Rick Warren es un pastor innovador, autor reconocido e influyente global.
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Come and join Pastor Rick on a daily devotional as he leads you the whole year on a discovery in prayer and study of Genesis through Revelation.
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Pastor Rick Knight of Living Waters Family Worship Center
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Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
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Sharpen your leadership skills with Pastor Ricky Temple and improve the quality of your life at home, work, or in ministry. For more info visit rickytemple.com
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¿Conoces ese problema del que te gustaría deshacerte en tu vida? Nunca lo eliminarás por tu cuenta. Si pudieras, lo harías, pero no puedes, así que no lo harás. El pastor Rick nos comparte en este mensaje lo que debes hacer para estar bien, incluso si esto te pone incomodo.
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 15:13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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God didn’t put you on earth to live a self-centered life. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why being part of a church family helps you focus and center your life around God so that you can fulfill his purpose for you.
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Si Dios puede resucitar a una persona muerta, Él puede resucitar un matrimonio, una carrera o un sueño muerto. Dios puede sacar lo bueno de lo malo. ¡Él puede hacer milagros! En este programa, el pastor Rick nos habla sobre cómo Dios se especializa en convertir las crucifixiones en resurrecciones. ¡Pero tienes que pedirle ayuda!…
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God shaped you to serve him, and he wants you to serve him by serving others. Pastor Rick will help you understand what ministry is and how you can use your talents to benefit others.
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La buena noticia es que tus malos hábitos, tus heridas y tus complejos pueden ser sanados. La mala noticia es que se necesita humildad. Santiago 4:6 dice: "Dios se opone a los orgullosos, pero da gracia a los humildes" (NVI). En este mensaje, el pastor Rick nos comparte el hecho de que necesitas admitir sobre ti mismo, para que Dios pueda bendecir …
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Join Pastor Rick as he explains how your spiritual family helps you fulfill God’s purpose for your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 15:5-6 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 11: 33-36 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 11:2-4 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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¿Cómo mantener la esperanza cuando su situación parece desesperada? El Pastor Rick enseña por qué confiar en las promesas de Dios transformará tu situación y permitirá que Su Palabra reavive tu esperanza y fe.
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The Bible says God created you so he could love you. Learn why understanding and embracing this truth will help you overcome insecurities and transform your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 10:1 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Aprende a confiar en Dios cuando enfrentas circunstancias imposibles. Ya sea un matrimonio fracasado, una crisis financiera o sueños rotos, el pastor Rick explica cómo Dios se especializa en infundir vida a situaciones muertas y darle un nuevo comienzo.
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You don’t need a lot of friends. You just need a few good friends who are wise and who build you up. Join Pastor Rick for this teaching on why you can’t grow to spiritual maturity on your own.
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Today’s devotional is on Romans 7:24, 25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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La obediencia no es sólo una sugerencia; se trata de pasos fieles hacia la experiencia de una vida bendecida y plena a medida que aprendes a confiar en las promesas de Dios. El pastor Rick explica la conexión vital entre la fe, la obediencia y las bendiciones de Dios a medida que alineas tus acciones con la Palabra de Dios.…
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Proverbs 20:5 says, “A person's thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out” (GNT). Join Pastor Rick as he explains how learning to ask wise questions will make you wise.
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 21:14 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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El Pastor Rick enseña la importancia de obedecer a Dios completamente porque la obediencia parcial sigue siendo desobediencia. Este mensaje te dará una idea de las normas inmutables de Dios y su perspectiva general, y te ayudará a confiar en Él aun cuando no entiendas Su plan.
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If you can’t name the top three values in your life, you’ll live by someone else’s values instead of your own. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of knowing your values and living by them.
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 9:40-42 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Descubre la clave de la seguridad financiera. Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras explica cómo aplicar los principios bíblicos para la estabilidad financiera.
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Moses made a choice to endure short-term pain so he could experience long-term gain. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches why you need to make a similar resolution if you want to develop godly character.
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 9:32-35 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 7:59, 60 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 4:23-31 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Ningún problema es demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño para llevarlo ante Dios en oración. El pastor Rick enseña un enfoque de tres pasos para orar cuando enfrentas circunstancias abrumadoras.
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To become all that God made you to be, refuse to be defined by others. In this message, you’ll learn, through the story of Moses, how to find real success by being exactly who you were created to be—and nothing else.
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 3:1-8 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Te pareces más a Jesús cuando eliges no tomar represalias después de que alguien te critica o te lastima. El pastor Rick enseña cómo puedes persistir en la fe dejando que Dios maneje la situación, confiando en que Él te defenderá.
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God answers your prayers when you humbly confess your sins and thank him for his love and promises. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches about reminding yourself how good and gracious God is and how to live with an attitude of gratitude.
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Today’s devotional is on Acts 1:20, 24, 25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Dios recompensa la paciencia. El Pastor Rick enseña como Dios usa temporadas de espera para edificar tu carácter, ayudarte a evitar errores, y mantenerte en el camino correcto para alcanzar tus metas.
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Pastor Rick explains how the life of Daniel teaches that God answers sincere, passionate prayers. God wants you to show that you’re serious about your requests—today you’ll learn practical ways to make that happen.
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Today’s devotional is on John 17:13-26 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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El tiempo de Dios siempre es perfecto, incluso cuando no tiene sentido para ti. Y si Él te ha dado un sueño para tu vida, sucederá, pero en su tiempo, no en el tuyo. Acompaña al Pastor Rick en esta lección sobre por qué Dios nunca llega temprano, nunca llega tarde, pero siempre justo a tiempo.
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The life of Daniel teaches that God answers your prayers when you focus your attention on him and let him speak. Today you’ll learn about how God is the initiator of everything in your life and you are the responder.
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Today’s devotional is on John 17:1-12 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Descubre el poder transformador de la obediencia a Dios. El Pastor Rick enseña acerca de la importancia de seguir la dirección de Dios y no demorar en tomar tu próximo paso de fe.
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Teaching from the book of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains that when you publicly stand strong for God, it encourages other believers to stand strong too. Your courage is a powerful example to unbelievers, and your boldness encourages other Christians to be bold too.
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Today’s devotional is on John 12:27, 28 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on John 11:41, 42 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on John 4:24 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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¡No dejes que el temor te impida vivir por fe! El pastor Rick enseña estrategias bíblicas para vencer el temor, liberarse del egoísmo y la miopía, y cómo abrazar una vida de fe y valentía.
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The book of Daniel teaches that when you publicly stand up for your beliefs, God has a chance to do a miracle in your life. But if you never risk anything, you’ll never give God the opportunity to do a miracle.
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Today’s devotional is on Luke 3:30 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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Descubre el poder de la duda honesta y la fe sincera, y cómo Jesús te encuentra en medio de tus incertidumbres. El pastor Rick enseña la verdad bíblica de que, con sólo una fe del tamaño de una semilla de mostaza, puedes conquistar montañas y experimentar lo imposible.
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Pastor Rick talks about ways to fight fear, and how you benefit every time you stand for God. Daniel’s life shows how God can give you victory over fear.
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Today’s devotional is on Luke 23:46 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.توسط Pastor Rick
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