Welkom bij de podcast van Joost Nusselder. Digital Strategist van decisiontree.nl, online content marketing agency
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Podcast by Jesse leerde Joostje koken
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The best progressive house tracks mixed weekly by Joost van Hooijdonk
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An audio podcast with practical steps for growing and going higher in the things of God.
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Joost II Sickenga (1963) is schrijver van letters en leestekens. Van hem werden onder meer de volgende toneelstukken gespeeld: Bob, Bob, Bob en Bob in regie van Gerardjan Rijnders, Nexlach werd uitgebracht door Würz, Het vervoegde leven kwam uit bij mugmetdegoudentand en To Nail werd voorgedragen door Marien Jongewaard. In 2003 organiseerde Joost het Retrospectief offensief om zijn werk onder de aandacht te brengen van een groter publiek. Zes van zijn toneelstukken werden gelezen door: Marce ...
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Psychiater Joost Stolker en psycholoog Yonda Poslavsky gaan elke paar weken in gesprek met inspirerende gasten op het gebied van psychotrauma. Iedereen die een schokkende gebeurtenis heeft meegemaakt, kan psychische en lichamelijke klachten krijgen. Soms zijn de gevolgen zo ernstig dat normaal functioneren niet meer mogelijk is. De afgelopen decennia is kennis over trauma, PTSS en de behandeling daarvan enorm toegenomen. Joost en Yonda belichten in hun podcast diverse vormen van psychotrauma ...
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Christa talks about how to daily turn on the light of Gods Word, so you can get rid of fear and step into faith.
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How we get to God's rest
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Titus 2:14
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Christa shares the challenges and how she overcame them in her pregnancy with Olivia, as well as her birth story.
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From Mark 11:23-24
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How we labor to enter into rest
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Christa shares her testimony of NOT giving into the lie of being a target for the devil and his attacks.
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7 steps to confidence in answered prayers
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What is presumption and how do we instead act in faith?
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Condemnation steals your confidence - here is how to maintain and grow confidence
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The top five pit falls that are trying to keep you from doing what God has called you to do.
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3 steps to strengthening your faith
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Part one of our study of the conscience
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The 3 evidences
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Are you using the gifts God has given you?
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Why am I not seeing results in my life in one particular area?
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Take the next 30 Days to intentionally engage the Word of God to enforce the delivery of your hearts desire.
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How is your Diligence?
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3 keys to keeping the victory!
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How to live above the devil's attacks
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How to get your prayers answered... You get it before you ask!
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From Hebrews 10:22-23 Pt 1: A clean Conscience
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Coming into agreement with the Word and each other
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In het lege huis van Kasper
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1:44:07De monoloog In het lege huis van Kasper gaat over de bijna veertig jaar vriendschap tussen Kasper en Peter. Kasper is plotseling overleden en Peter gaat zijn huis leegruimen. Tijdens het leegruimen probeert hij met behulp van herinneringen te achterhalen waar deze zo dierbare vriendschap uit bestond. Gespeeld door: Joost II Sickenga. Opgenomen: The…
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Stay on the "It is done" side, family!
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Guard your heart!
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11 Habits to change in the way you eat
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On the Unchanging Fatherhood of God
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God wants our lives to produce for Him!
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All you need is a word from the Lord
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6 things opening your mouth can do for you
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3 Practical Steps that will help you getting prepared for full time preaching ministry.
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Part two in a series that will challenge you to move up higher in every area.
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God wants to multiply you, listen to this ready to make the necessary changes, you will multiply!
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Christa reads a powerful testimony from Healing School, let it ignite your faith!
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How you can safeguard your future from offense and sin
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Three scriptures that will break you free from poverty and lack.
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3 Keys to grabbing what God has for you
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5 prayer points that will change your life today!
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Exposing the lie of the devil that brought in depression and kicking his sorry butt to the curb.
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Listening and obeying gives us confidence before God - so its important to make a plan for purity.
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Deze aflevering van de podcast gaat over Imaginaire Exposure, een belangrijke behandelmethode voor PTSS. Helaas is dit ook onze laatste podcast in deze serie. We leggen je in de intro uit waarom.توسط Joost en Yonda
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Christa's testimony of how the joy of the Lord touched her and changed her life.
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God has put the good stuff in our spirit, its our job to stir it up.
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Choosing a time, place and method to receive what God has waiting for you.
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Two areas that you need to have solidified in your spirit for these last days.
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What is the power of the Holy Ghost and what is it for?
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Het toneelstuk na To Nail
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1:04:08Een man en een vrouw zingen zich in zes scènes geheel los van de werkelijkheid. Geschreven voor, en voorgedragen door: Sara De Bosschere en Marien Jongewaard. Zonder publiek opgenomen in Theater Bellevue, 27 mei 2022توسط Sara de Bosschere, Marien Jongewaard
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7 keys to sustained progress
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Take time to keep the Word of God before your eyes and don't forget the testimonies of what He's done for you!
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