Here you'll find recent messages from the team at Invercargill Central Baptist Church (ICBC). Come along and join us at 10am on Sunday, 11 Deveron Street, Invercargill, New Zealand.
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John 21: How we handle the grief of our own sin and failure is important. Often we withdraw, or fall into despair, or over compensate, yet our failure can also lead to great humility as we grasp two key truths.توسط Keith Harrington
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Bible verse John 17 Jesus last prayer was for unity, so why is it not our priority? What causes disunity within church? توسط Keith Harrington
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John 15:1-8:Sometimes God calls us not to do more, but simply to remain. Remain in Him, remain in relationship, remain in what God has called you to.توسط Keith Harrington
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John 8:1-11, 15;A creative retelling of the woman caught in adultery.توسط Keith Harrington
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Not Enough …!We love glorious and spectacular live shows – full of amazing displays of skill and colour: and we are happy to pay $200 or more for tickets to be bedazzled. The Transfiguration, the supremo light and drama show, is the most significant event between Jesus’ birth and his passion on the Cross. Both the transformation of Jesus’ being and…
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One key principle and 4 tests we can apply to situations in our work place as we seek to honour God Bible verse: Romans 12:1-2توسط Keith Harrington
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One key principle and 4 tests we can apply to situations in our work place as we seek to honour God.Bible verse Romans 12:1-2 توسط Keith Harrington
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توسط Jeremy Thom
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توسط Keith Harrington
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توسط Jeremy Thom
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When tough times come, we feel alone and focus on the present, and ourselves and can’t see any many in it all. But as we understand the new covenant we are living under, we can regain purpose and reflect God to those around us.توسط Keith Harrington
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In 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 Paul speaks of the faith that we carry about in us as treasure in jars of clay. That it is God’s power through the resurrected Christ that is at work through us , not our own power.
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Bible verse 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 When tough times come, we feel alone and focus on the present, and ourselves and can’t see any many in it all. But as we understand the new covenant we are living under, we can regain purpose and reflect God to those around us.
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How do we find comfort in God—what does it look like?
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“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is, and is to come.” (Revelation 4:6b-11)
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Why it's important to develop an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness and some helpful tips on how you can achieve this.
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Why it's important to develop an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness and some helpful tips on how you can achieve this.
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Three different stories, one very close to home
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Hope and aid for the persecuted church
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How do we greet each other in NZ? What do we do? Handshake, hongi Other cultures use a kiss, a bow, even spitting. These different forms of greeting are part of what makes up Culture.
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How kindness can open the door to conversations.
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How to have spiritual conversations.
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Christ died for sins according to the Bible.
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God is just as interested in our heart attitude to giving as he is to the amount we give. This message examines for 2 Corinthians 9 our attitudes - how can we give both generously and cheerfully, and what is the impact when we do..
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This message looks at what we can learn from Genesis one about the environment from God’s perspective.
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Five things you can do with money and how to prioritize them.
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What are some of the underlying Biblical principles of money that we need to be aware of as we grapple with an issue that is central to all of our lives.
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