It's me @idoali_ talking about stuff that i love. I also talk about recent news that came from my country. You'll enjoy it
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In this episode I talked about recent study that said that universe's shape might not be flat. I also talked about Tesla recent move on investing in Bitcoin.
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In this episode I talked about recent news on Gamestop, my thoughts on upcoming fight Kamaru Usman vs Gilbert Burns, and world space missions on Mars.
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ISS (International Space Station) adalah stasiun luar angkasa yang diperuntukkan sebagai tempat riset dan tempat transit. Lengkapnya bisa langsung didengerin aja.
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Waking up in the morning, having sudden urge to talk, then this is the first topic that I could think of.
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Sustainable-Development Goals are the targets that were target by UN Members on 2015 for a brighter future. Is it really working?
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Disini Gua menjelaskan serba-serbi 5G. Mulia dari kelebihannya sampai ke efeknya ke kehidupan di masa depan nanti.
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Donald Trump claimed that Chloroquine, a malarial drug can help curing disease from corona virus. It turns out to be more harmful.
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Ngomongin apa itu gravitational waves dan apa yang membedakannya dari gravitational force.
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I talked about how Data Science is applied in finance industry.
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Strong Force adalah energi paling kuat yang ada di alam semesta. Energi inilah yang menjadi latar belakang kenapa kehidupan yang kita jalani sekarang bisa sampai ada. Energi ini juga yang berperan menciptakan fenomena-fenomena besar seperti bom atom. Selengkapnya bisa langsung di dengarkan di podcast Me & Our Big World episode 007…
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This time i talked about two random topics that popped up in my mind recently. They're also still hot topics. So before i become late, i'd talk about it. Euro 2020 Qualification and Frozen II, here we go
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Jadi di episode kali ini, Aku ngomongin tentang #StandardModel, teori fisika yang menjadi dasar dari teori-teori fisika yang lain. Meskipun teori ini masih belum sempurna, tapi seenggaknya sih teori ini yang terbaik yang kita punya sampai sekarang.
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In this session, i talked about my opinions on the first Indonesia's super hero movie (probably). Just enjoy!
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Aku obrolin hal-hal yang aku tahu tentang energi nuklir sekarang. Disini aku juga sedikit ngebahas perkiraan penggunaan nuklir di masa depan.
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Jadi disini gue ngebahas Global Positioning System atau GPS serta serba-serbinya, mulai dari sejarahnya sampe cara kerja. Coba dengerin deh, pasti lu bakal suka
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My point of view of things that happened lately at the end of July in my county, Indonesia. I also gave some suggestions to our newly elected president, Joko Widodo for some next years.
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