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Quarter life crisis

Let's Break the Shame

In ‘Quarter life crisis’ luister je naar de wekelijkse gesprekken tussen de twee beste vriendinnen Iris en Mae. Gescheiden door afstand, maar verbonden door vriendschap, kunnen we wel zeggen. Aangezien Mae is verhuisd naar het verre Zwitserland en Iris helaas is achtergebleven in ons koude, platte kikkerlandje, hebben de twee elke week genoeg om bij te praten. Ze bespreken onderwerpen rondom het leven in je 20s. Erg handig en belangrijk, want laten we eerlijk zijn; wie weet nou eigenlijk ech ...
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🇹🇼TPE🇸🇬SG🇺🇸US 25歲後對#職涯 #感情 #財務狀況 充滿#不安全感 和#失望 嗎? Welcome to Quarter Life Crisis! 身處不同狀態的我們用中英文討論25歲後的人生如何成為一場 all-you-can-eat shit show🥂 #青年危機#後青春期危機 ----------------------------- 🇺🇸Long 紐約碩士畢,德州打工中,"漂亮寶貝don't netflix but chill a lot" 🇸🇬Anita 魔性笑聲,律師國考當天食物中毒,被銀行業耽誤的行走心靈雞湯 🇹🇼Jacky 休學追夢,美國時尚業,目前兼職本節目內涵&英文&政治狂熱擔當 ----------------------------- -Instagram: Quarterlife.shit.show -Email: dear.quarterlife.crisis@gmail.com 💩 贊助我們買川貝枇杷膏: https://tinyurl.com/yuwfm4xz -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The Quarter Life Podcast

Not a Crisis, a Podcast.

Trying to cure the loneliness epidemic one chaotic, misinformed episode at a time. Grab an ice cold beer and join the ride. Welcome home 🏠 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thequarterlifepodcast/support
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The Quarter Life Crisis

The Quarter Life Crisis Podcast

The Quarter Life Crisis is a bi-weekly podcast by two millennials discussing their unfiltered confessions and revelations about first world problems: from relationships to careers and everything in between, this will make you relieved to know you’re not alone! Get in touch and let us know your QLCs, theQLCpodcast@hotmail.com
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Quarter Life Hack

The Nic Brothers

A podcast curated for millennials by millennials. Quarter Life can be tough. We feel you, cause we are going through it, just like you. And just like everyone of us, we all have stories, stories worth sharing, stories worth learning. This is where this podcast comes in. A platform to share stories that will empower and hack your Quarter Life journey. Please follow us on Instagram @quarterlifehack for updates on the podcast and more hacks to your Quarter Life Journey. This podcast is proudly ...
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Welcome to a podcast about the ins & outs of navigating life as a twenty-something. Expect a mix of story times, a hint of questionable advice, perhaps some inspiration, but mostly a whole lot of chaos. Hosted by Aimee, who admits to being in the throes of at least 3 quarter life crises at any given time, tune in each week to see what mess she's gotten herself into this time.
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Welcome to the Quarter Life Revolution Podcast! I am your [imperfect] guide in this adventure of turning a quarter life breakdown into a breakthrough, mess into a message, pain into purpose, confusion into [some sort of] clarity. My intention is to keep it super real while also MAGIC: there will be talk of astrology and other magical practices as a sidekick in creating life shifts. There will also be Millennial Moon Circles- weekly episodes where I share how to best channel the astrology of ...
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Surviving My Quarter Life Crisis podcast is the current journey I have embarked. I am Monet Lewis a 25 year old Black woman who is overwhelm with confusion, and feels the need to explore my past to find answers on who I will become. I am claiming my destiny - I will survive this crisis! Listen as I share personal stories, and lessons with hopes that you may find insight about surviving your own life crises.
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4th Quarter Life Podcast

4th Quarter Life Podcast

This podcast is for urban entrepreneurs and progressive thinkers that are seeking growth. We sit down with guests from all walks of life who have experienced success in their field and pick their brain to see how they did it. When you listen to this podcast expect to laugh, expect to learn and expect to grow. We put this podcast out weekly to help build a community of entrepreneurs and progressive thinkers that can learn and grow together by sharing stories and and experiences.
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Hi! My name is Lucy Touche, and I am 21 years old. I'm currently going through the same issues as everyone else my age, and I've come to realise that not many people are open to talking about this stuff. With this podcast, I hope to provide a platform for discussing mental health and all the other problems faced by people of my generation. I hope to interview a wide range of people from experts, to other students and have casual discussions about our own experiences and challenges in life. A ...
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Astronomy 141, Life in the Universe, is a one-quarter introduction to Astrobiology for non-science majors taught at The Ohio State University. This podcast presents audio recordings of Professor Richard Pogge's lectures from his Autumn Quarter 2009 class. All of the lectures were recorded live in 1005 Smith Laboratory on the OSU Main Campus in Columbus, Ohio.
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show series
Deze podcast staat in het teken van grenzen stellen. Het thema waar Mae en Iris super goed in zijn ;) Ze bespreken het verbreken of onderbreken van contact met vrienden en familieleden. Hoe hebben zij dat gedaan? En wat doe je met het schuldgevoel/ gemis van iets waarvan je weet dat het beter voor je is. Luister mee!…
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Welcome back Hayley! 下面小論文是*節錄* Hayley寫的Run Down 本集推薦給想要加入Hayley教 (??) ,想了解上班族怎麼發揮創意,還有想練英文聽力的人 Last time when Hayley shared her wisdom with us 👉🏻S3EP4 ============================ 音量有一些忽大忽小的狀況,我們會努力改進 或是化被動為主動,小額贊助我們去錄音室錄 https://tinyurl.com/yuwfm4xz 相逢即是有緣,歡迎來ig分享收聽心得: @quarterlife.shit.show ============================ 🔷 Why creativity is import…
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We're back! De kickstart van een nieuw podcast format is altijd spannend, maar dat is niet het enige spannende in het leven van Iris en Mae. Daar is veel veranderd, maar gelukkig ook één ding nog hetzelfde: een bewogen leven midden in hun 20s, waar ze samen het beste van proberen te maken. Leer alles over het begrip 'quarter life crisis' en luister…
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It's me! Hi! I'm the problem it's me! Join me for another episode I recorded completely in the moment where I go into why I'm currently feeling burnt out, what I am going to do about it, and tips you can take away with you if you're feeling similarly. This one is definitely for my fellow type A, anxious types. I see you, I hear you, I hug you 🫂 Pod…
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本集專訪主持人之一 Long 將近半年的找工作血淚史 最後成功在美國找到工作,節目也沒有解散,真是可喜可賀! ============================ · Long 留學前就學、工作經驗 · 舊金山 vs. 紐約? 東岸人Jacky魔鬼的推手,此人言論不代表本台立場 · MBA戲稱的土豪系:泰國1.6M追蹤明星、越南城鎮開發商、洛克斐勒家族 · Stage 1: Long從12月party到3月,Career Fair 太緊張不願意出門 · Stage 2: Anita發願魔鬼訓練,發生麻將三缺一不可事件,錄音當下又吵起來了… · Stage 3: Daily Routine 好細,崩潰完置死地而後生,人間處處有溫情 · 插曲:Jacky 被抓包放空,腎上腺素爆發之整段口才真…
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Owen是坐我隔壁的英國同事,他真的很愛講話、講話真的很大聲、思考邏輯真的有和亞洲嬰仔我有許多不同之處 - 我很常在辦公室用破英文跟他開辯論大會然後笑場。 本集嘗試揣摩我們平常的對話,感想是被迫收聽英國腔一年的我,英文有比第一季好了一些(請不要回去聽) --------- Here’s what we discussed in this episode: 🔷** 1-5 How is Anita as a colleague ** 🔷** Why Singapore ** 🔷** How does seniority play a role at the workplace with *some* aviation references ** 🔷 Quarter life crisis is…
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本集因為Jacky出入派出所,而發現人生中和計程車相關的故事包羅萬象,不限於笑話、淚水、政治與人身安全 🔷 Anita在新加坡半夜N度被昆蟲攻擊了,這次沒有室友 🔷 Jacky在台灣遇到女明星同款計程車司機,散財童子又又又來了 🔷 Long的uber顯示中文名字,紐約計程車司機一頭霧水 🔷 還有散佈香港和印尼的荒謬故事,怎麼這麼多??? 歡迎來ig (quarterlife.shit.show)找我們分享你的荒謬事蹟 -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط 三個25歲ish的中產二代
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Naar school gaan, afstuderen, werken, een huis kopen, kinderen krijgen. Is er niet meer in het leven dan dat? En waarom voelen sommigen zich gelukkig op het traditionele pad, terwijl anderen dat niet doen? Mae en Iris gaan de diepte in en bespreken dit onderwerp. Ontdek samen met hen de verschillende perspectieven over de mogelijkheden en voldoenin…
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本集不知道為什麼沒有容貌焦慮的Anita,嘗試引導面容姣好的兩位主持人Jacky與Long離開容貌焦慮的漩渦。前面還是小聊了一下身體健康,Jacky這次給了3.8顆星好聽度。 🔻體型補充🔻 Anita: XXXL Long: S-M Jacky: 精壯男子 —————— 🔹容貌焦慮的定義 🔹容貌焦慮檢測 FACE 🔹承諾與接受療法(Acceptance and commitment therapy,ACT)、無條件積極關注 —————— -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط 三個25歲ish的中產二代
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前30分鐘又再互相問診 不想再聽我們互診,請直接跳掉 ------------------------------------------- 好書推薦:School For Good Mothers ------------------------------------------- 一些我(Jacky)認為真的很有趣的性別議題討論 -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط 三個25歲ish的中產二代
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S1E1 - Je hoort waarschijnlijk ook vaak dat je '20-er jaren "de beste jaren van je leven"' zouden moeten zijn. Nou, als dit het beste is, dan willen Iris en Mae niet weten wat er nog komen gaat. Samen praten ze over studies, werken, koken en nog meer. Daarnaast beantwoorden ze een vraag van de luisteraar: "Wordt het leven ooit nog beter?". Oef, gee…
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本集Anita邀請職場上(與生活)的燈塔Hayley,重返雙語節目初衷 “Motivation doesn’t help you achieve goals, systems do” 2023, Hayley Tian We discussed: 📍How to navigate emotions 📍How to achieve goals by systems 📍**How to build a framework for internal thoughts ** 歡迎到Instagram (Quarterlife.Shit.Show)投稿職場/關係問題,讓Hayley回答你! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…
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Anita某天心血來潮想到這個破財的主題並要求大家懺悔, Long的確有半認真在懺悔 但你覺得Jacky會懺悔嗎?(當!然!不!會!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط 三個25歲ish的中產二代
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本集紐約讀書的Long參加了第一場全英文面試,與剛幫忙面試實習生的Anita討論了面試初心者的心態建立: ✅準備面試應該整理社群軟體嗎? ✅ 面試官說「什麼都不用準備」是什麼意思? ✅怎麼準備面試? - How to sell myself? - How to do “the homework” on the company and the role? - How to answer “Any questions? “ 但本著本節目的調性,最後聊到好老闆的重要性,不免俗的又雙雙落淚了(??) 祝福大家在追求社會定義成功的同時,知道自己是無條件被愛的🫶🏻(Jacky皮帶已經拿起來準備抽人了) 註:Jacky放鴿子是因為他說他今天晚上可以,但Anita直接無視約早上,只能說小丑竟是Anita自己…
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兔年吉祥! 本節目首度有兩人同室錄音效果到底如何?第三季第一集先分享迷幻🍄與剽眉故事,再討論有錢人到底為什麼這麼討厭 - 由真正的有錢人Jacky帶我們一虧HBO最熱門迷你影集“White Lotus白蓮花大飯店”和英國最大實境秀Harry&Megan,探討日常生活中層出不窮的權力語言!(不可能這麼知性) -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط 三個25歲ish的中產二代
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In this episode we have pornstar Brynn Michaels talk about the industry and gives us sex advice on how to do anal, give better blowjobs and tell your dad that you want to f*** him. 0:00 Getting started in Porn 24:40 My favorite pornstars 33:00 Sex advice --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thequarterlifepodcast/support…
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