Täitsa Pekkis Saates räägime põnevate inimestega nende elust ja asjadest, mis lähevad pekki. Miks need pekki lähevad, kuidas need pekki lähevad ja kuidas sellest kõigest võitjana välja tulla. Saatejuhid: Katrin Hinrikus-Karu ja Mihkel Vetemaa
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聚集每一種聲音,讓臺東更靠近每一個人的想像一點點!「台東慢波電台」於2021年5月正式開台,以部落間日常的圍火聊天景象作為雛形概念,兩位主持人分別代表「移居」與「返鄉」的不同視角,透過向臺東內外進行Call in、Call out,邀請臺東相關人物暢聊這片土地上的山海人事。 ⁕ ■ 慢波小島行 走出山與海的圈,看看臺東外面的世界!CALL OUT 全臺各地實踐地方計畫、地方設計的經驗,汲取一點養分帶回臺東灌注,一起想像臺東還有哪些潛藏的可能? ■ 東看看設計 作為臺東的設計中心,為了聚集生活於此、孕育而生的設計能量,我們邀請臺東內外不同領域的創意工作者,東看看西找找設計長在臺東的各種可能性。 ■ 東漂漂什麼 關於東漂這檔事,不論搬去或留下都不是容易事。這一次試著剖析東漂的各個階段,從觀望到落腳、從三失到安定,沒有攻略可言,過來人經驗談還請謹慎參考! ⁕ YouTube|https://tinyurl.com/2npbz4mr Podcast|https://tinyurl.com/2hwoekf8 LINE|https://tinyurl.com/2zoz6k2a Websit ...
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Author Allison Tait and teacher-librarian-author Megan Daley, co-founders of the Your Kid’s Next Read community, talk books and reading for children of all ages. From board books and picture books, to junior fiction, middle-grade novels and YA blockbusters, they’ll help you find the perfect next book for the young readers in your life. Plus, practical tips on getting (and keeping) kids reading and writing, a whole lot of fun and … YKNR book question bingo.
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Tait Middleton is a Comedian that chats to a guest each week...ish about their interesting lives, careers and hobbies.
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ARTSU on podcast-sarja keskusteluja kuvataiteen tekijöiden, kerääjien, kuraattoreiden, opiskelijoiden, opettajien ja rakastajien kanssa.
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透過輕鬆有趣的主持風格,將校園生活所會面臨的議題,如人際、情感、生涯等知能傳遞給學生,結合輔導或相關專業人員,藉由節目學習新知及探索自我,對自身與所處的社會環境產生不同的理解。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Relationship and Couple Coach
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Hi, This is Taito Otani. Musician, Sound Designer, Multi Media Artist. I think about Music and MultiMedia Technology, Design for Art. こんにちは、大谷泰斗です。
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From the typewriter of best-selling author and award-winning newspaper columnist Cam Tait on current issues. Some might make you life. Others might make you shed a tear. Cam sincerely hopes you'll be entertained. He has cerebral palsy and can't speak clearly so his words are read by a computer generated voice. Cam edits and produces what you hear himself.
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Pirate Life Radio is a show about excellence... for yourself, your community, and your globe. It's about informed, accountable people that make a difference and inspire others. It's about unity, health, and transcendence. It's about building a strong tribe.
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TAIT is a podcast series about immersive theatre and performance. I travel around the UK meeting immersive theatre makers, producers and performers in their natural habitats to chat with them about all things immersive. Over the course of the podcast series I hope to give listeners an insight into the thoughts, process and practices of the people driving the phenomenon of immersion in theatre and performance. The series will be published monthly.
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Join me as I discover the jouney into fartherhood as I welcome a newborn baby boy into the world. This podcast is to share my experiences as a take the mantle of taita. Taita is a term from Chile, where I was born, that means father or more literal translation father figure. This podcast is a mixture of information, advice and a bit of comedy. Hope you like it!!! Thanks for the support. Acompáñenme mientras descubro el camino a padre al presentar un bebé barón recién nacido al mundo. Este po ...
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YKNR 187: YKNR Fave Reads 2024
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In our last regular episode of 2024, Allison and Megan are joined by Allison Rushby, the third member of Team YKNR, for a candle-lit, round-table chat about our favourite books published in 2024. From picture books to YA fiction and everything in between, it's an eclectic list, full of gems. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsne…
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Allison chats to Louise Park and Mo Johnson about their new junior fiction novel ‘Prank Wars: Game On’, co-authoring a book and whether too much is ever enough for young readers. Plus, Megan shares her pick of new non-fiction books for kids. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your…
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|𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗕𝗘 現場直擊| https://youtu.be/91QuFFYC6Rw |本集介紹| 或許有許多的「不確定」限制你無法斷然確信:我,要搬去那裡!因此在東漂前的猶豫不決,許多前輩會建議先來住住看吧!不少小幫手因而留下,黏住了心,連帶身體也無法全身而退。若打工換宿可說是移居前的起手式,其中是否有經驗可循?我該如何挑選打工換宿的地點? 本集邀來兩位咖啡男子 ——「嘎嘎烏賴賴」嘎妞、「土嚷咖啡」阿屁,兩人同是因打工換宿而與臺東結緣,而後踩在海線的土地上扎根,從此東漂Check ! 當資深小幫手再進擊,兩人轉換成「換宿主人與管家」的管理者身份,以先來的眼光繼續承接著後到的小幫手們,又有什麼樣貌的心態與視角? |來賓介紹| 嘎嘎烏賴賴|鄧博瀚 (嘎妞) 移居臺東六年的臺北土城人。在長濱開…
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Megan chats to Marc Abrahams, the brains behind the Erstwilder brand, about visual storytelling, collaborating with illustrators, and creating must-have accessories. Plus, Allison has some news about our exciting summer series! Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Re…
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Creativity for kids is all about two things – being bored and 'doing'. Allison and Megan look at books and other ways to support kids to explore their creativity. Pus, Megan is raving about a new picture book and Allison shares a new artist/illustrator collab. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison,…
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#09 Standarditest, oma südame kuulamisest ja kuidas olla järjepidevalt edukas. Dali Getter Karat. Milline Naine
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SAATES RÄÄGIME: mida Dali Balil teeb kuidas Universum meile märke saadab kuidas Dali alustas retriitide tegemist mõistuse vs südame järgi tegutsemisest kuidas alustada oma sisetunde kuulamist tegutsemine väega vs toorest jõust enda eest hoolitsemise olulisusest kuidas tasakaalustada nais- ja meesenergiaid kui sa töötad nagu kuninganna, siis puhka n…
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#08 Karmist läbipõlemisest, elust Dubais ja julgusest laguneda. Sandra Reivik. Milline Naine
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Saates räägime: kannapöördest tehnoloogia valdkonda oma intuitsiooni usaldamisest äris raskustest läbi minemisest ja lahti laskmisest läbipõlemisest ja enesetapumõtetest psühhiaatriahaiglas olemisest finantsilisest stressist Dubais enda väärtustega kooskõlas elamises kuidas naisena AI enda kasuks tööle panna Sandra Reivik on ettevõtja ja Dubais bas…
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Allison chats to Kathryn Lefroy about her new middle-grade novel ‘The Secret Of The Stone’, making wishes and how to choose a title for a story. Plus, Megan has a new ebook for you! Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit allisontait.com…
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The Christmas books are arriving thick and fast so Megan and Allison offer their picks of the current crop. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit allisontait.com | childrensbooksdaily.com | yourkidsnextread.com.au…
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4.0 EP08 東漂漂什麼|住山邊好還海邊好?ft.走走池上/楊依真、物理治療師/陳秋帆
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|𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗕𝗘 現場直擊| https://youtu.be/LIraBSOXjFw?si=wd7hoUzWhuk_FhO5 |本集介紹| 如果可以住在這,那就太好了吧!臺東大抵分成山線與海線,中間隔著一座海岸山脈,狹長的地域讓想東漂的朋友陷入選擇障礙,究竟是住山邊好還海邊好? 這一集任性逼迫位在山海各一端的朋友聚首,聊聊「離山很近」與「離海很近」實際住起來的感覺如何,又有哪些是久居下才會發現的生活細節 —— 那些浪漫到不行的、現實難招架的、有點不討喜的。唯一能確定的是,當每天睜眼醒來,看見山與海的那刻,總能真實感受到「啊,對了,我住臺東啦」。 |本集來賓| 楊依真 「走走池上」店長。移居池上長達10年的嘉義人,形容池上就像縮小版的嘉南平原,和小時候住在嘉義的身體記憶很像。對池上的依戀程度…
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Stuart Wilson joins Allison to chat about his new middle-grade fantasy novel ‘The 113th Assistant Librarian’, writing big stories in contained worlds and the joy of public libraries. Plus, Megan has some inside tips on teachers’ notes. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s…
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#200 Kõige viimane Täitsa Pekkis Saade - Katrin Hinrikus & Mihkel Vetemaa
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6 aastat tagasi sai alguse teekond, kus otsustasime välja uurida, kas ainult meil lähevad asjad pekki või on ebaõnnestumised ka teiste edukate inimeste pärusmaa. Ühest mõttest sai aastatega missioon inspireerida ka sind tegema julgemaid valikud. Tänaseks: 2,7 miljonit kuulamist, Täitsa Pekkis Live Show, 4 Täitsa Pekkis Transformatsiooni festivali, …
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Family read-aloud novels need to be engaging and suitable for a range of age groups – including adults. Megan and Allison share their favourite great family read-alouds along with a list of recommendations from the YKNR community. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next…
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R. A. Spratt is back with the origin story of Nanny Piggins, one of her most famous creations, in an in-depth discussion about nailing a voice, producing a top-rating podcast and creating emergency chocolate muffins. Plus, Megan has a tip for library staff. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Me…
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Inspired by recent gallery visits, Allison and Megan explore books about art for kids, introducing everything from colour and shape awareness to famous artists to looking at the point of it all. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit al…
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#199 Kaspar Eevald: Everesti vallutamine, Eesti sügavaim vabasukeldumine ning võitlused elu ja surma piiril
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Kaspar Eevald on ekstreemsportlane ja alpinist. Kaheksanda eestlasena vallutas ta Everesti tipu ning esimese eestlasena on ta vaid ühe hingetõmbega sukeldunud 101 meetri sügavusele, püstitades vabasukeldumise No Limits distsipliini ametliku Eesti rekordi. Saates räägime: 4-aastasest teekonnast Everesti tippu ja tagasi kuidas esimene katse vabasukel…
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Allison chats to author Dani Vee about her debut junior fiction novel ‘Riley’s Failproof Guide to Breaking a School Record’, finding your funny and creating irresistible side characters. Plus, Megan introduces Allison to the florist frog. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Ki…
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|𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗕𝗘 現場直擊| https://youtu.be/JmkRhRMulsg |本集介紹| 走在臺北街頭,你能想像與你擦身而過、混雜在人群中的某個路人,很可能與臺東有著關係匪淺的情感連結嗎?今天邀來兩位土生土長的臺北人說說他們與臺東的關係,即便喝著臺北的水長大,高中以前從沒聽過農夫這類職業,卻都不約而同在30幾歲的人生階段開始和臺東扯上關係。 流動於臺北-臺東的二地居生活,冠樓和阿如沒有印象中臺北的緊繃感,總能自體切換成另一種非常鬆的人格與姿態,讓「臺北的酷炫」與「臺東的純粹」兩種血液同時併存體內,過著臺北╳臺東的混種生活。神奇的是,因著臺東所展開的學習,開始崩解與重組自己,一獨處才發現不得了,過往的人生課題接連浮現... |本集來賓| 余冠樓 (阿樓) 常居新北市,曾在臺東長濱住…
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We know, we know, the timing feels odd, but after an increase in enquiries in the Your Kid's Next Read Facebook community, Megan and Allison are chatting about books to read now to help prepare kids (and their grown-ups) who are starting school for the first time next year. Plus, Megan has sustained an injury involving a brass turkey and Allison is…
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In this episode, I chat to returning guest David Hughes. We chat about his experiences doing stand-up comedy in Melbourne, his work on the popular Australian TV program "The Project" and he gives advice to people who are keen to get into writing professionally.توسط Tait
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Tere tulemast kuulama minu esimest solo podcasti. Saates räägin: ebamugavusest ja hirmust näida rumalana enda tagasi hoidmisest ja mugandamisest teistele mitte meeldimisest hinnangute kartmisest privileegist elada ja hingata julgusest astuda elulavale teadmatuse usaldamisest uuest mentorprammist Rohkem infot ja registreerimine 29.09 algavale mentor…
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Allison chats to author Kristin Darell about her new junior fiction series ‘Taronga Presents’, hands-on research and writing collaboratively. Plus, Megan is prepping for a big keynote speech. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit allis…
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In this ep, I chat to returning guest Thabo Tshuma, about growing up in Zimbabwe, it’s been nearly 3 years since Thabo was on the podcast. We chat about things he saw as a kid that have stuck in his mind forever and about the time he went back Zimbabwe in his mid 20’s after living in NZ and Australia for multiple years, a military coup happened as …
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New releases are coming in thick and fast in the run up to the festive season, so Allison and Megan devote this episode to their pick of the latest titles. Get ready to go shopping! Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit allisontait.com…
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Allison chats to Rachel Jackson, senior intelligence analyst and author of middle-grade adventure 'Escape From Cuttlefish Cove' – which offers 64 different story paths for readers to discover. Plus, Megan highly recommends a book for kids dealing with grief, loss and hard times. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Co…
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CHAPTER 12 - Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Johnnie Cochran. OJ Simpson, Donald Trump. JD Vance,CNN, Dana Bash
The Big Interview ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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4.0 EP06 慢波小島行|日曬風吹的恆春和臺東,哪裡更是理想生活?ft.火箭人實驗室/Jason
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|𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗕𝗘 現場直擊| https://youtu.be/Y00qBKbJ7pw |本集簡介| 許多東漂的朋友都曾不約而同提到,在移居臺東之前,第一站鎖定的其實是屏東恆春!同為地處邊陲,夾帶陽光、沙灘、衝浪,以及日曬風吹的生活 (恆春落山風VS臺東焚風),恆春與臺東生活究竟存在什麼樣的不同? 「慢波小島行」第二站前進恆春半島的火箭人實驗室,邀請主理人Jason聊聊野性又時髦的恆春生活,而喜歡藝文與設計產業的年輕朋友,又是如何在這裡發展出又鬆又緊的另類工作型態?在南國的半島一方,享受著自然與現代併存的混種生活! |本集來賓| 張彥頡Jason 出生桃園,過去在臺南做文化藝術與策展工作,2018年為愛移居恆春,愛到戶籍直接牽去的程度,愛到曾說出「在臺灣我應該只能住在恆春」。現為火箭人實驗室…
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Megan and Allison have some thoughts about recent discussion around literacy – and what we can do about it. Plus, Megan is recovering from Book Week dress-ups (one in particular) and Allison has finally stop talking about editing. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next…
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Bud Zip's free world question Fall leaves Meota, Saskatchewan Summer love Bruce Miller CKOM Saskatoon ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Why aren’t teens reading? In this must-listen recording of the Your Kid's Next Read ‘Teens & Reading’ event, featuring Allison Tait, Allison Rushby, Dr Bronwyn Reddan from Deakin University’s Teen Reading and Digital Practices Research Programme, and Trisha Buckley, secondary school teacher-librarian, book reviewer, literary judge and vice-presiden…
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Cam starts a new path ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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توسط Cam Tait
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Obama groovvin', Democratic National Convention, Trump's deplorable treatment Americans with disabilities, Gus Walz, a Staples classic ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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BOONUS! Kats & Elena Koit- teiste arvamusest, tubli tüdruku kuvandist ja vabadusest olla liiga ise
Loominguline protsess on paras kaos. Kuidas ehedus ei ole mugav. Kuidas esivanemate mured muutuvad meie muredeks. Mis juhtub, kui ma loon endast kuvandi, kes ma tegelikult ei ole. Miks ei ole mõtet lõputult oma mineviku traumades kaevata. Meis kõigis on ürgne “liiga palju” osa. PS! Tegemist on Instagram Live salvestusega ja kuna see sai nii palju p…
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Meet Mrs. Irene ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Salute to Joe Biden ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Milline Naine #07 - Elena Koit: me ei ole kadunud, ega katki, vaid teekonnal koju
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SAATES: eneseareng on teekond tagasi koju iseenda juurde ehedus kui kõrgeim sagedus mis juhtub nendega, kes on liiga teistmoodi enesearmastus kui enese ebatäiuslikkuse aktsepteerimine kui kogu aeg paistaks päike, siis elu saaks otsa Human Design kui teaadliku enesejuhtimise tööriist minu elu on minu kõige suurem looming pidev võrdlemine tapab kohal…
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Coming soon ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Allison chats to debut picture book author Ebony Froome about writing the book you can't see on the shelves, celebrating language and embracing six seasons. Plus, Megan has a call to action and a new #LoveOzYA recommendation. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read…
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CAM CELEBRATES 45 YEARS IN JOURNALISM AND SETS THE TABLE FOR 5 MORE ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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A must-listen recording of the Your Kid's Next Read ‘Raising Wild Readers’ event, held on 23 July 2024, featuring Megan Daley in conversation with Sally Rippin, the 2024-2025 Australian Children's Laureate. This in-depth discussion looks at the joys and challenges of getting – and keeping – kids reading, and offers valuable insights, tips and advic…
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Why Cam endorses Larry Thompson ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Damn overdraft! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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Cam reflects on the 2024 Summer Oylmpics ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★توسط Cam Tait
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It’s Science Week 2024 (10-18 August) and Megan has tips for blending books, science, nature and kids now and in the future. Plus, some insider advice for young science writers. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit allisontait.com | c…
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Ep 70, TTP w/ Joel Temperly - "You can bleep that out?
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Returning guest alert! Joel Temperly is back for the first time in 2024, we talk about the Olympics and what potentially could be added to the line-up in future, he talks saying very bad, bad words in stage and fills me in on why one of the commentators at the Olympics got sacked for.توسط Tait
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Allison chats to debut picture book author Rosi Ngwenya about writing a narrative in 14 words, following your dreams and… thumb sucking. Plus, Megan has her fun, friendly face on for school visits. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Your Kid’s Next Read Community on Facebook Visit…
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Allison interviews debut author Nick Long about his junior fiction series FORBIDDEN JOURNEY OF RUFUS RUMBLE, switching from making documentaries to writing for kids, and why he didn't write about the Amazon. Plus, Megan shares a must-read article about the power of picture books. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com C…
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|𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗕𝗘 現場直擊| https://youtu.be/2p-FumoNME8 |本集簡介| 在臺東生活的人,或許無法像城市那樣賺到大錢,卻懂得如何在有限的收入下,以「侘寂(Wabi-sabi)」的精神分配與使用僅有的資源。這次邀來兩位藝術工作者佩穎 & 秋語,透過兩位充滿禪意的金錢觀,分享在臺東不夠富裕卻足夠富足的生活方式。而當收入極少、難免恐慌、不想Emo都不行時,又該如何建立內心的安全感? |本集來賓| 官佩穎 2013年移居臺東,養了三隻動物作伴。藝術工作者,在臺東以美術教學為本業,擁有脫俗不凡的金錢禪學觀,把生活過得豐盛且富足。 陳秋語 (Air) 2016年移居臺東。畫畫、刺青、做灶、做衣服、各種體力活都難不倒她。敢於把自己當作實驗體,去實驗文明之外的生活方式 (目前自稱…
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With less than one month to go before CBCA Book Week kicks off on 17th August 2024, Megan has new tips and exciting updates for bringing CBCA Book Week to life at your place, whether that's home or school. Plus, her new favourite picture book. Read the show notes for all book references at yourkidsnextread.com Connect with Allison, Megan and the Yo…
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