before Christ, Isaiah spoke of one upon whom the Spirit of the Lord would rest, and he describes his character, kingdom, and people. It’s a message of tremendous hope, not just for Isaiah’s contemporaries, but also for us.…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 9: 1-7 Isaiah 9: 1-7 (NIV) The world is full of darkness and many people choose to walk in that darkness. Nevertheless, the light has come into the world - Jesus has established his kingdom. We can walk by the light of Christ now, knowing that one day we will see his kingdom in all its fullness, and his light in all it…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 6: 1-13 Isaiah 6: 1-13 (NIV) God is so pure and holy that he is completely incompatible with anything that is unholy. Like oil and water, holiness and unholiness don’t mix. This is a problem for us and for the whole of humanity, because we are fallen, broken and sinful. The beautiful truth of the Gospel is that God has…
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 4: 2-6 Isaiah 4: 2-6 (NIV) The Old Testament prophets spoke about things in the present, the future and the distant future; things that are yet to happen, even for us. They give us a vision of God’s ultimate plan for creation and for his people. That plan comes into focus in the New Testament, but it’s clearly visible …
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By Rev Charlie Lacey | Isaiah 1: 1-20 Isaiah 1: 1-20 (NIV) God spoke through the prophet Isaiah to warn his people that there would be consequences to their idolatry and mistreatment of the poor and the marginalised. However, God also makes it very clear that he longs for his people to return to him and so avoid the consequences of their waywardnes…
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