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show episodes
This is Jane Gardner of jane-gardner.com and on Solopreneur Success Strategies, I will be talking about entrepreneurial mindset on Mindset Monday to get the week started; On Get your Message Out Tuesday, I will be talking about your website, your brand and your social media marketing to connect with your customers then on World Domination Wednesday, i talk about you and your customers; how to find them, keep them and make them your raving fans; On Jack or Jill of all Trades Thursday, I talk ...
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show series
Hello is Jane again, and today we're going to be looking at publishing, this will bring be brief, but it will, I hope, answer a few of your questions on publishing your TV show now that it is done. So let's get started. So now we're going to publish the TV show Blueprint. So now you have to edit the video and audio of your TV show in case you have …
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Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Jane Gardner, and today we're going to be talking about how to produce your TV show. And so we're going to have a look just briefly, of course, on the various things you need to do in order to produce your TV show. So let's get started. After you've seen this nice one, my colour is much better here, so Planning is…
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Welcome, welcome. This is Jane Gardner, and today we're going to be looking at planning your easy TV show blueprint. So let's get started and have a look. So what's up? We're going to plan a TV show and we're going to make it an easy TV show so that we can use it everywhere in our business. So the first thing we have to ask is what is the goal of h…
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Hello, this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV show in your business. Right about now. So let's get on giving you a few secrets, but here's what your business would look like with a TV show. Imagine your presence not just on your TV channel, but when you are…
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Hello, this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV show. Right about now. So here's another secret for you. It's a quick bonus secret and something I'll have to have another training on. But with a TV channel, you could have your own live streaming, live TV show…
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Hello, this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV show in your business. Right about now. But here's another secret you could have your own TV channel and least TV space to others for their TV shows on your TV channel to monetize it so you don't have to even pr…
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This is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV Show. Right about now. So, as you can see, I can do a TV show without any help, crew or expensive equipment, I'm doing this one live except for that demo and I'm creating this training was excellent. So the production …
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Hello this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV Show right about now. So is it hard to produce a TV show? Well, that's another myth. It is actually fairly easy if you do it strategically. I think most people have had experience with the challenge of being on Z…
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Hello, this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV Show right about now. Welcome, welcome, welcome. This is Jane Gardner and welcome to the ultimate TV channel system. On today's training, we're going to be talking about the Easy TV show blueprint. I know I help…
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Hello this is Jane Gardner and welcome to Ultimate TV Channel System. On today's show, we're going to talk about why you should have a TV Show right about now. So why why should you? Well, with on demand streaming TV, your business is on people's TV sets, TV is a powerful media for getting your message across. It produces results like no other medi…
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Welcome to Solopreneur success strategies, where we talk about the entrepreneurial mindset and how to get your message out to your customers, how to know what your customer wants and how to make them your raving fans, as well as the knowledge and skills you need as an entrepreneur to save you time, money and be more productive in your business. So …
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Geschäfte bis 800 Quadratmeter dürfen öffnen Beim Einkaufen mit Einschränkungen rechnen Wo muss man eine Schutzmaske tragen? Schrittweise Öffnung von Schulen und Universitäten Kontaktbeschränkung gilt weiterhin Kitas bleiben geschlossen Restaurants dürfen nur liefern Diskussion über Gottesdienste geplant war, dass man für Krankschreibung wieder zum…
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Have you gotten coaching only to not get results because your coach didn't follow up on your progress often enough? How much easier would it be if the coach took all the risk. Isn't a coach all about promising results? The world is going to pivot and a risk reversal guarantee will make it easier for clients to commit to coaching. Learn more by havi…
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Mediziner gingen bisher davon aus, dass Sars-CoV-2 vor allem beim Niesen oder Husten ansteckend ist. Neue Forschungsergebnisse legen jetzt allerdings nahe: Schon beim Ausatmen können Erreger in die Luft geraten – und Gesunde sie einatmen. Mund-Nasen-Schutzmasken könnten das verhindern.In vielen Teilen der Welt ist der Mundschutz pflicht (China, Öst…
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Im Internet machen Nachrichten die Runde, dass skrupellose Abmahnanwälte ihr Geschäft betreiben. Und das angeblich ausgerechnet gegen Menschen, die in der Coronakrise helfen wollen und selbst Gesichtsmasken nähen und verschenken oder vertreiben. Offenbar ist an den Abmahngerüchten nichts dran. Nun machte dieser Tage die Nachricht die Runde, dass He…
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One of the new strategies for Solopreneur Success Strategies is going to be inviting and interviewing other solopreneurs on the show about their success, their advice, their challenges and their celebrations on being a solopreneur. So, if you are a solopreneur interested in being interviewed go to http://jgtips.com/podcast…
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Ganz Deutschland zieht ins Homeoffice: Das Coronavirus sorgt auch in der Firmenwelt für Umwälzungen, die meisten Unternehmen erledigen ihre Büroarbeit derzeit von zuhause aus. Doch nicht alle Chefs verhalten sich so verantwortungsvoll. In einigen deutschen Firmen zwingen Vorgesetzte ihre Mitarbeiter ins Büro, ohne dass es dafür einen guten Grund gä…
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A business should have a Risk Management Plan for any unexpected events like pandemic or earthquake or business interruption event. A crisis planning and preparation procedure where everyone knows their role and duties will help make the business more secure and safe. Once a plan is set up it must be tested and rehearsed regularly. In a business yo…
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Wenn Unternehmen in der Coronakrise Staatshilfen erhalten, sollen betroffene Vorstände auf Teile ihres Gehalts verzichten: Das fordert Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier - und hat dabei vor allem Bonuszahlungen im Blick. Hier geht es zum Artikel auf spiegel.de Ich schließe mich der Meinung von Peter Altmaier an und sage: Geht mit gutem Beispiel voran! Ze…
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Die Coronakrise hat Deutschland / Europa fest im Griff. Viele sind ohne Anstellung oder auf Kurzarbeit. Das Geld fehlt an allen Ecken. Bei Kurzarbeit bekommt man in der Regel 60 bis max. 67% des Nettogehaltes wohin gegen die Arbeitgeber zu 100% entlastet werden. Das ist ziemlich unfair! Da kommt die Idee mit dem bedingungslosem Grundeinkommen gerad…
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Heute habe ich mich bewusst dazu entschieden, keine Nachrichten zu bringen. Die Idee kam mir auf Instagram als ich auf der Suche nach Ideen für einen neuen Podcast war. Ich wurde gefragt, ob ich nicht ein paar Ideen hätte, womit man sich beschäftigen kann... so gegen die Langeweile. Nichts leichter als das... In dieser Episode nenne ich die 10 Tipp…
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Wegen der Corona-Krise hat Spaniens Militär die NATO um Hilfe gebeten. Die spanischen Streitkräfte hätten "internationale Hilfe" angefordert, um Unterstützung bei der medizinischen Versorgung zu erhalten, erklärte das Militärbündnis. Demnach bat Madrid um 500.000 Test-Kits, 500 Beatmungsgeräte sowie 1,5 Millionen OP-Masken und 450.000 Atemschutzmas…
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Nicht alles an er Krise ist schlecht und vielleicht hilft diese Krise, damit wir einiges ändern. Ich spreche und schreibe in der letzten Zeit sehr viel mit Menschen aus ganz Europa. Die Ängste der Menschen sind ziemlich identisch. Aber dennoch finden sie die Entschleunigung als etwas positives! Allerdings kenne ich mittlerweile viele Stimmen aus It…
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Weltweit gibt es laut Johns Hopkins Universität mehr als 329.000 bestätigte Ansteckungsfälle in 169 Ländern, mehr als 14.300 Menschen starben bislang an der Lungenkrankheit Covid19 (22.3.2020, 20:40 Uhr). Die Johns Hopkins Universität gibt die Zahl der Corona-Infektionsfälle in Deutschland mit mehr als 23.900 an und meldet bisher 92 Todesfälle (22.…
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Der Ministerpräsident von Bayern, Söder hat für sein Bundesland Ausgangsbeschränkungen erlassen. Das Saarland schließt sich und und die Ministerpräsidentin von RLP findet den Alleingang nicht in Ordnung. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/itsmetim2611/message
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Endlich hat das Warten ein Ende. Der Junge wurde negativ getestet. Die Quarantäne wurde aufgehoben. Aber trotzdem ist dies sicher nicht die letzte Quarantäne... So unverantwortlich, wie sich viele Menschen verhalten... --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/itsmetim2611/message…
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Finding your Target market? How do you find your customers you want to sell your product or service to? Some of the ways to research what your customer is paying for now and how you can define what their pain or problem is in their life so you can create the solution. http://boahbtips.com/memberتوسط Jane Gardner
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There are steps to starting a Home Business. There is the Vision, Idea, Mission for you to start the business but is it viable? We look at the steps you need to do to start a home business. For more, get the free Book "5 Essentials for starting a Home Business" at http://boahbtips.com/stepbystepتوسط Jane Gardner
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Finally the Business of At Home Business Community is open for those who want to start, run and grow their home business. 20 Business courses, Social media trainings, Members Directory and Forum and Open Office Hours to ask your questions. This month September $1 to hang out and then Founders rate lifetime of $9.95. Get your home busines moving qui…
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How focused are you on your customer? Customers are the life blood of your business. Do you focus all your attention on attracting new customers or do you remember to pay special attention to your existing customers? Why not work on making a onetime customer intos a loyal customer. You can find out more at https://thebusinessofathomebusiness.com wh…
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5 Hacks to Grow your Business which you may or may not know but you haven't implemented in your marketing plan. You need to grow your business at all time so automating a few ways will help increase your reach. You can find out more at https://thebusinessofathomebusiness.com where the Members Community is open at http://boahbtips.com/members…
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Cash Flow is critical for your business. On today's show, some ideas on how to keep the cash flowing in your home business. 80% of the time do activities for selling and 20% for the office. If you don't have cash flow, you don't have a business. You should always be in your mind thinking about selling and put systems in your business that help you …
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Before you Start your Home Business, you should check out the internet because an internet business is not the same as a local home business. When I went up on the internet, I kept hearing the term funnel when people talked about marketing and I thought a funnel was for cooking! Now words like outsourcing, marketer, autoresponder or ROI or any of t…
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Mindset is Everything. You need a positive mindset when you are an Entrepreneur to overcome the challenges and stress of being in a home office. I talk about some of the challenges today in the office and how I have trained myself to take a breath and realize "Tomorrow is a Better Day." Even knowing another challenge is coming tomorrow I need to do…
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Welcome to Season 3 of Solopreneur Success Strategies where we talk about mindset of the entrepreneur; how to start a home business, customer and selling, how to run a home business and grow a home business and everything related to being a Home Business Entrepreneurتوسط Jane Gardner
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How do you design an ideal customer experience? How do you and your brand defined by your customers? What is your solutions for the ideal customer experience? A core part of a brand is making an ideal customer experience for your customers and you need to be consistent in your branding and you need to clearly defined in who you are in your branding…
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While healthy skepticism is fine, an entrenched and cranky skepticism is usually a sign of negative thinking. Positive Thinking is all enjoying the ride that life provides. Its about flexibility, creativity, and developing and maintaining a strong passion for those things you love. Its about gusto and bravo and doing things with panache. It is an e…
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On today’s show we have a look at some places you can research your customer. We have looked at some of the factors that you look at in order to define who is your customer. So, we looked at demographics as to where they are and what their ages and female or male gender etc. as well as we looked at the geographics. You could probably find more peop…
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Now that you have the goals and vision for your dream lifestyle business, how are you going to create the income you need to support that lifestyle business? By looking at the income you want, you can create the business model to support that lifestyle by diversifying your products or services in your home business. To work on your goals and vision…
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Today as an entrepreneur I think the easiest way to be successful is to be able to control and have a positive mindset with the stresses and the challenges of being an entrepreneur it sometimes overwhelms. It's very difficult sometimes to feel why are you here as much per when you could just be off doing a job. But of course we all know why you're …
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Demonstrating and educating means giving your customer all the information they need to understand what you're selling and all the details they personally need to know about it. You may need to educate your prospects first about your topic first. They may not know they need it. So you make your site a go to place to get information on the topic. De…
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? Who is your target market? ? What products or services will you be offering? ? Who is your main competition? ? What is your value proposition? ? How will you deliver your products or services? ? What will you name your business? Administration ? Where will you work? Determine where your office space will be. ? Purchase or set up your office equip…
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There is nothing more stifling to success than rigid thinking. When there is comfort to the routinecan choke off all changes that you will be able to successfully reach your business goals. Information is power and control and money all rolled into one. Everything changes quickly and what is popular now can be old news tomorrow. The only way to suc…
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5 Tips To Know If You Have What It Takes To Start A Home Based Business You may see, hear, and read a lot of people constantly raving about the numerous wonders of a home based business but in reality, starting and managing one isn’t immediately a bed of roses. In some cases, having a home based business is easier than having a business in traditio…
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