This is the Podcast Channel of New Hope Church Adel. We have multiple shows with episodes that we release bi-monthly to help you find and follow Jesus better!
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Discover how God's Kingdom is past, present, and future and what that means for us.
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Another episode in our Rooted series. This one is by Pastor Gabe and Pastor Ryan on Salvation.
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What is the difference between the Church and a church? Who is the church for? Pastor Gabe and Pastor Ryan discuss how we can have a Biblical foundation for thinking about the Church.
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Why is Grace so significant and unique to the Christian worldview, and how is it different from works when it comes to being made right with God? Chenney Thompson makes her debut on the podcast, joining Pastor Ryan and Pastor Ben.
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There are some seemingly strange commands in the Old Testament. How do we know which ones to follow? Is God different in the New Testament than He is in the Old? Pastor Ryan and Pastor Ben talk about what the Old Testament is and what it contains, how to apply it, and also, appearances of Christ in the Old Testament?…
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In this episode Pastor Ryan and Pastor Tom discuss God's character: who He is and how He ministers to us and how we respond to His character.
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Pastor Ryan and Pastor Gabe discuss the importance of Truth in the Christian worldview, and highlight how other views of truth fall short of God's reality.
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Why is it important for Christians to know evidence for the existence of God? Pastor Ryan and Pastor Ben discuss this, as well as some of the different ways that we can have confidence that God exists based on what we can observe in the world around us.
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The last 3 chapters of Judges have been called the "Sewer of Scripture." The world we live in sometimes feels like a sewer. Learn how to escape the sewer and start living in the light.
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This episode is about how people, ancient and modern, create idols that hold us back from God's intended path in our lives, and how we overcome these temptations.
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Pastor Tom and Pastor Gabe talk about Judge Jephthah, the challenges he had in his life, and foolish words directed toward him and from his own mouth.
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This is the second episode in the Judges Podcast series as we supplement the sermon series on Judges. In this episode we highlight the various people God uses to do his ministry and the importance of responding to the leading of the Spirit.
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Join Pastor Tom for 6 consecutive weeks of Podcasts that supplement our current sermon series on the book of Judges. Listen to the first one today on God’s faithfulness during challenging times! Tom hosts Pastor Ryan for a discussion on the dynamics of how Israel faced challenges in their world, and how we can overcome the trials and temptations th…
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Tom compares how oil is used with the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
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Join Tom as he talks about how the Holy Spirit is like Fire.
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Tom talks about how the Dove imagery points to qualities of the Holy Spirit.
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This the first in a short series on how the Holy Spirit is like the Wind, a Dove, and Fire.
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In this episode Tom speaks to you about how to protect yourself from Satan's attacks on the mind and heart. He integrates Scripture with practical ideas on how you can respond to areas where you are vulnerable as you seek to overcome in God's power.
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Join Ben and Daniel as they discuss the most important question you may ever face: what does it mean to give your life to Christ? Ultimately, in answering this question or any other, our goal is to help you find and follow Jesus. The first step to freedom is giving Him your heart. God bless!
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Dan and Ben talk about the "He Gets Us" advertisement campaign that played during the Super Bowl. The key Bible text is Titus 2:11 on the grace of God.
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Join Tom and Daniel for a new podcast on Satan versus God. This is episode #2 in the series and the focus is on the evil methods of Satan contrasted with the good ways of God.
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In this episode Tom and Daniel will be discussing Satan's character contrasted with God's character.
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These are some more questions submitted by the congregation from the Confused by God sermon series, answered by Pastor Ryan and Pastor Tom.
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These are questions that you submitted to us during our message series, Confused by God, from the book of Habakkuk.
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In this episode, Daniel and Ben discuss how they apply a Biblical worldview to their lives. With this in mind, they share some practical steps to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
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In this final episode of the Christmas Devotional Series Tom looks at how an ancient redeemer points to the ultimate redeemer, Jesus.
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Enjoy our newest podcast, a short Christmas devotional by Pastor Tom called, “Christmas according to Ruth, chapter 2.” In this second episode Tom talks about how the Lord protected and guided Ruth, an ancestor of both King David and Jesus and how he provides for and guides us during good times and bad.…
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In this Christmas devotional podcast Pastor Tom talks about how Ruth chapter 1 prophesies the arrival of Messiah Jesus over a thousand years later.
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The newest generation is experiencing a crisis that is hurting families left and right. In this special Part 2-episode, Ben and Daniel answer questions that culture poses about our identity, sexuality, and the importance of finding our identity in Christ. Plus, a joke about croutons!
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The newest generation is experiencing a crisis that is hurting families left and right. In this episode, Ben and Daniel discuss the causes of that crisis and answer questions that culture poses about our identity, sexuality, and the importance of finding our identity in Christ.
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Join Pastor Ryan in the second of a two-part podcast series that discusses the launch and beliefs of Islam in order to better understand Islamic terrorist activity, what is currently taking place in the Israel-Gaza Conflict, and how we as Christians should respond.
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Join Pastor Ryan in the first of a two-part podcast series that discusses the launch and beliefs of Islam in order to better understand Islamic terrorist activity, what is currently taking place in the Israel-Gaza Conflict, and how we as Christians should respond.
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In this episode, Ben Alison and Daniel Hall answer questions about truth. Whether you are a seeker or a believer, Jesus made many claims that are worth investigating. Our hope is that we can help you find and follow Jesus.
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You are invited to listen to our newest Podcast, New Hope Apologetics, with co-hosts Ben Alison and Daniel Hall. In this first episode titled “What is Apologetics?” they discuss the meaning of the word “apologetics”.
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In this episode Pastor Ryan is talking episode about what the Bible says about Divorce. We discuss the high calling of marriage while recognizing the painful reality of relationship struggles.
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Join Pastor Tom for a conversation with Denny and Bev Davis, who have been married for 50 years, on the joys and challenges of marriage in the different seasons of daily life.
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Enjoy this Podcast “Protect your Marriage”, the first of several upcoming episodes related to our new sermon series, Fighting for Family.
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How is the Holy Spirit at work today and how is this similar and/or different to what He was doing in the book of Acts? Listen in as Pastor Tom and Daniel Hall discuss this along with an add-on to the Sunday morning message from August 27.
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Pastor Tom and Tim Canney discuss the goal of making disciples and a few of the challenges along the way.
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Digging Deeper in Acts - What are Tongues, and is it a spiritual gift to be experienced today?
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Deb Carlson and Daniel Hall share their stories of being discipled and what the Lord is doing through disciple making at New Hope Church.
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Join Pastor Tom and Pat Thies as they discuss Disciple-Making, including successful experiences and challenges that we face.
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This is an introduction to a series on Disciple-Making. Pastor Tom talks a little bit about being a disciple and how Jesus and Paul made disciples. Then, we visit with Pastor Ryan about our Each One Equip One program.
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Join Pastor Ryan for this helpful Podcast, “Talking about Jesus (without using the Bible)”. Explore 10 secular references about the life and ministry of Jesus which were written close to the time of the New Testament Scriptures.
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The Whole Gospel – What is it? How do we live it? Tom and Gabe share a new Living Truth Podcast with you on how the gospel is applied in daily life as we study the Bible with the whole gospel in mind.
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Questions about Spiritual Warfare (part 3) – In the final Podcast of this series we answer your questions about how to more deeply engage in the prayer that fights to overcome the enemy’s opposition, forgiveness, territorial demons, and closing thoughts on why the spiritual battle continues when the victory has already been won.…
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Join Pastor Ryan and Pastor Tom as they answer more of your questions about spiritual warfare!
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Questions about Spiritual Warfare Special Podcast (part 1) – Join Pastor Ryan and Pastor Tom as they dialogue about the questions that you submitted regarding spiritual warfare. Some of the questions addressed are, “Where do demons come from?” and “What do demons do?”
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In this episode Ryan Whitson talks about whether or not science and Christianity are compatible. The question that is addressed is whether science has somehow threatened Christianity by "proving" that it is false and unnecessary.
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