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show episodes

The Ezra Klein Show

New York Times Opinion

Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike? Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from p ...
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「EZ JAPAN 編輯的あのね」本節目是由 EZ 叢書館 日語編輯團隊製作。我們會和你分享有趣的日本新聞,朗讀日語文章,介紹值得學習的單字、句型與文法。 EZ Japan臉書粉絲團 (https://www.facebook.com/jiesi.EZJapan) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Ezekiel Uncloaked

Cornerstone Church Kingston

Tom, Pete, and Rory explore the book of Ezekiel, uncovering its rich imagery, prophetic messages, and relevance for today. Discover its themes of judgment, hope, and restoration, and what they mean for us as Christians.
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EZ News

ICRT News Team

ICRT 主播用簡單緩慢的英文,幫助你了解台灣每日重點新聞! 讓你學習英文、接收新知,一舉兩得🎉 EZ News is designed to help learners improve their English. It is a production of ICRT News, and is posted on our web site and app weekdays. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The EZ Breezy Life with Issata O.

The EZ Breezy Life

The EZ Breezy Life is a global community dedicated to helping women who lead achieve success, ease & joy. Visit www.ezbreezy.life to learn more! Connect with Issata: www.issatao.com Download Issata's Contact Card: https://dot.cards/issatao Views shared are for educational and entertainment purposes only; please seek professional financial, legal, & medical advice. Views expressed are solely those of each speaker and are not endorsed by any organization. Episodes feature sponsorships and affi ...
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GG Over EZ


This podcast covers mostly gaming and entertainment with some of our stories and antics thrown in the middle. If you enjoyed this format and episode and would like to see more, make sure to let us know with support! For advertising opportunities please email [email protected] We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy
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Step into the world of design, architecture, and personal transformation with "Style Stories with EZ Living Interiors" - a podcast that goes beyond the surface of beautiful spaces. Each episode features intimate conversations with design innovators, industry legends, and creative visionaries who share not just their expertise, but the compelling journeys that shaped their perspectives on style and living. From career-changing moments and personal revelations to practical design hacks and ind ...
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Life-Study of Ezekiel with Witness Lee

Living Stream Ministry

Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Welcome to the Cross References podcast on the Book of Ezekiel. In this study, you learn how every small piece of the Bible tells one big story- and most importantly, how they all connect to the cross and Christ. Whether you’re a newbie Christian or a veteran Bible reader, my goal is that God’s Word will make more sense to you after every episode. Host: Luke Taylor
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the EZ Lift Garage Door Podcast! EZ Lift Garage Doors & More is a family owned and operated business. We work on a simple principle – treating our clients the way we treat our family. This approach has helped us drive our business among the leading names in the industry. We fully understand that no two customers are alike and neither are their garage door requirements, which is why we strive to provide highly customized garage door repair and m ...
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EZ Sing EZ Life

大叔英吉 EZ J

大家好 我是 大叔英吉 EZ J 在我的Podcast頻道 可以收聽到我的音樂作品 也可以聽到我創作相關的心情故事 如果你有心情故事 也可以與我交流 或許也可能幫你把心情故事寫成歌唷^^ 歡迎加入 EZ Sing EZ Life 也歡迎加入 我的 FB YT https://linktr.ee/ezj978 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Ezra Michel es especialista en sistematización de procesos humanos, enfocados en el desarrollo de hombres líderes casados, que buscan la GRANDEZA, dominando todas las áreas de su vida, aplicando “Coaching Táctico”. Conócelo en: ezramichel.com o a través de sus redes sociales en LI/FB/IG/TTK/YT: @expandetuimperio Únete a esta comunidad exclusiva para hombres de élite, o en busca de serlo, donde aprenderás a ser un mejor líder, un mejor esposo y un mejor papá, con estrategias prácticas de acci ...
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EZE Podcast

Ed Romm

Discussing all things sports and entertainment. Featuring the “Giant Viking Football Show” with NFL analyst Trent Safrit as well as all things Camden Bruin sports.
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EZAD Lab Furnishing

EZAD Lab Furnishing

EZAD Lab Furnishing, the leading laboratory furniture manufacturing company provides the full product line of Custom laboratory furniture such as casework and Modular workstations.
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MERHABA! Spotify Podcastlerime hoşgeldin. Burada bol bol içerik bulacaksın ve şimdiden hazır bir kaç tane meditasyon ve ''Çok düşündüğümüz ama hiç konuşmadığımız her şey'' içeriklerinden hazır olanları dinleyebilirsin. Podcastlerde günlük hayattan konuşuyor olacağız, her ay 1 yeni meditasyon ile de elinde bir sürü farklı kaynak olmuş olacak. Onun dışında konuştuğumuz konular , her an her şey olabilir. Takipte kal ve konuşmamı, anlatmamı istediğin bir şeyler olursa bana www.spaceplayground.co ...
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EZ Farms Podcast


Hi! I'm Les, and I'm Christy; and we're here to help guide you and your family to a more self-sufficient way of life. In today's world of wars and rumors of wars, economic crisis, and natural disasters, your current way of living can change at any time. We're a family that has been homesteading and prepping for over 25 years, and we're here to help you start setting up a more self-sufficient way of life. Come along with us as we continue to set up our family homestead, experiencing the ups a ...
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show series
30 évvel ezelőtt jelentették be a Bokros-csomagot. A Horn-kormány pénzügyminisztere a gazdaság egyensúlyának helyreállításáról beszélt, ám az adóemelés, a forint leértékelés és a szociális juttatások csökkentése megszorítást jelentett a társadalom számára. Milyen közvetlen és milyen közvetett hatásai voltak és vannak ennek a liberális gazdaságpolit…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 125-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 22,403 on turnover of 6.5-billion N-T. Shares in Taiwan closed higher on a technical rebound Wednesday from a slump a session earlier, led by large cap tech stocks. But analysts say parts of earlier gains…
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Join Dr. Issata O. and special guest Deborah Akinnitire for another inspiring episode of The EZ Breezy Life Podcast! This time, we're unlocking the power of family relationships with a heartfelt discussion on parenting and affirmations. Deborah, an elementary school teacher and children's ministry mentor, shares insightful anecdotes from her teachi…
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《JLPT新日檢 N1一本合格全新修訂版(附全書音檔MP3+模擬試題暨詳解4回+單字文法記憶小冊)》 博客來,金石堂,誠品線上 --- 教學內容 想對編輯說的話:提問箱 來IG學更多:EZJapan IG -- Hosting provided by SoundOnتوسط EZ叢書館
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Get ready for some refreshing inspiration. Brendan Courtney is about to drop some serious wisdom that will make you want to grab a notebook, pour your favourite coffee, and hit pause on everything else. Some brilliant insights you will pick up include: Design hacks that will totally transform how you think about your living space Insider tips on cr…
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The Boys talk about their love for Monster Hunter, Destiny 2 Discourse, and Robs healthy lifestyle Changes! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GGEZPodcast Reddit: reddit.com/r/MrFruit Mr. Fruit: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyMisterFruit http://www.youtube.com/c/MoreMrFruit http://www.twitch.tv/MyMisterFruit http://www.twitter.com/MrFruitYT Rhabby_V: …
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"It's the springs and, the people say, well, that door, it doesn't take anything to lift it all today. I can't lift it off the ground.And why is that? You know and it's that spring." - Adam Greer, Garage Door Expert On the Check A Pro Radio Show today a listener called in with the following question - "What Makes A Garage Door Work?" Well, that's a…
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"In this episode, we analyze and discuss Donald Trump's most recent address to Congress. From key policy proposals to the reactions from both sides of the aisle, we break down the highlights and what they could mean for the political landscape moving forward. Tune in for an in-depth look at the speech's impact and how it fits into the broader conte…
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In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Pastor Nate Wright and Dr. Joe Boot think Christianly about Donald Trump's recent Joint Session Address. Episode Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkFKNkAEzQ8 Subscribe to our Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/c-6444461 The WAIT is OVER!!! Pre-order your copy of the NEW updated a…
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Míg Elon Musk szerint az Egyesült Államoknak ki kellene lépnie a NATO szövetségből, addig Ursula von Der Leyen meghirdette az európai újrafegyverkezés korszakát. De kitől kell megvédeni Európát? - a mai adásunkban elsőként erre keressük a választ! Majd arról beszélgetünk, hogy a Trump-adminisztráció harcba szállt a mélyállammal szemben. De vajon mi…
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Wall Street thought Donald Trump was bluffing about his tariff plans. The stock market rallied after his election. But the reality has started setting in. Trump is doubling down on tariffs, even as he warned Americans that the economy may experience a “period of transition,” insisting this is just short-term pain. So what exactly is Trump’s theory …
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福斯原廠認證中古車提供一站式購車安心保障 歐洲進口跨界休旅 The T-Cross 配備 Level 2 駕駛輔助系統 限時優惠 66.8 萬起再享一年原廠保固 試駕請洽璿豐汽車 03-3349555 https://sofm.pse.is/79vbz7 -- YES!我的高股息國際巨星來啦! 國際級的高股息!?哪一檔這麼給力? 00963 中信全球高股息,嚴選海外優息企業,掌握全球收益機會,3月首次除息囉! 上除息行列!打開券商APP,輸入00963,3/17前買進即可參與,趕緊下單去! https://user285523.pse.is/79hhbf ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- AIT offered funds to Kuma Academy Tai…
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A cél szentesíti az eszközt! A politikai hatalom a törvényesség látszatát fenntartva jogszabályokra hivatkozva próbál leszámolni az ellenfelével Romániában, a Boszniai Szerb Köztársaságban vagy éppen Lengyelországban. Az Európai Bizottság is gyakran él ezzel a módszerrel, amikor beperel egyes tagállamot, de mi teszi lehetővé ezt az eljárást és miér…
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今年夏天就是要來MSC榮耀號 ! 帶著好友們一起IG美照拍不停、派對嗨不停、XD互動影院玩不停。跟著孩子一起玩樂高、滑水道、F1模擬賽車、甲板派對。帶父母一起享受星級美食、看世界級歌舞表演。 2025年6-7月 日韓假期 基隆港出發 早鳥優惠最高每房減6,000元 出發去: https://sofm.pse.is/79nmnk #msccruisestaiwan #Brav榮耀時刻 #MS榮耀號 #MSC地中海郵輪 #基隆港出發 #暑假玩日韓 #早鳥優惠 -- Hey小AI,最近股市表現不錯,有建議的投資標的? 2025投資絕不能少了美國! 美股核心配置,首選「中信NASDAQ 009800」參與市場成長! 看好美國科技創新實力,鎖定「中信美國創新科技 009801」掌握未來! 快打開券商A…
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Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/PgafyQOcVEU?feature=share We’ve been studying in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus for the past few months here on the podcast, and today we’ll returning to Ezekiel once again to see what he has to say about it. You may remember that Ezekiel was a priest, and yet he was carri…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened down 27-points this morning from Friday's close, at 22,548 on turnover of 5.5-billion N-T. The market closed lower on Friday, as selling was sparked by losses on Wall Street overnight following the launch of a trade war by the Trump administration. Overall l…
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Right-wing populism thrives on scarcity. The answer is abundance. But a politics of abundance will work only if Democrats confront where their approach has failed. This audio essay is adapted from my forthcoming book, “Abundance,” which I wrote with Derek Thompson. You can preorder it here. And learn more about our book tour here. Unlock full acces…
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Nagyszerű tévéműsor lesz – ezzel a mondattal zárta le Trump elnök a találkozóját Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnökkel.De mi a szerepe a kommunikációnak a béketeremtés folyamatában? Ez itt a kérdés. Horváth Szilárd vendégei:- Aczél Petra, elnök, Montágh Tesület, egyetemi tanár, MOME- Prőhle Gergely, programigazgató, John Lukacs Intézet, NKE- Kulifai …
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Euró százmilliókat költ Brüsszel 3000, nem kormányzati szervezet fenntartására. Uniós költségvetésből adja a pénzt az Európai Bizottság és nem ellenőrizhető módon. De hogyan lehetne átláthatóvá tenni az NGO-k hálózatát Vendégek: - PETRI BERNADETT – jogász, tudományos kutató, XXI. Század Intézet - NAGY KÁROLY – vezető, Transzparens Újságírásért Alap…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened opened down 19-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 22,696 on turnover of $7.2-billion N-T. Parent group calls for stop to publication of student test scores The Taiwan Parent Education Association is urged high schools cease publishing the scores …
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30 év alatt 788 000 lakás, és több, mint egymillió lakó. Az utolsó panelházat ugyan már több, mint 30 éve építették, társadalmi hatásai mind a mai napig tartanak. De hogyan lett eszköz a panellakás a kommunista hatalom kezében? Ez itt a kérdés!Gulyás István vendégei:- Bank Barbara, történész, a NEB tagja- Nagy Emőke, néprajzkutató- Bauer Béla, szoc…
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Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News. Tai-Ex opening The Tai-Ex opened up 58-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 22,930 on turnover of $5.9-billion N-T. The market moved sharply higher on Wednesday following a significant rebound for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing - which closed the session with a rise of 2-per c…
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The economy has started blinking red. President Trump’s tariffs have been roiling markets. Consumer sentiment was already down. G.D.P. forecasts are predicting slower growth. And on Tuesday night Trump declared to Congress and the nation that things had never been better. Something was different about this speech. The level of baldfaced lying. The …
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Látványos kudarcba fulladt Donald Trump és Volodimir Zelenszkij washingtoni tárgyalása: az amerikai elnök szerint Zelenszkij a harmadik világháborúval játszik. De vajon a békefolyamatokban hogyan tud érvényesülni az erő politikája? – Ez itt a kérdés! HORVÁTH SZILÁRD vendégei:- SCHMIDT MÁRIA Széchenyi-díjas történész- POGONYI SZABOLCS egyetemi oktat…
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In this episode of the Podcast for Cultural Reformation, Dr. Joe Boot is joined by Ezra Fellow P. Andrew Sandlin to talk about Judaism. Episode Resources: Subscribe to our Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/c-6444461; CHAPTERS:00:00 Cold Open: Judaism04:52 ReformCon '25 AD05:40 Intro06:04 Welcome07:28 Understanding Judaism09:13 Theological Refle…
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We are beyond excited to drop our very first episode of Style Stories! Our first guest is the legendary Hugh Wallace, the charismatic judge from "Home of the Year" and the genius behind some of Ireland's most stunning architectural transformations! We sat down on Hugh's top sofa pick, the Scott, in our amazing Sandyford Flagship store to chat. Some…
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