Guest Eric Capuano(twitter.com/eric_capuano) shares his experiences using Graylog. Links from the show: Graylog's ElasticON Party Invite: www.graylog.org/graylog-party Graylog Delimited File Output Plugin by Richard Westmoreland: https://github.com/rswestmoreland/graylog-delimited-file-output-plugin Sysinternals Sysmon suspicious activity guide: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/motiba/2017/12/07/sysinternals-sysmon-suspicious-activity-guide/ Graylog Sysmon by ionstorm: https://github.com/ion-storm/Graylog_Sysmon fan·fare - noun a short ceremonial tune or flourish played on brass instruments, typically to introduce something or someone important If you would like to be a guest on the next episode, you can email taylor@graylog.com. Thanks!…