A Show All About Elvis Aron Presley. His life and his music. Also the possibility he faked his death with the help of The FBI and, Howard Hughes.
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Shawna Rocking The Ozarks
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1:25:00Hello All My Rock and Elvis loving Friend's.توسط The TCB Network
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis and Rock N Roll with Jenny
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2:02:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots of other artists!! We always have fun, but great music really makes it so much more! So today we have ELVIS, Temptations, Garth Brooks, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Sam & Dave, and so many more....Oh yeah, did I mention Elvis!?! Come join us for this, make yourself happy,and your…
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Elvis Trivia Hour With Shawna Episode 4
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1:11:00Hello all my Elvis History and Facts loving friend's.توسط The TCB Network
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis on Mother's Day
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2:00:00Mother's Day Sunday.....and Gospel! Yes, we'll do 'em both together....There'll be some Mother's Day songs to honor our Mothers and all they do for us and how we love them.....and along wth that we have the wonderful gospel music.....Come join us as we share God's love and joy...and the love and joy He gives our Mothers that they share and we learn…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis and Rock N Roll with Jenny
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2:01:00It is Saturday on The TCB Network!! And we have so much music to listen to.....Elvis and so many others including The Animals, Roy Orbison, Chuck Berry to name just a few..... This will make your heart so happy....c'mon and join us...you'll be glad you did .....your vwhole weekend will be better! 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, 4pm Eastern.…
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Elvis Trivia Hour With Shawna Episode 3
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1:12:00Hello all my Elvis History Loving Friend's. It's trivia night..توسط The TCB Network
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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2:01:00Sunday...I love Sunday....time to play the inspired music that fills the soul with peace, love, and hope....Come join us on The TCB Network to fill your spirit with peace, love, comfort, and fun!! Sunday is a time to renew, rest, and remind us of The Father's loving care....to gather His peace like a blanket around you....we all let the world ntrud…
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Great 1950s Elvis and Rock N Roll with Jenny
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2:02:00Fun comin your way on The TCB Network!! Will be playin 1950s Elvis and rock n roll!! Now ya can't beat that.....and who would want to! So much great music from the 50s....and we'll play as much as we can in the two hours we have! It is gonna be so much fun! And we're gettin quite a few from SUN RECORDS!! Come on! It's time to party hearty and have …
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Elvis Trivia Hour With Shawna Episode 2
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1:22:00Hello all my Elvis History and trivia playing friend's..توسط The TCB Network
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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2:02:00Yes, it's time for some peaceful music....some music to make us all feel The Father's love,peace, comfort, and support....Yesterday got a bit rowdy, so now we need to calm down and gather ourselves.....what better way to do that than listen to some gospel music? So that's what we're gonna do.....enjoy!! And as always, if you can't listen live, you …
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Elvis Trivia Hour With Shawna Episode 1
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1:13:00Hello all my Elvis History and Fact Loving Friend's.توسط The TCB Network
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis Gospel with Jenny
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2:03:00Sunday...the day we listen to Elvis and mixed gospel music on The TCB Network....and, WOW, it will fill your spirit with the joy, love, and comfort of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit!! There's more than enough to share!! So come n over and let it flow over, around, and through you!! We'll be here! Just click the link and it'll take you rig…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis and Rock N Roll
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2:06:00Saturday on The TCB Network and we get to have two hours of wonderful, fun ELVIS and rock n roll music!!! If you aren't n a good mood now, you will be after hearing this music for two hours! So go to wherever you go when you listen to music, take a drinf with you and kick off your shoes .....click on the link, relax and enjoy!!! If you can't join l…
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Resurrection Sunday Joy and Elvis Gospel
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2:00:00Only happens once per year!!! We get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.... and This Sunday is that very special day!!! So please come join us for the cebration of joy for The Son of The Father being willing to die on the cross so that we may have the hope of eternal life!! This is the day we think about how special was this event... Jes…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis and Rock N Roll
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2:02:00Saturday music time on The TCB Network....What a fantastic way to spend part of a Saturday afternoon!! ELVIS music is great anytime! And we are gonna mix it with toe tappin, happy makin rock n roll!! We've had some fantastic shows lately, nd this will be another one! So come join us by clicking on the link. It'll take you right there.... 1pm Pacifi…
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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2:03:00Sunday...the day we listen to Elvis and mixed gospel music on The TCB Network...I am so ready !There's some fantastic gospel muic lined up for today so you really wanna be here for it! Gospel music is feel good music....gives you peace and comfort inside....and in a wonderful way shows you The Father's love, and assurance that it is alays there...H…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis plus Rock N Roll
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2:01:00The weekend is here on The TCB Network! Lots of Elvis music that we just don't get to hear very much and lots of other music, too!! It's always so much fun to hear Elvis along with good 50s, 60s, and 70s rock n roll..... So come and join us for two hours of fun and great music!! Juat click the link and it'll take you right there! And after the show…
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis Gospel
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2:01:00Sunday...I love Sunday....time to play the inspired music that fills the soul with peace, love, and hope....so come on and let's have some fun listening to gospel music!! It just makes you happy....and ready to face the coming week! There are so many things to be thankful for and gospel music helps us do that..... so come on and let's get our heart…
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Elvis plus Amateur Covers of Elvis Songs
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2:01:00Such a special Saturday show n The TCB Network....Elvis and Amateur covers of Elvis, with a few others thrown in...so get ready to hear a lot of Elvis songs.....both amateur covers and Elvis himself! This will be an exciting show and for good measure we'll add some great rock n roll songs from other artists! You don't want to miss this! So come ove…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis with Rock N Roll
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2:02:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots of others here on The TCB Network!! ELVIS, Ricky Nelson, ELVIS BJ Thomas, ELVIS, Del Shannon, ELVIS, Shakin Stevens, and of course ELVIS....so much music, so many great songs!! It kinda makes the whole weekendwonderful...but Elvis tends to do that!! So c'mon over and make your…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis with Rock N Roll
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2:04:00C'mon let's ROCK!! C'mon let's ROLL!! C'mon let's have some ELVIS music!!It's Saturday and we get to be in Music ECSTASY for two whole hours!! What a fantastic way to spend time on a Saturday....or any day!! Music is an essential to a healthy life, just likr air and water!! So come on and get a healthy dose of music....it'll help you get through th…
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Great Seldom Heard Elvis with Rock N Roll
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2:01:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots of other music!! So come on over and join the music party! It's always a lot of fun...and, who knows, you might learn some interesting music facts ......always something fun and interesting going on..... So pull upa chair, get a drink, put on your sweater and fuzzy slipprts an…
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Great Elvis with Rock N Roll
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2:02:00Oh, Honey! Got more love songs, 50s songs, Elvis, and new adds for you today!! So let's get together at 4pm Eastern and absorb some fantastic music!! It's so happy making, you're gonna wonder how you got by without it! So don't.....come fill your Saturday afternoon with music to make your heart happy,,,,,,you'll find you've got happy feet, too!! Co…
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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2:00:00Sunday... Elvis and mixed gospel music on The TCB Network.... Yesterday we did Valentine's Day on the Saturday show and the day to celebrate love.... today is Valentine day, and we are celebrating love once again! The Father's love for His children...so join us and hear about the special, perfect love that He offers us.....in music and word.... 1pm…
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Great Elvis and Rock N Roll Valentine's Day
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2:01:00Once a year it rolls round....Valentine's Day!! So today we are having our Valentine's Day show on The TCB Network.....Iknow, Iknow...tomorrow is Valentine's Day, but it's also Sunday and the Gospel show is tomorrow, so we have our love song show today.....Elvis, Bobby Vinton, Elvis, Sam Cooke, Elvis,Dean Martin, Elvis.....you get the idea.... So c…
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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2:04:00Omigosh!!! This is going to be a treat for your music lovin heart!! Lots of ELVIS gospel, and more! Time to turn your heart loose and let your soul fly!!! We have wprship and praise that will make you feel without a doubt the love of The Father, the Son,and the Holy Spirit.....whatn peace will fill your soul....you'll have to smile and pass it arou…
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Great Elvis and Rock N Roll with Instrumentals
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2:02:00WOW!! Today on The TCB Network we have something very special.... ELVIS, Rock N Roll, AND some fantastic instrumentals! You'd be amazed at how captivating music can be, even without words....So come on and join us for a fascinating time!! You'll be glad you did!! Just to mention a few.....Apache, Wipeout, Let There Be Drums, Telstar.... You don't w…
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The Gospel Hour X2 with Elvis
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1:59:00Blessed Sunday! Come on and let's listen to some fantastic music! Time to feel the Father's love, peace, comfort, support, and guidance. So come on....get that hot cocoa, get those slippers, and don't forget to loght the fire and pull up your favorite chair.....time to let the spirit of the father in.... 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, 4pm …
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Great Elvis and Rock N Roll
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2:01:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots of other music!! Elvis, rock n roll, boogie woogie, blues, pop.....and the list goes on!! We just have so much fun....and t's legal!! So put on your fuzzy slippers, get a big mug of hot cocoa, pull your chair n front of the fire, and get your head ready for a whole passle of f…
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Great Elvis and Rock N Roll
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2:03:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots of company!! The Monkees, Los Bravos, Johnny Cash, The Animals, Bill Haley and his Comets, Gene Pitney....and the list rolls on.... So get ready for a whole lot of fun rollin out!! Get comfy cause once the music starts, you won't want to leave til the end.... So now, let's get…
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Great Elvis, Carl Perkins, and Rock N Roll
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2:03:00Omigosh!!! This is going to be a treat for your rockin heart!! So let's get with it!! WOW!!! FUN! FUN! FUN!!! You won't be able o stop your feet from rockin, and the rest of you might just follow....how can you help it? So...are you ready to ROCK?!?! ARE YOU READY TO ROLL?!?!? ARE YOU READY FOR ELVIS AND CARL PERKINS AND WHAEVER TURNS UP FOR FUN!?!…
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Seldom Heard Elvis plus Great Rock N Roll
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2:03:00SATURDAY......we love Saturday!! So much fantastic music! Elvis and lots more!! It's the day after Elvis' birthday, but the celebration of him doesn't ever stop!! His music still enriches our lives and always will.....Music is an expression of the human spiritso let's get to expressing!! Happiness, love, sadness....it's all there!!So come and join …
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Simply Elvis and Great Rock N Roll
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2:01:00Simply Elvis and Great Rock N Roll on the TCB Network! Let's pick up your Saturday and launch it into HAPPY!!! We've got the music to do that!! So come on and join in.....pull up a chair, kick off your shoes and get ready to MOVE!! Oh, and don't forget your Happy Hat.....I mean how can you help it with ELVIS, Rolling Stones, 4 Seasons, Pentatonix, …
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Simply Elvis plus Rock N Roll
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2:01:00Ahhhh! The day after Christmas and we get to play Elvis and more!! And a couple of Christmas songs may sneak into it too! It's really hard to give up all of a sudden.....So let's just enjoy music as music whatever the holday.....and next week we'll get on with the New Year..... Oh, WOW!! New Year already!!! Well, let's get on it.... 1pm Pacific, 2p…
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Simply Elvis and a Whole Lot More
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2:01:00Simply Elvis and a Whole Lot More! Christmas time and do we have a treat for y'all! More Elvis LIVE, Elvis rehearsal, and Christmas music!! So much music....so little time!! So come on and let's get crackin!! We need this music at this time with so much going on that we all have to deal with. Take a couple hours away from it all and enjoy some grea…
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The Gospel Hour X2 plus Elvis
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2:03:00Another Christmas Season Sunday!! We get to hear Elvis and Christmas gospel!! Such wonderful music for such a wonderfful time of year....so if you're ready to let the blessings and joyful feelings flow, then let's settle in for two hours of fulfillment. Come on in, kick off your shoes and get ready to actually enjoy being in church....virtual churc…
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Great Elvis Duets
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2:01:00Here's a special one for y'all on The TCB Network!! Elvis duets....all engineered, of course, but it's hard to tell that....we just know it! So come on over, kick off your shoes, put your warm and fuzzy slippers on, pull up your comfy chair and get ready for two hours of Elvis duets! These are fantastic!! Guaranteed to be exciting and beautiful!! C…
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Merry Christmas Allتوسط The TCB Network
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