Poetry Non-Stop is a poetry podcast presented by Patrick Widdess
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Will Ingrams follows up his interview on rhythm in poetry with a podcast to inspire us all to put a bit of rhythm in our poems.https://willingwordwhirl.wordpress.comwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Will Ingrams talks about the importance of rhythm in poetry and shares a few poems.https://willingwordwhirl.wordpress.comwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Write a poem inspired by a singer or artist with this prompt from Cathleen Davies on the penultimate day of NaPoWriMo. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Harness the power of superheroes for the final day of NaPoWriMo 2024 with Patrick Widdess. poetrynonstop.com www.patrickwiddess.co.ukتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Norwich poet and author John Osborne invites to explore the poetic possibilities in the aisles of our local supermarket on today's NaPoWriMo podcast.https://johnosborne.bandcamp.com/audiowww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Write a poem about directions and the bosses and line managers who give them with Alex Blustin. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Christina Thatcher invites you to play with fire for today's NaPoWriMo prompt. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Write about a trait that is now less prominent in your personality for today's NaPoWriMo prompt from Terry Griffiths.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Take a bit of nostalgia and use it in today's poem with this prompt from Andy N.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Steve de la Salle invites us to take a closer look at an everyday object we don't usually notice. Explore it until you find a poem.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Spring is in full swing and summer's just around the corner. Look back on memories from a previous summer and write a poem for today's NaPoWriMo prompt from Holly Marie Shakeshaft. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Take an image from a poem and use it to create a new poem on today's NaPoWriMo podcast from Jeremy Langrish.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Focus on your daily environment and reimagine its importance to you for today's NaPoWriMo prompt from Brent Hagen.توسط Patrick Widdess
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Will Ingrams challenges you to think of an unlikely comparison and write a poem that shows that it works - like his love and a summer's day in Shakespeare's Sonnet 18.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Look to the future on today's NaPoWriMo podcast with Java.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Explore the world of mythology for today's NaPoWriMo prompt with Ella Duffy.توسط Patrick Widdess
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Rychard Carrington invites you to write about an aspect of yourself.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Alex Blustin shares a poem and prompt on clothing.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Vietnamese poet Haley Nguyen makes a welcome return with a prompt to write about solitude. So find a quiet space on your own and wait for some inspiration. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Cliches may be old hat but sometimes they can be pure gold. Stuart Webb challenges us to pack a poem full of these much maligned words and phrases. poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Cathleen Davies returns with a prompt to write a poem for the dead and shares a hard hitting poem about teenage murder victim Elianne Andam as inspiration.cathleendavieswrit.wixsite.com/cathleendavies-comwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Today, write a triolet, a simple eight-line form, with Patrick Widdess.www.patrickwiddess.co.uk poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Casey Garfield invites you to write a nature poem about something you wouldn't normally write a nature poem about. Listen for further explanation and an example poem.caseygarfield.co.ukpoetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Jane Rosenberg LaForge invites you to consider where your family members are living or dead, near or far for today's poem.janerosenberglaforge.compoetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Poet and comedian Rob Auton challenges you to write a poem about a random object from the Argos catalogue.www.robauton.co.ukwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Miriam Grace makes her debut on Poetry Non-Stop with a prompt about an object that could have many meanings and contain all kinds of things.www.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Will Ingrams looks at how to use rhyming couplets effectively for today's poem and prompt.www.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Norwich poet Holly Marie Shakeshaft shares a poem and prompt on the theme of pain.medium.com/@HollyMarieShakewww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Norwich poet Cathleen Davies invites us to look to the silver screen and explore memorable films for today's prompt. They share their poem inspired by Thelma and Louise.cathleendavieswrit.wixsite.com/cathleendavies-comwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Poetry Non-Stop host Patrick Widdess kicks off NaPoWriMo 2024 with a prompt to write about some good news.www.patrickwiddess.co.uk www.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Alex Blustin offers a familiar topic for today's prompt - a bit too familiar you might say. Alex offers ways to take an original approach to this most well-worn topicwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Terry Griffiths breaks down the villanelle and explains how you can start to experiment with this complex form for today's NaPoWriMo promptwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Andy N shares some poems and talks about his prolific career as well as offering a few ideas for budding poets.http://onewriterandhispc.blogspot.comwww.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Jenny Pagdin makes a welcome return to read some poems from her debut collection, The Snow Globe.http://jennypagdin.co.uk/www.poetrynonstop.comتوسط Patrick Widdess
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Norfolk poets Andy Bennett and Russell J Turner (pictured) read sonnets from this year's edition of 28 Sonnets Later in which four poets take it in turns to write a sonnet every day in February. You can read all the sonnets from this month and previous years at 28sonnetslater.blogspot.com.www.poetrynonstop.com…
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