On August 20th, 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez shot and killed their own parents. Until then, this Beverly Hills family had been a portrait of the American Dream. How did it go so wrong? To listen to all four episodes of 'The Menendez Brothers' right now and ad-free, go to IntoHistory.com . Subscribers enjoy uninterrupted listening, early releases, bonus content and more, only available at IntoHistory.com . If you or someone you know is in crisis, there is free help available at mhanational.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Full Stack Developers Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover from JavaScript frameworks like React, to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling.
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Free daily dose of word power from Merriam-Webster's experts
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Red Web unravels mysteries from unsolved true crime to the supernatural. Whether you're a believer or a truth-seeker, Red Web will satisfy your curiosity for the unknown with suspense, intrigue, and humor every Monday. Join Red Web at RedWebPod.com for ad-free episodes and exclusive, bonus content.
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Každý týždeň si pozývame zaujímavých hostí do našich priestorov a rozprávame sa o biznise, marketingu, značkách a online svete. https://www.websupport.sk/
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Podcast duchovního slova redemptoristů - členů Kongregace Nejsvětějšího Vykupitele. Duchovní slovo na úryvky z Bible, přednášky o duchovním životě a růstu víry.
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Paranormal & Occult Podcast
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也许是一片新大陆,但也是荒野的西部,Web3 的世界里弥漫着去中心化的福音,呼啸着庞氏陷阱的警告。未知而且粗糙,却吸引越来越多的开发者进入。《Web3 101》是一档探索 Web3 世界的播客,在这个技术与商业上采用了全新配比的世界里,跟着Jane与阿伟展开一趟冒险之旅。
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PodRocket covers everything you need to know about frontend web development on a weekly basis. Join LogRocket cofounder Ben Edelstein, the LogRocket engineering team, and more, as they interview experienced developers about all the libraries, frameworks, and tech industry issues they deal with every day.
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Building Web3 Podcast brings you insightful interviews with visionary founders, technical experts, and thought leaders. It showcases the latest in cutting-edge Web3 projects and their vast opportunities. Whether you're a developer, investor, or enthusiast, our conversations will guide you to success in the decentralized future. *Building Web3 Podcast's content is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell assets or make financial decisions.*
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Each week we unpack the web3 revolution. Join us as we discover and explore the people, projects, and visionaries building the trusted web. We will: Uncover the stories behind web3 that are changing the world. Meet the developers and creators of ambitious blockchain projects with real utility. Demonstrate how you can use blockchain and web3 to expand your business, reach new customers, and streamline operations.
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Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. Current panelists: Jerod Santo, Kevin Ball (KBall), Nick Nisi, Chris Hiller, Amal Hussein & Amy Dutton. Past panelists: Suz Hinton, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Amelia Wattenberger, Divya Sasidharan, Alex Sexton, Rachel White, Emma Bostian, Ali Spittel, Mikeal Rogers & Jessica Sachs. We talk about the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (ReactJS, SolidJS, Svelte, VueJS, AngularJS, etc), JavaScript and TypeS ...
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Get ready for some high-energy, no-BS conversations with top marketing leaders and tech entrepreneurs from every corner of the world. We’re diving deep into Web3, Crypto, Blockchain, AI, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse. It’s all about real insights and actionable strategies to keep you ahead of the game. Supported by CoinDesk and RYO!
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The Go-To Podcast for builders, entrepreneurs, and developers in the Web3 space. We talk with the leading personalities in the Web3 space and bring them to you each and every week to give you the best insights into how to build a successful business in Web3. If you really want to build a great business in Web3, enroll in the Web3 Creator Dojo TODAY! http://web3creatordojo.com/
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Podcast focused on Tech & Product topics within the Web3 space. Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsZkl0r_l2kvaGllkk8PgzMUXK6zHkyU9 Website: https://wavect.io
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Rehash: A Web3 Podcast is the first community-owned podcast where members decide which guests appear on the podcast. Topics mostly revolve around the social and cultural aspects of crypto and web3.
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The adventures of Matt Lawrence and Mike Karan through the world of web development, web design, and small business management. As web development agency owners for the better part of a decade, they’ve worked with all sorts of technologies, through the rise of responsive web design, the revolution of serverless computing, and the popularity gain of many no-code tools for small business owners. They commonly discuss foundational web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - in ...
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世界最大の通信技術企業の一つベライゾンがグローバルな視点から、インターネットセキュリティーの今を伝えるプログラム。企業の情報セキュリティ担当者やリモート在宅ワーカーに向け、サイバー攻撃やネット犯罪から身を守るための様々な情報をVerizon Japan Sr Solutions Principal-Security Prod Sales 森マークがお届けします。 最近気になったサイバーニュースなどがあればメッセージフォームから是非お送りください! みなさんからのメッセージお待ちしてます。 https://form.audee.jp/websecurity/message
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"web3 with a16z" is a show about the next generation of the internet, and about how builders and users -- whether artists, coders, creators, developers, companies, organizations, or communities -- now have the ability to not just "read" (web1) + "write" (web2) but "own" (web3) pieces of the internet, unlocking a new wave of creativity and entrepreneurship. Brought to you by a16z crypto, this show is the definitive resource for understanding and going deeper on all things crypto and web3. Fro ...
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Portal del Web
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Exploring the intersection between gaming and the web3 metaverse built on blockchain technology. Interviewing web3 artists and creators every week. Join the Web3 Warriors podcast to learn about NFTs, crypto-currency and the metaverse. Livestreams on Twitch Saturdays 12pm EST.
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Jake Bennett and Michael Dyrynda conquer a 14.5 hour time difference to talk about life as web developers
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Coisas que nos interessam.
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Unscripted conversations sharing unique experiences, extraordinary innovations, upending accomplishments, and downhill spirals. WEB3 ecosystem, including Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies: technologies, strategic applications, and tomorrow's emerging trends are here today. Podcasts will include these topics and discuss key joint ventures that impact social change, ownership, transfers of value, supply chain management, system efficiencies, and community development—increasing understanding and im ...
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Bob Webster tells you the do's and dont's of gardening here in the Hill Country and South Texas
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Host of the Morning Mint show, Hunter Orrell explores all things web3, NFTS, and crypto.
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Veteran web developers RobbieTheWagner and Charles William Carpenter III host this informal, whiskey-fueled fireside chat with your favorite web devs. They discuss all things web development including JavaScript, TypeScript, EmberJS, React, Astro, SolidJS, CSS, HTML, Web3, and more. They take a unique approach and focus on getting to know the human side of developers and their hobbies outside of work, all while sampling a new whiskey that they rate on their unique tentacle scale.
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CADA LUNES NUEVO EPISODIO. Podcast dedicado al posicionamiento SEO y marketing digital. Entrevistas y actualidad en un tono desenfadado para que aprendas todo lo necesario para optimizar tu web.
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We discuss dark prose, weird movies, strange events, odd art, alt lifestyles, good music, and the craziness of being a human in this weird wide web!
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Web Pro Savvy is a biweekly podcast for freelance web designers and developers, hosted by Cathy Sirvatka. You'll hear interviews with experienced freelance web pros about their business operations, the services they offer, and the types of clients they work with. They openly share their stories and pull back the curtain on how they achieve success so that you can boost your own business.
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Recent Posts - Blip - Blip
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We talk to real people who took the not-so-traditional route to make it as web design freelancers or business owners. Plenty of helpful tips and tricks along the way. If you’re looking to start a side hustle or just up your game as a web or UX designer, this podcast is for you.
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Host Peter Papageorgiou interviews creators of web series.
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Each week, I sit down with the innovators and builders shaping the future of crypto and web3. Growth isn’t a sprint; it’s a process—built gradually, step by step, block by block. Let’s build something incredible, together. All onchain.
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Kenny is a professional comedian, talk radio host, and proud member of the New Right. He's also a millennial (but don't hold it against him).
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On The Rich Webster Show, you'll get an unfiltered look behind the scenes at how I'm running my businesses, the frameworks I use to build them, and how you can design your own business to work less and earn more. Along the way, you'll learn the strategies, tools, and frameworks to create a one-person business that meets both your profit and lifestyle goals. Topics I cover include: entrepreneurship, productivity, lifestyle design, social media, design, creativity, business
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ECHO's Voices of Webster
Maren DeMargel, editor; reporters Emily Goben, Maren DeMargel, Lindsey Bennett, Jaden Fields, Ellise Keller, Zeke La Mantia, Emily Stisser, Zora Thomas, Ethan Weihl and Elise Wilke-Grimm.
Voices of Webster is an ECHO Newspaper production. The opinions expressed are those of the student journalists and those they interview, and do not reflect the opinions of Webster Groves High School or Webster Groves School District. Lydia Urice is editor. Music is "Beauty Flow," by Kevin MacLeod from https://filmmusic.io (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and “Poppers and Prosecco” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Co ...
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The modern web is changing fast. Front-end frameworks evolve quickly, standards are emerging and old ones are fading out of favor. There are a lot of things to learn, but knowing the right thing is more critical than learning them all. Modern Web Podcast is an interview-style show where we learn about modern web development from industry experts. We’re committed to making it easy to digest lots of useful information!
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What if we’ve been doing the web wrong? What if, instead of mindlessly browsing, we could be thinking? What if, more than a mere collection of pages, the web could be our collective mind? Open Web Mind is a radical reinvention of the way we capture, explore and share our knowledge. Subscribe to stay in touch as it evolves.
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Voor ondernemers die vooruit willen. Sven Kersten vertelt je alles over hoe je jouw ideale website strategisch in kunt zetten met behulp van online marketing. Je krijgt tips & tricks over onderwerpen waarvan je het bestaan nog niet wist. Van zoekmachine optimalisatie tot persoonlijke ontwikkeling om jouw business de kans te geven om te groeien.
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Podcast brought to you by Woof Logik. Michael Granados & Miguel Meza, DJ & Producers from Fontana, CA. Where we talk our life stories and music careers.
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Rádio digital web, produzida por coletivo de mídia alternativa a serviço da classe trabalhadora. Transmissão por live nas redes sociais, site, APPs e podcast. Web Rádio com programação informativa e diversificada, com conteúdo independente e a serviço dos trabalhadores e setores oprimidos. A voz da classe trabalhadora!
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hosted by Marc Chevalier and Batch each episode they will cover the classic run of Marvels Amazing Spider-man issue by issue. and talk the good, the bad and all things to do with everyone's favorite webhead.
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Wild Wild Web erzählt Geschichten aus dem Internet. Mal Wissenschaft, mal Tech, mal Investigativ-Recherche und mal Tier-Doku. Die Hosts Janne Knödler und André Dér-Hörmeyer nehmen euch mit in ein Gefängnis, suchen die Band hinter dem mysteriösesten Song im Internet und fragen sich, ob Hunde sprechen können. In dieser Staffel treffen wir einen Hacker, der in einen der größten deutschen Cyberkrimis reinstolpert und KinoX.to gründet. Und wir entdecken, was die Memes und Internet-Rätsel über uns ...
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Ich bin Hiacynta Hess und in diesem Podcast "Einfach bessere Websites" werden wir zusammen die Geheimnisse erfolgreicher Websites entschlüsseln. Jede Episode ist eine wahre Schatzkiste, voller cleverer Strategien und direkt umsetzbarer Tipps, damit du die Bastelstunde endlich an den Nagel hängen kannst und das umsetzt, was wirklich funktioniert. Denn eine gute Website ist mehr als nur ein bißchen Text und bunte Farben, sie ist das Fundament für deinen Erfolg und das Sprungbrett zu mehr Umsat ...
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Hosted by ColivingDAO founders Daniel Aprea and Gareth Thompson, this podcast explores how Web3 technologies can enable sustainable, community-driven, and regenerative living. Each episode of "ColivingDAO Insights" offers valuable perspectives, knowledge, and analysis on the practical applications of Web3 technologies in fostering regenerative living, such as decentralised ownership and governance models, proptech innovations, community living, and ways to regenerate both the planet and the ...
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I'll share a step-by-step strategy that helped me secure my first three web design clients without needing a portfolio, website, or cold calling. The key approach is leveraging personal connections through my 'First 100 Framework.' I'll explain how to list potential contacts, what to say during outreach, handle different types of responses, and tip…
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Is jQuery Really Dead? And Other Hot Takes w/ Travis Wagner
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57:16This week, Robbie and Chuck talk with Travis Wagner about his career move from Universal Music to Crunchyroll and the nuances of backend development. They discuss a wide range of hot takes, including whether jQuery is still relevant in 2025. In this episode: (00:00) - Intro (01:05) - Meet Travis Wagner (02:41) - Whiskey intro and rating: Finger Lak…
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DESENROLANDO COM SAMANTHA GUEDES | 'No capitalismo, as mulheres trabalhadoras estão sempre em luta. Por que tantos ataques aos direitos e falta de investimentos?' (05/03/2025)
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55:57🗓 Quarta-feira | 05 de março 🕚 21h30 📍Acesse NESTA quarta-feira (05/03), às 21h30, na Rádio Censura Livre, de São Gonçalo-RJ, na Rádio e TV Criativa, de Muriaé-MG, e na página da apresentadora do programa, você fica com uma nova edição do "Desenrolando com Samantha Guedes", com a convidada MARCELA AZEVEDO - Trabalhadora da Saúde/Executiva…
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Portal del Web (05/03/2025 - Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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59:59Portal del Web (Tramo de 15:00 a 16:00)
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How Code Reviews Shape Strong Engineering Leaders: Pairing vs. Mobbing
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40:54On this episode of the Modern Web Podcast, Rob Ocel and Adam Rackis talk with Noah Harris, Senior Engineering Manager at Launch, to discuss the impact of mob programming and how it can transform engineering teams. Noah shares how pairing and mobbing helped him rapidly level up in his early career, how it fosters stronger communication, and why it’s…
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882: Aaron Francis is putting PHP in Your JS Files
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54:10Wes and Scott talk with Aaron Francis about Fusion for Laravel, a new way to seamlessly integrate PHP into JavaScript. They discuss how Fusion expands on Inertia, its potential for React support, and how it simplifies full-stack development. Show Notes 00:00 Welcome to Syntax! 01:22 Aaron’s background in PHP Yii Laravel 02:27 What is Fusion for Lar…
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Prepare to be Dazzled! - Amazing Spider-Man #203 (1980)
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30:15This week, Spidey runs into Dazzler and they've got to fight the Lightmaster. Yes, we somehow have a C list villain this close to a previous issue with him we swear we didn't plan this!! Also Peter goes to watch Star Trek : The Motion Picture where he starts tripping on LSD (we think anyway).
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87. WE GOT SCAMMED | Woof's Web
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47:56LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE! This week we talk about our show, getting scammed, and football news. SUBSCRIBE to our other channel: @MapleAlley More Woof Logik: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/wooflogik TWITTER: https://twitter.com/wooflogik FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/wooflogik TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@wooflogik TWITCH: https://…
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How to Be Successful as a Remote Developer
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1:18:03Dive into this episode of HTML All the Things as hosts Matt and Mike unlock the secrets to thriving in the world of remote work! They break down every model—from synchronous and asynchronous setups to hybrid and freelance paths—so listeners can find the perfect match for their lifestyle and personality. Matt and Mike share actionable strategies for…
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Are you unknowingly pushing clients away? In this video, I reveal the 5 main reasons clients leave their web designers—and how to make sure you’re not making these common mistakes. Retaining clients is just as important as getting them, and by avoiding these pitfalls, you can build long-term relationships, increase recurring revenue, and grow your …
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今週は・・・ "正体"の映画版とドラマ版のお話توسط くりらじ
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🔎 A pesar de haberse lanzado hace muchos meses en EEUU, Google Overview no ha llegado a España. Por el momento, según las últimas filtraciones. 💙 Crea tu siguiente web un 20% más barato y con dominio gratis: https://bit.ly/crear-web-profesional-oferta Plantilla de Looker Studio de Search Console + GA4: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/408e…
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Star Dust Accident | Missing Flight’s Mysterious Last Message: STENDEC
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56:43Exploring the final moments of this missing flight and its last message of 'STENDEC' that remains a mystery to this day, the Star Dust Accident. Bonus content & more available at: http://www.redwebpod.com In 1947, a small aircraft departed from Buenos Aires, Argentina, but never reached its final destination. The disappearance would puzzle the worl…
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BONUS EPISODE 19 w/ guests Leigh Savage, Erin Banks, Suzie Lockhart, Amanda Worthington, Nora B. Peevy, and host Lindsey Goddard
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2:10:37Host Lindsey B. Goddard discusses the poetry anthology, Sleeve of Hearts (released through WeirdWideWeb.org) with five of the poets from within the pages. Sleeve of Hearts will be free on Amazon Kndle from March 4th - March 8th to celebrate Women's History Month. Info on this book can always be found at WeirdWideWeb.org/SoH…
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Tldraw’s accidental AI play with Steve Ruiz
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28:10Steve Ruiz, founder of TLDraw, discusses the revolutionary AI applications in TLDraw, the intricacies of infinite canvas editors, and the impact of AI on design and development. Links https://www.steveruiz.me https://www.tldraw.com https://makereal.tldraw.com https://teach.tldraw.com https://computer.tldraw.com https://gitnation.com/contents/make-r…
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Is This the End of Tech Conferences? w/ Dax Raad
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55:00This week, Robbie and Chuck talk with Dax Raad about his evolving career from software engineer to open-source advocate and content creator. They dive into his work on SST, explore the bizarre economics of tech conferences, and get into Dax’s next big move—manufacturing drone parts in the U.S. for the military. In this episode: (00:00) - Intro (02:…
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How do you think? Fire. The billions of neurons in your brain fire trillions of times a second. How do you think in Open Web Mind? Same answer. Fire. — References: There are billions of neurons in your brain. They fire trillions of times a second. There’s resting potential, threshold potential and action potential. Each neuron, if it fires, it comm…
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17:50Verizonのサイバーセキュリティコンサルチームのグローバルトップをお迎えし、 これまでの経歴やお仕事についてお伺いします。 アメリカの最新状況と日米の違いとは? ゲスト:Kristoph Philipsen/Verizon Cybersecurity Consulting Senior Directorتوسط ベライゾンジャパン
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Succession plans, unused features, and testing living systems
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31:50Jake and Michael discuss those features you ship that nobody uses but everybody has feedback for, testing a system where the valid state can change based on user input, and compliance auditing and adherence.توسط Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda
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Hey Gang! Welcome to Weird Web Radio! This episode features Charlie Larson talking about The Egyptian God Anubis / Anpu. Charlies has a new book out titled Anubis―Ancient Egypt’s Lord of Death and Protection. CHARLIE’S BIO: Charlie Larson, M.A. has been a practicing witch and eclectic pagan since a teen. He holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degr…
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Jerod is joined by KBall, Nick & Amy to throw one last JS Party! We review last year’s predictions, discuss the state of the web dev world, opine on coding AIs (of course) & divulge what comes next for the JS Party crew. Thank you for partying with us all these years! 💚 Join the discussion Changelog++ members save 8 minutes on this episode because …
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Orações Completivas vs. Relativas
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12:30O texto explica a diferença entre orações relativas e orações completivas em português, focando-se nas funções sintáticas e na substituibilidade do "que". Através de exemplos e testes de substituição e omissão, demonstra como identificar se "que" funciona como pronome relativo ou conjunção integrante. O podcast apresenta critérios claros para disti…
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