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Living In His Name Ministries is a group of individuals called to be in close relationship with God Almighty, living His Life out loud in wisdom, conduct, and character, in evidence of the presence of Jesus Christ in a world of declining values. Taste and see the Lord is Good! Ah, more than good, He is God! ... ... ... ... ... ... In a world of changing morals, fuzzy boundaries, and elusive standards, OUTPOSTS breathes life! ... ... ... “Theatre of the mind”, OUTPOSTS is an imaginary cafe at ...
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The world around us, especially law enforcement and the military, put hundreds of thousands of dollars into research for better armor every year. Yet, there is a part of ourselves for which there is no armor except the armor which God supplies us, by way of believing... One to read :: Support …
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Jesus isn’t just a “was”. He isn’t only “here and now” and soon to fade away like a fair-weather friend. He is the Messiah, King of the Universe, the One who eclipses the speed of light, able to be in the past, the present, and the future all at the same time. He has no up, no down, no front nor back; not top or bottom. He is infinitely God, able t…
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Honesty is like a magnet radiating a strong magnetic force; in the heart of God’s people it is a clear bell set on a hill; like a clarion call, it draws truth-hungry people to engage. Honesty should be one of our... One to read :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Me…
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God has woven the need for justice into the very fabric of creation. Like all ideals, however, justice has its greatest value when it is lived out in daily life. One to read :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Meتوسط
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In Isaiah 59:14-15 there are four which go together: justice, righteousness, truth, and honesty. It is not possible to have justice without truth and honesty. Neither is it possible to have Godly kindness without compassion. Wherever justice is, truth and honesty are always nearby. One to read :: …
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Psalm 37:11 “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.” Psalm 37:34 “Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land.” Inheritance from God is a privilege, not something we … One to read :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Me…
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God, YHWH, who is rich in mercy is the King of the Universe. What an amazing heart God has toward us, and I mean not just those who believe on His name, but all people. Because the Lord is merciful, Matthew 5:45 “… He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Related :: https://livinginhisname.or…
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Purity is one of God's attributes, and concerns the necessity, and power of living a consistent and repeatable life of being unmixed and undiluted with the world ... a life of our being the same in private as we are in public ... consistent and repeatable. Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Na…
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What or Who is the reference point and pattern in your decision-making machine, concerning how to choose and live? What or who governs your appetites? Whoever stands at the helm of your boat has incredible influence concerning where that boat goes, so I must ask, “Who is in your wheelhouse?” We need a reference... Related :: https://livinginhisname…
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Luke 14:28-30, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.‘” Related :: https://livinginhis…
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What do all of the following words have in common? Crossroad, intersection, cloverleaf, crosswalk, crossway, exchange, grade crossing, gridiron, interchange, junction, traversal, underpass. They are all places where paths or roads meet and a decision must be made. True, we … Related :: Support :: Ven…
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Luke 15:13, “And not many days after the younger son gathered all his stuff together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” Psalm 53:1, “The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPa…
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Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." To what or whom do you turn when you’re in the middle of a terrific storm or experiencing a terrible loss? Someone? No one? Anyone? Are there any truly safe people in your life who would comfort…
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In the morning….there’s just something very important about “in the morning”. It’s like really important stuff always seems to happen at that time. We set off on a trip "in the morning," we pray “first thing” in the morning, we begin another day “in the morning”; our thoughts seem more fresh and crisp in the morning... Related :: https://livinginhi…
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Are you a typical promise-maker and promise-breaker? If you tend to break your promises, let me suggest you do more and promise less. Better to pledge... - - - Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Meتوسط
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The storm is raging, I mean the ocean spray across the deck is being blown so hard it stings your skin and eyes and there is nowhere to hide from the pounding, the thunder and ... - - - Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Me…
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The Lord has many attributes, all of them holy, righteous and true. Some examples of His attributes are knowledge, mercy, dependability, wisdom, vision, and compassion, to name a few. I’ve made a list of 94 and I’m sure that is … - - - Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministri…
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It is by the intense, persistent pursuit of Christ we come into the call and anointing to heal, prophecy, and raise the dead; not by our incessant surrounding ourselves with people who have something we want. Christ alone is our source, … - - - Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Minist…
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Life, for me, has radically changed over the last 52 years of walking with Jesus. In these years God has taught me so many things. i’ve learned to not be angry about everything and for a guy who was easily … Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Me…
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Some wounds clear up pretty quickly, but there are wounds of the heart and soul that take time, introspection, insight, and understanding to resolve. When a friend is surprisingly brutal or you're left with a cruel betrayal, it leaves a … Related :: Support :: Venmo | Living…
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What is silence? Is it good or bad? Sometimes both, sometimes neither, it depends on why. Is it a something or a nothing? Many times we expect an answer from God, our spouse, a child, or whom-so-ever we are engaging with, but there is just silence, or no reply. In that space of no reply many of us... Related ::…
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These days, we are hiding from God, but it’s not a child's game, and there’s no laughing and giggling to it all anymore. Gen 3:8-10, "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to…
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Who Are You Anyway? Contrary to popular belief, we all really do need a mediator. We have a conflict within us between life and death and there needs to be a judge and peacemaker to help resolve our conflicted thinking and crisis of conscience. Hebrews 9:13-15, “For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, …
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... and the Lord said the way of mammon is death. Mammon elevates us in the moment, it spikes and then trails off in a negative direction… it starts high and then the thrill deteriorates until the next high… like drug use… we spend so much time trying to get back that initial spike of exhilaration, as a result, little by little we, pursue our devot…
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A few hard-won practical insights ... Oftentimes, if we could hear what is in the silence of those around us, quite possibly we would find good reason to exercise great grace. Silence speaks loudly if we are willing to listen. Maybe fear holds people silent more often than we think; maybe most people really don’t know what to say – so they say noth…
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Faith is the eternal optimist, risk is the eternal pessimist. How do we act in faith and risk together? What is risk to you and what parts of your life do you feel are your biggest risks? If you know the truth, is there any risk involved? And, what is your idea of a necessary risk, responsible risk, irresponsible risk, and how does your choice of r…
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Most of what we see is just the person at the microphone, but we can rest assured, that even the speakers who seem the most competent, well-spoken, and organized have a team of people behind them, making it all happen. As to the behind-the-scenes workers, you, yes you – are the champions behind the champions. - - - Related: https://livinginhisname.…
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Good works and the bottom line definition of "good". What does the Lord mean when He uses the word “works”, and is there a difference between doing good things, and maintaining good works? - - - Related: Support: Venmo | Living In His Name Ministries PayPal.Me…
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Stand UP Church, we've got to get to our feet! The word for “standing up” and “standing” was used extensively in the O.T., over 1000 times this expression is used in one capacity or another…. many times the entire nation of Israel was called to “stand before the Lord” in solemn assemblies…. The phrase “stand before Him” is an expression of dedicati…
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Eye Level “Eye level” means getting next to people where your eyes and their eyes are on the same level, physically, metaphorically, and spiritually…. just like the Lord did with mankind through Jesus Christ…He got eye level with us. Up until the advent of Jesus Christ, the Lord was not “eye level” with us, but when Jesus came to town, God got righ…
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The clock is ticking, where are you? Jesus is coming back, and when the righteous are removed… the world will be left with nothing but the sound of their own breath and what remains of the world around them… how will it all look if there are no God-infused people around? - - - Related: Support: Venmo | Living …
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The Strugglers - Da' Struggle Be Real! The topic is struggling and those in the Kingdom of God who struggle forward, whom i’ve dubbed “The Strugglers” for their valiance and passion to find some way to wrap their fingers and hands in the robes of God Himself. We struggle to get up a hill and not fall backward, and then we struggle to get down the s…
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The Name above all names - Jesus! God has given Jesus a crown of glory and honor and a good name, and having put everything under the feet of the Son, Jesus has dominion over all the works of His hands, including all animals, creatures, all birds and insects, all things which travel the pathways of the sea, in the earth, under the earth, and all th…
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Poem of The Evening The summer evening seems like a conclusion to something somehow…the air is thick over the pavement and steadily cooling under the trees…there are car washers, hedge trimmers, lawn mowers, plan makers, and lawn rakers, twittering birds in trees settling in for the coming night… occasionally there are echoes of laughing children a…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Love …is it really a secondhand emotion, and more importantly… is it just an emotion? How can something which is sometimes considered “second hand” according to worldly standards, be a top priority with God and necessary for the repair of the universe? The three fountains of God’s heart are love, joy, and peace… He oozes all t…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Joy Joy is associated with gladness, which can be a wonderful habit-forming inclination of the heart…it’s just downright contagious. How many of us see the Lord as a grouchy, unspoken, judgmental, person who seems to thrill at taunting us with silence and faintness? C’mon, be honest, you know who you are that thinks that stuff…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Peace We often use the word peace, sprinkling it around like salt on food, so in a way, it has been used to both greet people or say goodbye, but it means much more than simply “be well, hello or goodbye”. It’s more than feeling good or a lack of violence. - - - Related: …
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Fruit of the Spirit - Longsuffering Longsuffering – patiently enduring while diligently clinging to the promise that God will do what He said He would do, and when He does, it will be a testimony to all who see. In the meantime, we develop an understanding of the Lord, coming to a better perception of what is in our hearts along with knowing God’s …
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Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness It is a kindness to keep our word…not keeping our word is a subtle betrayal, which isn’t something only common to enemies….it happens with the greatest frequency and impact with those closest to us. It is kind to be loyal, and kind to be honest, yet still practicing kindness in our being honest. - - - Related: https:/…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness Goodness is intrinsic and essential to good works. From God’s perspective, doing good things is not His definition of “good works”. In order to have “good works”, the foundational element of our character must be “goodness”… ”good” being born of God, because the Lord our God is the sole possessor of “good” in the univ…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness Faithfulness is the concept of unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something and putting that loyalty into consistent practice, regardless of extenuating circumstances. If we’ve promised someone to be somewhere at a certain time, regardless of if something better comes along, we do what we’ve said. If we’ve …
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Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness Gentleness and humility … humility being the driving motivation behind gentleness…. they are two important words representing character attributes, typically, only obtained thru the school of affliction. i believe, one of the outcomes of affliction…IS humility. None of us, wholeheartedly, go there, but, you know, th…
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Fruit of the Spirit - Self-Control Proverbs 1:1-3, “These are the proverbs of Solomon, David’s son, king of Israel. Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise. Their purpose is to teach people to live disciplined and successful lives, to help them do what is right, just, and fair.” The w…
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Ultimate Words “Always“, and “Never” are, what i call, ultimate words. There are very few things in this life we live which are “always“, and “never“, but yet in the Bible there are ultimate words used, and i believe the Lord wants us to be involved with His ultimate intent and purpose, thus He uses ultimate words for us to ultimately trust Him and…
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Good Leadership I think servants make great leaders! If we are sitting at home studying our scripture, not moving out to where we can give away what we’ve got, what good is the work God does in our heart? What good are our doctrines of faith if we aren’t exercising those doctrines we’ve secured from scripture beyond the church, our safe place to op…
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