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”The distance between understanding Emunah intellectually and internalizing it emotionally is greater than the distance between heaven and earth!” Short daily inspiration about Emunah and Bitachon with R’ Reuven Garber Link to join WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZHQRgDbMFiKnahdwTIySC
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Professor- Emu

Florian Mechling und David Rietzschel und Dorothea Rietzschel

In diesen Podcast erwartet euch Diskusionen zu Gesellschaftlichen Problemen die Teilweise runtergespült und Verpönt werden. Ich (Florian), David und Dorothea freuen uns schon auf euch und eure Vorschläge die ihr uns über e-mail und Instagram mitteilen könnt. Professor Emu zuhörermails: professor-emu@web.de Professor Emu Instagrammkanal: https://www.instagram.com/professor_emu/ Professor Emu Telonym: https://tellonym.me/user11796890
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Du sitzt abends vor dem Fernseher und weißt nicht, welche Serie du streamen sollst? Du scrollst durch die Angebote der Mediatheken, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ aber findest nichts? Du weißt nicht, welche Serie du als Nächstes schauen sollst?Der Serien- und Filmexperten Emu hilft dir! Jeden Freitag gibt Emu dir die heißen, ultimativen Tipps zu den Serien und Filmen, die du unbedingt gesehen haben musst.Emu ist seit 15 Jahren Kino- und Filmkritiker und sucht das Beste für dich raus. Es gibt ...
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The Sneaky Emu

seth cain

The sneaky emu is an audio expedition to discover the divine and the beauty of life that is ever present. This is an ongoing discussion about waking up to the nature of God, what it means to be human, and how to better navigate this world we’re living in for the sake of finding the truths that have been in front of us the whole time.
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電影、遊戲裡的那些神話題材曾讓你深深著迷?還想知道更多有趣的內容嗎?讓Emu用輕鬆無厘頭的方式,與你分享各地精彩的神話故事。 【Emu YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/EmuPlan 【支持Emu❤】: https://pay.firstory.me/user/emustory Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Second Emulation

Shawn Juarez

Welcome to Second Emulation, the ultimate podcast for all things pop culture! Join me, a devoted fan, as I dive into the fascinating world of movies, TV shows, and the ever-expanding universe of anime. Armed with just a mic and my trusty PC, I'll take you on an exciting journey through the latest releases, discussing everything from current shows to the hottest movies on the big screen. And if you're an anime enthusiast like me, get ready for an in-depth exploration of my watchlist for the u ...
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Emunah Meditation

Elliott Rosenbaum

This podcast teaches listeners from all backgrounds how to bring more joy, inner peace and success into all areas of life using a unique form of meditation called Emunah Meditation (EM). Rooted in mystical Judaism, Emunah Mediation teaches us how to have a direct two-way relationship with God. Learn about and practice EM with creator, Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum.
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Emunah at Work

TYH Nation

In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives. Join us on this journey of emunah and success. TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz
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Emu Music

Emu Music

Emu is a ministry devoted to promoting the Word of Christ in Song. On this feed you'll find talks to teach and encourage musicians, pastors and church members in the pursuit of a genuine, Biblical music ministry. Talks come from our Word In Song conferences, featuring leading evangelical Bible teachers and music ministers.
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Excited to Introduce Breslev English podcast! We have a great lineup from our beloved center in Holy Jerusalem, Israel from Rabbi Shalom Arush shlita. We look forward to special guests like Rab Yonatan Galed, Eli Goldsmith, Gedale Fenster, hopefully Nissim Black and more :) For the new inspired year 5780 2020 we will, please G-d, make a tour together in November 2019 with Rabbi Arush and TBA called "Emuna is Our Future". Please contact Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il for #love #soul #joy - #Emun ...
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Chaque mois, avec Emulsion on distille les ingrédients d’une économie durable, d’une décroissance prospère, d’un futur souhaitable… bref Emulsion c’est une dose d’inspiration par voies auditives ! Emulsion, podcast de l'association Les Canaux, donne la parole à celles et ceux qui incarnent les Économies Solidaires et Innovantes (économie sociale et solidaire, économie circulaire, entreprenariat social ou à impact…). Les Canaux animant la Maison des Économies Solidaires et Innovantes, nous av ...
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Emuna Hoy

Diego Shaul Michanie

Bienvenidos a Emunahoy.com El espíritu de este Podcast es compartir con el mundo hispano-parlante, y de forma gratuita, estudios de Tora de acuerdo a la óptica de la ortodoxia judía. Te sugerimos que explores las distintas secciones de audios disponibles, donde vas a encontrar clases de Tora en español organizadas por temas y/o duración.
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Emunah in HaShem - Faith in G-d with Rav Dror This inspiring video gives an amazing amount of help and clarity to those seeking for Emunah and complete faith. Faith and prayer are integral parts of life. Everything revolves around Emunah and Tefilah (Prayer). This inspiring class talks about how to pray when things don't go our way. When we are prayer for one thing, and Hashem (God) is doing something else. When we are trying to achieve something, and the Creator is pushing us in a different ...
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show series
Willkommen zu einer fesselnden neuen Episode unseres Podcasts, in der wir uns in die farbenfrohe und detailreiche Welt des Cosplays stürzen. In dieser besonderen Ausgabe haben wir zwar nicht physisch, aber im Geiste zwei außergewöhnliche Gäste: Viola Klein und Olli. Ihre Erfahrungen und Einsichten im Bereich des Cosplays und der Cosplay-Conventions…
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Some people have a hard time hearing so many stories where people received the salvation they were hoping for in a timely manner. When people are struggling and not getting the yeshua they are seeking, it is definitely difficult to hear others getting what they themselves need. We must remember everyone has a different purpose in this world and eve…
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Some people feel cheated when it comes to the abilities they were given in the realms of spirituality. They say, "If Hashem would have given me more money, I could be giving so much more tzedaka . If Hashem would have given me a bigger house, I could be excelling in the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim . If Hashem would have made me smarter, I would be …
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Bon dia, és divendres 5 de juliol. Aquí tens els breus d’avui; amplia la informació escoltant l’Infopòdcast d’EMUN, el flaix informatiu en 3 minuts coproduït amb la Xarxa de Comunicació Local: ▪️ Nits a la Fresca a Albesa amb el concert de Jordi Montañez musicant poemes de Vallverdú. 🌌 ▪️ Testimonis a la Fresca a Alfarràs amb entrevistes per celebr…
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Send us a Text Message. Is Netflix's live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender" the adaptation we've all been waiting for, or just another Hollywood misfire? Join us on Second Emulation as we dissect this highly anticipated series with both cautious optimism and skepticism. From the detailed portrayal of Aang and his tattoos to the impressive special…
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Diese Woche mit Eddie Murphy in "Beverly Hills Cop Axel F" auf Netflix, dem grandiosen Kinofilm "A Killer Romance" mit Glen Powell, dem ultra-schrägen Kunstfilm "Kinds of Kindness" mit Emma Stone, und dem Reality-Trash "The Real Housewives of Munich" auf RTL+ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Some people are blessed with wonderful talents. Others are given great wealth. Because of those gifts, these people receive a tremendous amount of honor in their lives. Wherever they go, they are the center of attention. And the people who are not blessed with those same gifts may feel a little shortchanged, wondering why they never get any recogni…
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Bon dia, és dijous 4 de juliol. Aquí tens els breus d’avui; amplia la informació escoltant l’Infopòdcast d’EMUN, el flaix informatiu en 3 minuts… avui una mica més (Saludem la Montse Hidalgo 👋): ◾ Martina i Jan lideren els noms més posats del 2023 a Catalunya. A Lleida, Júlia desbanca Martina. 📊 ◾ L'aeroport d'Alguaire estrena node 5G, millorant la…
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Send us a Text Message. Ever wondered how a single shipwreck could alter the balance of power in 1600s Japan? This episode of our podcast takes you behind the scenes of the FX and Hulu series "Shogun," a gripping tale inspired by James Clavel's renowned novel. We explore the intricate world of Yoshi Toronaga and his tactical genius, set against the…
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A large part of the stress caused by finances is due to worry about the future, with thoughts such as, "We got by until now, but how are we going to be able to afford that?" The fear of the future can demoralize a person. Our Chazal taught us that basic emunah means if we have enough for today, we're not allowed to worry about tomorrow. Every day i…
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Bon dia, és dimecres 3 de juliol. Aquí tens els breus d’avui; amplia la informació escoltant l’Infopòdcast d’EMUN, el flaix informatiu en 3 minuts coproduït amb la Xarxa de Comunicació Local: ▪️ Alguaire tanca la recepció de propostes dels primers pressupostos participatius amb 32 iniciatives 📊 ▪️ Fundació ICG reclama menys burocràcia i més inversi…
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We are familiar with one of the rules of hishtadlut, given by the Mesilat Yesharim, that it is required but not what really accomplishes. This idea gives us chizuk not to overdo it and to maintain our humility, recognizing that we don't deserve credit for our efforts, because it's really Hashem who accomplishes. Another area in which this concept h…
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Bon dia, és dimarts 2 de juliol. Aquí tens els breus d’avui; amplia la informació escoltant l’Infopòdcast d’EMUN, el flaix informatiu en 3 minuts: ▪️ Tribunal Suprem rebutja l'amnistia als líders de l’1-O i manté les inhabilitacions fins al 2030 🏛️ ▪️ *Junts i Esquerra recorreran al Tribunal Constitucional* i, després, a Europa 📜 ▪️ *Torrefarrera i…
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One of the greatest ways of empowering our tefilot is by believing in them more. When someone gets used to asking for the same thing day after day, even though he wants it so much, he tends to lose the energy and emotion that a good tefila requires. Sometimes, it gets to a point where tefila becomes just another box to check instead of the wondrous…
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Bon dia, és dilluns 1 de juliol. Aquí tens els breus d’avui; amplia la informació escoltant l’Infopòdcast d’EMUN, el flaix informatiu en 3 minuts: ▪️ Arrenca la campanya de rebaixes d'estiu! Desapareix temporalment l'IVA de l'oli d'oliva 🛒 ▪️ Ressaca de la Festa Major de Sant Pere d’Alfarràs: Valoració positiva malgrat la tempesta 🌩️ ▪️ Piscines mu…
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In this week's Parasha, Shelach, we read about the lack of emunah the Jewish people had in Hashem, which caused them to have to wander in the desert for 40 years before they could finally enter Eretz Yisrael. The Mefarshim tell us that the sins of the ז' עממין , the seven nations who occupied Israel at that time, did not yet reach the level that wo…
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Diese Woche mit der bewegenden Doku "Ich bin Celine Dion", Der Biografie von Steffi Graf und Andre Agassi "Perfect Match" auf Prime Video, der Reality-Show "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" über die Tokio Hotel Zwillinge, dem Kinofilm "Daddio", und dem Horrorpequel "A Quiet Place Day One" Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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I have heard about numerous weddings taking place this past year where the bride was older than the groom, and in some cases by a few years. אשריכם ישראל that our young men are being guided by Daat Torah who does not conform to what the average person thinks is right and proper. Age does not matter. It's the person that matters. There are many zivu…
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With our good deeds, we are able to bring joy and satisfaction to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Although logically that doesn't make so much sense, we would never imagine that a little ant could bring satisfaction to a king surrounded by servants and advisors at his beck and call. How much more so us in comparison to HaKadosh Baruch Hu? Yet, Hashem told us i…
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There are ten things that we are obligated to remember every single day. One of which is ma'amad Har Sinai. The Rambam writes in his Igeret Teman that Hashem commanded us to constantly remember what took place on Har Sinai and we are to teach our children about it and raise up that ma'amad in their eyes and that will help strengthen their emunah in…
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The greatest success possible to achieve in this world is in the area of Torah and mitzvot. Money and physical pleasures can only benefit a person for a limited time. Spirituality, however, will benefit a person forever and ever. The evil inclination tries to deter us and make us think that this world is where it's at. But we must not get fooled by…
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The pasuk says in this week’s parasha, B’ha’alotecha, אשר הראה ה' את משה כן עשה את המנורה, and the Midrash with the mefarshim explain, Moshe couldn’t figure out how to make the Menorah from one solid piece of gold until Hashem showed him exactly how to do it. However, Moshe kept forgetting, until Hashem himself made it for him. The sefer Imreh Yitz…
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Send us a Text Message. Imagine having the power to see everyone's hidden strengths and weaknesses! This episode of Second Emulation kicks off with an enthusiastic dive into the new spring anime lineup on Crunchyroll. I'm super excited to discuss "Reincarnated as an Aristocrat, and I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World," where our protag…
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Hodu La'Hashem Ki Tob ! The iTorah APP has launched. Click below to download! for iPhone users https://apps.apple.com/us/app/itorah-watch-listen-stream/id6472929090 for Android users https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.itorah.app There are people who have to endure enormous yisurim in this world. Some are not able to leave their hospi…
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Hodu La'Hashem Ki Tob ! The iTorah APP has launched. Click below to download! for iPhone users https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ itorah-watch-listen-stream/ id6472929090 for Android users https://play.google.com/store/ apps/details?id=com.itorah.app A man from Israel, who was heavily in debt, traveled to London to try to collect tzedakah on the advice…
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EmuGlx Podcast is back! Sezona letnjih prezentacija u gaming industriji traje a EmuGlx ekipa u sastavu Nick, Dok, Grinch i Bata je tu da prokomentariše neke od najvećih najava sa PlayStation State of Play-a, Summer Game Fest-a (uključujući i Day of the Devs) kao i najimpresivniju prezentaciju u stilu nekadašnjeg E3-a - XBOX Showcase 2024.…
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Hodu La'Hashem Ki Tob ! for iPhone users https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ itorah-watch-listen-stream/ id6472929090 for Android users https://play.google.com/store/ apps/details?id=com.itorah.app Everything Hashem does is good, even though sometimes we can't imagine how that could be so. If a person is struggling financially, having trouble supporting…
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