Grow disciples who come together often and dig deep in order to plant a culture that serves our city and reproduces disciples.
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The weekly sermon from Pastor Jon Lash and the team from Greenhouse Church in South Florida.
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Official podcast of Greenhouse Community Church in Saratoga Springs, Utah.
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Acts 5:12-42 Following Jesus requires us to trust the sovereignty of Godتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Kyle Wescott
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It’s easy to appreciate someone who can walk around with confidence, but where does that confidence come from? What’s the story behind Jesus’ confidence and peace? Or Paul’s? Let’s dive into the scriptures and search for the source of Christian confidence and Peace. The post The Shoulders Back Back Story appeared first on Greenhouse Church.…
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Acts 4:32-5:11 God's holiness brings unity & purity, while the lies of sin bring destructionتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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It’s time to wave goodbye to our two-year long journey through the Gospel of John. In these final passages, Jesus speaks with Peter about taking care of his sheep and lambs after he leaves, and the importance of creating and having a flock. (John 21:20-25) The post Sheep and Shepherds, Part 2 (John’s Portrait, Part 91) appeared first on Greenhouse …
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Acts 4:23-31 Prayer reminds us that Jesus' purpose is bigger than our problemsتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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In the penultimate teaching of our two year journey through the Gospel of John, we’ll examine something Jesus cared about so much that he ensured it would be taken care of after his ascension. (John 21:15-25) The post Sheep and Shepherds, Part 1 (John’s Portrait, Part 90) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.…
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توسط Kyle Wescott
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Acts 4:1-22 Challenges & suffering are important ways the Spirit matures us & furthers Jesus' missionتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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Jesus appears to his disciples once more as they wrap up a disappointing night of fishing, and meets their needs in some surprising and practical ways. (John 21:1-14) The post A Breakfast of Fish (John’s Portrait, Part 89) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.توسط Greenhouse Church
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Last week, we read about the men and women who have been following Jesus having an encounter with him and see him resurrected—all but one. This week, we read the short but powerful story of that disciple, Thomas, and his journey to faith in Jesus as the Risen Lord. (John 20:24-29) The post Believing Thomas (John’s Portrait, Part 88) appeared first …
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Acts 3:1-26 God's power is displayed through Christ to heal the broken and bring Him gloryتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Acts 2:1-47 God's Spirit is the driving force of a Christian's lfeتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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In part two of our exploration of the idea of being forgivers, we continue our quest to understand what Jesus’ shocking statement about forgiveness means, and the boots-on-the-ground, real-world effects of His theology of forgiveness. (John 20:19-23). The post Forgiveness and Forgivers, Part 2 (John’s Portrait, Part 87) appeared first on Greenhouse…
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Acts 1:12-26 The fulfillment of Jesus' purpose should move us to unity, prayer & preparationتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Moving now into the end of the Gospel of John, we’ll dig into an age-old theological debate about the mechanics of forgiveness, and explore the practical implications of being a forgiving people (John 20:19-23). The post Forgiveness and Forgivers, Part 1 (John’s Portrait, Part 86) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.…
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Acts 1:1-11 God's Spirit confirms our identity & empowers our missionتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Alone at the tomb, Mary Magdalene is faithfully looking for the missing body of Jesus, and what she finds is a new Adam, a new creation, and a new title: “The First Evangelist”. Join us as we read the story of the resurrection as told by John, and dive into why all four gospel authors tell this story in their own unique way. The post Apostle to the…
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Acts: Introduction Jesus not only overcomes seemingly impossible situations - He uses them!توسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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On the third day after Joseph and Nicodemus laid the body of Jesus in a tomb, Mary Magdalene and then some of Jesus’ disciples make a shocking discovery. Let’s talk about the reactions of these witnesses, and how their “grasping at straws” might give us some tools to help when our faith wavers. The post Grasping at Straws (John’s Portrait, Part 84)…
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Live No Lies - Part 3: The World - Sinful Society The Church is an alternative counter-culture that demonstrates the Gospel to the worldتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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After the crucifixion of Jesus, two men—Joseph and Nicodemus—attend to his body and prepare it for burial. Join as as we consider these men and their actions, and how they might give us a glimpse at the wonderful patience of The Spirit. (John 19:38-42) (Note: The recording of this sermon had to be recovered from a secondary source. Please excuse th…
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Live No Lies - Part 2: The Flesh - Disordered Desires The Spirit empowers us to realign our desires to God'sتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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As the story of Jesus’ crucifixion comes to an end, let’s learn about the idea of biblical justification, and discover some Old Testament hyperlinks that add a profound layer of meaning. (John 19:28-35) The post Hyssop, Blood, and Water (John’s Portrait, Part 82) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.توسط Greenhouse Church
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Live No Lies - Part 1: The devil - Deceptive Ideas We can only win the battle against lies with the Truthتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Kyle Wescott
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Advent: LOVE Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s perfect, sacrificial, grace-filled, transformational loveتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط AJ Meade
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What does “Big Brutus,” the 11-million pound, worlds-largest electric shovel machine, and a little, 3-pound puppy named Fiona have to do with Jesus and the story of his birth? Join us for our 2024 Christmas message, and let’s learn together about the true nature of the power of Jesus the Messiah. The post Brutus and Fiona appeared first on Greenhou…
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Advent - JOY Joy doesn't come from the absence of pain & struggle - these can actually become the pathway along which true joy is revealed & realizedتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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The “Passion of the Christ” is a famous way to talk about Jesus’ crucifixion, but what do we mean when we say “Passion”? Join us once again in the Gospel of John, as we examine together what passion looked like for Jesus, and how redefining passion for ourselves can help us follow Jesus and love our neighbors well. (John 19:25-27) The post Jesus’ P…
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Advent - PEACE The peace of Jesus the King is meant to rule our livesتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Jesus now sits before Pilot, who hands him over for execution at the insistence of the Jewish leaders—but there is something more going on under the surface, and greatness hiding in an unsuspecting detail about a peculiar article of Jesus’ clothing. (John 19:1-27) The post Hidden Greatness (John’s Portrait, Part 80) appeared first on Greenhouse Chu…
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Advent - HOPE Hope = Confident trust that Jesus is who He said He is & does what He said He'd doتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Oscar Roche
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At this point in John’s story, Jesus has been arrested and is now being judged in a pair of trials before the Jewish leaders and the Roman officials—but Jesus seems to be playing a different game than those around him. (John 18:28-40) The post Playing Chess (John’s Portrait, Part 79) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.…
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Letters of John: Follow Up 2 & 3 John The Truth & love of Jesus is meant to be lived out together, and we need to take seriously anything that disrupts or distorts thatتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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توسط Pastor Jon Lash
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Continuing the story of Jesus’ arrest, we consider the denial of Peter and how Jesus treats him before and after the echo of the rooster’s crow. (John 18:15-26) The post In the Echo of the Crow (John’s Portrait, Part 78) appeared first on Greenhouse Church.توسط Greenhouse Church
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Letters of John: Assurance in Christ 1 John 5:1-21 As adopted children of God, our lives will resemble Christ through the birthmarks of faith, love and obedienceتوسط Greenhouse Community Church Utah
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