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Big Angry Law Radio


Big Angry Radio is nonpartisan political talk radio show on iHeart's KPRC 950 AM in Houston that focuses on the big stories of the day with an emphasis on legal, public safety, and criminal justices issues facing America. The host, Charles "Big Angry Adams" is a graduate of Harvard Law School, former police officer, former trial court judge and attorney who continues to practice law across the Great State of Texas.
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🎙法律白話文運動無極限!寫文、寫書跨界經營【法客電台】 【法客電台】法客電台是網路獨立媒體《法律白話文運動》製作的Podcast節目,議題橫跨法律知識探索、社會議題批判及政治時事話題,力求擺脫廉價批評,以打造指標性深度知識性社會議題節目為目標。 —— 🏆 本節目榮獲第19屆卓越新聞獎得獎作品 🏆 本節目入圍第20屆卓越新聞獎得獎作品 —— ✉️ 廣告合作邀約 傳送門連結: 法白官網: 法白商城: 支持法白,現在加入法白的定期定額計畫: —— 🥷 製作團隊 出品人:法律白話文運動 製作人:楊貴智 主持人:楊貴智、劉珞亦、江鎬佑(Yoyo)、白廷奕 企劃研究:楊貴智、白廷奕 後製:韁河媒體工作室 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Are you fascinated by the law or baffled by court decisions? Are you a fan of pop culture, the 80‘s, or modern-day trends? Are you interested in how the law and pop culture affect each other? Do you need a little humor in your life? If so, the Understanding the Law Radio Podcast, UTLRadio for short, is the show for you! Twice a week, hosts Peter Lamont, Esq. and Brendan Lamont bring you fascinating and entertaining legal stories, anecdotes, pop culture faux pas, and business and legal news i ...
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Hi, My name is Christabel D Avravu, a budding lawyer from Kerala. I am the founder and host of this podcast where, I will be uploading educational podcasts based on laws, legal updates, judgement reviews, legal facts etc. This will help you to gain knowledge on laws. Any one can listen to it but it will be more beneficial for Law students, advocates, students who are preparing for competitive examinations including UPSC & judiciary etc.
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想充值社會議題,又不想流於政治口水? 你最想搞懂的新聞爭議,讓我來分析! 不管是通勤的早晨,還是無聊沒事的夜晚。 戴好耳機,讓「法律白話文運動」用不一樣的角度, 給你最需要的法律觀念,最貼切的歷史情節, 輕鬆聊新聞話題,一起「召喚法歷」! (本節目每週更新,單人主持,不定期訪問專業來賓) 🌞 製作團隊 出品人:法律白話文運動 主持人:王鼎棫 1. 法律白話文運動網站主編,東吳、靜宜與國防大學法律學系兼任講師。 2. 參與法白系列作品,個人著有《進擊的公民:探索社會議題的法律指南》 3. 也有同名 IG:attack_on_citizen,還有個人 Threads:ting_yu_wang,歡迎訂閱!裡面不定期更新社會議題討論或本節目花絮。 企劃研究:王鼎棫 金牌剪輯:許珈熒、王鼎棫 —— 【召喚法歷】是網路獨立媒體《法律白話文運動》製作的Podcast節目,希望帶領聽眾,從時下的新聞議題中,探索最關鍵的法律觀念,搭配最切題的歷史資訊,期待讓聽眾凝聚自己的想法,作出自己的選擇。 —— ✉️ 演講/活動/文章/其他商案合作邀約 主持人 法白團隊:bu ...
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Radio Law Talk

Frederick Penney

Our hosts are average, ordinary people. Their only flaw is that they are exceptional attorneys and love what they do. Luckily, they take breaks from their day jobs and make time for Radio Law Talk so that the rest of the country can enjoy the law like they do.
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Law of Attraction Talk Radio

Law of Attraction Expert

Another GREAT SHOW via Law of Attraction Radio Network - Law of Attraction Talk Radio is where Science merges with spirituality and metaphysics as we explore the Universal Law of Attraction. Join as we talk to the experts on how to create the life we have always wanted through Conscious Creation, Deliberate Creation, Self-Improvement and Self-powerment. We can experience miracles through listening to positive and inspirational radio that keeps you plugged into the ...
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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

Leh Meriwether & Todd Orston, Divorce Lawyers who hate divorce

If you, a friend or family member is facing a divorce or similar family law matter, then this show is for you. Here is where we share our experience and knowledge to help others navigate a challenging phase of life. This show is a re-broadcast of a Radio Show sponsored by Meriwether and Tharp, a law firm with over 40 lawyers focusing on divorce and family law matters.
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The Institutes of Biblical Law has as its purpose a reversal of the present trend. it is called “Institutes” in the older meaning of the word, i.e., fundamental principles, here of law, because it is intended as a beginning, as an instituting consideration of that law which must govern society, and which shall govern society under God.
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On Bulletproof Estate Planning, we talk about all things estate planning. We will talk about Last Will and Testament, the probate process that goes with a Last Will and Testament. We will discuss Trust plans, Revocable Living Trusts that avoid the probate process; Asset Protection Trusts that protect your life savings from the high cost of long-term care; Special Needs Trusts both fist party and third party; and we will discuss TennCare Eligibility Planning, both pre-planning as well as Cris ...
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show series
Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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Dr. Erika and Nurse Blue ask the question, “How are you going to celebrate Juneteenth?” We discuss the history of Juneteenth and the significant impact of the emancipation of African - Americans from slavery June 19, 1865. We offer healing practices for atonement and reconciliation. We encourage all humans regardless of color to celebrate Juneteent…
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🍿 法白爆米花報名連結: 《How Sweden Quit Smoking》:抽與不抽—是干預自由還是保護健康? 本次活動為紀錄片《How Sweden Quit Smoking》亞太地區首映,本部影片紀錄的了瑞典在菸害防制政策的歷史、為什麼決定要成為「第一個無菸國家」,以及在制定法律和執行政策的過程中,面臨了哪些衝突與挑戰。 在映後座談的部分,我們邀請到了本部影片拍攝團隊的執行長 Federico N. Fernández、台灣大學公共衛生學院助理教授 葉明叡和臺灣青年民主協會理事長 張育萌,分別從他國經驗、公共衛生政策的制定以及新興菸品對於台灣青年造成的影響與現況進行對談。 活動資訊分隔線- 主題:法白爆米花|第二場|《How Swed…
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Parenting is difficult. Co-parenting in the context of a divorce or custody action even more so. But co-parenting with someone who has a history of difficult behavior can sometimes seem impossible! In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, discusses tips to help you co-p…
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We all know that the Law of Attraction is a very powerful principle suggesting that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. However, despite its promising premise, many find themselves frustrated, disheartened, and skeptical when their financial dreams remain unfulfilled. Let's dive into some of the most common frustrations people encounter w…
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Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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Pa'Ris'Ha and her international panel of co-hosts review chapter 18 of Dr. Robert Lanza's book, "Biocentrism." How do we define the "greatest mystery of all", the existence of consciousness? In exploring consciousness as more than physical structure or function, how do we reconcile that nothing exists until we observe it? Join Pa'Ris'Ha and co-host…
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Join Dr. Michael Mosley on the Spiritual Insight radio broadcast as he delves into "The Mind of the Heart." Discover the profound balance between logic and emotion, and learn why guarding your heart is essential for a fulfilling spiritual journey. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on how our emotions shape our faith and guide us towards a life…
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本系列主題由經濟部中小及新創企業署與法律白話文運動跨界合作 節目來賓:蔡采薇律師律師 臺灣的製造業在全球名列前茅,創造了龐大的經濟效益與就業,但同時,也因為製造業特性,使得相關產業碳排放一直居高不下,成為世界各國淨零轉型時的一大挑戰。而我國在《氣候變遷因應法》正式上路之後,也有了開徵碳費、開放碳權交易等相關規定,成為企業在數位轉型或是符合國際供應鏈規範要求時,不可不知重要資訊,因此本集節目我們邀請到有豐富經驗的蔡采薇律師,來和我們介紹氣候變遷因應法到底會對企業產生哪些影響,以及所謂的碳費與碳權交易到底指的是什麼? 🌟節目精彩重點: 減碳與中小企業的關係 中小企業可以利用各種資源進行自願性碳盤查 碳權交易現況和規定 淨零碳排對企業和民的好處 如何減低碳焦慮 小額贊助支持本節目: https:/…
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🍿 法白爆米花報名連結: 《How Sweden Quit Smoking》:抽與不抽—是干預自由還是保護健康? 本次活動為紀錄片《How Sweden Quit Smoking》亞太地區首映,本部影片紀錄的了瑞典在菸害防制政策的歷史、為什麼決定要成為「第一個無菸國家」,以及在制定法律和執行政策的過程中,面臨了哪些衝突與挑戰。 在映後座談的部分,我們邀請到了本部影片拍攝團隊的執行長 Federico N. Fernández、台灣大學公共衛生學院助理教授 葉明叡和臺灣青年民主協會理事長 張育萌,分別從他國經驗、公共衛生政策的制定以及新興菸品對於台灣青年造成的影響與現況進行對談。 活動資訊分隔線- 主題:法白爆米花|第二場|《How Swed…
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Dr. Sara talks to us here about fear and expanding our perspective to encompass a larger viewpoint. She discusses the power of being in authentic service and having a sense of purpose in your life to bypass fear. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Sara at She welcomes any questions, comments, and requests for support. …
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Are you ready to bring more wellness and holistic healing into your life? Join Constance and her guest Dr. Ricardo Frazer – Author, Professor and Harvard Graduate as he shares wellness and healing principles. You will learn: The difference between holistic gardening and traditional, herbs that can heal your body and the power of connecting with nat…
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My special guest is Dr. Mark Halpern, Chiropractor, Author, Lecturer, and Certified HeartMath Practitioner. Dr. Halpern describes his paralyzing anxiety and how he discovered the power of Coherence. Coherence is when the heart and brain are operating in alignment it creates inner peace, increased physical well-being, emotional health, and most impo…
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Pa'Ris'Ha and her international panel of co-hosts review chapters 16-17 of "Biocentrism," by Dr. Robert Lanza. As science, religion and biocentrism define the cosmos, we get three distinct perspectives. Does Biocentrism offer the only true explanation? If space and time only exist through the mind and perception, what is "real?" How has science fic…
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本集節目廣告由【 行政院人權及轉型正義處】贊助播出 《善解人義——我們為什麼需要人權及轉型正義》 行政院人權及轉型正義處 Podcast《善解人義——我們為什麼需要人權及轉型正義》由陳方隅擔任主持人,邀請不同領域的來賓來對談,透過音樂、電影、漫畫、建築、人物故事等帶大家認識「轉型正義」。並且特別邀請《珞亦不絕》、《周慕姿讀靈魂腳本》、《哇賽心理學》三個熱門Podcast節目各擔任一集客座主持,和大家聊聊「轉型正義」。 𝟖 個理解轉型正義的角度 X 𝟖 場關鍵對談,我們一起認識轉型正義,並展開思考、對話的可能,現在就上各大平台搜尋《善解人義》,或是點擊連結收聽: 來賓:黃斐悅(地球公民基金會副執行長)花東辦公室 本集重點: 什麼是一條安…
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🍿 法白爆米花報名連結: 《How Sweden Quit Smoking》:抽與不抽—是干預自由還是保護健康? 本次活動為紀錄片《How Sweden Quit Smoking》亞太地區首映,本部影片紀錄的了瑞典在菸害防制政策的歷史、為什麼決定要成為「第一個無菸國家」,以及在制定法律和執行政策的過程中,面臨了哪些衝突與挑戰。 在映後座談的部分,我們邀請到了本部影片拍攝團隊的執行長 Federico N. Fernández、台灣大學公共衛生學院助理教授 葉明叡和臺灣青年民主協會理事長 張育萌,分別從他國經驗、公共衛生政策的制定以及新興菸品對於台灣青年造成的影響與現況進行對談。 -活動資訊分隔線- 主題:法白爆米花|第二場|《How Swe…
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This week, Dr. Mosley talks about the importance to feel good even though it's necessary to sometimes feel bad. He gives some great personal examples and delivers some powerful reading to his callers.توسط Law of Attraction Radio Network
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本集節目廣告由【賴和文教基金會】贊助播出 鬥鬧熱走唱隊《自由花-賴和音樂專輯II》募資專案 本集是好久沒辦的 Live Podcast!!錄音時間:4/24 這次由貴智及珞亦,在濕地一樓與各位觀眾面對面討論死刑的議題。 從死刑的前世今生聊到近期的法庭對決! ▲馬英九說過:臺灣以人權立國? ▲公民及政治權利公約對於死刑的限制 ▲法務部辯論的真心話 ▲為什麼每次開完庭假裝跟當事人講話?因為怕尷尬??? ▲刑法五十七條 ▲現場的精彩問答 歡迎大家下次繼續參加 Live Podcast ~!!! 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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If you are currently going through a tough time, this show is for you. You will learn how to let go, surrender, and let God or the Universe miraculous help you. Constance shares a specific process for letting go, feeling your current pain and releasing it to a love and power greater than you are. You will hear encouraging stories of others who made…
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Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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Dr. Sara talks to us here about shifting into a different energetic flow state despite outside circumstances and challenges. She discusses being in the energetic state you want as a priority over the outside circumstances. Focusing on your energetic state first is key over circumstances. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Sara at www.drsaras…
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Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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Visit: for information & full episodes!Follow us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: to our YouTube channel: Your Radio Law Talk hosts are exceptional attorneys and love what they do! They take bre…
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My special guest is Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev). He is one of the world's pioneers in the introduction of meditation and the founder of the American Meditation Institute (AMI) in Averill Park, NY in 1996. According to Ram Lev, your conscience is the only quality of the mind that can reliably transform the poisonous energy of negative thoughts and …
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🍿 法白爆米花報名連結: 《How Sweden Quit Smoking》:抽與不抽—是干預自由還是保護健康? 本次活動為紀錄片《How Sweden Quit Smoking》亞太地區首映,本部影片紀錄的了瑞典在菸害防制政策的歷史、為什麼決定要成為「第一個無菸國家」,以及在制定法律和執行政策的過程中,面臨了哪些衝突與挑戰。 在映後座談的部分,我們邀請到了本部影片拍攝團隊的執行長 Federico N. Fernández、台灣大學公共衛生學院助理教授 葉明叡和臺灣青年民主協會理事長 張育萌,分別從他國經驗、公共衛生政策的制定以及新興菸品對於台灣青年造成的影響與現況進行對談。 -活動資訊分隔線- 主題:法白爆米花|第二場|《How Swe…
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Join Dr. Michael Mosely as he answers your questions with insight. He gives his psychic impressions as well as a little bit of coaching on how to move forward and MAKE A DECISION! This is a fun show that will warm your heart! Listen to past episodes:توسط Law of Attraction Radio Network
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Pa’Ris’Ha and her international panel of co-hosts review chapters 11, 12, and 13 of "Biocentrism", by Dr. Robert Lanza. Today’s science does not support the concept of "separateness". So how can we claim to be "victims of circumstance?" Listen in on the discussion of how we can “craft space and time" through our thoughts and perception. This way, w…
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🎤 6/12(三) 19:00 法客電台 Live Podcast 開始售票 🔍 ②⓪②④「法白放大鏡」系列講座——即刻售票中 時間|都是晚上 7:00-9:00 地點|濕地 venue B1F|台北市林森北路 107 巷 10 號 票價|350~400|每場講座入場送該場主講書 看各場詳細資訊&購票 本集重點: 今天是敏感日子五月三十五號。 六四事件之前,就有八六學潮? 中國共產黨內部的分歧是?胡耀邦跟鄧小平? 香港政府如何處理敏感日子及相關逮捕行動? 討論蔣經國與鄧小平的不同決策及其對兩岸民主化的影響​​。 描述李登輝在台灣民主化過程中的角色 小額贊助支…
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