Would you like to receive property investing tips from Margaret Lomas herself? We've made it easy for you with the Margaret Lomas Property Podcasts. Download, listen, and discover how to be a successful property investor. Margaret will provide priceless advice, including investing tips, uncovering intrinsic growth drivers and other crucial data.
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Investor Questions: Is it possible to get building certification for lower levels in flood areas or does the council never allow it?
Is it possible to get building certification for lower levels in flood areas or does the council never allow it? This was the investor question from S07 E22 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Is stamp duty payable on land given from parent to child, and what is the best way to do the transfer?
Is stamp duty payable on land given from parent to child, and what is the best way to do the transfer? This was the investor question from S07 E21 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: What are the charges or taxes that have to be paid before the land is okay to build a duplex?
What are the charges or taxes that have to be paid before the land is okay to build a duplex? This was the investor question from S07 E20 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Can I move out from my own unit and rent a bigger place to live and claim my unit as an investment unit?
Can I move out from my own unit and rent a bigger place to live and claim my unit as an investment unit? This was the investor question from S07 E19 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Is capital gains tax applicable on an elderly parents home after they have moved to a nursing home?
Is capital gains tax applicable on an elderly parents home after they have moved to a nursing home? This was the investor question from S07 E18 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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I've paid for two building inspections, and only purchased one of the properties. Are both tax deductible or just the one on the property I bought? This was the investor question from S07 E17 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Margaret about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E22 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Eliminate land tax after the purchase of our new home while living overseas?
Eliminate land tax after the purchase of our new home while living overseas? This was the investor question from S07 E16 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Lisa and Shane about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E21 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Is there limited time to build a home before capital gains tax is applicable?
Is there a limited time to build a home before capital gains tax is applicable to us? This was the investor question from S07 E15 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Lisa and Daniel about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E20 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about property investing gems.توسط Margaret Lomas
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If I lived in my home for 3 years, then sold it 10 years after moving out, how would I work out the capital gains tax? This was the investor question from S07 E14 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Laura and Yonas about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E19 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about men do it alone, women do it with others.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Should first home buyers move interstate to chase cheaper prices? This was the investor question from S07 E13 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Anna and Beau about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E18 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about Data Syncing.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Can we sign a contract with 100% of the purchase value subject to finance?
Can we sign a contract with 100% of the purchase value subject to finance? This was the investor question from S07 E12 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Chelle about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E17 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about what to do with a lemon.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: It seems the price point for a townhouse is cheaper but the rent is similar?
It seems the price point for a townhouse is cheaper but the rent is similar? This was the investor question from S07 E11 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Rob about his investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E16 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about borderless investing.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Using offset account for some renovations and the rest on further properties?
Should we use money in an offset account for some renovations and spend the rest on further investment properties? This was the investor question from S07 E10 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Kathleen about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E15 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about land tax.توسط Margaret Lomas
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If we decided to sell a property in a few years time after using it as a principal place of residence, would we be liable for capital gains tax or is there a sunset clause after which it doesn't apply? This was the investor question from S07 E09 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Sharon about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E14 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about essential loan features.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Thoughts on debt and investing? This was the investor question from S07 E08 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Sarah and Geoff about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E13 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about your attitude to money.توسط Margaret Lomas
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At which point in purchasing a property should insurance be taken out? This was the investor question from S07 E07 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Isabella about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E12 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about your attitude to success.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Negative gearing on loan on family home while living in an investment property?
Is there any way I can take a loan out on my family home and then live in the investment property, allowing me to claim the negative gearing on the old house which has the loan? This was the investor question from S07 E06 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Karley about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E11 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about what is in the offer document.توسط Margaret Lomas
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How hard should we negotiate with a property manager? This was the investor question from S07 E05 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Ciaran and Vanessa about their investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E10 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about the importance of hotspotting.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Is there a way to minimise the cost of owning land for 10 to 15 years? This was the investor question from S07 E04 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Stuart about his investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E09 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about disruption.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Investor Questions: Could return on an airport car space be better than a residential property?
Could the return on an airport strata car space be better than a residential property? This was the investor question from S07 E03 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Jacob about his investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E08 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret talks about wealth creation websites.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Decks are no longer meeting current building standards? This was the investor question from S07 E02 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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Margaret Lomas interviews Selena about her investment journey. This was the investment journey segment from S08 E07 of Property Success with Margaret Lomas.توسط Margaret Lomas
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