Come sit a spell with Amber and Maddie as they discuss divination, the occult, the supernatural, the paranormal, paganism and different paths, solstice celebrations, mythology from around the world, aliens, cryptids and other creatures, and Of Course- Tarot!
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Your favorite witches bring you a beary special episode- one of our favorite subjects to segue into upon any discussion of power or the natural world. Bears. The big, the bad, the furry and furious. Bears. So, come sit a spell, but, beware, it may be hard to pull yourself away from the bears.
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Once upon a time there lived a papa bear, and a mama bear, and a baby bear, in a cottage in the forest. Wait, no, it was a big bear, a medium bear, and a little bear. Anyway, a little girl with golden locks snuck in one day.... Wait, no, it was a crotchety old lady. Anyway, as you can see there's more to Goldilocks and The Three Bears than we have …
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Come sit a spell while your favorite witches talk a little bit about what they learned about Aleister Crowley and the creation of the Thelema.
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Jack the Ripper. We don't think we have to go into detail, we're pretty sure the name says it all. And, in light of new interest, we decided to take a stab at the case, WTT style. So, come sit a spell.
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Not Safe for Work. Rated NC17 for sexual discussion. Seriously, your favorite witches aren't kidding. There are many methods, but none lead to madness. With sex magic, it's really what works best for you, but a few things otherwise hold true. So, come sit a spell for our spiciest episode ever.
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Come sit a spell as your favorite witches talk about the movie The Love Witch.
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A few weeks ago we talked all about the Knights Templar- just the facts ma'am. Today, come sit a spell while we delve into some of the conspiracy around them.
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Once upon a time, in a land far far away... so begins a tale as old as time... the tale of the maiden in the ashes, our fair Cinderella. So, come sit a spell while we see how far back and how wide this tale has traveled.
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Love is in the air! Tis the season for partnerships to bloom. Perhaps some proposals will occur soon. So come sit a spell while we dig deep into the history behind some of our favorite wedding customs. We're talking tying the knot, jumping the broom, customs of flowers, rings, and more!
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Come sit a spell while your favorite witches take to the air, but we're not livin' on a prayer. We're absolutely cooing over the delightful dove. Not just the white winged dove, either, these beautiful birds come in all shapes and colors. Rest your tail feathers and we'll tell you all about them.
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Let down your long hair and come sit a spell while your favorite witches look into the history of the tale of Rapunzel.
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Come sit a spell while your favorite witches delve into the realm of The Knights Templar, identifying what happened with these warrior monks so long ago. Stay tuned, we'll get into conspiracy theories around the knights later this season.
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Come sit a spell while your favorite witches talk a little bit about what they learned about Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the creation of the Theosophical Society.
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Tis the season for fire cider! So come sit a spell and let's talk about this magical brew.
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Come sit a spell with your favorite witches while we dive into the themes and plot of A Christmas Carol. 'Tis the season, after all. The season of giving- and in honor of the season we have a word from several of our podcast friends. These witches didn't plan ahead far enough to ask for Christmas wishes, so we included their promos. After us you sh…
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Since we had so much fun writing our Halloween stories for you we decided we would do it for Christmas too! Come sit a spell while Maddie tells you her tale. A frozen frolic, tradition long held in the fae. Maddie's The Wild Hunt.
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Since we had so much fun writing our Halloween stories for you we decided we would do it for Christmas too! Come sit a spell while Amber tells you her tale. A wintry wonder full of a familiar theme and the gods. Amber's A Christmas Carol.
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So sorry this is so late, there were internet technical difficulties last night and day job impediments to uploading today before now. Regardless of timing... Come sit a spell with your favorite witches and let's discuss different ways to celebrate and give back to your community during the holidays. Or, any time. Giving back is rewarding regardles…
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So sorry for the late upload - our uploading site would not load for the past 16 hours, but, finally, SUCCESS! Well, you know how we love our series' around here... so here we are with a new one- our Beloved Beverages. Originally we had envisioned a Tres Trees episode with Mint, Cocoa and Coffee... however even though shrubs can be trees and trees …
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Come sit a spell while your favorite witches carry on with their haunting discussion, this time talking about ghost hunting of the haunted.
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Come sit a spell as your favorite witches have a haunting discussion as we continue through the dark spooky part of the year. Sorry for the echo- Amber is still getting used to our new sound board.
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When one approaches a witch with a query or task, first there is something of oneself to ask. What is the proper way to acquire what I desire, while being respectful of this power? Come sit a spell and we'll talk about it.
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This one is quite relevant to your favorite witches- did you know there are some faux pas when it comes to getting a reading? Maybe it's more like common courtesy versus a faux pas, or maybe you want to call it best practices. But here are a few tips on being respectful, so come sit a spell.
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To follow up our discussion on the magic of dreams we decided to talk about soothing herbs. We discuss the most common and some you may have never thought of in the soothing category. So come sit a spell and talk some herbology with us.
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In dream states we may find ourselves astral projecting, viewing the future, or sharing thoughts with another. Come sit a spell with your favorite witches while we discuss the magic of and in dreams.
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A wolf in sheep's clothing. Hungry like the wolf. The big bad wolf. Inside you there are two wolves... Not really. But, come sit a spell and two witches will tell you all they know about these furry friends, or fiends. It's a howling good time. (too much? we don't think so)
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Since some of our favorite, and most sacred, incense comes from trees we decided to cover our favorite 3. So, come sit a spell while we branch out even further in our Tres Trees series. Today we're covering Dragon's Blood, Cinnamon and Sandalwood.
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Samhain is sacred. For a lot of pagans, maybe even most pagans, Samhain is the most sacred time on the wheel of the year. A lot of us who call ourselves witches do some of our most spiritual of workings in the time between late October and mid November, as there are more traditions than merely those who celebrate the dead on October 31st... but we …
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Come sit a spell while we spin you a spooky tale, or two... or three, because three IS a magic number. Since both of your hosts here are writers we decided to have some spooky season fun and write a few tales to read to you, and each other, over the air waves.
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Come sit a spell for a special spooky season episode where your favorite witches discuss being respectful if/when you visit a cemetery for the holiday.
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Spooky season is in full swing so we are bringing you a spooky little episode about a spooky little occurrence in our little corner of Missouri. So, come sit a spell and we'll tell you about the Spooklights.
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Once upon a time in upstate New York lived a school teacher named Ichabod Crane. His became one of the earliest folk tales of America. Come sit a spell in Sleepy Hollow and we'll talk about it.
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Ep 222: This Witch'll be There with Bells on
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1:05:38Once upon a time in Tennessee, 1817-1821 approximately, there was quite the disturbance for The Bell family. Strange occurrences, noises and scratches in the night were just a few of the tricks up the Bell Witch's sleeves. So, come sit a spell, we're going to talk all about it.
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The Scape Goat. Like a lamb to the slaughter. We have so many epithets about these animals, especially in our religious speech. So, come sit a spell and we'll talk about these incredibly interesting bovines.
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We talked about the New Age movement at the end of Season 3, including discussing a particularly large part of the historic religious expansions within the United States in the 100 years leading up to the New Age movement. And now, we discuss the fear that was born out of the different religious freedoms of the New Age movement in our discussion on…
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Ah, the minor arcana. Each suit with it's own story to tell us. To lead us through. Come sit a spell while we Spear you with this firey tarot suit.
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Ep 218: OcTAROTber
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1:34:29Come sit a spell while we kick off October in the most amazing way possible- by giving Mr. October himself, the classy host of OctoberPodAM, a tarot reading. Such a great conversation, an amazing reading, and plenty of Halloween-y discussion!
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Ah, spooky-season approacheth... So, let's get paranormal. What kind of spirit is a poltergeist? Is a poltergeist even a spirit? Is it like in the movie? Was the movie cursed? Come sit a spell and we'll talk about it.
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Ep 216: There's Something About the Warrens
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1:32:28Were the Warrens wonderfully wholesome and worthy of the nation's adoration? Or were the Warrens wasckly wabbits who worked to exploit the haunted and tormented? Come sit a spell while your favorite witches talk about it.
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Ep 215: We Can't Believe No One Said "The Power of Christ Compels You"
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1:12:10Sorry for the late drop- Amber's internet ghosted her last night. Or was possessed by an inconvenient spirit. Either way... it's been exorcised now... So... Come sit a spell in disbelief as we discuss exorcisms and fail to say "The power of Christ compels you," even one time!
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Ep 214: Conspiratorial Church Chat
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1:01:35For our Season 4 Premiere we wanted to go big- and what's bigger than the Vatican? The winding halls of history attached to the Catholic Church? Well, come sit a spell as we delve into all the lore that exists around that which controls most of this...
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An update on where your favorite witches are, and when we'll be back, with a head's up on what's coming in Season 4. And, on the way to all that Amber shamelessly plugs her event Joplin/Pitt Pagan Pride Day in Joplin, MO on September 14th, 2024.
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Come sit a spell while we discuss Lughnasadh. A Celtic fire festival, and also the first harvest festival. Honoring the Celtic Sun God Lugh we see an interesting array of ways to celebrate.
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Come sit a spell as we discuss some of the challenges and benefits of practicing the craft and/or a pagan lifestyle in our modern world.
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Yoga is older than any known religion, yet incorporates true science in benefiting the body and the mind. So, we felt it was definitely worth the stretch and maybe it's not even a stretch to cover here with your favorite witches. Come sit a spell and we'll bend your ear, maybe encouraging you to bend some more- into a yoga pose or two.…
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What do you think of when you hear the word "Meditation"? In researching this episode we found we had a limited scope. So, come sit a spell, let's talk all about meditation.
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Summertime and the livin's easy... Magic in the air anywhere you may be. Come sit a spell and we'll help you see the summertime, summertime, summertime magic. Tis the season of the sun.
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Witchy and magical date ideas, summer style and more. So, come sit a spell and maybe we'll spur your imagination to create your own magical date night.
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Once upon a time there was a princess who prayed that her prince could string the bow of Vishnu so she could make him hers. And the gods consented. But their path would be full of treacherous adventure. So, come sit a spell and let us tell you the tale of Sita and Rama.
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Ep 206: The Elephant in the Room
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1:03:05A keystone species in the lands in which they roam- elephants are pretty magical from their talented trunks down to their fantastic feet! So come sit a spell while we talk about the magical and majestic giants.
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