Welcome to KTs FamilyRadio, where amazing things happen and this is my personal radio :) Free style talking show~~~ "Family Radio秉持著隨性主持風格,所以每集的節目內容也不會相同",且不定期更新。"!! 歡迎大家留言和我分享,你對本集內容的感想,謝謝。" Official website: https://ktsfamilyradio.co.uk Especially thanks: Free Play music https://freeplaymusic.com
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AI 真的能取代藝術家嗎? AI 創作藝術的能力到底有多強? 程式開發領域的 AI 革命 AI 能創造『真正的創意』嗎? AI 的優勢有哪些? 最後,我想問大家——你覺得 AI 會取代藝術家和工程師嗎?還是它只是幫助我們創造更多可能? Record at: 2025/02/26 Language: Mandarin 中文 本節目沒有任何營利,純粹分享:) Background music: thanks to Freeplay music
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The 99 Things you want to do before you leave PART2 這集不算心靈雞湯,但想給那些躊躇不前的聽眾們邁向通往夢想道路上一點點的動力~~ 前一集連結https://open.spotify.com/episode/0f8leN4LoFU5H28ZPGLKtV?si=ZDts-NkrTw2lGcIJPW7GRA **主動去創造自己想要的人生** 夢想不是許願池,而是行動清單 清單不是一成不變的,人生也是 如何讓夢想變成現實? 人生沒有標準答案,但要活得無憾 前一集連結https://open.spotify.com/episode/0f8leN4LoFU5H28ZPGLKtV?si=ZDts-NkrTw2lGcIJPW7GRA 本節目沒有任何營利,…
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本節目音樂都取於 YouTube,沒有任何營利。純粹分享 Non-commercial use, just sharing thoughts which we like to share. 此為重新上架的版本,不知道為何之前的節目不見了,因此重新上架。 Record at: 2020 SEP Language: Mandarin 中文 Background musics: (Source from Youtube and Free play music. I don't own the music) L先生對音樂都有一套獨到的見解,也受到聽眾們的支持,喜歡他分享的歌曲歡迎去找原曲聽聽~~~另外也請支持L先生音樂分享part2…
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S4E2-[M]從 StyleGAN 到 DragGAN:AI 影像生成的魔法進化From StyleGAN to DragGAN: The Magical Evolution of AI Image Generation
#AI #AI來襲 眾所矚目的AI主題節目又來了唷:) 你是否曾想過,只要用滑鼠拖動圖片的一小部分,就能讓照片中的人物改變表情,甚至轉動頭部?這種聽起來像魔法的技術,正是基於 StyleGAN 發展出來的 DragGAN。在這集節目,我們將深入淺出地解釋這兩者的原理唷~~~Have you ever wished you could reshape an AI-generated image just by dragging parts of it? StyleGAN revolutionized image synthesis, but DragGAN takes it further by enabling intuitive, real-time manipulation. In th…
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S4E1-[M]新的一年來談談同理同情不要混用,新的時代來臨,各世代的職場生存術Let’s Talk About Empathy vs. Sympathy in the New Year – Don’t Mix Them Up! Surviving the Workplace in a New Era: Strategies Across Generations
新的一年來談談同理同情不要混用,在新的時代來臨,各世代的職場生存術有何不同? 優先座位的那些變老的壞人們為何會變成這樣?他們真的是壞人嗎? 主播絕對沒有偏題~~這是一個很值得深思的主題 歡迎大家留言告訴我們您的想法:) Let’s Talk About Empathy vs. Sympathy in the New Year – Don’t Mix Them Up! Surviving the Workplace in a New Era: Strategies Across Generations
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和店家互動趣事,一起將心比心 youtbe: 在youtube上聆聽單集 您們也有遇過類似的小故事嗎?歡迎和我分享您的故事或對本集的想法:) 雖然KT很隨性,但我還是很愛您們這些聽眾的~~ 我需要很多回饋~~越多越好,讓我知道您們都在:) Love you all:) background musics: thanks to freeplaymusic
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我不管不管~~~最近DJ KT難得囂張一點 :) 但您們知道我還是很愛您們這些聽眾的~~ 我需要很多回饋~~越多越好,讓我知道您們都在:) Love you all:) background musics: thanks to freeplaymusic
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youtube: 在youtube上聆聽單集 Title: 我有兩個小孩了 Experience of Babysitting Record at: 2023 MAY Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: (Source from Free play music)
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Season 2 - EP8 Title: L先生電玩音樂推薦 Mr. L's music sharing time ep. 2 Record at: 2022 NOV Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: (Source from Youtube. I don't own the music)
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Title: The 99 Things you want to do before you leave(人生要做的99件事) Record at: 2012/Dec/19 Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: Baby I Love U, Revive (source from YouTube, I don't own this music)
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Season 2 - EP7 Title: 財務課第一集:如何讓你的錢變更多? 那你得先了解什麼是 "複利" ? Record at: 2022 FEB Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: power by Anchor
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Season 2 - EP6 Title: 演出音樂劇的洗禮 Record at: 2022 JAN Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: Molly Molly power by Anchor & KT's vocal at the end.
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Season 2 - EP5 Title: 後疫情時代 為何有些人打疫苗就掰掰 疫情下生活的改變 Record at: 2021 OCT Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: ABO online theme song
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Title: Personal Space (個人空間) Record at: 2014/Jan/28 Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: Brighter than the sun (source from YouTube. I don't own the music)
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Title: The very first episode of KTs Family Radio (隨便談談囉) Main Topic: Exercises 運動 and Return to the past 你想回到的過去 Record at: 2012/Oct/25 Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: Mysterious Girl (source from YouTube, I don't own this music)
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Season 2 Title: What is AI? (什麼是AI?) Record at: 2019 MAY Language: Mandarin 中文 Background musics: (Source from Youtube and Free play music. I don't own the music) #AI #DeepLearning #深度學習 #監督式學習 #非監督式學習 #機器學習 #人工智慧
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Season 2 Title: Huh? KTs favourite Hard Rock Band (DJ推薦硬式搖滾樂團) Record at: 2018 SEP Language: Mandarin 中文 Background musics: (Source from Youtube. I don't own the music)
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Season 2 very first episode. Title: What?! Let's cook instant noodles! (什麼!?DJ被抓去煮泡麵!) Record at: 2018 JUN Language: Mandarin 中文
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Season 2 Alert- More New topics and shows are on the way.
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** Unpleasant vocal alert!!!!! Please, tune down the volume.** Title: Wanna listen to DJ sing? (來聽DJ亂唱) Record at: 2015/Dec/12 Language: Mandarin 中文 Today's recommend: Classic songs of 1988
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S1Ep9 - [M]放開你的感官Let's be Intelligent (2015Nov15)
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1:13:18Title: Let's be Intelligent(放開你的感官) Record at: 2015/Nov/15 Language: Mandarin 中文 Background music: Mais Que Nada (source from Youtube. I don't own the music) Today's recommend: 66妙招訓練好腦力
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Title: All about HK movies (港片分享) Record at: 2015/Sep/20 Language: Mandarin 中文 background musics: 天光,太錯...等 (source from Youtube. I don't own the music) Today's Recommend: 1.鬼同你OT 2.等我愛你 3.四個好色的女人 4.東方三俠
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Title: Change or Not (從純喫茶到米漿) Record at: 2014/Jan/29 Language: Mandarin 中文
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Title: Family Radio Special on New Year Eve Record at: 2012 to 2013 Language: English
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S1Ep4 - [M]菇小姐來啦~我們來談談兒時的回憶Connect with your childhood(2014Mar08)
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1:14:51***Sorry.The source file is broken, so the sounds may not be comfortable.***Title: Connect with your childhood (兒時回憶)Main Topic: music, cartoon and dramaRecord at: 2014/Mar/08Language: Mandarin 中文Guest on Air: Ms. Mushroom 菇小姐
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Title: Which movie does inspire you? (讓你非常有感觸的電影) Main Topic: The Devotion of Suspect X, three idiots, etc. Record at: 2012/Nov/01 Language: Mandarin 中文 Guest on Air: Ms. Mushroom 菇小姐
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