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show episodes

Emilie Knows Everything

Emilie Hagen

Comedian Emilie Hagen is constantly finding herself in wacky and unpredictable situations. Luckily, she has a panel of "experts" that offer their unique perspectives to help her make sense of the chaos. Each week she comes to the same realization, she thought she knew everything, but she doesn't know a damn thing.
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Emilie Meng Mysteriet


B.T. afdækker med podcasten ’Emilie Meng Mysteriet’ alle aspekter af en af nyere tids mest omtalte drabssager. I sæson 1 bliver sagen rullet op, pårørende bliver interviewet om deres svære tab, og nye vidner står frem med essentiel viden, der måske kan rykke sagen nærmere en mulig opklaring. I sæson 2 er der fokus på nogle af de mistænkte i sagen. Personer, som Sydsjællands og Lolland-Falsters Politi med stor interesse har kigget på som mulige gerningsmænd til drabet på 17-årige Emilie Meng. ...
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Ski(d)nytt med Emilie & Elin


Möt Elin Mohlin och Emilie Fleten som går på djupet i längdskidvärlden kring träning och hälsa utifrån ett svenskt och norskt perspektiv. Skidnytt bjuder in spännande gäster som delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och roliga historier från skidspåret. Møt Elin Mohlin og Emilie Fleten som går i dybden i langrennsverdenen og ser på trening og helse ut fra et norsk og svensk perspektiv. Skinytt får besøk av spennende gjester som deler med seg av sine erfaringer og morsomme historier fra skispore ...
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Emilie Flygare-Carlén var under 1800-talet en av Sveriges mest populära och lästa författare.En Nyckfull kvinna, som gavs ut i fyra delar, har den unga Edith Sternfelt som centralgestalt. Hon är på ytan en mycket självmedveten, självsäker och nyckfull kvinna, men bär samtidigt på en stor osäkerhet. I första delen, Den obundna flickan, presenteras läsaren/lyssnaren för en rad personer som har viktiga roller på olika sätt. Av dessa är ”farbror Janne”, Ediths döde fars bror, en framträdande per ...
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show series
Hello! This epsiode is a general life update. Has anyone been feeling that September is a little crazy!? It's always a little crazy though isnt it? Here I share about my first night alone in over 2 years playing with the herb mugwort...which gave me nightmares. Using AI to get deeper understanding about these nightmares (which was surprisingly succ…
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What assumptions would you have about a prostitute living in a small portuguese town in the 1700s? Be ready to have your mind expanded! In this episode, I welcome QHHT practitioner Lena Mangala. Lena and I have been exchanging sessions for each other for just over a year now. It has been an incredibly rich relationship where we both deepen our skil…
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In this episode, I share my summary, review and thoughts on Dolores Cannon's Horns of The Goddess (2023). This book is a fascinating account of 7 lifetimes shared by Dolores' clients in the 80s. They include: -2 avalon priestess lifetimes (circa 700 CE) - pagan/Goddess worship servant woman (this lifetime goes into detail about her belief system an…
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This epsiode is an interview with a beautiful mother who shares her deep and powerful transformation. Erin had thought she would not have children since her husband was against it. She accepted his wishes since she loves him deeply. Then, during the pandemic, she began to have a change of heart. She began to pray for a miracle and for her husband t…
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In today’s episode I’m getting a little vulnerable and talking about a theme that is very present for me in this season, anger. As I work towards creating the life of my dreams, some things are harder than expected and frustration ensues! In this episode I talk about what is triggering me right now and 6 points I will personally be working on to co…
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I’m a little nervous to put this out there, but I want to get this conversation going as many are afraid to speak.I have been following Freebirth Society for 7 years as I was in their original Facebook group. I was also in their private Mighty Networks membership for three years. In this episode, I share some of my challenges towards them and other…
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Hello intuitive souls!This videos is for parents who face this comment from their children: ''I'm a bad kid.''It can be so hard to see them down on themselves and we can tend to want to fix it immediately. In this video, I share my approach with my middle more melancholic child. It could be insightful for you!*Pictured in the thumbnail is my 6 year…
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Hello friends!This is a deeper dive into my personal healing journey. I am a little apprehensive about sharing but I think this conversation could be valuable to many.In this episode I talk about;- accessing my own womb via Qhht - accessing my soul’s essence around the time of conception in my mother’s womb- healing my birth trauma- individuating a…
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This is a reading of Chapter 27 - The Twelve Sets of Twin Characteristics from the book Initiation by Elisabeth Haich. This chapter summarized some key concepts that I have been contemplating for the past few years and I thoroughly enjoyed its illuminating discourse. I plan to go back to it again and again to integrate this information deeply into …
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On the podcast this week I'm reviewing a book I happened upon at our local library: the Gospel of Judas. I have studying about the Essene texts focusing mostly on the gospel of Mary Magdalene and I had no idea this gospel existed. It was a surprising find with interesting information and I share some of the passages and my thoughts on them here.Let…
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On the podcast this week I'm sharing a general life update. I share about our homeschool and how we started the year with a great routine in January which fizzled out by the end of the month as my energy dwindled with my cycle. Surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly) both our girls are developing new skills in many different areas. I share about cat…
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On the podcast this week, we have power mama Marissa Kirou heavy with her 3rd baby nearing the birth portal. Marissa shares the story of her first traumatic birth in 2017 in a hospital in Hamilton ON, how she healed and integrated the experience and prepared for the beautiful healing redemptive freebirth of her second son in 2023. We look forward t…
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A gift for you and your loved ones! *Jump to 16:00 min to access the guided meditation directlyMy mom asked me to teach her about meditation to help her fall asleep. I thought this would be a great opportunity to record something for beginners..no muss no fuss! There is a short introduction to meditation with a 10 min guided meditation. I feel so r…
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We have a special episode this week that is for the kids! My 9 year old daughter, Leya, and I recorded a very special solstice story for you. It deals with themes of character development, dragons and solstice. I had so much fun writing this story and applied wisdom from the Waldorf temperaments, conscious leadership and somatic healing in its writ…
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This week I share about using yarrow on cuts with my girls and developing deeper appreciation for plant medicine with my girls. I share about lessons learned in Monopoly and character building and being in alignment when it’s time for lessons.The kids are growing and things are getting smoother..most of the time!Let’s connect!Instagram @emiliealexi…
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In this episode, my man Vitaly @vitalymeditation shares about his experience and perspective supporting me through the three births of our children. He is my number one doula and I am so grateful for his nature that lends itself to being just I need in my Birthing space.Let’s connect!Instagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Em…
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In this episode of homeschool diaries I share about my approach to teaching our children how to read and write in three languages (French, Russian, English).I forgot to mention in the episode that I am a native French speaker from Montreal and my partner Vitaly is a native Russian speaker originally from Northern Kazakhstan. We are lucky to have th…
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In this episode of homeschool diaries I share about organizing a lantern walk and Martinmas play with our Waldorf homeschool pod/coop. I also share about the best November of my life and November slumber.Check out my social channels to see clips of our lantern season!Instagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Emilie AlexinaEmail…
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Hello beautiful! Welcome to another episode of homeschool diaries where I talk about my experience with homeschooling and mothering.Support me with a financial contribution herehttps://www.emiliealexina.com/supportmyworkInstagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Emilie AlexinaEmail [email protected] https://t.me/em…
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Vitaly joins me on the show tonight for a short and sweet discussion on Halloween.Let’s connect!Support me with a financial contribution herehttps://www.emiliealexina.com/supportmyworkInstagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Emilie AlexinaEmail [email protected] https://t.me/emiliealexinachannelMusic is by Kate S…
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In this week’s homeschool diaries I share about our transition into Fall…which hasn’t been easy! Illness has struck us once again and challenges my commitment to radical appreciation/gratitude, a commitment to seeing how events in my life are “for me” (read the 15 commitments of conscious leadership for more on this topic!).I share about my first i…
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Let’s connect!Support me with a financial contribution herehttps://www.emiliealexina.com/supportmyworkInstagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Emilie AlexinaEmail [email protected] https://t.me/emiliealexinachannelMusic is by Kate Sutherland www.katesutherland.ca
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In this week’s homeschool diaries (week 2) I share mostly about my emotional release around the new moon. I talk about how I went through it and what my higher guidance had to say about it. I also talk about how I accessed a past life on my own which provided incredible perspective, space and healing regarding a current relationship in my life.Let’…
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The first episode of a series I will be doing! Here is a space for me to share about our homeschool journey, my inner work and my approach to waldorf education.Let’s connect!Instagram @emiliealexinaWebsite emiliealexina.comFacebook page Emilie AlexinaEmail [email protected] https://t.me/emiliealexinachannelMusic is by Kate Sutherland …
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In today’s episode, I share about our experience enrolling our girls in public school last June (French Catholic School). I share about - our homeschool year with the three kids (including baby). - The decision to enroll in school- Immunization - How it went- My thoughts on Catholic school- Why we have chosen to continue to homeschool.Let’s connect…
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In this episode I share about my recent QHHT session with practitioner Lena.I saw a lifetime as a First Nations medicine woman. This storyline brought great healing for me on many levels.Some of the themes discussed include:- past life connection with my man - Becoming hardened after loss of a spouse- Experiencing a WHOLE maidenhood Instagram @emil…
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I’m wrapping up my wild pregnancy and birth story with reflections on my postpartum year. In this episode I discuss the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of postpartum healing.- Was postpartum harder with a 3rd baby- Navigating isolation - Managing longer than usual postpartum bleeding holistically - Registering a baby born outside the syst…
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This is the third episode on my journey to bring our son into the world. See the previous episodes on “conscious conception” and “the emotional work of pregnancy” for a full context.In this episode, I share about my unassisted birth experience with my third baby and our first son. The birth itself is quite straight forward. I woke up at 1 am with s…
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In this episode I delve into more details around the emotional work of pregnancy. I believe pregnancy to be an opportunity for women to release and transform in body, mind and spirit for the benefit of themselves and their families and communities. I share about:- self responsibility - Dealing with feelings and stories of abandonment - Navigating a…
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In this episode I explore two topics which came up in conversation with a group of parents at a conscious education workshop. I challenge the idea of living life based on making decisions and taking actions from the point of view of “love vs. fear” and “doing no harm”. Are these values we should pass on to our kids?Let me know what you think by con…
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Today’s the day I start sharing my pregnancy and birth story with my third baby, my first son, Theo. In this episode, I also cover conscious conception and our decision making process for welcoming in a third baby. Other topics include:- Pregnancy during the height of Covid lockdowns and mandates- Choosing not to use a pregnancy test- Wild dreams- …
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Welcome back!Finally part two is here! In part one, Sam shared the experiences of her two C-section births in midwifery care. This episode describes her healing journey and the births of her next two children which happened at home with a birth attendant. In this episode we cover:- Navigating the trauma of a failed vbac attempt - Realizing the syst…
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