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Walloping Websnappers! A Spider-Man Podcast

Glitterjaw Queer Podcast Collective

Spidey-Fans Doug and Derek dive into every Spider-Man cartoon ever made — and all from a positive, queer, and analytical lens! From the swingin’ 60s through the rockin’ 90s to Spectacular, Ultimate, and beyond, we’ll explore everything weird and wonderful about our favorite Webhead. And over on our Patreon, we take detours into the games, movies, and (of course) comics that shape our favorite webslinger’s multimedia landscape! Is your spider-sense tingling?
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show series
Dr. Connors took The Substance, and it results in a body horror-filled creature feature and one of The Spectacular Spider-Man’s best episodes! We get into why the simple character designs allow for more grotesque and violent sequences (The Lizard almost bites off Spider-Man’s head…twice!). Plus, yet another banger train fight, the true debut of dep…
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The sparks are flying as our spoiler-filled revisit of The Spectacular Spider-Man sees the origin of two electrifying, tragic, and surprisingly compelling stories reinvented for this series – Electro, and Liz Allan’s crush on Peter Parker! We talk about this rightfully-resentful Electro, what makes the Peter/Liz relationship so fascinating, how Spi…
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Tell us there’s something better… than The Spectacular Spider-Man! We’re revisiting the entirety of our favorite Spider-Man show again from the beginning with full spoilers, and it begins with this whirlwind of a premiere! We talk about the show’s origins from creators Greg Weisman and Victor Cook, along with how this episode elegantly interweaves …
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The Loch Ness Monster! Subterranean spider creatures who look like ants and brainwash Spider-Woman into being their queen! A dragon tank! Jessica falling out of a helicopter! Jeff being a horrible misogynist! This episode of Spider-Woman truly has everything. We’re watching Spider-Woman: Season 1, Episode 15: “Return of the Spider-Queen”. Website⁠ …
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WE WERE WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING! This finale brings the season full circle with a huge rug-pull that makes us happily eat our words and declare this to be the best Spider-Man cartoon since Spectacular. As Spidey and Lonnie get entangled in a gang war and Norman Osborn’s plans are revealed, we talk about this show’s inventive long-term storytelling, …
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Spidey fights Daredevil and Scorpion and loses to both, Nico and Harry bond over a drag race, the gang war comes to a fiery head, and Doc Ock does a gay little dance in an exciting cluster of episodes! We talk about how the parallel storylines converge in a surprisingly brutal and violent fashion, along with secret identities, Goblin gliders, gamma…
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Three whole episodes dropped of the newest Spider-Man cartoon, and all deal with Norman Osborn as Peter’s “man in the chair”, a slew of new suits, and Lonnie Lincoln’s continued slide down the slippery slope. We talk about the beautifully freakish Ditko/Kirby-style designs in future-Rhino, future-Chameleon, and their weird-looking friend, all the t…
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For our podcast anniversary, we're releasing one of our favorite Patreon episodes -- our immediate reaction to the Pepsi-holding, taxi-stealing, bad CPR-delivering, low energy legend herself, Madame Web! If you want to hear us yell more about this beautiful trainwreck of a movie, we'll have a brand new Patreon commentary on February 14! Website⁠ | …
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We’re covering the newest animated Spider-Man as it airs, and we like it! The premiere offers us a new Spidey origin, a hockey costume, Norman Osborn as a mentor, and a slew of deep cuts and unexpected characters. We talk about the pros and cons of the unique Romita-inspired visual style, along with the exciting shades of Spectacular Spider-Man, th…
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Season 1 of Ultimate Spider-Man ends as Spider-Man leaves S.H.I.E.L.D. for good… and then promptly returns a few minutes later! Among all the fun Green Goblin/Venom action–and a good Harry Osborn story–we talk about some of the frustrating narrative cul-de-sacs this show takes, the bizarre reveal of Luke Cage, White Tiger, Iron Fist, and Nova’s hom…
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The season finale of Ultimate Spider-Man begins just as Derek returns–along with a new hairless, armless, cat-mechless Doc Ock! We talk about the effectiveness (or lackthereof) of Spidey’s team and how the show tries to sell an friendship arc we never saw, how Venom/Spider-Man DNA could Norman Osborn into a mutant Green Goblin monster with a weird …
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The Beetle is back! …sort of? And he’s ruining Agent Coulson’s date with Aunt May! Glitterjaw’s own Merrilee (Fear Coded) returns to untangle the messy continuity of Ultimate Spider-Man’s Beetle story. We also chat about parent teacher conferences and drop some Doug and Merrilee high school lore, delve into the realm of ancient Roman goddesses, and…
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Spider-Man accidentally gives Captain America’s shield to the most dangerous man in the world, and Glitterjaw’s own Merrilee (Fear Coded) steps in to break it down. We dig into the extremely brief Aliens homage at the start, get a lesson in the make-up of Captain America’s shield, and try desperately to figure out exactly which lesson we’re suppose…
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There are only a few episodes of Spider-Woman left, and Glitterjaw’s own Katie (Novel Gaming) joins Doug to break down this time travel tale! Unsurprisingly, we create a rich backstory for another pre-90s one-off animated supervillain icon, do our best to unravel Spider-Woman’s time travel mechanics, and pose the question: what if the Wookiees-not-…
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Doc Ock is back, and this time he’s more menacing than ever, because he’s got… a huggable robo-cat suit? Glitterjaw’s own David Arnold is back to cover an episode that definitely shouldn’t be anyone’s first, because all the returning players are adults with ongoing capital-D drama. We talk all about Harry’s daddy issues, Spider-Man’s lack of MCU-li…
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Mary Jane Watson writes a Spider-Man musical for Midtown High, and Flash is the star! Glitterjaw’s own David Arnold steps in to break down Ultimate Spider-Man’s version of the classic “Flash Thompson gets mistaken for Spider-Man” tale. We talk about how this episode handles its in medias res opening, how to build a mid-season episode that could be …
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Spider-Man is turned into a Spider-Ham thanks to a magic hot dog, and is chased by boar-killing Asgardian hunters in a game with Thor and Loki… and somehow, none of it is as weird and wacky as you’d expect! We talk about the ways this show sometimes chooses safer narrative options despite being a comedy, and also dig into the Phil Coulson hype of t…
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Spider-Woman faces a nude magician adorned in KISS makeup who’s stealing all the world’s landmarks and ransoming them for (Dr. Evil voice) TEN BILLION DOLLARS! We’re talking about one of the zaniest episodes of one of our favorite Spider-shows, which features surrealist booby traps in a haunted house, an Incredible Shrinking Hero (kind of), wildly …
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Peter has to juggle taking care of a sick Hulk and an injured Aunt May in one house without jeopardizing his secret identity! Sounds like a great premise for a high-concept episode…until it keeps going and becomes something totally different. We talk about why the need to be a half-hour action show hinders what could be a straightforward comedic ge…
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A story spotlighting Damage Control and superhero property destruction is a great idea! Unfortunately, just like all the comically collapsing buildings, this episode falls apart. We talk about a shrinking subplot that goes nowhere, an underwhelming mystery, why Wrecking Crew could take lessons from tokusatsu teams, and how the comedy and morality l…
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It’s a beach episode! Spidey and his team blow off their S.H.I.E.L.D. training (as they should) and go to a remote island that houses a mysterious green striped-shirted prisoner–but unlike Sandmans of the past, this one is extremely creepy, with a dark backstory that makes Nick Fury and his organization look very, very bad. But does the episode tak…
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Would you believe us if we said this is THE BEST episode of Spider-Woman? A new archenemy who loves being a fly freak has ties to Jessica Drew’s backstory. Spider-Woman fights a little bionic guy and a giant scorpion. We get an extended origin flashback, genuine twists, and a plot you could see working in a Spider-Woman movie. This one’s got it all…
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Spidey has to protect Jameson and Mary Jane from a very Kamen Rider-esque Beetle and his assault on the Daily Bugle! We talk about the limitations of casting J.K. Simmons, the challenges of utilizing the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, Mary Jane working as a journalist, and how some of the show’s best humor comes, shockingly, from Scott Mosier of Kevin Smith’s …
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Check your horoscope! A furry-headed villainous group called the Zodiac takes over S.H.I.E.L.D. and only Spidey and Nick Fury can stop them, resulting in an homage that’s equal parts James Bond and Die Hard! We talk about how this Brian Michael Bendis-penned episode utilizes the show’s unique sensibilities to do some solid genre parody. We’re watch…
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We’re back to the wackiness of the very beloved, not-at-all controversial or divisive Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, in an episode that pits Spidey’s team against Juggernaut, a science fair, and a kaiju-sized android with a toddler’s brain. Normal stuff! We talk about the weirdness of the team dynamic (and how this episode kinda fails Luke Cage), Pet…
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It's the EVERYTHING AMA, where nothing's off the table! We talk about a slew of random topics, including: our new evolutions into pretentious film bro and total weeb; the challenges of podcasting; Mario games and Nintendo movies; how the MCU has affected the movie industry; the current state of AI; personal superpowers... and much more! Check out a…
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It’s Spiders all the way down, baby! In part one of our two-part AMA, 100% of this week’s questions are all about Spider-Man – and we’re talking X-Men ‘97-style Spidey continuations, nostalgic Spidey games, spidey gadgets, eating Spidey’s webbing, favorite Spidey music, sounds, and suits, and much more! Plus, some exciting changes to our podcast go…
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It’s the SERIES FINALE of the iconic 90s Spider-Man cartoon! Get out your tissues, because Spidey ventures to a parallel universe filled with cameos and references – including his own giant robot and a girlfriend named Gwen Stacy – for a final conflict with Spider-Carnage that results in a shockingly emotional climax. We talk about why the ending i…
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We’re at the FINAL TWO-PARTER of the iconic 90s Spider-Man cartoon, where our Spidey Prime leads a team of alternate universe Spider-Men to fight a reality-annihilating Spider-Carnage! We talk about how this episode condenses the entire comics clone saga into a few minutes of flashbacks (which somehow works?), whether this cosmic-scale finale feels…
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The Secret Wars conclude with Doctor Doom and The Thing front and center! But does it make sense for the antepenultimate episode of this long-running Spider-Man series to mostly be a Fantastic Four story? We talk about the quick wrap-up and Beyonder’s role as Cosmic Asshole, kinky nightmare demons, the worldbuilding we wish this arc had time to do,…
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Black Cat has joined the Secret Wars! But what begins as a clever subversion and interrogation of her role as Spidey’s crutch and comfort blanket quickly disintegrates into an episode where Cat has to be rescued a record number of times, the heroes mostly just walk across nondescript canyons that feel pulled out of the 60s show, Spidey does not act…
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Madame Web and The Beyonder have whisked Spider-Man to another planet for a cosmic battle between good and evil! This adaptation of the famous Marvel comic crossover features Spidey leading a team of the Fantastic Four, Storm, Captain America, Iron Man, and The Lizard, but does it provide anything beyond the novelty of seeing some 90s heroes fighti…
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It's Derek's birthday, and the people wanted it: we're talking about the first appearance of the iconic Hex Girls in 1999's Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost. Why did it feel so familiar to Doug, how does it stack up to its immediate predecessor, and is that third act twist good, bad, or a bit of both? Plus we get into how the movie depicts Wicca, …
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This is the bleakest episode of the show, and we have strong feelings about it. From its “you married a clone” conception, to the severe and harmful mishandling of domestic abuse and stalking that the original episode did so well, to its dubious pace and editing, to its cruelty to both Peter and Mary Jane… this one just feels really bad, man. It’s …
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We knew we’d have mixed feelings about a follow-up to our favorite standalone episode (season 2’s “Hydro-Man” is still a masterpiece, y’all). But the beginning of this traumatic two-parter still delivers plenty of decent moments, even while it treads water – with Mary Jane using her wits to fight back against her abuser, Black Cat’s return (kind of…
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A god-like Electro is the Big Bad of The Six Forgotten Warriors saga, and shockingly, it all lands with a thud. We lose our minds a little bit at all the baffling decisions of this episode, including a wet fart of a swan song for Kingpin, the infuriatingly unnecessary exit of Silver Sable, Mary Jane throwing herself into danger just to give Spider-…
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Look out for that bat signal and “make the world safe for democracy”! In this very messy installment of the Six Forgotten Warriors saga, Spidey teams up with aged WWII heroes to stop the Insidious Six and learns to appreciate history as Captain America and Red Skull make their return. We talk about John Semper’s reinvention of the historic Black Ma…
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Finally, the titular Six Forgotten Warriors enter the fray! In this 1940s throwback, we get backstory on a WWII-era team of superheroes pulled out of Timely comics who fight alongside Captain America, complete with collectible statues that Kingpin, the Insidious Six, and Spidey are all after. We discuss how the preceding spy story makes yet another…
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It's Doug's birthday, and for a special surprise, he FINALLY watched that beloved 1998 Scooby-Doo movie for the very first time! Does it live up to how much all of our guests have been hyping it for so long? We talk about why Zombie Island was so important to the Scooby-Doo franchise, how it strikes the perfect balance between cartoon comedy and ge…
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Did you ever expect we’d be talking the KGB and Chernobyl on this Spider-Man podcast? Spidey’s adventures in Russia continue as he intersects with the sexily-voiced Silver Sable and a double-masked Red Skull, and we try to untangle this convoluted Parker parent triple agent spy story that, shockingly, does make sense when you think about it … wheth…
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Spider-Man goes to…Moscow? The beginning of season 5’s longest arc is a weird swerve, where Aunt May is central to a global conspiracy involving Peter Parker’s parents as double agent spies for Russia, a Nazi doomsday weapon, S.H.I.E.L.D. cover-ups and Silver Sable kidnappings, Robbie Robertson acting sus, and Kingpin reuniting the Insidious Six. I…
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The final season of the iconic Spider-Man: The Animated Series begins with a chaotically fun celebration! Peter and Mary Jane’s wedding brings out a slew of recurring characters and villains for one last hurrah, from Harry Osborn threatening MJ with a Goblin bomb to marry him to Black Cat teaming up with Kingpin to fight Scorpion and an army of rob…
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Spectacular comic artist Shadia Amin (Spider-Ham, Shiny Misfits) joins us to revisit the fourth season of Spider-Man: The Animated Series, a season of partners, returns, and a buff Black Cat! We discuss the ways the women in Spidey’s life are treated, including the disappeared, returned, and kidnapped Mary Jane – and how it drives Peter Parker and …
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Fox Kids expert Jessalyn Matthews jumps into a dimensional vortex with us to revisit Spider-Man: The Animated Series season 3! We talk about the portals, Goblins, bridges, and fatherly sins of the stellar finale – including movie-influenced perceptions of The Spot and Madame Web, creative workarounds for violence and death, Mark Hamill’s Hobgoblin,…
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It's the season of spooky! Merrilee O'Neil morbs out with us to revisit the monsters and body horror of the dark, influential second season of Spider-Man: The Animated Series. That includes the iconic Man-Spider and his fight with Kraven and Punisher, the first animated appearance of Blade that forever changed the character – and arguably led to th…
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In the leadup to our coverage of the final season and in celebration of the 30th anniversary, we’re revisiting the first four seasons of Spider-Man: The Animated Series! Joshua Moore (author of the upcoming Morphenomenal: How the Power Rangers Took Over the World) joins us to discuss the first season and its iconic black costume story that forever …
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Spidey Goes West? Not exactly, but how about a rodeo at Madison Square Garden with an evil clown and robot bull named Diablo, a connoisseur of cowboy collectibles named Wild Willie Wilson, and a masked bandit riding a rocket-powered steed? The pieces of this mystery may not fall quite into satisfying place, but we sure have a great time trying to p…
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For the third time, Doctor Doom tries to take over the world via the United Nations. This time, his hodge-podge plan includes: A mysterious god-like regular guy named Goron who shoots eye beams that do anything and everything, giant fruits and vegetables, NASA, a robot duplicate that appears for one scene, penis mushrooms, an undercover cop, and nu…
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We were not looking forward to returning to the 1981 cartoon…so color us surprised when we watched this fun, wacky episode with a post-modern sensibility and self-aware humor! Spidey goes on a stunt show with a silly villain named Stuntman who looks and acts like a hardcore edgelord 90s cyborg, and it only gets funnier from there. We’re watching Sp…
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We venture to a galaxy far, far away for this Glitterjaw Crossover with Cass and Tommy from Distant Echoes: A Star Wars Podcast! We talk about the time Spider-Woman fought a darksaber-wielding space villain from the dark side who looks suspiciously like Darth Vader. Plus, we discuss familiar-looking starships, Billy starting the Rebel Alliance, dro…
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