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FT News in Focus

Financial Times

News features and analysis from Financial Times reporters around the world. FT News in Focus is produced by Fiona Symon. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Bringing America Back to Life Conference Coming March 7th and 8th with Kate Makra E.D. of Cleveland Right to Life Kate Makra, Executive Director of Cleveland Right to Life, shares the details of this year's BABL Conference. Friday night's dinner will feature Riley Gaines, collegiate athlete who fought against biological males competing in women's s…
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Real Estate Tax Relief- Here are some of the proposals- A discussion with Maurice Thompson and Greg Lawson Real Estate Tax Reform will be an issue that OCA will work on in 2025 with citizens groups across Ohio. Inflation and the cost of living are bearing down on our seniors, those on fixed incomes, and young families as they struggle to pay for th…
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Real Estate Tax Reform at the Ohio Statehouse - What if anything will get done this session? Greg Lawson of the Buckeye Institute discusses the complex challenges facing legislators as they wrestle with how to bring relief to Ohio homeowners on the real estate tax increase issue. Most residents have seen dramatic increases in their real estate taxe…
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Celebrating the First Thanksgiving with Historian Dr. Paul Jehle of the Plymouth Rock Foundation Dr. Paul Jehle serves as President of Plymouth Rock Foundation and Senior Pastor of The New Testament Church of Cedarville in the town of Plymouth. Paul has remained active in serving the town of Plymouth in various ways as well as continuing to be acti…
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The Boarder Crisis is a humanitarian crisis and it is affecting our communities with - Ashland Mayor Matt Miller Matt Miller and Chris Long discuss the illegal immigration problem at the border that has now come to Ohio communities with a host of challenges and legal problems. Matt and his wife Melanie Miller recently went to the Arizona border to …
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Rick Santorum shares his thoughts on the election in the battleground states and the Christian vote. Former Presidential candidate and News Max Political Analyst Rick Santorum shares his thoughts on the Presidential election and the importance of the U.S. Senate races around the country. A must listen as Rick shares an important update from Pennsyl…
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Bill Federer on Columbus and his four Voyages Beginning in 1492, Christopher Columbus took FOUR VOYAGES to the New World: 1ST VOYAGE (1492-1493), he DISCOVERED land; 2ND VOYAGE (1493-1496), he encountered a hurricane, malaria, and CANNIBALS;3RD VOYAGE (1498-1500), he faced doldrums, rebellion, and was ARRESTED;4TH VOYAGE (1502-1504), he survived an…
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Short message on why to Vote NO on Issue 1 NO on Issue 1 with State Auditor Keith Faber VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1 The political left is pushing a radical redistricting plan for the November ballot. This convoluted, complicated redistricting plan, if passed by Ohio voters in November, will take the redraw of the district lines away from the people and thei…
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State School Report Card with Ed Committee Chair Andy Brenner- How are Ohio students doing? The Ohio Department of Education released its State Report Card for 2023-2024. In his 2023 State of the State Address, Governor DeWine highlighted the need to focus on Ohio schoolchildren’s reading proficiency. Due to the COVID shutdown, Ohio students were a…
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NO on Issue 1 with State Auditor Keith Faber VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1 The political left is pushing a radical redistricting plan for the November ballot. This convoluted, complicated redistricting plan, if passed by Ohio voters in November, will take the redraw of the district lines away from the people and their representatives and put it in the hands o…
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Faith in America on the decline – But there is a spark of revival in a younger generation. A 2022 Gallup Poll of faith in America found that for the first time since 1928, under 50% of Americans hold any faith tradition or association whatsoever. Many church denominations report drastic decreasing numbers of general church attendance. Generation Z …
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Election Integrity Ohio SOS moves to purge inactive voters and finds illegals registering and voting Ohio SOS Frank LaRose has turned over to the Ohio Attorney General for prosecution 666 files of non-U.S. citizens registering and some voting in Ohio's election. Secretary LaRose also purged 156,000 inactive voters from the voting rolls in the last …
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Ohio's Disastrous Redistricting Ballot Issue- A conversation with Jonathan Broadbent of UnWoke Academy The political left, with help from big donors, has secured enough signatures to place their convoluted redistricting plan on the November ballot as a constitutional amendment. Because we were unsuccessful in raising the threshold last year in the …
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Secret Service Director in the Hot Seat- Suspicion, Intrigue, and Stonewalling Leads to Resignation The Crisis of Our Times THESE are the times that try men's souls... The last eleven days have seen tumultuous events in our nation with the assassination attempt on President Trump, a worldwide IT disruption, and our current President withdrawing his…
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President Trump survives assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and tells his supporters to continue the fight! Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love go…
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Will Joe last the term? Will the RNC keep the pro-life platform? Turning Ohio blue? On this weekend special edition of News in Focus, we cover the growing pressure on Joe Biden to drop out of the race and possibly to resign due to health reasons. The pressure is coming from the Democrats. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has a report. Ohio was facing t…
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On this week’s News In Focus, we interview Orlando Sonza, Republican Candidate for Ohio's 1st Congressional District. Orlando Sonza states this about his campaign for the 1st. Congressional District: "My strong commitment to public service, dedication to protecting life—from the unborn to the elderly—and support of our God-given Constitutional righ…
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Mini lame duck session this week at the Ohio Statehouse- Things are finally moving. Earlier this month, Governor DeWine took the unusual step of calling for a special session of the Ohio General Assembly. Frustrated by the inactivity of the current House and Senate, the Governor called for the two houses to come together in a special session. The l…
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Stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse. There continues to be a stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse. Legislation is bottled up in committee and not coming to the floor for a vote. Ohioans voted for a majority of Republicans In both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate. Ohio is a conservative state, and people are frustrated as to why we do not see the same ty…
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STOP Illegal Immigration in Ohio- Legislation has been introduced to address the problem. State Rep. Scott Wiggam of the 77th Ohio House District in Wayne County discusses legislation that he has introduced to address the illegal immigration problem in Ohio. H.B. 327, E-Verify, will penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. H.B. 451, The Wire…
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News Updates - State and National with Chris Long Protests are breaking out on college campuses across the country. Intertwined among them is a rise in anti-Semitism. Congressional members in a press conference today, called on the administration and state officials to act, protecting Jewish students attending their colleges and universities. Speak…
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Greg Lawson discusses Ohio's housing crisis and what policy makers are doing about it Greg Lawson, Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute, Ohio's conservative think tank, joins News in Focus to discuss with Chris Long Ohio's housing crisis and what legislators are doing about it. Rising costs due to inflation, high interest rates, and the lack of…
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Iran attacks Israel - Court places injunction on H.B 68 - Inflation climbs in March - Statehouse update on this week's News in Focus The world breathes a sigh of relief as missile attack on Israel is thwarted by the Iron Dome. Inflation and the economic outlook is not good for the Biden Administration. ACLU files lawsuit against Ohio's Safe Act H.B…
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Standing By Israel With Laurie Cardoza Moore Israel is fighting the war against HAMAS in Gaza. Many in the international community, including the U.S. State Department, are calling for Israel to stand down. Israel is determined to eradicate those HAMAS terrorists who committed the atrocities on October 7th, the day that modern Israel suffered its w…
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White House disrespects Christians and Easter-Declares Transgender Day Christian leaders and political leaders rebuke the Biden Administration for its disregard of Christianity's holiest day on the calendar. Easter Sunday is the celebration of Christ's resurrection in the Christian church worldwide. From our beginning as a nation, Presidents have a…
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AG Yost discusses nitrogen hypoxia as a remedy to carry out Ohio's death penalty. Attorney General Dave Yost joined Representatives Brian Stewart and Phil Plummer in a recent press conference announcing legislation that would include nitrogen hypoxia as a method to carry out Ohio's death penalty. In recent years, Ohio, along with other states who h…
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Youth movement in the conservative ranks - Will it grow? Mark Harrington of Created Equal joins me to discuss the Days of Action for the pro-life cause in Ohio starting April 11th and 12th in Cleveland. Discussing the American Conservative Youth Union with its president, Aidan Haggard. Aidan discusses the importance of civics in education. He is me…
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Election update with OCA President Chris Long With one week to go, things are tightening up in the Ohio U.S. Senate race. It is very close between Frank LaRose and Bernie Moreno with Matt Dolan trailing close behind. Early vote turnout is low and everyone is looking to the Tuesday March 19th Primary, as the stakes are getting high. President Trump …
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AG Yost discusses nitrogen hypoxia as a remedy to carry out Ohio's death penalty Attorney General Dave Yost joined Representatives Brian Stewart and Phil Plummer in a recent press conference announcing legislation that would include nitrogen hypoxia as a method to carry out Ohio's death penalty. In recent years, Ohio, along with other states who ha…
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Education is the Key to the Future Success of Conservatism in America Part 1 The 15th annual Bringing America Back To Life pro-life convention will be held on March 8th and 9th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Independence. Here to talk about the great lineup of speakers and breakout sessions is the Executive Director of Cleveland Right to Life, Kate…
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On-Air Candidate Forum with Bernie Moreno and Frank LaRose Continuing with our Candidate Forum interviews, today we interview two candidates for the U.S. Senate Republican Primary - Cleveland businessman Bernie Moreno and Secretary of State Frank LaRose. We asked questions of the candidates concerning the national debt, the southern border crisis, …
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On-Air Candidate Forum for the 13th Congressional District Part 1 - Kevin Coughlin Part 2 - Chris Banweg Here are the questions that were asked of the candidates. Tell us why you’re running for congress in the 13th What is your position on the southern border? What should congress do about the 34 trillion dollars in national debt? Due to the federa…
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The American dream is slipping away. Today's housing crisis and the history of mortgage lending with Jack Boyle. Jack Boyle who had a career for 35 years in mortgage finance will be a presenter at the March Forum on Ohio's Housing Crisis hosted by the Ohio Christian Alliance. Presenters will also include State Senator Andy Brenner who is currently …
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Jack Boyle who had a career for 35 years in mortgage finance will be a presenter at the March Forum on Ohio's Housing Crisis hosted by the Ohio Christian Alliance. Presenters will also include State Senator Andy Brenner who is currently serving on the Ohio Senate Select Committee on Housing. In this introductory discussion, Jack takes us through th…
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The Life Movement and the Way Forward with Peter Range of Ohio Right to Life In the aftermath of the effort to defeat the passage of Issue 1, the abortion rights amendment, the pro-life movement is re-engaging to educate a younger voter and to start the discussion to advance a pro-life culture among 18-35 year-olds. Exit polls indicated that the pr…
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Statehouse Update with Greg Lawson Part 2 Candidate Spotlight with Charles Tassell President Trump wins the Iowa Caucuses in a resounding landslide. The Primaries now move on the New Hampshire and South Carolina. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich stated that President Trump is the nominee and the other candidates are also-rans at this point. Greg Lawson…
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Veto Override Vote on H.B. 68 Wednesday at the Ohio Statehouse Speaker Stephens has called for the General Assembly to reconvene Wednesday January 10th at the Ohio Statehouse - first session of the new year. The main agenda item is the veto override vote on H.B. 68, the Ohio SAFE Act. Sixty votes are needed. The issue has become a national one, as …
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Elected officials swatted - Calls to override the veto on H.B. 68 go out News in Focus launches the new year 2024. State Senator Andy Brenner shares his experience of being swatted last week along with State Attorney General Dave Yost and two other elected officials in an apparent attack from the political left. The swatting occurred on the anniver…
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State Rep Reggie Stoltzfus on H.B. 68 the Ohio SAFE Act Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus of Ohio's 50th District discusses with OCA President Chris Long the importance of protecting girls' and women's sports in H.B. 68. The bill also bans hormone blocking drugs and life-altering surgeries for minors in Ohio. The gender dysphoria psychosis being pushed by publ…
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Christmas Traditions with Author and Historian Bill Federer Part 1 Author and historian Bill Federer discusses the meaning behind our Christmas traditions - the Christmas tree, poinsettias, the 25th of December. You are sure to learn about the traditions as we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the Messiah. Part 2 Christmas Carols and Their Origins.…
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Never Alone Act H.B. 236 - No one should die alone because of government mandates During the COVID shutdown, hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living centers forced the elderly, infirmed, and those hospitalized into isolation without the support of family, loved ones, or clergy. At the time of the COVID shutdown, the Ohio Christian Alliance re…
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Riley Gaines testifies in support of H.B. 68 the Ohio SAFE Act in the Ohio Senate Ohio SAFE Act H.B. 68 with Rep. Gary Click Protecting Ohio's Children from Transitioning Drugs and Surgery State Rep. Gary Click of Ohio's 88th District has re-introduced Ohio's SAFE Act, H.B. 68. the legislation passed the Ohio House and is currently in the Ohio Sena…
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The Pilgrims' Thanksgiving Fifty-One Souls Who Changed the World Leo Martin, Director of the Jenny Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts, discusses the profound impact that the 1620 landing at Plymouth Rock with a small group of Pilgrims had on the course of history. They sought religious freedom and carved out a community in the New World with fellows…
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For Their Honor book by Chris Long now available interview on TCT For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. This book was written to tell the eleven-year story of how one of the largest mass prayers in history was added to the World War II Memorial. The D-Day Prayer was one of FDR's fireside ch…
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Interview with Mike Goldstein on supporting the State of Israel and fighting back against anti-Semitism Mike Goldstein is the Arizona Director of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations. He also serves as legal counsel for the national office of PJTN. Mike is a Navy veteran who served 26 years in the active Naval Reserve as a linguist aiding Naval intel…
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Support for the State of Israel and the Jewish People with Congressman Max Miller Recently, Congressman Max Miller of Ohio's 7th District was my Sunday morning guest at Grace Baptist Church in Brunswick. Pastor Richard Powers invited us to the platform for Congressman Miller to give an update on the terrorist attacks by Hamas and what Israel is doi…
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