Discussion regarding secularism, humanism, and atheism.
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The last DFTR show means new beginning. Join us to discuss the beginnings of ASK and how we've been moving forward.
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The teachings of Jesus, when examined, are not exactly saying moral things.
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Want Jesus in your life? What about in your favorite movies?
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What if God changed his plans? Maybe he already did, about 2000 years ago. How should we face changes in general.?
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Atheists discuss common sense and how it interfaces with religion.. Later in the show we discuss A.I. and the race to install 'values' from the world's various societies.
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Ever think how Jesus would fair when compare to Mr. Rogers where compassion and empathy were concerned? We think he would lose out, big time.
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Atheists talk about "Woke" and what it means to them.. And why the religious (Christian, Muslims, etc.) don't seem to be, even thought they give it's tenants lip-service all the time. Indeed, they clam to own the very morality it teaches.
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According to the story, god the father,Joseph was the step-dad? Nah, think about it. God is as much the biological father as Joseph. i.e. none. But it was Joseph who raised him since day one. He's the real dad.
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Atheist responses to listener comments.
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Not the good news, nor the bad news. It's The Inconvenient News
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Atheist tell religion to pack it in for various reasons.
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Are Christians taking the wrong morals from Bible Stories? We believe they are. Atheists discuss why that is.
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God, himself, designs every single snowflake? Really?
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We talk about the Growing-Pains with growing out of religion. Ty's asexuality and finding fossils.
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How the god of the Bible used to reboot mankind to fix them. Also, listener comments.
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Back before and during the Salem Witch Trials there was a form of evidence that was allowed called spectral evidence. And people were killed because of it. Spectral evidence is a form of evidence based upon dreams and visions, and it was based on the Christian belief system. Why don't we still do that?…
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Atheists discuss Narcissism, and how god, preachers and other religious people display those attributes.
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Christians routinely make general, over-broad rules about nature, the supernatural, religions and gods. Then proceed to say they don't apply in their case. They very well do! And we set about to explain the logical fallacy of Special Pleading.
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Atheists talk about information bubbles, societies that form who you are and the ideas that you're allowed to be exposed to (or not) in that information bubble and how all of that forms the "you" that you turn out to be.
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Atheists discuss the meaning of quotes from Jesus and Yesus (aka Kanye West). Also, we'll discuss the soul, consciousness and the personality that so many of us believe to be supernatural in nature.
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We know what we believe to be true about the soul and the afterlife. How much do we actually know? Atheist discuss the idea of the soul and a life after death. AND near-death experiences.#
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If god's word is inerrant then 1) why are there so many different books and 2) even in the same religion, there are so many different versions of the same book.
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If science developed a "god-detector" and it flashed "true - god found!" .. Would you believe? Would it be justified?
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Every time I get with believers it's always the same old question.. Really, it's more of a lack of imagination than anything else.
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We've never had a "sample" god to test in the lab, in place of that, if had a god-free zone we could at least compare that to the holy-places preacher/priests/imam's insist are real.
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What are the best reasons for Atheism.. Come listen, get insight from 2 of us.
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Atheists talk about god, preachers, and other religious "leaders" and how they should be graded.
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Atheists talk about how religion allows you to abandon your own responsibility for your family, your country, and most other things. "leave it up to god" and forget about it. What "Jesus take the wheel" actually means.
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Athiests discuss how the Unity Game engine policy is like religion, Genders vs Gender Roles vs Sex and people as ornaments.
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#336 - Credibility
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1:01:18Credibility: What is it. How do you get it. How do you keep it? How do you lose it?
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This episode takes it's premise from the 1977 TV show "Meeting of the Minds" hosted by Steve Allen. On this show we talk about how Charles Darwin, Jesus and Mohammad would look at today's revelations. Here is the YouTube link to the old shows: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steve+allen+meeting+of+the+minds…
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Atheists attempt to answer a Christian questions.. What do we want? What's our end-game goal?
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Atheists dive deeper into the topic of Trans Sports and dogmatic thinking.
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Atheist share thoughts on the controversial subject of trans sports.
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Who's watching you? Your parents? Your grandmother? All of heaven? And why? Are we just their entertainment?
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You take responsibility for your pets, which you love, but apparently god can't be bothered as his "pets", humanity, suffer continuously.
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The legal system, and specifically the courts, are where we traditionally go to settle "truth" claims. Why don't we take religious claims to court?
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Atheists talk about the "investment" people feel for the time they've spent in their religion, and how they're loathe to leave it after putting so much into it, even though the returns have diminished to nothing.
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I also know it's summer, and everyone is trying to get in the right body. So why not the Biblical Diet? Manna Monotony Breakfast:Start your day with a hearty portion of manna straight from heaven. Don't worry about variety or taste; manna is a divine gift that tastes like honey wafers (Exodus 16:31).…
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We talk about how atheists get accused of supposedly being "in atheism" for the big bucks; and how we don't really believe in it.
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How religion uses the same techniques that games due to keep you interested and coming back for more.
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Consistency and honesty, and a willingness to explain our position.
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Ty creates a his own personal religion / Can we program A.I.s with emotion?
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Why atheists are angry and why they have every right to be. We go over Greta Christina's blog article (and book) about that. Greta Christina -Angry Atheists: https://gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2007/10/atheists-and-an.html
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Secular vs Religious Charities. Are there really no atheist charities? Of course there are! Most charities are!
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#322 - Delayed Gratification
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1:00:10Religion is all about delayed gratification. Delayed, that is, until you're dead.
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Are you an atheist? Well you might be if..
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Today we discuss a question from a viewer: "How do you think secular people can come to terms with what's good about themselves, especially when they're used to thinking of it as something that comes from a higher power?" - Cassandra, YouTube. We also talk about what people should teach children about Santa Claus.…
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Why are atheists so angry, and why they have every right to be.
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We al talk about it, but every religion (actually every preacher) describes a different one and many of them contradict each other.
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