In Thrive, Pastor Bigney applies God’s Word to marriage and parenting which will help you turn your surviving into thriving.
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Weekly, God centered, messages from Pastor Brad Philbeck at Bethany Baptist Church in Crane Hill, AL.
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Real Talk with Pastor Brad and Kristy is a show where the topics are real and relevant! Each week they are served with truth, transparency, and some much-needed realness. A good gospel gumbo if you please...
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This podcast consists of the sermons and thoughts of Pastor Chris Brademeyer, a Lutheran Pastor (LCMS) from North Dakota.
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101 Reasons to Go to Heaven
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What if your marriage struggles are actually opportunities for growth? Pastor Brad Bigney and his wife, Vicki, continue their conversation about how marriage reveals our weaknesses and points us back to Christ. Learn how unmet expectations can actually be a gift, leading you to true joy and intimacy with both your spouse and God. ___ Thanks for lis…
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People are MISSING! God wants us to go find them and help them realize their need for Him. During this 3-part sermon series Pastor Brad shares how we are a part of God's plan to reach out and share our story.توسط Lead Pastor Brad Philbeck
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Tonight, we gather on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of our Lenten journey. A journey marked by repentance, reflection, and renewal as we prepare ourselves to dwell on the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Listening to the words of Jesus in Matthew 6, we are confronted with a fundamental question: Where is our treasure? Where…
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Love. It is a word used so frequently that it has almost lost its meaning. The world talks about love as a feeling, as an attraction, as something that “just happens.” But what does God say about love? Today, we turn to St. Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13, one of the most famous passages in all of Scripture, to understand what true love is Listen …
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Marriage takes more than feelings—it takes work. Pastor Brad Bigney and his wife, Vicki, share how their marriage went from struggling to thriving by embracing God’s design. If you want a stronger, healthier marriage, this conversation will challenge and encourage you. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible without the financial sup…
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The Word of God is very important; it is the foundation of our faith, the means by which God speaks to us, and the power that transforms hearts and lives. Think of a time when a single verse of Scripture provided you with hope, strength, or conviction—this is the power of the Word at work. It is more than just ink on a page or sounds in the air. It…
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Do you feel like your marriage is missing something—or that it’s harder than it should be? Pastor Brad Bigney and Vicki unpack the reality of shattered expectations in marriage and explain why it’s not a sign of failure, but of growth. Learn how to embrace God’s purpose for your marriage and move from disappointment to a thriving, Christ-centered r…
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We live in a world where hard work is often measured by what we receive in return. We expect fairness, just compensation, and recognition for our efforts. When that expectation is disrupted, it can stir frustration or even resentment. Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard challenges that thinking and instead directs us to something greater:…
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Pastor Brad Bigney sits down with his wife, Vicki Bigney, to share their personal journey through marriage. They reflect on their early years, the challenges they faced, and how God transformed their relationship. If you’re struggling in marriage or simply want to build a stronger foundation, this conversation will give you hope and encouragement. …
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Imagine standing on a mountain with Jesus. Suddenly, His appearance changes—His face shines like the sun, His clothes become dazzling white. Then, out of nowhere, Moses and Elijah appear, speaking with Him. If that was not overwhelming enough, a bright cloud covers the mountain, and the voice of God thunders from heaven: “This is My beloved Son... …
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Thinking about marriage? Struggling in your relationship? Pastor Brad Bigney and his wife, Vicki, open up about their own story—from awkward first meetings to major challenges and breakthroughs. Discover how biblical principles and God’s grace can turn even the toughest marriage into a thriving one. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be pos…
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One of the more difficult things for us human beings to contemplate is that our God, specifically the Son, is a man named Jesus Christ. This is hard thing for us to understand for a few reasons. There is the simple fact that fitting God into a man is a difficult proposition. After all, how does any human being have the capacity to contain the Almig…
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People are MISSING! God wants us to go find them and help them realize their need for Him. During this 3-part sermon series Pastor Brad shares how we are a part of God's plan to reach out and share our story.توسط Lead Pastor Brad Philbeck
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How does anticipation for eternity shape the way you love now? Pastor Brad Bigney explores how living with a “save the date” mindset—focused on your heavenly bridegroom—transforms your marriage by lifting you above everyday struggles and into selfless love. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our …
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Have you ever felt dirty? I mean, I would think most of us have. If you spend an afternoon in August doing yardwork, you’ve needed a shower. Even if it wasn’t yardwork, you’ve probably had the same experience with some other grungy task. Bathrooms, messes, dirt, stench: these all make the us feel outwardly dirty. It doesn’t take much to need a show…
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People are MISSING! God wants us to go find them and help them realize their need for Him. During this 3-part sermon series Pastor Brad shares how we are a part of God's plan to reach out and share our story.توسط Lead Pastor Brad Philbeck
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There are two significant things that cross paths in our reading from John today. The first is that our Lord Jesus exhibits an absolute mastery over physical reality, such that without any act other than simply giving a few orders to some of the servants, He is able to transmute, change water into wine. And not just wine, but good wine beyond the n…
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How does knowing who you are in Christ transform your marriage? Pastor Brad Bigney reveals how embracing your identity as God’s beloved child and focusing on eternity can free you to love your spouse deeply, no matter the challenges you face. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners…
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Baptism is an important thing in the Christian life. We all were baptized at some point, many of us at too young of an age to even remember it. And for us and the baptism we receive, it easy to see they why of doing it. Scripture teaches us in Romans chapter six and Colossians chapter two that baptism unites us to the death of Christ. In other word…
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What keeps us from giving and receiving love in marriage? Fear. Pastor Brad Bigney shares how fear leads to hiding, guarding, and pulling back—blocking true intimacy. Learn how to replace fear with the confidence of God’s love and take steps toward a flourishing relationship. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible without the financ…
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So the men came to see Jesus. They came from the darkness of their superstition and false religion to see Him who is the light of the world. They came because the star in the heavens was a sign that the very Light of the world had come. And so they did, thereby fulfilling the prophecy recorded for us in the sixtieth chapter of Isaiah the prophet. T…
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Are you letting fear keep you from experiencing real love in your marriage? Pastor Brad Bigney explores how fear—rooted in guilt and shame—prevents us from truly loving and being loved. Learn how God’s perfect love can set you free to risk being vulnerable and build a marriage that thrives. ___ Thanks for listening! Thrive would not be possible wit…
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After this visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, they were warned in a dream to avoid Herod and went home by a different route. Mary and Joseph, in turn, fled with the infant Jesus to Egypt. This both confirmed the prophecies of the Old Testament, as noted here in our reading, and kept our Lord from being put to death before His time. What then ar…
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Circumcision is a difficult topic to discuss from the pulpit, given that it deals with a very private part of the body. And let me just say, if you don’t know what circumcision is, talk to your parents or someone else who knows. But above all, do not Google it. You’ll thank me later. And so, tonight we have the unenviable task of seeing why this pa…
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Regardless of his exact background and pedigree, Simeon was anticipating this day. For he knew that peace that transcends death could only be found in Christ Jesus the Lord, the Messiah foretold of old and who was promised to be seen by him. And that day came. Given all of this, it is unsurprising that Simeon broke out into song. How could he not s…
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Love always involves risk—but how do you overcome the fear of rejection or vulnerability in your marriage? Pastor Brad Bigney examines the fear factor that began in the Garden of Eden and still impacts our relationships today. Learn how understanding God’s unshakable love for you frees you to love your spouse courageously and openly. ___ Thanks for…
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This sermon was preached for the funeral of Lysle Coleman. Lysle's obituary can be read atتوسط Rev. Chris Brademeyer
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“What child is this, who, laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?” So begins a much beloved Christmas hymn by the nineteenth century Englishman William C. Dix. This question was not new in 1865 when the song was penned. In fact, some version of this question had been asked since the very beginning. The disciples asked themselves a variant of this …
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Rejoice dear friends! The Savior of the World is come! Merry Christmas from us at St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND!توسط Rev. Chris Brademeyer
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Can you love without risk? Pastor Brad Bigney explains how fear, rooted in sin, holds us back from the deep, authentic connections we long for in marriage. Discover how God’s love enables you to move past fear and embrace true intimacy.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners.If you w…
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Jesus is the Lamb of God and we say this often in church. Do we stop and ask why we do this or what it means? How should we understand what significance it has for John the Baptist to call Jesus the Lamb of God? What does being the Lamb have to do with taking away the sins of the world? And why does all of this come up on the last Sunday before Chr…
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Names are important things. This is easily seen when people get upset when their names are gotten wrong. Why does God tell us in our readings this evening that His Son should be called Jesus and Immanuel? What significance do these names have? Find out in this sermon for the third Wednesday of Advent (12/18/2024) from St. John's Lutheran Church of …
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John proclaimed Jesus to be the Messiah, the Lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world. But here in Matthew 11, John sends his disciples to ask if Jesus is really the one, or if there is another. It seems strange that John would be confused, given his being a prophet. But he was confused. Worse, this confusion did not end with him. Jes…
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The following sermon was preached for the funeral of Donnel Hankel on December 12, 2024. His obituary can be found atتوسط Rev. Chris Brademeyer
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John is called many things: the Baptist, the Forerunner, Elijah, and he who makes straight the way of the Lord. We hear about him every year during Advent. But who is this John, exactly? Why did God send him into the wilderness to preach repentance? And what does all of this have to do with Jesus? Find out in this sermon for the 2nd Wednesday of Ad…
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Unrealistic expectations can derail a marriage. Pastor Brad Bigney explains how embracing the realities of marriage—dying to self and living for your spouse—unlocks God’s greater plan for your relationship.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners.If you would like to support Thrive we…
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3P1S EP 11 - Baptism: A Work Toward God or God's Work for You?
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1:04:28On today's episode of "3 Padres and a Shepherd," we are looking at the subject of Baptism. What is baptism - and who does the work in baptism? Is it an act of mankind's obedience toward God or is it God's work upon mankind? Is it a symbolic display of a person's faith, or is it a powerful work of God that 'does stuff' to mankind? Stick around for t…
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Unrealistic expectations can crush a marriage. Pastor Brad Bigney invites you to say goodbye to the "perfect marriage" fantasy and embrace the refining process that makes your relationship a tool for spiritual growth and lasting joy.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners.If you woul…
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Reading the signs is an interesting thing. Jesus invites us to read the signs of the coming of the Kingdom and His return in glory. In His telling, the signs of the Kingdom are as obvious and plain as knowing that a budding tree means that Spring is on its way. Why does He make this comparison? What are these signs? How should I understand them? Wh…
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Why do we remember various people on the liturgical calendar? The readings for this Wednesday service in Advent invite us to reflect on John the Baptist and also illustrate for us the reasons why it is good to remember faith men and women in the faith. What does John teach us about following Jesus? Why should we pay attention to his example? Find o…
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In today's episode, we cover the topic of "Sectarianism and Modern Day Monasteries." Even though this sounds like a difficult and complex topic, it is very simple and applicable to the church and Christians today. Are we in the world? Are we of the world? Are we for the world? Check out this episode to learn more... and enjoy some laughs.…
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Marriage requires more than effort; it demands the right foundation. Pastor Brad Bigney outlines how surrendering to biblical authority, letting go of unrealistic expectations, and relying on God’s Spirit are key to seeing your marriage grow, thrive, and glorify God.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support …
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Politics and Christianity have been a hot topic as of late. No doubt, this is because of the recent elections. Regardless of the origin, it is good for us to think about how Christians should behave as citizens of our nation. What role does politics have in the Christian's life? What should we be trying to accomplish in politics? Does Jesus have an…
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We have much to be thankful for, and yet, we often do not thank God for all His blessings. The following sermon was preached on how God humbles us in order to instruct us towards those things that we need the most for Thanksgiving Day at St. John's Lutheran Church of Oakes, ND.توسط Rev. Chris Brademeyer
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Pastor Brad Bigney reveals the often-overlooked foundation for a thriving marriage: a commitment to biblical authority and a purpose greater than personal desires. Learn how these principles can transform your relationship into a testament to God’s glory.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospe…
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The Oneness of Marriage
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1:01:14This presentation was given for the Zion Lutheran Church Marriage Conference in Gwinner, ND on Nov. 16, 2024.توسط Rev. Chris Brademeyer
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The end of the world can be a terrifying prospect. The final judgement can cause worry. The destruction of all things in fire is not a pleasant thought. Should we worry about the end of the world? Should we fret about the final judgement? What is Christ going to say to us when He returns to judge the living and the dead? Find out in this sermon fro…
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Golden calves, idols, are easy to see, aren't they? They would never sneak up on us or lead us astray. Except, they do this to Christians all the time. They're often not obvious to us, otherwise they would not be able to lead us astray. They often don't come in the guise of pagan statues, but instead, are more subtle and crafty. What are idols? How…
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Pastor Brad Bigney reveals why marriage stands apart from all other relationships. Learn how marriage as a covenant requires partners to “leave, cleave, and weave,” creating a one-of-a-kind connection that brings deep growth, loyalty, and joy over a lifetime.___Thanks for listening!Thrive would not be possible without the financial support of our G…
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A message from Bethany's Student Pastor Jason Brakefieldتوسط Jason Brakefield
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