Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way with engaging stories! Follow Lisa through her daily adventures and improve your vocabulary and listening skills. Perfect for beginners (A1 level) looking to practice Dutch in real-life contexts. Leer Nederlands op een leuke en makkelijke manier met boeiende verhalen! Volg Lisa in haar dagelijkse avonturen en verbeter je woordenschat en luistervaardigheid. Perfect voor beginners (A1-niveau) die Nederlands willen oefenen in alledaagse situaties.
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If you're trying to think your way into learning Dutch, you're doing it wrong. Learn Dutch like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Dutch Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Dutch language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Dutch. As an audio-only t ...
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Learning a language should be easy and comfortable. We believe Dutch learning has a lot of room for improvement, and we are committed to take it to the next level. Follow us or visit our website to get a transcript, exercises and more.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Dutch with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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Learn Dutch by listening to my podcasts. Transcriptions on my website: www.yourdutchcoach.nl.
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Learning Me Dutch podcast aims to share my adventures of studying Dutch. You can find new words, verbs with examples, grammar stuff, cultural talks and much more while always aiming to keep it fun and interesting.
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Send us a text Op een regenachtige ochtend besluit Lisa haar dag zonder plan te beginnen en zich te laten verrassen door toevallige ontmoetingen. Van een inspirerend gesprek in een café tot een ontroerende kunstervaring en een magisch moment met livemuziek in het park – deze dag leert haar dat ware verbinding in de kleine momenten schuilt. Luister …
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Have you eaten lunch yet? / No, I haven't eaten yet. / I ate lunch an hour ago. / What did you eat? / I ate fish. / Do you eat breakfast every day? / Yes, I eat breakfast every day. / I'm hungry. / I'm thirsty.توسط LinguaBoost
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Dit weekend vieren veel Nederlanders carnaval. Weet jij waarom? En wat doen de mensen precies met carnaval? Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: How often do you go to the cinema? / I never go to the cinema. / I rarely go to the cinema. / How often do you go swimming? / I go swimming three times a week. / I often go shopping.توسط LinguaBoost
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Send us a text Lisa’s Vijfde Verhaal: Een Dag vol Ontdekkingen en Herinneringen In deze aflevering volgen we Lisa op een spontane dag vol verrassingen. Zonder een vast plan vertrekt ze van huis en laat ze zich leiden door toevallige ontmoetingen, bijzondere gesprekken en onverwachte ervaringen. Van een gezellige boekwinkel tot een inspirerend conce…
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What is the weather like today? / It is cold. / Is it raining? / No, it is not raining. / Today the weather is bad. / It's been raining for an hour.توسط LinguaBoost
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A short story about someone's day to learn some special adjectives! Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where is the museum? / The museum is on the left. / Do you know where my keys are? / Your keys are on the table. / Have you seen my glasses? / Your glasses are on the chair. / Her office is in the center of town.توسط LinguaBoost
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Send us a text Lisa begint haar dag zonder plannen, maar wat volgt is een onverwacht avontuur vol bijzondere ontmoetingen en spontane momenten. Van een gesprek met een oudere dame in het park tot het ontdekken van een verborgen boekwinkel, een streetfoodfestival en een boottocht over de rivier – deze dag bewijst dat het mooiste in het onverwachte z…
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I am listening to the radio. / I am in my room listening to music. / What is he doing? / He is watching television. / He is reading a book. / He is driving a car.توسط LinguaBoost
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Send us a text Lisa ontmoet een verdwaalde kat in haar tuin en besluit te helpen. In deze aflevering volgen we haar avonturen terwijl ze probeert de eigenaar van de kat te vinden. Van posters ophangen tot een bezoek aan de dierenarts – Lisa's dag zit vol met kleine momenten van vriendelijkheid en betekenis. Ontdek hoe een gewone dag onverwacht spec…
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In this lesson you'll learn the following phrases: What do you need? / I need a taxi. / Do you need anything? / No, I don't need anything. / I need some time to think. / He needs help. / They need flowers for a wedding. / I needed this. / As far as I know / As far as I know, he doesn't need any help.…
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Ik was vorige week jarig! Wil je meer weten of hoe Nederlanders hun verjaardag vieren? Luister dan naar deze podcast. Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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Send us a text In deze aflevering volgen we een dag uit het leven van Lisa. Op het eerste gezicht lijkt het een gewone dag, maar schijn bedriegt: Lisa laat ons zien hoe zelfs de kleinste momenten vol betekenis kunnen zitten. Van haar ochtendroutine tot een kunstworkshop en een wandeling met een vriendin, Lisa’s verhaal inspireert ons om bewust te l…
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where do you want to go on vacation? / This year I want to visit India. / Did you go to Egypt last year? / I went for one week. / I visited Rome last week. / How long did you go for? / I spent three weeks in New York in the summer. / I need a vacation.…
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following sentences: How was your week? / It was good. / My friends arrived on Monday. / I worked in the office. / My sister visited on Thursday. / I walked my dog every day. / I bought a new phone a few days ago.توسط LinguaBoost
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Send us a text Hallo! Welkom bij onze podcast. Vandaag luisteren we naar een verhaal over Lisa. Lisa is een gewone vrouw met een drukke dag. Dit verhaal is voor beginners (A1-niveau). Laten we beginnen!" Support the showتوسط Huseyin Caglar
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Wintersport is a special type of holiday. Around 1 million Dutch people go on a holiday in the snow every year. Learn all about it! Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: What are you doing? / I am reading. / I am listening to music. / I am watching television. / I am listening to the news. / Nothing special.توسط LinguaBoost
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Where were you yesterday? / I went to a party. / I was at the cinema together with a friend. / I met friends. / I met friends in the cafe. / I was in the countryside.توسط LinguaBoost
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Did you know that the tradition around the use of fireworks in the Netherlands is changing? Learn all about it in this new Dutch podcast episode! Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: I like to travel. / I want to visit Germany. / I enjoy visiting Italy. / Have you been to England? / I have never been there. / I was in France. / Have you ever been to Paris? / I went there on holiday last year.توسط LinguaBoost
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In this lesson, you'll learn the following phrases: Do you go out much? / I prefer to stay at home. / I like to spend time with friends. / I like to spend time with family. / I go to the gym twice a week. / I don't have many friends. / I am very sociable.توسط LinguaBoost
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It's getting colder! Luckily there is a lot to celebrate and to eat during the cold months. Find out what the Dutch eat during festivities. Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Dutch Expressions - Wie het kleine niet eert, is het grote niet weerd Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to le…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Dutch Expressions - Splinter in andermans oog Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch fast…
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Which internet pages does almost every Dutch person visit? And what does this tell us about the culture? Let's find out! Read transcripts hereتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Dutch Expressions - Iemand iets op de mouw spelden Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch fast…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Dutch Expressions - De kat uit de boom kijken Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch fast…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Zeeland Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch f…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Zuid-Holland Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dut…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Utrecht Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch …
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Flevoland Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch …
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Noord-Holland Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn D…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Friesland Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch…
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Many students struggle with the difference between moeten and hoeven. This dialogue shows how to use them! Transcripts hereتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Groningen Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch f…
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De Olympische Spelen zijn in volle gang. In deze podcast kom je meer te weten over de deelname van Nederland. Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Drenthe Music by OlegFedak from Pixabay Dutch podcast for beginners Dutch language Learn Dutch easy and fast Dutch language and culture Dutch history and culture How to learn Dutch fas…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Overijssel Music by OlegFedak from…
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www.yourdutchcoach.com Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way. Improve your conversational and listening skills. Theme: Food. Topic: Culinaire reis door 12 provincies - Gelderland Music by OlegFedak from…
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Wie is de nieuwe premier van Nederland? Wie is Dick Schoof precies? Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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Het EK is voor veel mensen een belangrijk toernooi. Hou jij van voetbal? Luister naar deze aflevering over het Nederlandse elftal en het EK 2024 Read transcripts hereتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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In veel landen is er een speciale dag voor vaders. In Nederland ook. Wat doen Nederlanders op de derde zondag van juni? Transcripts hereتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Dutch, to improve your Dutch vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Dutch. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Dutch language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Dutch class. The more you expose you…
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Fairy tales are a great way to learn the imperfect tense! Listen to this classic story about the Puss in Boots See transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Dutch, to improve your Dutch vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Dutch. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Dutch language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Dutch class. The more you expose you…
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This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Dutch, to improve your Dutch vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Dutch. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Dutch language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Dutch class. The more you expose you…
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Het is meivakantie! Maar hoeveel vakanties zijn er eigenlijk in Nederland? Leer er alles over in deze nieuwe aflevering! Read transcriptsتوسط The Dutch Online Academy
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This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Dutch, to improve your Dutch vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Dutch. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Dutch language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Dutch class. The more you expose you…
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