Da esquerda à direita, protagonistas políticos debatem a atualidade.
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POLITICO Playbook's must-listen briefing on what's driving the day in Washington.
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A Canadian politics podcast from the West Coast.
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Im „Berlin Playbook – Der Podcast“ nimmt Euch Gordon Repinski und das POLITICO-Team jeden Morgen mit durch die Hauptstadt. Tagespolitik in 15 Minuten – ohne Schnörkel oder Phrasen, dafür mit Spaß. Dazu das Wichtigste aus Brüssel und Washington, D.C. Und das 200-Sekunden-Interview, bei dem Politiker auf den Punkt kommen müssen – wenn die Uhr anfängt zu ticken. Immer montags bis donnerstags ab 5 Uhr.
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A BC & Canadian politics podcast
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Verde, vermelho, laranja intermitente ou mesmo avariado. O Semáforo Político é atribuido por Judite França, Bruno Vieira Amaral e elementos da direção e editores do Observador. De segunda a sexta com um novo convidado.
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Uno sguardo sul lato oscuro della società dei dati, dove l'algoritmico è politico. Di e con Walter Vannini
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O conteúdo da RW Cast traz notícias sobre a política brasileira.
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Podcast de debate e análise sobre política nacional, com enfoque também para a disputa de poder no Ceará. Jornalistas do Grupo de Comunicação O POVO falam sobre as notícias da semana, o cenário político, os bastidores do jogo de poder nacional, com muita opinião e bom humor. Podcast do O POVO.
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Politics in America is transforming. We’re embarking on a new series to deepen our understanding of who we are, how we got here, and how we rebuild without repeating the mistakes of the past. Ron Steslow hosts academics, behavioral economists, social psychologists, politicos, philosophers, anthropologists, journalists, poets, and storytellers—and more—to discuss America’s political present and future and dive into the deeper problems we face as a nation. Email us questions or comments: podca ...
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Podcast by Politicos.co.uk
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Tenha uma assinatura paga: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/o-pessoal-e-politico/subscribe Um podcast criado para discutir sobre teorias feministas e o movimento pela libertação das mulheres! Voltado para o feminismo radical, abordamos na primeira temporada o livro Woman Hating da Andrea Dworkin, e o contexto da opressão feminina de hoje em dia. Já na segunda e na terceira temporada nós abordamos o livro O Segundo Sexo, da Simone de Beauvoir, que é um clássico do feminismo!
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Podcast by Lex Tyler and Christopher Estes
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Political talk without the spin or bs.
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Podcast by Painel Político
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Hey, I am politico from India. You can hear independent thoughts of an Indian citizen, How we see India & the world. #India #Pro #Politics #Economics #Humanity
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A new age political podcast that provides the youth with a voice
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Grounded politico views on the new of the day. That can bring us together as people with understanding of Society & Culture, and Inspirational Personal Journeys.
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O podcast da página Pênalti Político traz história, opinião e muita informação sobre como o mundo da bola é afetado pelos engravatados lá fora; e como a sociedade reage a tudo isso.
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POLITICO features news and analysis from newsmakers and reporters on national politics, Washington, The White House, Congress and political media. Here you will find audio versions of many of POLITICO's popular series and interviews.
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Um podcast sobre econômia e política de forma simples e direta. Cover art photo provided by Med Badr Chemmaoui on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@medbadrc
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In Europe. For Europe.
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O que movimentou o poder e a política com a análise precisa dos editores do 'BR Político', Vera Magalhães e Marcelo de Moraes.
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Mesa de análisis de la coyuntura política, social y cultural desde El Colegio Hebreo Monte Sinaí por profesores de bachillerato
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Meet at the intersection of Washington and Wall Street with the most influential minds on the economy. Ben White and the POLITICO team will help you understand the economic and financial policies that move markets in the U.S. and around the world.
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Consultora especializada en comunicación política, con atención a los tres órdenes de Gobierno en México y el mundo
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Analises políticas; política brasileira; democracia; história política e claro relações internacionais. "Política, Economia e Sociedade são os pilares da democracia, e sobre eles repousam também o campo das Relações Internacionais enquanto área de estudo." Analises, opinião, com um toque da ciência de cenários futuros, esse é o Café Político.
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Político FM es un programa de entrevistas con las personalidades de la vida política Oaxaqueña y Nacional, en el que debatimos y analizamos los temas de actualidad.
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Os jornalistas Laerte Cerqueira, Angélica Nunes e João Paulo Medeiros trazem os destaques da semana, os bastidores e as análises da cena política da Paraíba e do Brasil.
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Consultora especializada en comunicación política, con atención a los tres órdenes de Gobierno en México y el mundo
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Fazer um bate papo com a população sobre o que acontece nos bastidores da política e trazendo informações inéditas
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We are Latinos. We live, eat and breath politics. We are professionals. We are Southerners. Our community matters. We are some of its ambassadors.
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Visitanos: https://twitter.com/canunnino; www.ninocanun.blogspot.com; www.facebook.com/NinoCanunSerrano
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POLITICO takes you behind the scenes with Washington's power players to uncover what's really driving politics and policy in the nation’s capital.
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Consultora especializada en comunicación política, con atención a los tres órdenes de Gobierno en México y el mundo
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Bestiario Político, el espacio que describe la política en América, mostrando un compendio de esas bestias positivas, negativas o fantásticas que dirigen, controlan o buscan acceder al poder. Conversaciones profundas y a veces no tan serias entre Edgard Gutiérrez, consultor y estratega político, y Oswaldo Ramírez, consultor político y director de ORC Consultores.
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En Pulso Político con Orlando Cruz te traemos una mirada distinta de los hechos que son noticia en Puerto Rico. Analizamos las noticias mas importantes de la isla con entrevistas a los protagonistas y mas.
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En Capital Político analizamos las situaciones más relevantes de la política en Bogotá, Colombia y el mundo. Cada viernes, Santiago Rivas conversa con expertos sobre los temas más importantes del acontecer nacional.
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O RepúblicaCast é um podcast de marketing político e estratégias eleitorais. Seu objetivo é contribuir com informação e conteudo de qualidade direcionado para profissionais de marketing político/digital, políticos, pré-pré-candidatos, dirigentes partidários, militantes e interessados na temática. Quer construir uma campanha eleitoral de sucesso? Seja bem vindo ao universo RepúblicaCast.
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António José Seguro admite ponderar caminho para Belém, mas no PSD ainda vai haver muita história para contar. Ainda, um sinal verde para o trabalho da PJ na sequência da fuga de Vale de Judeus. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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After a tumultuous eight days as Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Matt Gaetz withdrew from consideration yesterday. While Senate Republicans cheered the move, the implications for Trump’s second administration are immense. Hours after the announcement, Trump nominated former Florida AG Pam Bondi for the role — a move cheered by Senate R…
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Bis kommenden Montag will die Spitze der SPD nun endlich entscheiden, ob es einen Kanzlerkandidaten, Scholz oder Pistorius, geben wird. Wie nicht alle, aber die wichtigsten Zeichen für Scholz stehen, fasst Gordon Repinski zusammen. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview spricht der Juso-Vorsitzende Philipp Thürmer über die Streitpunkte mit dem Kanzler, warum au…
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A prisão de quatro militares do Exército e um agente da Polícia Federal suspeitos de planejar um golpe de Estado que incluiria o assassinato do presidente eleito Lula, do vice Geraldo Alckmin e do ministro do STF Alexandre de Moraes repercutiu em jornais de diversos países do mundo.توسط RW Cast
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#73: O que a bíblia fala sobre as mulheres?
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No capítulo 8 da obra "A Criação do Patriarcado" Gerda Lerner analisa o livro de Gênesis do antigo testamento e através dele discute qual era o papel social das mulheres na sociedade hebraica. O que a Bíblia fala sobre as mulheres? E como isso está conectado com ideias patriarcais que persistem até hoje em dia em sociedades que seguem o cristianism…
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Di come cose fatte con le migliori intenzioni possano risultare controproducenti, e di come i Māori ci insegnano che alle licenze open manca un dettaglio fondamentale: chiedere per favore.توسط Walter Vannini
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O "sobe e desce" das eleições no Ceará e os primeiros sinais de Evandro para a gestão | Jogo Político Especial #366
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Jornalistas do O POVO analisam cenário do pós -eleição em Fortaleza e no Ceará. #política #ceará #fortalezaتوسط O POVO
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Há quem diga que o INEM é um exemplo a nível mundial, mas só se for para aprender com o erro. Ainda, para um partido que se diz de ideias e não rostos, parece que há faces que criam confusão. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Matt Gaetz has dominated the spotlight in Washington since President-elect Donald Trump announced him as nominee for attorney general. But Gaetz is far from Trump’s only contentious pick. On Capitol Hill, concerns are mounting about Pete Hegseth, the Fox News personality Trump picked to run the Department of Defense. There are concerns about Hegset…
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Faz sentido assinalar a data? Como deve ser lida a ausência do PCP? E qual o impacto do aumento extraordinário de pensões proposto pelo PS? Com Eurico Brilhante Dias (PS), Paulo Núncio (CDS-PP) e Vasco Cardoso (PCP).
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Over two decades ago, Ruy Teixeira predicted that America was on its way to a bright blue future, thanks to an inevitable demographic shift that would deliver the Party a dominant, durable political coalition. “Demography is destiny” became the mantra of the Democratic Party—proven out by Obama’s decisive 2008 electoral college win. But then, in 20…
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Over two decades ago, Ruy Teixeira predicted that America was on its way to a bright blue future, thanks to an inevitable demographic shift that would deliver the Party a dominant, durable political coalition. “Demography is destiny” became the mantra of the Democratic Party—proven out by Obama’s decisive 2008 electoral college win. But then, in 20…
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Falhas e mais falhas escondem uma projeção negativa do SNS para 2025. Afinal, os números têm de ser falados, mas... bem falados. Ainda, a ausência do PCP na sessão evocativa do 25 de Novembro. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Today, the House Ethics Committee will meet to discuss is the findings of its investigation into Attorney General nominee Matt Gaetz. Because the committee has an equal number of Republican and Democratic members, only one Republican would need to vote with Democrats to release the report. So how will this play out? Congress reporter Daniella Diaz …
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Das Grummeln in der SPD wird nicht leiser. Die Diskussion, ob Scholz oder Pistorius der richtige Spitzen- bzw. Kanzlerkandidat ist, ist noch nicht beendet. Am Vorabend hat die engere Parteiführung getagt. Was besprochen wurde, wie es weitergeht und wie sehr die sozialdemokratische Führung ihren Kandidaten jetzt schon beschädigt hat, fassen Gordon R…
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Um caso determinante para a credibilidade da Justiça, em que os poderosos conseguem escapar impunes aos crimes. Vai acabar em nada? Ainda os 1000 dias de guerra na Ucrânia sem solução militar à vista. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Since his first election win in 2016, Matt Gaetz has been embroiled in controversy, including a House Ethics Committee investigation and report that hasn’t been released. Those close to Trump are hoping the president-elect will reconsider his nomination as Attorney General. Plus, Trump confirmed his plans to potentially use military force for mass …
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Der Kanzler bleibt bei seinem Nein zu Taurus-Lieferungen in die Ukraine. Zuvor sorgt sein Telefonat mit Wladimir Putin für Verstimmungen, zum Beispiel in Polen. Olaf Scholz inszeniert sich einmal mehr als Friedenskanzler. Doch was ist eine feste innere Überzeugung und was Wahlkampf? Das analysiert Gordon Repinski, der den Scholz-Besuch in Rio beim …
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O debate da descida do IRC teve mesmo fim? Temos sérias dúvidas. Afinal, se pensarmos bem, tudo isto é "muito estranho". Desde quando Pedro Nuno descura princípios até então "invioláveis"? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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توسط RW Cast
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Two of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet appointments are facing accusations of sexual misconduct, and the ensuing mess is just getting started. The House Ethics Committee report on Rep. Matt Gaetz, Trump’s nominee for attorney general, who has been under investigation for allegations of having sex with a minor and illicit drug use at sex part…
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Der Kanzler ist beim G20-Gipfel in Rio de Janeiro, während in Berlin die Diskussionen in der SPD weitergehen, ob Scholz noch der richtige Kanzlerkandidat ist. Die Zustimmung für ihn sinkt, für Pistorius hingegen steigt sie weiter. Gordon Repinski analysiert, wie sich der leise Abschied von Scholz möglicherweise bereits abzeichnet. Im 200-Sekunden-I…
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We remember John Horgan, look back at the final judicial recount results and preview an upcoming federal byelection. Plus labour strife for Trudeau, Singh promises to cut the GST on essentials, Liberal & Conservative bickering over housing grants and a cap on oil & gas emissions. Links Former B.C. premier John Horgan dies following battle with canc…
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We remember John Horgan, look back at the final judicial recount results and preview an upcoming federal byelection. Plus labour strife for Trudeau, Singh promises to cut the GST on essentials, Liberal & Conservative bickering over housing grants and a cap on oil & gas emissions. Links Former B.C. premier John Horgan dies following battle with canc…
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Changing Of The Guard—The Weekly Roundup
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To unlock Politicology+ visit politicology.com/plus *NOTE: Upcoming Mailbag Episode! Send us your questions to podcast@politicology.com or leave a voicemail at (202) 455-4558* This week, we discuss Senate Republicans picking a new leader, Trump’s push for recess appointments, named cabinet nominees, and White House staffing. Next, we discuss report…
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Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa assume que é preciso investigar os atrasos do INEM. A postura do presidente foi correta ou poderia não ter comentado? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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Donald Trump spent his first full week as president-elect making a flurry of announcements unveiling key officials in his coming administration. Yesterday, he unveiled among his most controversial picks yet: To lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — a leading proponent of false and disproven claims about the safet…
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Auf dem Grünen-Parteitag ab heute steht ein großer Neustart an – mit neuen Vorsitzenden, einem frischen Vorstand und einem Robert Habeck, der nun offen für seine Kanzlerkandidatur wirbt. Gordon Repinski hat sich für diese Extra-Episode des Berlin Playbook-Podcasts vor dem Parteitag mit Ricarda Lang getroffen, um über ihren Abschied vom Parteivorsit…
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O choque da provedora de Justiça com as polémicas declarações de Ricardo Leão. E a dúvida: os candidatos à Federação de Lisboa do PS vão impor outro candidato a Loures? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.توسط Observador
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In a move that stunned much of Washington, President-elect Donald Trump yesterday unveiled his choice for attorney general: Rep. Matt Gaetz. The move would put Gaetz atop the Justice Department, which spent years investigating allegations that the Florida congressman had sex with underage girls and paid for their transportation — allegations which …
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PS admite propostas sobre financiamento do INEM no debate do Orçamento do Estado. Indemnizações dependem da conclusão de inquéritos. Com Alexandre Poço (PSD), João Paulo Correia (PS) e Joana Mortágua (BE).
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Ultimamente fanno a gara a chi viola più banche dati. Impiegati, infedeli, hackerozzi al soldo di investigatori privati, e via cantando. Dice il Garante Privacy che ora ci sarà un giro di vite. Bene, ma non benissimo, in una infrastruttura di pongo, le viti tengono pochino. A proposito di infrastruttura, che ha da dire la Agenzia per la Cybersicure…
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Nach der Regierungserklärung von Olaf Scholz und dem Schlagabtausch zwischen der Minderheitsregierung und der Opposition sind die Linien klarer. Hier Rot-Grün, dort Schwarz-Gelb. Zumindest scheint es, dass sich die Union und die Liberalen wieder deutlich angenähert haben. Wie viel Potenzial wirklich drin ist, wo die Stolperfallen stecken und was di…
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For the full and ad-free version of this episode, subscribe to Politicology+ at https://politicology.com/plus Alua Arthur (Death Doula) joins host Ron Steslow to discuss the importance of embracing mortality, talking about death, and her new book, Briefly Perfectly Human: Making an Authentic Life and Getting Real About the End. Segments to look for…
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