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Only General Podcast

Chris Jurawan

Amidst a rich music culture filled with calypso, steelpan and soca, Trinidad and Tobago’s rock scene has gone largely undocumented. Join us to hear some history, uncensored discussions, unsolicited advice and more, as we chat with musicians and creators working locally and globally. The Only General name originated from the idea of general or open event seating and mirrors the notion of open discussions with anyone, about whatever. Whether you want to hear your favourite musicians chatting o ...
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Sgeul is Seanchas

Scottish Storytelling Forum

Fàilte do ar pod-craoladh, Sgeul is Seanchas, far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na seanchaidhean is bàrd as fheàrr ann an Alba. Bu toil le Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba taing a thoirt do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson an taic agus maoineachadh airson a’ chiad sreath agus gu Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig airson am maoineachadh airson an dàrna sreath den phod-craoladh. Riochdaire agus Deasaiche ...
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show series
’S ann aig Na Leòdaich, Clann ’ic Leòid, a bha smachd air Eilean Leòdhais airson iomadh linn. Ach thug an Crùn seilbh air fearrann Leódhais ga na Sìophartaich -Clann ‘ic Choinnich, ann an 1611. Thug Iarla Shìophairt òrdugh gu feumadh na bhuineadh ga cinn-feadha na Leòidich, an cur gu bàs. A rèir beul aithris na Sìophartaich fhein, agus na tha sgrìo…
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Seo dhuibh sgeulachd pearsanta air a h-innse le Ruairidh Greumach às an Eilean Sgitheanach. 's ann mu dheidhinn aon de na sinnsearan aig Ruairidh a th' ann, Aonghas MacMhaolain à Leòdhas, a bha na shaighdear anns a' Chiad Chogadh Mòr. Choisinn Aonghas tòrr chliù airson a ghaisgeachd tron a' chogadh is choisinn e an tiotal An Gaisgeach Bhuzancy bhon…
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Dàna-Thursan ri Aibideil nan Craobhan – Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet Tha an Gille Dubh/Glèidheadair na Coille cho dubhach is e ag ionndrainn nan craobhan is a chuideachd a chaidh am fuadachadh, gu bheil e air a dhachaigh anns a’ choille a thrèigsinn gus suidhe na aonar air barr beinne, a’ fàgail nan àilleagan uile aige aig Sìne, airson …
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Seo dhuibh sgeulachd eachdraidheil à Èirinn air a h-innse le Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. Bha long Frangach, an Leon XIII, a' seòladh eadar Portland is Corcaigh is chaidh a bhriseadh air na creagan faisg air Caoilte nuair a thàinig stoirm uabhasach. Cluinnear mun oidhirp ghaisgeil a rinn muinntir Chaoilte gus na seòlaidearan Frangach a shabhladh. This …
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Seo dhuibh dà sgeulachd èibhinn a chruthaich Tormod Mac'illeEathain, nach maireann, air an innse le Ruairidh Gray à Uibhist a Deas. 's e 'A' Bhean-Uasal NicÌomhair à Cnoc an t-Soluis air a' Bhac' tiotal a' chiad sgeulachd, sgeulachd mu dheidhinn ban-Leòdhasach a tha a' siubhal gu Tibet gus coinneachadh ri cuideigin sònraichte. Agus 's e 'Cladh Hàll…
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On today’s episode, we talk to Javed Baksh of Grass Lab TT. He uses and distributes CBD and related products in Trinidad and Tobago. We spoke to him about his business, ethos and his own experience with healing. Topics: Depression, pharmaceuticals & introduction to marijuana Mental health & alternative therapy Big pharma & junk prescriptions Dispen…
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Tremayne Frauenfelder is a miniature artist from Trinidad and Tobago whose work with colonial houses and traditional Carnival characters brings the past to life. We talk about his creative process, inspiration, culture and so much more. Our co-creator and fellow artist, Tracey Chan joins us on this episode for the first time! Discussion Dollhouses …
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Today we sit down with Anthony Borde and discuss various issues concerning the Trinidad Music Scene. from the DIY movement to lack fo awareness of social issues this episode has it all. Links Anthony Borde https://www.facebook.com/beastitachiDota/ House Lime Podcast https://www.facebook.com/TheHouseLime/ Podcast Equipment Zoom H6 Six-Track Portable…
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Fàilte do Sgeul is Seanchas, pod-craoladh ùr bho Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba (TRACS) far an cluinnear measgachadh de sgeulachdan traidiseanta, eachdraidheil is èibhinn anns a' Ghàidhlig bho chuid de na sgeulaichean as fheàrr ann an Alba. Am mìos seo, cluinnidh sinn bho Ruairidh Mac'illeathain à Inbhir Nis leis an sgeulachd, An t-Iasg Òir. Bha Màrta…
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Hola folks! This week's episode features the super talented, Stanley Jennings aka (Albertos Alvareles Consuelo), who you may know from bands like Burn, The Anarchists, and Los Hombres Sexuales. Referenced Material: Lara Brothers intro: https://youtu.be/fiyeuXnqdD0 Look a Liqour Mart: https://www.facebook.com/LookahLiquorMart/ The Anarchists : https…
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In today's episode we take a little road trip to Andromeda studios to chat with Donny Bartoo, of Beyond the Animus. We discuss his life, music and projects as an emerging musician. Donny has been catching a lot of attention in the music scene, just from his passion alone. We see the importance of highlighting this stage of Donny’s creative developm…
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Hello Friends and welcome back to the Only general podcast, as always I am your host Chris and we have another fun filled episode for you today. Joining us on the podcast is Mr Scott Johnstone from the band Incert Coin. We discuss the recording of "Smiling Still" as well as the future of the local metal scene. We also get a glimpse into Scott’s rec…
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Jignesh K'tahri gives us insight on what it takes to run a successful band like Lynchpin. Spoiler Alert: It isn't easy. This episode is also brought to you by Trini Metal Headquarters Frost Fest! Join the Only General Podcast discussion on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/onlygeneral
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Happy Birthday America! Our gift to you today is a podcast with the one and only Matthew Coehlo. We discuss topics from family, tattoos, China 2025 and Johnny Walker Chrome. Come take a deep dive in Mindscape Laboratory's New album. #Niko Join the Only General Podcast discussion on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/onlygeneral…
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Our mother loved music, and she loved weddings. I realized an event with wine and dancing was the perfect setting for her memorial. I asked the family for songs they associated with her. The initial list was long - more than forty tracks. My intention was to compress those to a 3-minute collage, but that first attempt was a jumble. Listening to the…
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Brothers and sisters, we all know there’s nothing God hates more than good sex, and nothing that pleases Him more than a public school health instructor who teaches abstinence. Today on our show, we’re blessed to have Bob Jenkins, who’s just published a book, “For God’s Sake, Don’t Have Sex.” Bob, welcome to the program……
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