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show episodes

Hagespiren Podcast

Hagespiren Podcast

For deg som ønsker hageinspirasjon, råd og praktiske tips når det gjelder planter, blomster og alt annet som hagelivet har å by på. Vert er Gerd Ellen Ottersen. Hun formidler hageglede, -kunnskap og inspirasjon, både alene og i samtaler med spennende hage- og plantegjester. Episodene har noe å by på enten du er fersk eller erfaren med hage og planter. Hagespiren samarbeider med Hageselskapet, utgiver av landets største hagemagasin. En organisasjon som deler hageinspirasjon og kunnskap med ha ...
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It’s Not That Complicated with David Hagan is a weekly podcast with new guests in each episode discussing hot topics in the new home industry and related fields. David interviews leaders in homebuilding, sales and marketing, mortgage lending, and real estate. The It’s Not Complicated Podcast will help you develop new strategies, tactics, and disciplines in order to meet and exceed your goals for you and your teams, regardless of the industry you’re in.
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El podcast de fotografía del que no deberías fiarte demasiado, conducido por Edu López, fotógrafo y creador de contenido en YouTube, Patreon, Instagram y Tik Tok. www.estudiolumina.com www.patreon.com/estudiolumina www.instagram.com/estudiolumina www.tiktok.com/@iamedulopez
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The Bogus Otis Show: 9 Degrees of Sammy Hagar

Sammy Hagar: The Red Rocker!

A salute to Sammy Hagar- The Red Rocker! From Rock to Rum, Cabo to Cars to Catalina, Baja to Beer, Montrose to Mexico to Mezquila, Guitars, Gear n' Grub, Chickenfoot, HSAS, The Circle, Los Tres Gusanos, The Other Half, and his still growing solo career, your "Bo-Hosts" Darin & Brent delve into anything- and everything- within 9 Degrees of Sammy, making pit-stops at all points in-between! More than just a podcast, it's celebrating the "Red Rocker" lifestyle, while also bringing a better "bala ...
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The Daniele Hage Podcast

Daniele Hage

Join relationship expert Daniele Hage as she shares her insights and tips on how to bring out the best in yourself and your partner. In each episode, Daniele and her guests explore topics such as effective communication, nurturing the feminine self, and keeping the spark alive in long-term relationships.
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Peiling med Noresjø og Hagen

NHO Logistikk og Transport og Grønt landtransportprogram

Podcasten ”Peiling” med vertene Ole A. Hagen (NHO Logistikk og Transport) og Ingelin Noresjø (Grønt landtransportprogram). De diskuterer samferdselspolitikk, transport, logistikk og det grønne skiftet. Gjester i studio er ledende personer i samferdsels-Norge innen alle transportformer.
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En serie på St Rita Radio til inspirasjon for en dypere tro og vennskap med Jesus Kristus gjennom Karmelittordenens spiritualitet og helgener. Ved Anne Samuelsen, legkarmelitt og opplæringsleder i Karmels sekularorden i Norge. EWTN Norge drives av en stor gruppe dedikerte frivillige og finansieres utelukkende av bidrag fra våre lesere, lyttere og seere. Din støtte er avgjørende for at vi kan fortsette å spre evangeliet til enda flere mennesker i Norge. Takk til alle som bidrar med å hjelpe o ...
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Hagar's Voice

Danielle Strickland

Welcome to the launch of the Hagar's Voice Podcast. Here's a brief intro, backstory and the hope for this channel.If you, or someone you know, is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we are here for you. You are not alone. Visit www.HagarsVoice.com
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Lady Purple

Das erste deutschsprachige TV-Magazin rund ums Thema Hexen, Heiden, Magie und mehr. Abseits des Esoterik-Booms und der Licht&Liebe Szene moderiert Lady Purple zynisch, weise und oftmals sehr konkret durch die Sendung.
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David Hager Los Angeles

David Hager Los Angeles

David Hager, the well-known owner of Los Angeles Plumbing, has once again shown that his commitment to the community goes far beyond fixing leaky pipes. This past weekend, Hager organized a unique charity event dubbed “Flush Out Hunger,” aimed at providing food and plumbing services to underprivileged neighborhoods in Los Angeles.
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Een podcast voor kerkgangers, kerverlaters en kerkelozen. Altijd voorbij ’t Bijbel-pierenbadje, met relevante geloofsonderwerpen en thema’s die jou prikkelen, uitdagen, je leven raken, en helpen koers te houden in de woelige wateren van een steeds complexer wordende wereld. Neem gerust een kijkje over de heg… ============ * Saint K9® Podcasts zijn opgezet ter inspiratie, opbouw en verdieping van je geestelijke leven en wil jou hoop geven en (opnieuw) enthousiast te maken voor God en Zijn Woo ...
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Hagamos Marketing

Hagamos Marketing

Consejos, entrevistas, técnicas y mucho más en episodios que cortos y prácticos para hacer Marketing en tu negocio. Soy Jho de Hagamos Marketing y te doy la bienvenida a este podcast hecho para aquellos que quieren estar actualizados en temas de marketing, tecnología e innovación.
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Ask A Hag

D. Kyler

‘Ask A Hag’ is an advice podcast about self-care and witchcraft in the modern world. This podcast is a place where people ask questions and the Hags provide helpful answers using their knowledge as healers and witches. This program is driven by you, our magickal listeners! Contact us with your questions! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/askahag/support
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show series
Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 14 | Jeg tror på en Gud Av Anne Samuelsen, 13. mars 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. KKK 199. "Jeg tror på Gud": det første trosbekj…
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Western culture, particularly in the United States, is often characterized by a profound discomfort and suppression of grief. Without healthy outlets to process loss and pain – especially in communal settings – many of us end up caught in cycles of loneliness and emotional distress. How might incorporating intentional spaces and rituals to process …
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Growth in your career isn’t always about moving up—it’s about moving forward. Beth Byrd, now VP of Sales at Anewgo, knows homebuilding inside and out, and now she’s bringing that expertise to homebuying technology at Anewgo. In this episode, we talk about the role of AI in home sales, the importance of builder-buyer engagement, and how to maximize …
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As the world continued its increasingly chaotic series of events this week - with disruptive events in everything from politics to artificial intelligence, a spring blizzard swept through the upper Midwest of the United States, reminding those who live here that mother nature continues to show up in all her unpredictability and beauty. In this Fran…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 13 | Den Hellige Ånd Av Anne Samuelsen, 3. mars 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Det er viktig å ta seg tid til å trene på den nye h…
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Caught between increasing energy prices and rising carbon emissions, the idea of reducing our energy consumption is a practical and forward-looking necessity. Yet, with communities in the United States averaging ten thousand watts per year - with other Western countries close behind - our excessive energy consumption is built into both our physical…
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I denne episoden snakker jeg om hvordan vi kan eksponeres for nyttige mikroorganismer når vi er ute i hagen. Trær og planter utsondrer organiske forbindelser som beskytter dem mot skadedyr og sykdommer - og når vi puster dem inn, så booster det også immunsystemet vårt. Kanskje kan vi ha nytte av å ta i jorden på andre måter også? Vi jorder oss når …
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The period of relative peace and stability we’ve known - enabled by the energy surplus of the Carbon Pulse and the ecological stability of the Holocene - is slipping away. AI is turbocharging the Superorganism, governance structures are fraying, and ecological shocks are intensifying. As the Great Simplification approaches faster than expected, are…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 12 | Den Hellige Ånd Av Anne Samuelsen, 27. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. «Å kjenne» Gud betyr derfor å kommunisere med h…
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(Conversation recorded on January 2nd, 2025) When looking at our global challenges, it can be easier to focus on the external factors that could be different. Yet a critical part of creating impactful change is turning the scope of reflection inward towards how our patterns of thinking influence the way we contribute to our surroundings. Is it poss…
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I denne episoden handler det om hvordan hagelivet påvirker oss positivt. Vi kan bli sunnere, sterkere og få bedre helse. Hagen påvirker oss kanskje mer enn vi tenker over. Den kan vekke gamle instinkter dypt inne i oss, og gjøre oss trygge og glade. Du finner Hagespiren her: https://hagespiren.no/ Mail: [email protected] Følg gjerne Hagespiren…
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Sjefen i Rederiforbundet, tidligere samferdselsminister og miljøvernminister Knut Arild Hareide gjester Peiling. Vi går dypt inn i det grønne skiftet og maritim næring og trafikksikkerhet, men får også vite om Knut Arild ville prioritert jernbane på Østlandet eller broer i distriktene. Han er overhodet ikke en handyman, men leverer både baking og m…
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(Recorded February 18th, 2025) Individually and collectively, we have become fixated on the pursuit and accumulation of wealth. But what is wealth? Our singular focus on financial capital obscures a fundamental truth: money is merely a marker for real wealth, all of which originates in nature. With the universal fungibility of the US dollar into ev…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 11 Av Anne Samuelsen, 20. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. "Vi må aldri glemme at Jesus ikke reddet oss gjennom sin forkynne…
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(Conversation recorded on November 22nd, 2024) The first few months of the new year have brought a cacophony of political news and power plays, bringing with it an uproar of public outrage in the United States and around the world. In the midst of an unprecedented moment in modern history, what can history – and even mathematics – teach us about mo…
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Where DOES the time time go?! Chickenfoot's incredible 2009 debut album turns sweet 16 this year!! This means in 2025 it too can now complain about driving 55 MPH and decide on Turnin' Left whenever it so chooses!! In this celebration of the supergroup's EPIC debut album, the Bo-Hosts reminisce on that era in Sammy's life & career, and provide an e…
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In this special episode, David welcomes sales expert Ryan Taft, author of Storygetter and founder of Impact Eighty-Eight, who shares his biggest lessons on communication, curiosity, and emotional intelligence in the homebuilding industry. Ryan unpacks why sales are won and lost on the little things and why being genuinely interested in people beats…
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I denne episoden blir vi med på hagevandring gjennom en spennende hage full av kreativitet og gjenbruk. Gjester er Hege og Jørgen Fon. Alt fra planter til ulike materialer og ting kan ofte reddes og gis et nytt liv. -Og om det ikke gir dem evig liv, så får de kanskje noen år ekstra og mulighet til å være både til glede og nytte. Du finner Hagespire…
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(Recorded February 12th, 2025) Deception and self-interest seem to be increasingly prevalent in our modern cultural reality. From the highest levels of power to the cultural metrics of what is considered ‘success’ for individual humans: the Dark Triad traits of Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Machiavellianism have become disturbingly normalized. But is…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 10 Av Anne Samuelsen, 13. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. "Når vi vender oss til Gud, møter vi ham i ren selvutgivelse. At …
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(Conversation recorded on November 12th, 2024) In today’s modern era, the overwhelming flood of information that constantly flows our way can leave us feeling disoriented, lost, and powerless. Even science – our most trusted source of truth – can be taken out of context to fuel division and distort the reality around us. In the midst of this confus…
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(Conversation recorded on January 21st, 2025) Many of us are familiar with the problem of plastics as a distant issue in the ocean, primarily affecting fish and sea turtles. While these environmental effects are critical, the full scope of plastic’s repercussions on human health and well-being is largely unknown by most people, even as the research…
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I denne episoden besøker vi Klara Pil. Hun er kurvmaker og fletter alt fra tradisjonelle kurver til mer kreative installasjoner og dekor. Hun underviser også i kurvfletting, og det er nok mange som har vært på kurs med Klara Pil. Vi kan dyrke pil til fletting selv, men har vi ikke plass eller gode nok klimaforhold i hagen, er det mulig å kjøpe bunt…
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Link to record and submit your story There are further directions on the video submission site to set you up for success when recording. Most of all, we are looking for real stories from real people. We ask that you simply show up as yourself. The link to submit videos will only be live for a few weeks, so if you’d like to share your story for this…
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 9 Av Anne Samuelsen, 6. februar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. "Eros og agape trenger hverandre for å være riktig kjærlighet. I Gu…
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(Conversation recorded on November 6th, 2024) The vision of a carbon-free, net-zero society is often framed around the promise of transitioning away from fossil fuels. But what can we learn from past “energy transitions” that might inform how feasible – or unrealistic – this vision actually is? Today, Nate is joined by energy and technology histori…
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When it comes to marketing in home improvement, Bridget Cramer has cracked the code. As the Director of Marketing at Lindus Construction, she’s helped turn satisfied customers into raving fans—all through the power of authentic content, strong branding, and real-time engagement. In this episode of It's Not that Complicated, we break down the strate…
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Whoa! 2025 is off to a great start for Redheads as Friday Jan. 31st we got the surprise new track "Fortune Teller Blues, featuring Sammy and blues wunderkind, Joe Bonamassa. But what IS this tune?!? Where did it come from?!? It sounds a bit like...Deep RED...or is it...RED Country Communion!?! In this impromptu reaction/review the Bo-Hosts speculat…
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Å gjøre hagen til et levebrød, er det nok mange som drømmer om. Caroline Handeland er langt på vei med å realisere sin drøm. Hun og mannen har åpnet Haugland Gård & Hage for publikum. Der har de åpen hage med kafé på søndager, og tar ellers imot busslaster med hagefolk. For det er mange som er på jakt etter inspirerende hageopplevelser. I tillegg t…
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... And shopping and doing No Buy or Low Buy Years. NOTE: I (Sofie) refer to Aja Barber as Aja Barker - a very rude mistake from my end, I apologise profusely! Also I just learned that I also mispronounced her first name. I'm so so so sorry. MAIN SOURCE The Year of Less by Cait Flanders Cait Flanders' Substack about The Year of Less REFERENCES Adve…
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(Recorded January 27th, 2025) We live in an era where artificial intelligence increasingly dominates the headlines with promises of revolutionary advances - from medical breakthroughs to productivity gains. Yet, while society fixates on these micro-level innovations, a deeper macro story remains largely untold: how AI may fundamentally reshape the …
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Karmels hage | Trosbekjennelsen | Del 8 Av Anne Samuelsen, 30. januar 2025 I den kommende tiden på Karmels hage vil vi vandre i den delen av hagen som inneholder trosbekjennelsen. Gjennom vinteren jobber Anne Samuelsen seg gjennom hvert enkelt ledd av en av kirkens største skatter. Den Hellige Ånd veller frem fra hver eneste selvutgivelse. Vi ser d…
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