Kenyan girl in Serbia I am Purity from Mombasa, Kenya and I live in Belgrade, Serbia. My podcast is called "Purity's podcast", and it is a comedy show about funny and weird news from around the world. Also, my co-host Ivan (who is also my husband) and I talk about Kenya and Serbia, and we compare African and European lifestyle with a dose of humor. I would appreciate if you follow me on my social network accounts, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and listen to me singing on SoundCloud. Visit ...
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On this episode of Purity's podcast we talk about Nazi rabbits, guy with two noses, stone eating dog, lazy job at NASA, and Michael Jackson statue removal.
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I just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year, may it be unforgettable and successful. Cheers for 2022!
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On today's episode of Purity's podcast we talk about baby cook, hairy mother, stupid dating rules, and how not to give up your seat in the bus.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about awkward wedding moment, the dumbest tattoo ever, nudists crazy demand, and mom falling from the ceiling.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about two women impregnated at the same time, why not to walk naked around the house, genius real estate scam, and a bicycle thief.
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Danas u Smorkast podkastu pričamo o seljačini iz Australije koji ima problem zbog zemunke, o tome kako su izumrali lavovi u Vojvodini, i o majmunima koji rade za vladu u Indiji.توسط Purity Slavulj
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about lying dog, the worst friend in the world, hot tub and surveillance camera, and the weirdest way to heat up your pizza.توسط Purity Slavulj
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U novoj epizodi podkasta Smorkast pričamo o psu koji je vozio auto preko dozvoljene brzine, momku koji svojoj devojci naplaćuje kiriju, i o manijaku koji gleda pornografiju na poslu.توسط Purity Slavulj
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about ridiculously weird facts, red woman from Bosnia, Chinese colored dogs, and why it's important not to be called Alexa.توسط Purity Slavulj
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Sikiza rekodi hii ili ujue dalili za Coronavirus, na ujifunze jinsi ya kuizuia. Tafadhali shiriki chapisho hili kusaidia wengine kupata habari kuhusu COVID-19.توسط Purity Slavulj
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U 1. epizodi podkasta Smorkast vam objašnjavamo kako da usvojite dedu, dresirate psa da ide u nabavku za vas, i gde jeftino da kupite toalet papir.توسط Purity Slavulj
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On this episode of Purity's podcast we talk about some funny, weird and deep shower thoughts.
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On the newest episode of Purity's podcast we talk about mutant goat with human face, green puppy, pure evil son, and the richest bunny in the world.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about crazy parrot, Norwegian wool scam, ultimate dating revenge, dog thief, and aliens in Kenya.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about horses on the planes, monkey boy with a tail, and dad who embarrassed his daughter online.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about the poorest and the laziest DJ in the UK, and after that we list the weirdest festivals in the world.توسط Purity Slavulj
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about wasted vegan, boring Christmas movies, brain-eating worm, and woman who overeats while people on YouTube watch her do it.توسط Purity Slavulj
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Today we talk about young man pretending to be a pensioner, people named after a Disney characters, mutant calf, and a woman who is a "dumpster diver".توسط Purity Slavulj
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Today we talk about millionaire offering money for seducing his fiancée, pub paying compensation if you die eating burger, and waiter who won't serve alcohol to pregnant women.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about woman who boiled underpants in kettle, daughter who is ruining mother's career, and another lame influencer.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about nudist in-law, woman who got her face destroyed by octopus, and a man who tried to smuggle cocaine under toupee.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about the guy who ate 413 chicken wings, gang leader disguised as his daughter, and a man who gets enraged by sounds.
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Today on Purity's podcast we talk about insane "no phone at work policy", we discuss if Peppa Pig is eatable, and we explain how fart pills work.توسط Purity Slavulj
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On today's podcast we talk about discrimination of ugly people, hatred towards mother-in-law, hairy engagement ring, and monkey who lost his erection.
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Today we talk about weird landlord, strange vegan girl, marathon runner dressed like Big Ben, and mom who charges for birthday party.
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