Herzlich Willkommen zu Selah, dem Podcast der Freien Christengemeinde in Wels! Wir sind eine lebendige Freikirche, die an Jesus Christus glaubt, und ihm nachfolgen will. Durch die Gnade Gottes wollen wir die Stadt Wels und darüber hinaus mit der Liebe und Kraft Gottes erreichen. Wir lieben Gott, wir lieben den Menschen, und wir lieben das Leben.
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Selah: Where Scripture Meets Life is a podcast that brings biblical wisdom into everyday life. Hosted by a biblical counselor with a background as a pastor’s wife, teacher, military spouse, and mother of five, this show connects God’s Word with the real challenges we face. Each episode offers practical, scripturally-based insights on topics like anxiety, relationships, parenting, and spiritual growth, helping listeners find hope and direction through God’s truth. Join me for meaningful conve ...
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Podcast by Selah México
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These topics revolutionized myself. If you want to shake off some lies and wrong beliefs about God, this is for you! Happy listening!
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La pausa reflexiva del salmista.
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Taking a moment to pause and reflect.
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To know God and love Him more and more
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This is a podcast of a new church start in the city of Memphis. Selah Memphis. We gather in homes but at the beginning of 2020 we heard from the Lord to cease the development of content like this.
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Selah Fellowship had its beginnings as a small Bible study comprised of people coming from all over the USA. We have since then grown into a church focused on praying for and serving the community around them. We hope you'll come visit us in Whitefish, MT during one of our services: Sundays at 10am and/or Wednesdays at 7pm!
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Selah Moments’ goal is to empower women to share and tell their unique, layered stories
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As the name "Selah" implies, each of SMWT episodes will inspire you to pause, listen and reflect as TA shares God's Truth on Faith, Love, Personal growth, & Relationships. Join me every Sundays, 3pm (WAT) and the get God's take on life as a Christian/New believer. 🤎 Please like, rate & share your favourite episodes. Happy to read from you on IG @temiadekanbi
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Conversations at Selah House highlights how eating disorders work, what the recovery process looks like and how spiritually plays a key role in healing. Join us as we discuss our commitment to providing women with spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery as we introduce you to our dedicated experts while providing hope that recovery is possible.
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This is the Dubbcast, A podcast hosted by Selah, founder of the group Selah Dubb. The Dubbcast covers a wide range of topics with interviews from all corners of alternative culture and beyond, Sometimes its a deep discussion sometimes it's just a hang out, and occasionally the band will get together to jam. It's always a fun time on the Dubbcast. Tune in for the weekly shows on any podcast networks. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedubbcast/support
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Zabdiel David, un amante de la Biblia y seguidor del Camino trata temas de la vida cristiana, teología. Esta selección de sermones procuran dar a conocer al Creador. Más información: www.facebook.com/zabdieldavid
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The Selah Entrepreneur - Business Clarity and Personal Branding for Women Over 50
Marta Goertzen | Business Clarity Coach | Online Business for Women Over 50
Building Simple and Sustainable Businesses through Rest, Finding Business Clarity, and Building a Strong Personal Brand Have you been in business awhile and now feel stuck and unsure of how to get unstuck? Have you ever wondered if being over 50 means it’s too late to make big changes in your life and business? Have you taken all the business courses and still haven’t found the answer you are looking for? Are you struggling to balance all the hats you wear of running your online business, ca ...
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En momentos de incertidumbre y adversidad, es importante tomarse una pausa para reflexionar, reconsiderar nuestras decisiones y avanzar con confianza. En lugar de dejarnos llevar por el miedo, podemos elegir confiar en Dios y fortalecer nuestra fe. Les invito a unirse a mí en una exposición edificante para inspirarnos mutuamente y recordarnos que podemos hacer un cambio positivo en nuestras vidas, nuestras familias y nuestra nación. Juntos podemos construir un futuro mejor y llevar a cabo nu ...
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The Selah Show is a space to pause and remember who God is and what His Book says about us as Christians. Each day we’ll let our minds dwell on a truth from the Bible, asking God to give us ears to hear. Love Jesus and what to know Him more? You’ll love it! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/trisha-mugo/support
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Bald ist Weihnachten!! 🎄🥳 Wir können's kaum erwarten und möchten euch heute erzählen, wie wir dieses besondere Fest so feiern! Natürlich wollen wir auch über den Grund warum wir Weihnachten überhaupt feiern können sprechen und auch daran erinnern worum es wirklich gehen sollte. Was macht ihr am 24. - hat eure Familie ganz eigene spezielle Tradition…
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Transform Your Business Through Your Word of the Year Join me as I share how my unexpected word for 2025 - "gentle" - is already inspiring meaningful changes in my business and life. We'll explore why wrestling with your chosen word can lead to powerful insights, and how embracing an unexpected theme can transform your business approach in surprisi…
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In this debut episode of The Selah Podcast: Bringing Scripture to Life, join biblical counselor Sabrina Gilliam as she introduces you to the heart of the show. Each week, we’ll explore how the timeless truths of Scripture intersect with the challenges and joys of everyday life. Whether you’re a mom, wife, or woman navigating the ups and downs of da…
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#53 Heilige Maria - Wer war sie (nicht)?
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In etwas mehr als 1 Woche feiern wir Weihnachten - die Geburt unseres Herrn und Erlösers! Doch neben Jesus gibt es zu dieser Zeit auch eine weitere Person an die wir ganz oft denken - Maria🙌🏻 Wer war sie eigentlich, was finden wir über sie in der Bibel und inwiefern sollte sie verehrt werden? Viel Freude mit unserer vorletzten Folge dieser "Staffel…
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Ready To Do Business Differently In The New Year? Join me as we explore why January 1st doesn't have to be your deadline and how embracing "Planuary" can transform your approach to business planning. We'll discuss why rushing through December isn't serving you, how to give yourself permission to plan at your own pace, and why choosing a strategic p…
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#52 Von häuslicher Gewalt zu Jesus #GottIsMaUntakuma
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In den letzten 2 Monaten war es in Oberösterreich ganz schwer "Gott is ma untakuma" zu übersehen. Tausende Flyer, Plakate, Sticker, die zu professionell produzierten Videos auf Social Media führen, überfluten in kürzester Zeit das ganze Bundesland. Hons ist Teil des Projektteams und David ist in einem der Videos bzw auf etlichen Plakaten vertreten.…
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Are you feeling stuck between what your business is today and what you dream it could be? Today we’re exploring what it truly means to find clarity in your business and why it sometimes feels like you're coming home when you finally figure it out. We'll look at why taking action is crucial for finding your path and how testing your ideas leads to g…
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Manuel Weber, auch bekannt als der Bulletproof Preacher, war zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme bereits 16 Mal direkt an der Front des Russland - Ukraine Kriegs. Er fährt umgebaute SUVs in die Ukraine, dort werden die Fahrzeuge zu Krankentransportern umfunktioniert, um die Schwerverletzten aus der Gefahrenzone zu holen. Außerdem bringt er ihnen das Wort Go…
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As you look ahead at the new year do you need to think differently about your business? Join me as we explore how to apply lessons you’ve learned this year and apply them to your business plans for 2025. We’re taking a look at why you need to test your business clarity. How to learn and grow with your clarity through analyzing results and what you …
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#50 Sind wir kurz vor dem 3. Weltkrieg?
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Zur Zeit wird's irgendwie nicht ruhiger... Wir wollten diese Woche eigentlich über etwas ganz anderes reden, aber aus gegebenem Anlass ist es diese Woche wieder ein sehr heftiges Thema geworden. Wie ernst ist die Lage wirklich? Was ist überhaupt passiert? Müssen wir uns Sorgen machen? Über all diese Fragen geht es heute. Nächste Woche haben wir dan…
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Mindset is important, we don't question that. Are we paying enough attention to how our mindsets impact our business? Recently I've been exploring what areas of my business I have a fixed mindset. A question I never realized I needed to ask or explore. This exploration has lead to interesting discoveries about my business. I'm learning areas where …
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Nicht jeder weiß, was das Wort Nationalismus bedeutet - und dennoch wird mit Wörtern, wie eben diesem herumgeworfen, um eine bestimmte Meinung zum Ausdruck zu bringen, um Gruppierungen falsch darzustellen. Und das zur Prime Time, in einem der größten Sendern im deutschsprachigen Fernsehen. Es wird nicht nur journalistisch berichtet sondern aktiv Me…
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Donald Trump ist wieder zum Präsident gewählt worden - wir wollen uns heute anschauen, was das für die Zukunft der USA und darüber hinaus bedeuten kann. Wir möchten versuchen zu erklären, wie es "dazu kommen konnte", was das Ganze mit dem Glauben zu tun haben könnte und was wir darüber denken. 0:00 Diese Woche war die US - Präsidentschaftswahl 5:12…
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Finding Business Clarity is Key to Building Your Personal Brand and Why You Need Both Do you ever find yourself stuck in doubt and confusion about your business and the direction you should go in? In this short series about finding business clarity, we’ve been exploring the phases of that clarity journey. In the final episode today, we are looking …
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Oft wird Christen erzählt, sie müssen zu einem Austreibungsdienst gehen um von einem Dämon befreit zu werden, der in ihnen lebt. Geht das überhaupt? Ist das vielleicht sogar wirklich notwendig? Wir schauen uns heute an was die Bibel dazu sagt. 0:00 Kann ein Christ von Dämonen besessen sein? 8:41 Was sagt die Bibel dazu? 17:11 Wieso denken Menschen,…
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Can you CLEARLY share what you do and who you do it for? If you aren’t clear your clients and potential clients won’t be either. This is an important step in the business clarity journey. Both for you and the people you want to serve. It’s not one of the easiest, but it can be one of the most fun. It’s part of the exploration we all go through to m…
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Darf man als Christ Halloween feiern? Woher kommt dieses Fest, was sind die Ursprünge und was sagt Gottes Wort darüber? Wir feiern nächste Woche bei uns in der Church das Herbstfest - ein geniales Fest für coole Kids und die ganze Familie - ihr seid herzlich eingeladen zu kommen 🙋🏼♀️ 0:00 Darf man als Christ Halloween feiern? 2:45 Feiern Thomas un…
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3 Signs You're Having an Entrepreneurial Identity Crisis Ever feel like you're wearing too many business hats? Like you're trying to be ten different versions of yourself? I get it. After years of juggling two separate businesses, I discovered I was having an entrepreneurial identity crisis - and it was holding me back big time. In this week's podc…
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#45 In den Himmel und zurück | Frank starb an Blutkrebs & ist heute geheilt
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Mit 26 Jahren, jung, voller Energie und Lebensfreude, traf Frank Breido die Diagnose der Ärztin wie ein Hammer: „Akute Leukämie, das ist Blutkrebs, eine unheilbare Krankheit.“ In den folgenden Monaten musste er hinnehmen, wie ein Organ nach dem anderen versagte und durch medizinische Geräte ersetzt wurde, bis schließlich sein Herz stehen blieb. Fra…
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Are you struggling with finding business clarity? Wondering what is a simple first step in finding it? It’s possible you are stressed, tired, and overwhelmed. Or so busy you can’t hear yourself thinking. Learning to pause, rest, and reflect about your business, and making it a habit can help you get started finding clarity and understanding what’s …
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Darja Reichör ist in Deutschland geboren und in Marseille aufgewachsen, wo sie heute mit ihrem Mann Simon und ihren vier Kindern lebt. Sie war viele Jahre Gefängnispastorin, leitet heute gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann die Kirche Eglise Boom mit mehreren Standorten und spricht auf verschiedenen Konferenzen in Frankreich und Europa. Im Alter von neun Jahre…
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Do You Struggle With Making Decisions About Your Business? Have you ever considered adding a journaling practice into your schedule to help you make those decisions? Journaling is a simple way to explore ideas and the decisions you need to make about them for the health of you and your business. In this episode you learn: How to clear mental clutte…
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Nach einer laaangen Sommerpause sind wir endlich zurück. Und aus gegebenem Anlass - mit einem "heiklen" Thema. Doch wie heikel ist das Thema wirklich? Die letzte Nationalratswahl ist durchaus anders wie die letzten Jahre ausgefallen, aber was bedeutet das für uns? Unsere Folge zum Thema "Glaube trifft Politik": https://youtu.be/s3gQ7HU7Wp0 Danke fü…
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Is your stress and anxiety a big issue for you and your business? If you would like to learn a simple tool that can help you when stress and anxiety strike, then this episode about journaling for business is for you. In this episode I’m sharing why you should consider journaling by hand and the benefits that can bring you. You’ll also learn: 1) How…
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The Power of Journaling for Business Clarity As an off-and-on journaler for years, I’ve realized what an important tool it can be in the growth both as a person, an entrepreneur, and creative thinker. The business clarity journey takes reflection, asking questions, and thoughtfully answering them. Journaling might be a critical missing piece in you…
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Taking Action Brings Clarity Years ago, I felt stuck going through my old journals filled with repeated business ideas. Realizing I hadn't taken action, I was discouraged and stressed. It wasn't until I started my mastermind and looked back at older documents that I truly felt the weight of inaction. I had to decide to stop second-guessing and take…
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Why Healthy Routines Matter for Your Business Success Even if you feel that routines will stifle your creativity and hem you in, we need healthy routines, habits, and checklists as the foundation of our businesses. When you learn to embracing them, and make them your won, you can reduce stress and boost productivity. We'll look at 5 reasons routine…
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The Journey of Finding Clarity in Your Business Can Be Messy and Stressful. BUT, there are simple things you can start doing THIS WEEK to help reduce that stress, simplify the journey, and make intentional, purposeful decisions for you and your business. Listen in to lean 9 simple ways you can start reducing the stress you feel in your business thi…
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The Journey to Discovering Business Clarity In this episode, we take a deeper look at the 'business clarity journey'. Today’s episode was Inspired by my own recent website update. The process sparked a lot of memories of my entrepreneurial journey and clarity journey over the past 16 years. I’m sharing the ups and downs of finding what I was suppos…
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Have you ever felt restless, uneasy or like something was off in your business? AND, totally frustrated that you couldn’t quite figure out why? Been there and done that! Together we're taking a look at 4 different ways that feeling of restlessness and unease can show up in your business. I’m sharing a few ways you can recognize what type it is and …
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Finding Clarity & Confidence As the Entrepreneur You Secretly Long to Be In this episode of the Selah Entrepreneur Podcast, I’m sharing the transformative journey of businesswomen discovering their true entrepreneurial identities. Through personal and client success stories, we’re talking about the importance of gaining clarity and confidence to ar…
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There Are 3 Things You Need to Grow Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur Many women struggle with confidence as entrepreneurs. But there's good news - you can build your confidence and get unstuck. It feels scary to say out loud who we are as entrepreneurs. And I think that says a lot. It says a lot about our age, the type of businesses we have, abou…
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Understanding Your Entrepreneurial Identity - Are you showing up as YOU?? In this episode of the Selah Entrepreneur Podcast, we're talking about entrepreneurial identity and business personality types. I'm sharing what I've been learning through my own journey and in many conversations with women just like you who have lost sight of who they are as…
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Overcoming Fear: Taking Control of Your Business and Life In this episode, we tackle the insidious problem of fear in entrepreneurship. I'm sharing from my personal experiences as well as offering practical advice on how to stop fear from controlling your business decisions. We will explore how fear shows up in its various forms, such as anxiety an…
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This year, through surveys, polls, and private conversations with women entrepreneurs, a recurring theme has emerged: business feels overwhelmingly hard right now. The stress of business struggles is causing significant angst, stress, and even health problems. I've struggled too, and the economy and the noisy marketplace play roles. The year 2024 h…
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Saying No to Good Opportunities So You Can Say YES! To Great Things Do you ever find yourself saying yes to so much that you suddenly have no idea how things have gotten out of control? Or have you ever said no to something that you really wanted only to find out later that it opened up doors to something even better? That’s what we are talking abo…
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Unsere letzte Folge vor der Sommerpause ist da!🙌🏻 Frank Breido ist bekannt für sein Zeugnis "Zurück von den Toten" - doch darüber hinaus hat er noch etliche weitere geniale Dinge mit Gott erlebt. Heute erzählt er uns von übernatürlichen Wundern im Pfadfinder-Camp, wie sich Teenager ohne genau zu wissen wie von selbst bekehren wollten und davon, wie…
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3 Practical Reasons to Regularly Disconnect from Your Business Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of running a business? Have you ever taken time away from your business only to realize just how tired you really are? You’ve probably been too busy or too engrossed in your work to realize it. Sometimes the best thing you can do for …
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Wenn Gott mich liebt, wieso richtet er mich dann? Kann ich durch meine Werke gerecht vor Gott werden? Und wie kann Gott ein liebender Vater aber auch ein gerechter Richter sein? 0:00 Gott als Richter 5:49 Gerechtigkeit und Moral 15:58 Gott Vater vs./und Gott Richter 22:44 Das Kreuz 27:23 Demut & Zuversicht 30:28 Gottes Gericht in der Zukunft 36:46 …
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#40 Serving the Poor in the Most Populated Country on Earth
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Pastor John Rajah ist ein Mann Gottes, der heute von Gott im Leib Jesu gebraucht wird. Er ist der Gründer und Präsident von ETERNAL WORD MINISTRIES, einem Dienst, der tausende von Menschen in Asien mit dem kostbaren Evangelium von Jesus Christus erreicht. ETERNAL WORD MINISTRIES unterhält Waisenhäuser, Schulen, eine medizinische Klinik, ein Brunnen…
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Rediscover Your Entrepreneurial Passion: It's Never Too Late In this episode of the Selah Entrepreneur Podcast, we explore the common feeling of stagnation in business, especially among those over 50, and the belief that it's too late for major changes. I’m sharing personal experiences and stories from members of the Selah Society Mastermind group …
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Die Menschen in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft bekommen immer weniger Kinder, woran liegt das? Ist das Gottes Plan für uns oder beruft er uns dazu Eltern zu sein? Pastor Josh und Pastor Irene haben selbst 4 Kids und reden über ihre Erfahrungen als junge Eltern - wie es ist wenn man zum 1. mal sein eigenes Kind in den Armen hält, was die Höhen und Ti…
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Do you feel alone and isolated in your online service-based business? In this episode I'm sharing how masterminds have been pivotal in my business growth and how they can help you too. The right community, like masterminds, can be what you need to stop feeling alone, have a safe place to get help when you need it, and how you can help others. In th…
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Letzten Freitag verletzte in Mannheim ein mutmaßlich islamistisch motivierter Mann mehrere Menschen mit einem Messer - unter anderem einen Polizisten, der später im Krankenhaus seinen schweren Verletzungen erlag. Warum wird bei dieser schlimmen Tat immer wieder Gewicht auf das Motiv gelegt und wie passen die Worte Religion und Gewalt überhaupt zusa…
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Recently, I conducted a survey among my Grateful Friday newsletter readers, and an overwhelming number of responses revealed a common concern—stress related to managing their businesses. So today we are talking about some of the common source of stress among women entrepreneurs in their business journeys. We'll look at the impact of the stress of s…
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Have you wondered if you are ready to pivot and grow your business? Today we are talking about 5 signals women entrepreneurs should not ignore in their business. These are signals that you are ready to grow as a business owner and your business is ready to evolve. Geared towards solo entrepreneurs, especially women in online service-based businesse…
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Daniel Chand is an evangelist, pastor, author and the founder of Walking Like Jesus Ministries. He has led hundreds of thousands of people to salvation through his campaigns, Tent Revivals and international open-air crusades. After graduating from Reinhard Bonnke’s school of evangelism in 2013, Daniel went on to launch Walking Like Jesus Ministries…
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No matter how hard you try, the work is never done. So. When is one supposed to rest? Join Sharon and Nicole in this encouraging episode as they share tips...توسط Sweet Selah Ministries
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Oftentimes, God loves to work with small people, small starts, and tiny encounters. Join Sharon and Nicole as they discuss Philip’s one encounter with one man that led, eventually, to...توسط Sweet Selah Ministries
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In the hustle and bustle of running a business, rest is often underestimated. We are conditioned to believe that round-the-clock work equates to dedication and success. However, pushing through fatigue without taking necessary breaks can lead to burnout, diminished creativity, and poor decision-making. Many women entrepreneurs struggle with exhaust…
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