Kate Novotny is an L&D nurse, birth worker, author, parent, and student midwife. She has hosted the Taproot Doula Project multi-media social platform since 2013. Kate’s life’s work is to help birthing people claim their full agency and sovereignty in birth. She strives to create safety, where birthing people can return to their bodies, and fully experience birth as a rite of passage.
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Content Warning: Homicide, harm of children, mental illness, suicide.Lindsay Clancy, an L&D Nurse from Duxbury, Massachusetts, is accused of killing her three children. She was receiving intensive outpatient treatment for postpartum depression, and the tragedy happened at her home after her husband left for 25 minutes.Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Di…
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Learning to live safely in our bodies … how trauma awareness can become the threshold for our transformation. 💜Topics:• The way trauma informs why we are the way we are.• How trauma crystallizes us and keeps us from growing.• What are Adverse Childhood Experiences and how do they affect our lifelong health? • Identifying the physical experience of …
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Before we can heal our trauma as healthcare workers, we have to admit that it’s real.Read the article: https://medium.com/@katenovot/nurses-are-like-cops-8a73a1476711توسط Kate Novotny
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WHY THE MARTYR MOTHERHOOD MYTH MUST DIE, and one small way we can kill it off today!I'm doing something I've been waiting to do for the past 8, 9, 10 years ... a small change that will make my life better. I challenge you to do the same ... come join me and learn how.Love, Kateتوسط Kate Novotny
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WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Is white midwifery/birth community racist? HOW DOES IT AFFECT US?(A brief message addressing recent events in the local and national birth community ... Read more at https://taprootdoula.com/2017/04/24/wake-up-white-birth-community-black-women-and-babies-are-dying/)Black women and babies are dying at epidemic rates. What does …
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CONTROL: We are obsessed with it. We are obsessed with controlling aspects of our life that can't be controlled. We are obsessed with controlling the actions of other people, and we make ourselves miserable when we can't. HOW DO WE COPE? The first step is to admit we have a problem. Next, we need to practice tuning into the one thing we DO have con…
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RING THE BELLS THAT STILL CAN RINGFORGET YOUR PERFECT OFFERING THERE IS A CRACK IN EVERYTHINGTHAT'S HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN(Leonard Cohen)For many of us, social media is a pervasive aspect of motherhood. This can be good AND bad .... the beauty of connection with other women can transcend the limits of our own neighborhoods and lives, and technology …
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WORDS CREATE WORLDS. This week's check-in we explore how we are beautifully and wonderfully made (anxiety, laundry piles and all), how jealousy is actually a deeper message from our inner selves, and how to rewrite the story of how we talk to ourselves. I share my favorite personal mantra and share a prayer of WISDOM and STRENGTH for any challenges…
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I FEEL IT ALL (cue #feist)Oh, sisters .... oh sisters. The lesson that took me 30 years to learn, condensed down into the length of an extended bathroom break. WHY ARE OUR FEELINGS SO SCARY? Why is it an insult to tell someone they're being "too emotional"? What could be the root cause of addiction, binge-eating, excessive online shopping, and jeal…
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How do you eat well as a mom when your family is a bunch of jerks that only like red meat and white carbs? What a brilliant question. Our series on SELF CARE FOR MAMAS continues with another episode on FOOD MEDICINE ... easy food prep and planning ahead so that you EAT YOUR GREENS regardless of your family's disturbing food choices.LINK TO HOW TO M…
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Welcome to Taproot Doula Episode 3 ... exploring FOOD as medicine! We are taking a journey into our bodies to explore how our bodies process food to either help or hurt us. AND we are exploring the deeper meaning of the expression, "TRUST YOUR GUT!"توسط Kate Novotny
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MAKING OUR MINDS A SAFE PLACE FOR US.Hard times as mommas can look like a lot of different things: postpartum depression and anxiety, difficulties with our kids, problems within our marriages, single motherhood, divorce, and soul searching about our journeys of motherhood. Truth Medicine: your life is a reflection of who you were, not who you ARE. …
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