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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p26_5_1-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p22_4_5-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p22_4_3-1 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p18_3_5-1 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p18_3_2-2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p14_2_1~6-5 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p14_2_6-2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p14_2_2-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p14_2_1-2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p10_1_1-4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p114_25_1~5-4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p114_25_3-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p114_25_1-4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p114_25_1-2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p114_25_1-1 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p102_22_1~6-5 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p102_22_1~6-4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p102_22_1~6-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p102_22_4-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p92_20_1~6-4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p92_20_1~6-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p92_20_1~6-2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p92_20_3-3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p46_10-1_4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p46_10-1_3 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p46_10-1_2 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p46_10-1_1 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p43_9-5_4 (x10)
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Subscriber-only|Shadow & Repeat!🔸JLPT N2 (p43_9-5_3 (x10))
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S04E45 🤝 Interview with デオンさん(3/3)|東京に住むフランス人留学生
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S04E43 🤝 Interview with デオンさん(1/3)|東京に住むフランス人留学生
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S04E40 | S&R2 躊躇している hesitating
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S04E39 | S&R1 まるで〜かのように as if it were ~ 私はまだ日本語を勉強し始めたばかりなのに、まるで日本語がぺらぺらであるかのように自信を持って日本人に話しかけました
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S04E37 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 2 (from S04E31)|〜っぱなし:~ keeps on happening; ~ stays as it is, to leave ~ as it is
〜っぱなし:~ keeps on happening; ~ stays as it is, to leave ~ as it is 昨日は仕事で朝から炎天下の中、外で一日中立ちっぱなしだったので、日焼けもしちゃったし、足もすごく疲れたので、帰ってベッドに直行だったんですよね Yesterday, I was standing outside all day since morning in the scorching sun for work. As a result, I got sunburned and my feet became extremely tired, so when I got home, I went straight to bed.…
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S04E36 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 1 (from S04E31)|どれだけ〜したら、・・・するのかなぁ?I wonder how much more you need to do ~ to do...?
どれだけ〜すれば・・・するのだろう? I wonder how much more you need to do ~ to do...? * = (Casual ver.) どれだけ〜したら、・・・するのかなぁ? ・彼は、どれだけ失敗したら、自分がおかしいってことがわかるのかなぁ?I wonder how many more times he has to fail to realize that there is something wrong with himself? (Talking to yourself)
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[0:00] なんでまだ日本語を教えてるんですか? Why are you still teaching Japanese? [2:00] 早口なイケおじに日本語を習うとこんなメリットが!笑 JLPT listening section will be a piece of cake! [3:10] 日本語の先生「アエル」奮闘中! Pursuing my career as a Japanese teacher [7:27] アエル先生のPatreon、みんなのぞいてみてね! Aeru has Patreon! Check that out! [12:03] ポッドキャストが続いてしまう理由 Why I am still doing my podcast "Shadow & Repeat i…
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S04E34 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 3 (from S04E30)|〜せずにはいられない (can't help but do ~), 何とも〜です (It's quite ~)
なので、その日の晩はお酒を飲まずにはいられなかったらしいんですよね。何ともかわいそうな話ですよね。So it seems they couldn't help but drink alcohol that night. It's quite a pitiful story.
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S04E33 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 2 (from S04E30)|おまけに (on top of that: often with negative/surprising situations)
おまけにプレゼンの資料も人数分なかったらしくて、踏んだり蹴ったりだったみたいですよ。On top of that, it seems there weren't enough handouts for everyone at the presentation, so it was just one thing after another.
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どうやら徹夜してプレゼンをなんとか仕上げたらしいんですけど、翌朝の会議に遅刻しちゃったみたいなんですよね。 It seems that after staying up all night to somehow finish the presentation, she/he ended up being late for the meeting the next morning.
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日本人があまり住んでいない所に住んでいた時、珍しく日本人の観光客がいるのを見て、思わず声をかけてしまいました。 When I was living in a place where there were only a few Japanese residents, I saw some Japanese tourists which was rare, so I couldn't help but call out to them.
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S04E28 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 3|Aするなんて、Nでないとありえない (Speaking of doing A, unless it's N, it's impossible.) from「このミス大賞:ファラオの密室」
日本に行っても毎回東京にしか行かないなんて、マイケルさんぐらいでないとありえないですよね笑 To visit Japan but only go to Tokyo every single time, that's unimaginable unless you're someone like Michael, isn't it?
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S04E27 🐸コラボ動画 Chat with Aeru (4) 「仕事をやめた理由は動くぬいぐるみ|I quit my job over a stuffed animal that moves」
[0:00] 何?この動くぬいぐるみ!温かい! [4:00] 投げ出したくならないですか?笑 [5:08] 会社が唯一嫌いな人とも会わないといけない場所 [7:10] 化け物扱いからイケおじに昇格(笑 [9:31] 日々日本語アップデート中
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S04E26 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 2|AしないとBすることなんてありえない (Unless you do A, it's impossible to do B) from「このミス大賞:ファラオの密室」
語学の勉強は、量もこなしながらコツコツやらないと、上達することなんてありえないですよね。 When it comes to studying languages, it's impossible to improve unless you steadily put in the effort while also spending a sufficient amount of time(, right?)
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どういう訳か、他のチームの仕事も手伝わないといけないことになってしまいました。For some reason, I ended up having to help with the work of other teams as well.For some reason, I was told to help another team with their project as well.
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