An award-winning cannabis podcast for women, by women. Hear joyful stories and useful advice about cannabis for health, well-being, and fun—especially for needs specific to women like stress, sleep, and sex. We cover everything from: What’s the best weed for sex? Can I use CBD for menstrual cramps? What are the effects of the Harlequin strain or Gelato strain? And, why do we prefer to call it “cannabis” instead of “marijuana”? We also hear from you: your first time buying legal weed, and how ...
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A stream of consciousness, comedy oriented podcast focusing on news, politics, and society in general.
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A podcast for fans of the game show Jeopardy! Two former contestants bring you Jeopardy! analysis & banter, trivia, and a quiz.
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Hablaremos de mercadotecnia de una manera sencilla y clara, sin tanta terminología barata para ayudarte a entender el valor de crear y comunicar tu marca.
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I PotentialPodden™ samtalar vi med kloka ledare och VD:ar under avspända former, med syfte att komma under ytan kring deras mer personliga erfarenheter och att bjuda på tips från deras verklighet. Intervjuerna görs av PerformancePotentials VD Marika Skärvik, där viktiga och kluriga frågeställningar tas upp som chefer och ledare kan reflektera kring. I några avsnitt intervjuas även vår VD Marika Skärvik av Ella Lindgren, Chef för Försäljning och Medlemsutveckling på LRF. Marika har tidigare f ...
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Toute la vie culturelle et l’actualité africaines, dans les différents pays du continent noir mais aussi dans nos régions, avec des interviews, des reportages et des illustrations musicales. Retrouvez Pot-pourri africain en radio sur RCF Liège le dimanche à 14h30.
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One is gay, one is straight, and both are alive: Tracie Egan Morrissey & Rich Juzwiak navigate pop culture and whatever of past, present, and beyond. For access to bonus episodes, visit
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Temas do LideraCast são LIDERANÇA, VENDAS B2B, SOFT SKILLS e NEGÓCIOS. Eu tenho 22a de experiência liderando equipes. Eu sou o estagiário que se tornou VP, mais de 10a como executivo em multinacional. Tenho larga experiência em vendas B2B, marketing e desenvolvimento de negócios no Brasil e exterior. Sou Linkedin Top Voice 2024 (+58K seguidores), palestrante, professor de MBA e mentor de líderes. Quer me conhecer melhor? LinkedIn e YouTube: @octavioalvesjr E ...
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Welcome to the Primordial Soup Pot! Join Aaron and Rustin as they explore the strange side of ecology, natural history, and evolution.
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Petkovo zgodnje popoldne je kot nalašč za kakšno dobro idejo za gibanje, praviloma na svežem zraku. In v (dobri) družbi. V rubriki "za zdrav v zdravem telesu" preletimo rekreativno ponudbo konca tedna, v kateri dajemo prednost pohodom z vsebino. Peš romanja, planinski vzponi ali družinski pohodi.
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The Primal Potential Podcast is about transformation, not information. So many of us KNOW what we need to do to achieve our goals but we aren't DOING it. There's a continuous gap between our INTENTIONS and our ACTIONS. Primal Potential is a TOOL to help you create massive change in your life and ENJOY the journey!
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The plug for topics uncensored. Laugh. Think. Learn. GROW! Convos to grow from when it comes to love, money, and all that’s going in the society we’re living in. Tap in, let’s get to Stirring The Pot!
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Beckenboden und Businesstalk. Der Podcast von Expertinnen für Expertinnen in der Frauengesundheit mit Daniela Künze und Annika Mewes
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In unserem Aktien Podcast sprechen wir jeden Monat über eine ausgewählte Aktie und diskutieren über das Unternehmen aus Investorensicht. Dabei geht es nicht um die Märkte am Morgen und kurzfristige Gewinnmöglichkeiten. Vielmehr wenden wir uns der Frage zu, wie das Unternehmen aufgestellt ist und welche Chancen sich daraus ergeben können, um langfristig am Aktienmarkt Gewinne zu generieren.
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Pot je podcast o lásce, sexu a intimitě, o motýlech v břiše, požáru v srdci a všem, co z nás teče. Všechny díly podcastu Pot můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Hiii, Welcome to A Potent Dose Of 3 podcast!! My name is Kathy, I’m Linda and I’m Jazmin. We are current students and future healthcare providers from the Bay Area and wanted to share the ups and downs of our journey as we navigate through this complex and rewarding field as women of color.
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Unleashed Potential is a podcast channel that focuses on empowering mindsets and developing skillsets. The host, Cheryl McDonald, is a proven business, industry, and productivity coach.
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Welcome to the mixed pot podcast hosting the very amatuer comedic styles of our multicultural host and his Hispanic cohorts and one white guy. Come and listen to us occasionally talk about current events in the entertainment space and mostly nonsense.
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Unleash Your Potential Podcast is dedicated to helping people unleash their full potential by navigating areas such as - personal performance, mindset, health and stress in our modern world.
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Wenn wir unser Potenzial in die Welt tragen, dann ist es Magie. Etwas in uns leuchtet besonders hell. Freude durchflutet uns. Es ist keine laute, überschäumende Freude. Vielmehr eine feine, beinahe sanfte und doch überaus kraftvolle. Klar und so selbstverständlich. Diese Freude entsteht aus der Verbundenheit mit unserem ureigensten Kern, unserem wahren Sein. Leider ist diese Verbundenheit oft durch schwierige oder gar traumatische Erfahrungen überdeckt, so dass wir keinen Zugang zu all unser ...
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Življenje pred nas postavlja številne izzive in ovire. Marsičesa ne razumemo. Iščemo, a ne najdemo odgovorov na vprašanja in potrebe nas in naših bližnjih. Kam naj se obrnem in koga naj pokličem? Včasih je potrebno slišati samo droben namig in že se nam pokaže naslednji korak. In ta rubrika želi biti prav to - kažipot življenja. Naši sogovorniki so različni, teme pa življenjske: od vzgoje do modrosti staranja, od skrbi za zdravje do lajšanja bolezni, od kupovanja primernih daril do pospravlj ...
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Interviews and Discussions With Fascinating People Who are Creating A Better Tomorrow For All Of Us Host - Ira S. Pastor
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Hosted from Almost Heaven by Conor Bratchford, RJ Rice, Gabe Schon. The boys break down the latest games, news, and stories from world of sports every week. From the hottest takes to whatever Antonio Brown is doing right now. Stirring the pot is ready to get hot every week.
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"Im Prinzip erfolgreich – Authentische Marken begeistern" Wie wird aus einer Idee eine Marke, die Menschen berührt und langfristig erfolgreich ist? In diesem Podcast nimmt dich Sandra Agerer, Expertin für authentische Markenpräsenz und nachhaltiges Unternehmertum, mit auf eine inspirierende Reise in die Welt der Markenentwicklung. Mit ihrem einzigartigen LMS-Prinzip – Life, Mind, Success zeigt sie, wie du Blockaden löst, klare Strukturen schaffst und deine Marke sichtbar machst. Erfahre aus ...
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Unlocking the Extraordinary Within: A Transformative Podcast exploring the power of human potential and igniting passion and inspiration by sending good vibes your way!
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¡Bienvenidos a "Mente a Máxima Potencia"! Soy Laura Carvajal, y en este podcast exploramos juntos el poder de la mente y el desarrollo personal. Cada episodio revela cómo líderes, profesionales y personas han superado obstáculos así como han alcanzado su máximo potencial. 🎧 Ahora puedes dejar tus comentarios en cada episodio en Spotify, y te responderé o daré "Me gusta". Si eres nuevo, empieza con nuestro episodio introductorio y descubre cómo comenzar tu propio viaje de transformación. ¡Úne ...
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A Cannabis podcast for budding enthusiasts. Long-form cannabis content focusing on breeding, growing, history and culture.
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Inspiring insights and conversations that empower you to reach your true potential and live a limitless life.
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Ein kleiner Laberpodcast (eventuell sarkastisch)
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Welcome to the Closet Disco Queen Pot-Cast, a comedy podcast with music and pop culture references that keeps you laughing and engaged. Join our hosts, Queenie & TT as they share humorous anecdotes about daily life, offering women's perspectives on lifestyle and wellness. We dive into funny cannabis conversations and stories, creating an entertaining space where nothing is off-limits. Each episode features entertaining discussions on pop culture trends, as we discuss music, culture, and cann ...
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Everyone wants to get something out of life, but not everyone knows how to get there. Join Professional Speaker and Mindset Success Coach Sue Wedsworth as she talks about the science that will help you discover opportunities that you've always wanted. If you want to unlock your true potential and learn about the different ways that people can change their old habits and live a better life, this show is for you.
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Coffee Pot Conversations hosted by An Englishman in Paris
Coffee Pot Conversations hosted by An Englishman in Paris
Hello and welcome to Coffee Pot Conversations hosted by An Englishman in Paris. This podcast covers many aspects of Paris. These episodes have me talking about things I find interesting about Paris, guests talking about things they find interesting about Paris or guests talking about things I find interesting about Paris. A low-budget escapade, be prepared for a laid-back feel and a whole heap of information in some of the more factual episodes. I’m always looking for feedback, recommendatio ...
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How do you Shock Your Potential? This conversational interview format features high performing businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs who are focused on Shocking Potential every single day. Each month boasts a theme that will support your business and/or career objectives, will strengthen your personal development, motivate you to be an agent for change, and more. Our Host, Michael Sherlock, may not look or sound like your typical podcast host, but she is absolutely serious about busine ...
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Podcast semanal sobre WordPress. Tu referencia para potenciar tu WordPress. El mejor podcast de humor de WordPress. Hablamos de plugins, experiencias y peripecias de este maravilloso CMS desde un punto de vista de lo más irreverente. Si te gusta WordPress, aprenderás con una sonrisa, o no…
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Bæbæ Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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Something new for your imaginations
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Shift or Get Off the Pot is designed for busy professionals and entrepreneurs wanting to uplevel their lives without burning out in the process. It’s for those with big dreams and aspirations who could use some sound advice from people who’ve created their ideal life and business. Host Kim Kelley Thompson, a single mother of four, business owner, high performance and business coach leads discussions with successful individuals from all walks of life to support and inspire listeners to tap th ...
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Der Podcast für mentale Stärke, persönliches Wachstum, Motivation & ein hohes Energielevel. Ich bin Juliana Käfer und mein Herz schlägt dafür, dich in deine Power und Lebensfreude zu bringen, damit du eine selbstbestimmte und erfolgreiche Zukunft erschaffen kannst. Hier bekommst du deine Impulse rund um die Themen Mentaltraining, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Gesundheit, Bewegung, Mindset und Ent-spannung. Du bekommst Einblick in die Macht der Gedanken und erhältst ganz einfache Werkzeuge, wie ...
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Ask Maria Being Yourself Empowered Woman Restorative Embodiment Secure Attachment Podcast Host Voices, Stories and Perspectives For Self-Help, Personal Development | Sharing the Infinite Higher Human Consciousness Potential Experience, the Keys to Inner Growth and Following your Heart, and Bringing Together Human, Spiritual and Spirituality Elements to Explore Human Evolution and Consciousness | 5D Mystic Enlightenment Woo-Woo St ...
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Vida Potencial Podcast Encuentra todo el contenido en nuestro canal de YouTube:
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How do we reach our potential in work and life? The Inside Learning podcast explores the science of learning and the future of work with expert guest speakers and research-based insights from The Learnovate Centre in Trinity College Dublin, a global research centre focused on learning technology. Hosted by author, consultant and coach Aidan McCullen. Get in touch: /
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Join world travelers, nerds and best friends Chris and Taylor as they discuss all things pop culture, entertainment and nerdom. In each episode, they dive into movies, TV shows, video games, and more, sharing their thoughts and insights with a fun and engaging vibe. They also feature a variety of celebrity guests, adding an extra layer of excitement to the show. Whether you're a die-hard fan of pop culture or just looking for a good laugh, "The Potential Podcast!" is the perfect listen to em ...
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Podcast de la Universidad Marista Campus Ciudad de México
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Investment strategist Ed Schoen shares his insight on investing in the risky volatile Pot Stock market.
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Earn your OT CEUs by listening for free to our episodes, then logging into the OT Potential Club to take a quiz and earn a certificate. In each episode, we discuss new OT-related research and invite an expert guest to pull out actionable takeaways. Perfect for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Episodes are released every other week.
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Reflexão segundo a palavra de Deus Pai e de Jesus Cristo nosso Senhor e o Espirito Santo de Deus.
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Take a listen. Grow-Listen-Eat
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Campbell Lawson vous présente l'essentiel de l'actualité africaine de la semaine écoulée.توسط Campbell Lawson
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Radio Ognjišče praznuje 30 let in v tem času se je nabralo veliko spominov. O tem, kako utrdimo in ohranimo naš spomin s hojo, smo spregovorili in se v ciklu o dvoranskem kolesarjenju s Polono Gosar vprašali, ali obstaja fitnes za starejše in zakaj bi ga v tretjem življenjskem obdobju sploh obiskovali.…
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In this episode of the Closet Disco Queen Podcast, Queenie and TT dive into a variety of engaging topics, from Queenie's fascinating ancestry and royal heritage to the delightful culinary experiences they share. They also discuss the latest updates on cannabis legislation, the significance of Green Wednesday, and have fun exploring different cannab…
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Govorili smo o svetem letu ali jubileju 2025 in sicer o tem, kaj pomeni krepost upanja. Kako nam pomaga v najbolj obupnih in težkih okoliščinah življenja? Žal vemo, da prav v času preizkušnje obstaja možnost, da se zapremo vase in obupamo. Več o duhovni moči upanja in potrpežljivosti ter vsebini papeževe spodbude, nam je povedala narodna delegatka …
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Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, so I figured it’s a perfect time to delve into the power of gratitude. I share the transformative benefits of maintaining a grateful attitude and the science behind it – did you know that it can change your biochemistry? It’s true. Practicing gratitude regularly can rewire our brains, boost happiness, and even …
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Famous Animals: The Legend of Ol' Rip, the Limp Legged Lizard that Captivated a Nation and Clever Hans the Psychic Stallion (Get this Horse to a Casino STAT)
Research Animals (sort of)! Aaron starts off with the legend of Ol' Rip the Horny Toad. This lizard supposedly survived 30 years sealed inside a time capsule, and went on to tour the country drawing in thousands of spectators. Learn how the "animal whose fame is second only to the serpent from the Garden of Eden" made history and still lives on to …
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As much as we love stirring the pot, two things must be held sacred at the dinner table. Knowing who cooked what dish? And not to talk politics. After that all should be good, right? Gobble, gobble, Happy Turkey Day fam! What dish are you bringing? --- STIRRING THE POT Social Media: IG / FB Stirring The Pot - @StirringThePotTalks /…
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In this final episode for Season 2, I cover what I feel are the best bits of the season. Carry on through my back catalogue if you haven't already to see what you've missed out on. If you've gotten here through the chronological listening system, thank you for staying with me - truly appreciated. See you for Season 3... coming soon! (or already out…
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Teplo a barvy uprostřed šedi. Fotografka Libuše Jarcovjáková o T-Clubu, úspěchu i duševním klidu
„Člověk je kapka v moři a je úžasné být toho moře součástí. Současný úspěch považuji za obrovské štěstí a shodu náhod, i když je to teď trochu cílená souhra událostí,“ říká fotografka Libuše Jarcovjáková. V hotcastu Pot mluvila o své současné retrospektivní výstavě v Národní galerii, o filmu Ještě nejsem, kým chci být, pražské queer scéně osmdesátý…
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The election news about cannabis isn't great, and in today’s episode we’ll explain what happened. Adult-use legalization measures failed in Florida, North Dakota, and South Dakota, and the DEA has delayed its decision on rescheduling cannabis to early 2025 under the new administration. On a brighter note, we’re very excited that How to Do the Pot h…
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In the post-election world, Rich is despondent and Tracie is numb. Still, we find joy in the Martha Stewart doc and inspiration strikes for Rich to write a new song. Our chain restaurant merch is here! Call us for shout outs and dedications. 347 450 4239 Video episodes, bonus episodes and our premium series WAWU—we're currently recapping the 2014 O…
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S2 EP12: Boiling Hot
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It’s that time of the year, time for family, friends, hearing a Mariah Carey Song for the 350th time, and NFlL mid season power rankings. Stirring The Pot of course is going to get into the thick of it for this topic and to sum it up in one word; OM*G.توسط U92 the Moose
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Stupidity doesn't reign or move forward, love & life do - 5D mystic spiritual self-help mindful life
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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5D collective embraces the Seer - 5D mystic spiritual life mindful self-love & growth, true partners
New Moon 5D Ascension Energy Channeled Guidance Messages for 5D Mystics, Spiritual &/or Mindful Living & Loving Self-Empowered Enlightened Peeps. IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for spiritual, self-help, personal developm…
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Revolutionizing Music Education - MoomBix Founder Margret Juliana Sigurdardottir Join us for an inspiring episode of Inside Learning brought to you by the Learnovate Centre. In this episode, we dive into the future of music education with Margret Juliana Sigurdardottir, founder of MoomBix. Discover how Margret is addressing the challenges adult lea…
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It's Part 2 of our Consistency Essentials series! Consistency can't take root if you aren't calm! If you don't yet have our holiday e-book, get it now! You'll be hard pressed to find a better return on $8 spent! And - share this episode and series with someone you love!
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Stupidity doesn't reign or move forward; love & life always win in the end & begin a new cycle - 5D
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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Dr. Legena Henry, Ph.D. - CEO & Founder, Rum and Sargassum Inc - Renewable Energy From The Caribbean
Send us a text Dr. Legena Henry, Ph.D. is a Lecturer for Renewable Energy at University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados ( ) with research specializing in Renewable Energy, Ocean Engineering Analysis, Ocean Wave Statistics, Marine Hydrodyna…
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Chris and Taylor review the 2024 animated science fiction adventure film,The Wild Robot, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures. Based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Peter Brown, it was written for the screen and directed by Chris Sanders. The film follows Roz, a service robot shipwrecked on an uninhabited i…
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In this enlightening episode, we speak with Alicia Hemphill, a dynamic executive, author, and life coach, who emphasizes the critical role of trust and authenticity in leadership. Alicia shares her insights on leading with integrity and the impact it has on relationships within personal and professional spheres. The Foundation of Trust: Trust as th…
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5D peeps are healthy others who don't change for love or lose trust if rejected, they love & expand
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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Spoiler Warning! Chris and Taylor review the horror comedy miniseries Agatha All Along based on the Marvel Comics and created by Jac Schaeffer. Three years after being trapped under a magical spell in the town of Westview, the witch Agatha Harkness escapes with the help of a goth teen who wishes to face the trials of the legendary Witches' Road. Th…
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Die inneren Farben nach aussen tragen dürfen Was bedeutet es, zu leben und ein lebendiger Mensch zu sein? Für mich bedeutet es, zwischen den Polen rhythmisch zu surfen. Schweres und Freudiges zu erleben, lachen und weinen, sich ärgern und versöhnen, sich anstrengen und ausruhen, lieben und trauern. Häufig stecken wir jedoch in einem der Pole fest u…
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5D mystic feminine & masculine healthy other relationships, love is reliable, talking, & consistency
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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Potentium – Episode 457 (11/26/24)
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Annual Thanksgiving show with Nino Sciglitano Jr./Joe McCabe & the defunct “Anuddercast” Religious push for Bibles, the Ten Commandments and curriculum (16:40) RFK, Raw milk & Flouride (28:10) Russia, Ukraine and caveman Rogan (37:50) Trump – DEI hires?/Ignoring FBI background checks (1:02:30) Pro athletes’ houses being robbed during games/CA schoo…
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Linda Jiang - Head of Strategy and Government Partnerships, Healthcare, Lyft - The Quickest Route To Healthy
Send us a text Linda Jiang is Head of Strategy and Government Partnerships, Healthcare, at Lyft ( ), where she’s responsible for accelerating the growth of the business, driving public sector strategy, and partnering with policymakers and regulators to bring access to the rideshare service to millions of people who n…
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Danes je praznik Marije s čudodelno svetinjo. Tisto svetinjo, o kateri je usmiljenka sv. Katarina Laboure v Parizu dobila sporočilo v svojem duhovnem videnju, naj jo da izdelati, saj bo Marija tistim, ki jo v veri nosijo, izprosila velike milosti od Boga. Zelo otipljive izkušnje imajo naše sestre usmiljenke in Marijine sestre, še posebej tiste, ki …
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Buscar innovar, crecer y explorar nuevos mercados y formas de comunicarte con nuevas audiencias, es importante. Pero no tanto como para olvidarte de el legado que te ha construido.
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Coaching für nachhaltigen GeschäftserfolgDu willst ein Unternehmen aufbauen, das nicht nur erfolgreich ist, sondern auch langfristig Bestand hat? In diesem Podcast erfährst du, wie nachhaltiger Erfolg entsteht – durch klare Strategien, persönliche Weiterentwicklung und authentisches Handeln.Ich, Sandra Agerer, zeige dir, wie du mentale Blockaden üb…
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5D mystic feminine talking about love, masculine, healthy others & lovers & handling unhealthy other
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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Today, I have a heartwarming and thought-provoking story to share with you. It's about a special birthday, an unexpected candle, and the thin veil between our world and the spiritual realm. I’ll take you back 12 years to a Thanksgiving that coincided with my mom's birthday, an evening filled with family, fun, and a mysterious occurrence that brough…
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Episode 233 - November 18 to November 22 2024 - Seven Times Around
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Jeopardy! recaps from the week of November 18th, 2024. We criticize the movie industry, as well as some poorly-designed questions, and Emily does a deep dive about the Kaaba. Find us on Facebook (Potent Podables) and Twitter (@potentpodables1). Check out our Patreon ( Email us at Continue to…
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Special Guest: Linda Tucker Haider’s free workbook at In this riveting episode of The Human Potential Podcast, I sit down with Linda Tucker, a trailblazing leader and the Protectress of Africa’s sacred white lions. Her journey from corporate success to becoming a guardian of these rare, symbolic animals began with…
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¡Hola líderes! Un líder es alguien que guía a un grupo para alcanzar metas. Sin embargo, no todos los líderes son iguales. Existen líderes transformadores y aquellos que solo siguen el ritmo. Entender la diferencia entre ambos nos ayuda a reconocer qué tipo de liderazgo nos inspira más. Un líder transformador inspira y motiva a su equipo para logra…
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Em um mundo cada vez mais volátil e competitivo, a inteligência emocional tornou-se uma habilidade essencial para liderar, colaborar e alcançar resultados expressivos no trabalho. Quando as equipes se comunicam bem, as ideias fluem e a colaboração floresce. Quando temos elevada IE, compreendemos melhor nossas emoções e não trazemos as coisas para o…
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5D mystic enlightenment divine feminine stories on healthy secure & unhealthy other relationships
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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5D mystic enlightenment divine feminine talking about healthy secure & unhealthy other relationships
IHP YouTube video podcast episode made available to our other IHP podcast platforms. IHP content is for people who are interested in topics, stories, & guidance for personal development, self-help, spirituality journey, the 5D mystic path, & enlightenment the human way. It's for those who choose the human love narrative, not the human suffering nar…
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In this episode, Kathy and Jaz are put on the hot spot. Kathy shares her experience of volunteering at a high school, how she connected with the students, and the things she learned and discovered during her time there. Quick Disclaimer: We are a podcast of a group of three friends that share our journey through school, the healthcare system and li…
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Le še slab mesec nas loči od začetka rednega svetega leta 2025, saj bo papež Frančišek na sveti večer, 24. decembra odprl sveta vrata bazilike sv. Petra, sledilo bo odprtje še drugih svetih vrat. Glede na to, da so to edina uradna sveta vrata, nas seveda zanima, ko bo to odprtje odmevalo po krajevnih Cerkvah. To in še kaj drugega je povedala s. Bož…
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We are kicking off our Consistency Essentials series and I hope you love it! Listen, share and click here to dive into my newest ebook that will help you apply these concepts to your goals, your circumstances and your most compelling excuses. If you are looking for more structure, support and regular coaching, join me in The Consistency Course!…
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In this episode, we discuss on having difficult conversations, focusing on strategies for handling situations when discussions take an unexpected turn. We explore how to recognize signs of escalating tension and the role of empathy in diffusing potential conflict. We delve into the responsibilities of instigators in these conversations and the impo…
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In dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Regina Rieckmann über die Bedeutung der Wertschätzung von Mitarbeitern. Sie erklärt, wie regelmäßiges Feedback, offene Kommunikation und individuelle Anerkennung ein positives Arbeitsumfeld schaffen. Zudem teilen wir Tipps zu Teamevents, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Belohnungssystemen, die die Mitarbeiterzufriede…
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Wie Farben dein Leben beeinflussen und was dein eigener Name für eine Farbe trägt, dass alles und so vieles mehr bespreche ich mit einem echten Farbexperten Maurizio Bacciocchi der anhand eines Buchstabens sagen kann, ob dein Partner zu dir passt oder…
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Willkommen zu einer neuen Episode, in der wir mit Oliver Monroe über seine Leidenschaft zur Musik sprechen. Oliver teilt seine inspirierende Reise, von seinen ersten musikalischen Schritten bis zu seinen aktuellen Projekten. Er erzählt, wie Musik sein Leben geprägt hat und welche Rolle Kreativität und Leidenschaft dabei spielen. Schaltet ein und la…
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Wie sieht eigentlich das Social Media von morgen aus und wann schaffe ich es endlich mich darin zu zeigen? Das und vieles mehr bespreche ich mit Kristinaتوسط Sandra Agerer
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Zufriedenheit im Business: Ein Wegweiser zu beruflichem GlückIn der heutigen schnelllebigen Geschäftswelt streben viele nach Erfolg und Anerkennung, doch oft wird die Zufriedenheit im Beruf übersehen. Was nützt beruflicher Erfolg, wenn man sich dabei unglücklich fühlt? Hier sind einige bewährte Strategien, um berufliche Zufriedenheit zu erreichen u…
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Künstliche Intelligenz umgibt uns alle und schon bald noch mehr als vielleicht gewünscht. Was man aber sorgfältig für sich nutzen kann sagt uns Jürgen Wilke der KI zu seinem Business gemacht hat um dich bei deinen Vorhaben zu unterstüürgen:…
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In dieser Episode unseres Podcasts erfährst du, wie du eine authentische Marke aufbauen kannst, die sich von der Masse abhebt. Authentizität bedeutet, echt und wahrhaftig zu sein – sowohl in deinem Verhalten als auch in der Kommunikation.Der erste Schritt zur Authentizität ist die Definition deiner Werte: Was ist dir wichtig und welche Prinzipien l…
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