Inspired focus on sharing deep truths to live every day with fulfillment and purpose that flow! Building Unity Inspires Projects together! Offering to consult on and develop any of these topics and beyond to your needs! Connect to our United Souls Content, Course, Books, and Collaboration Albums! Partner with our Unity Projects, Unity Bookings, Unity Marketing, Unity Podcasts with daily/weekly Classes to Inspire Unified Change in Everyday Life! Email now -!
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Learning from Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga / SIMCHA we are ending this well-timed Torah from Likutei Moharan 36 8 learning about revelations of Torah in the merit of Kedushat HaBrit... etc...Cover Pic 📸 Credit Joshua Fleisher, @ joshuaintheland on Instagram... lkovod a special Hilula DM for links... PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben…
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Action Building Vessels of Success Together - Learning Weekly in the Office - Tu B'Shevat to Adar!
Learning Weekly in the Office from Sefer Neta Gavriel and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch we begin to build the Vessels for the Happy Blessings ahead in business, home life and the holy days of Adar ahead. The Siyum of Shovavim opens up our hearts to the opportunity of truthful blessing in daily life... Cover Pic: Fruits Soulfully United Tu Bishevat - Thank …
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Humans are Like A Tree - Special TubiShevat Seder by our holy brother Shachar in Zayit, Efrat 5785!
Beyond Words the Special hosting 🙌, Divrei Torah and Niggunim on Tu B'Shevat 5785 2025...מתפלל על האתרוג מהודר ולב טוב - טו בשבט שמח :)United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 51 - Focus by Contracting to Expanding - Advice for our Crazy Generation!…
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Trump & Mordechai HaYehudi Step up - Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Trump & Mordechai HaYehudi Step up - Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Joey Aharon & Eli Goldsmith Just One Chesed & Unity Inspires Projects! United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 JIM = Jews Inspired & Midnightrabbi eli goldsmith - 51 - Focus by Contracting to Expanding - Advice for our Crazy Generation!ht…
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Learning Weekly from Lessons in Tanya Chapter 29 we discuss the theme of Sin in Front of my ALWAYS aka TAMID ♥️ CONNECTING into the Positive Themes of Deeper Teshuva through an effective path of Torah Mitzvot...Cover pic - Shavua Tov all bH BY last few weeks of Sadir...PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen A…
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Hachana L'Shabbos Shiur by R' Eli Goldsmith The Inner Torah of Halacha for Everyday & Shabbos Kodesh
*Hachana L'Shabbos Shiur* will take place tomorrow morning after shacharit @shiratdavid Efrat, given over by R' Eli Goldsmith on the topic: _"Intro to The Pinimiyus Inner Torah of Halacha for Everyday & Shabbos Kodesh"_ ty Rav Shlomo Katz and community for hosting us...Unity Marketing - We look forward to marketing your brand, company, organizatio…
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Learning Weekly in the Office Week of Shabbat Shira and Parshat Beshalach we go deep into the beautiful Halachot And Customs in Sefer Neta Gavriel on Tu Bishevat. Blessing on the fruits fixes up and brings abundance into Creation. 15 types of fruits blessed correctly while appreciating the sweet treats of Hashem and holy 7 species of the holy land …
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The Historic US President? Trump & Bibi - Israel Gaza war - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - Just One Chesed & Unity Bookings!
Israel Gaza War - Support & Booking! Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed3578 & our Malachei HaShareit (Cover pic: Trump and Netanyahu making sense of my oldest son & main unit in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR B…
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Today Parshat Haman we energize our United Souls with real Emuna & Bitachon aka Trust in Hashem's promiss to guard our Brit. Rebbe Nachman ben Faiga of Breslov teaches with Simcha the Tikkun Klali to the root of all challenges in our generation and the world's history. Let's do this... Parshat Haman -…
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Learning Lessons in Tanya chapter 29 requires a Healthy Self Awareness in order to crush or identify the animal spirit with the Goal being the Soul. The Heart ❤️ Level is a complicated place, moment and each person has to know him or her self. We can in the merit of Tzaddikim like the Bava Sali, Dovid Hamelech to transform the Heart to a place of A…
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Learning in the Office about Tu B'Shevat From Neta Gavriel & Sefer Bnei Yissacher 😌 - with dedication to Elevating the Soul of Grandmother Faiga Bat Noach a'h. Also, Today's, Hallel was very special, elevated beyond words - Special Rav Shlomo Katz Hallel Rosh Chodesh Shevat Elevation of Ariel ben Avraham Yehuda's Soul @ Shirat David https://youtu.b…
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Mental Health, Care & Love - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed & our Malachei HaShareit (Cover pic: my oldest son & main unit in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA BEN ELIYAHU ELIEZER HAKOHEN AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏DM your kindness to @EliUnityGoldsmith and @yosefaharon thanks to @shiratdavid for hosting... #…
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Hashem Testifying His Holy Name Upon Us - Likutei Moharan 36 6 - Shevat = Shefa Bracha Tovah שבט
Learning in our new home in Efrat the holy Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga 😀 🙌 in Likutei Moharan 36 6 connecting with Divine Providence to the challenging Shovavim tikkun and days... Hashem's name is called upon us with Rosh Chodesh Shevat giving us the vessel to hold all the blessings 🙌 and guard our holyness...Even a small effort in Yesod nowadays is Hu…
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SHARE LIVE R Leibish, R Shlomo Katz, R Moshe Tvi Weinberg, R Efi Palvanov, R Dovber Pinson @ SD UIP!
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1:25:34Unofficial Version - SHARE Fund supporting @OneFamilyFund - LIVE R Leibish, R Shlomo Katz, R Moshe Tvi Weinberg, R Efi Palvanov, R Dovber Pinson @shiratdavid5692 UIP!Thank you to Share Fund for joining the Shirat David community & beyond for this special event… looking forward to Collab with our very soon…Unity Marketing -…
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We learn in Sefer Lessons in Tanya chapter 29 about the Priority of the Soul over the Body. We discuss in real ways the Tzaddikim vs the Beinonim - Sefer Inbetweeners vs the Reshaim etc... Our daily battle is Real & Raw especially the generation of 2025 5785 the times before Moshiach's coming... bkorov Mamesh...Cover Photo 📸 Shavua Tov from our new…
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Learning in Likutei Moharan 36 6 we strengthen how important it is to have the complete vessel to hold the light. Not to allow the evil advice or curse of Bilaam to break that connection and Keli... We Unify the Baal HaTanya Yahrzeit with Chabad mochin etc...zyaCover pic 📸- Lkovod the Alter Rebbe - Learning Tanya Weekly - Perek 29 - A Healthy Broke…
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Bringing The Abundance Down Chodesh Shevat - Baal HaTanya's Yahrzeit - Weekly Learning in the Office
We Started Learning the Special Halacha Sefer Neta Gavriel about Chodesh Shevat, Tu Bishevat, and the coming blessed 🙌 days... Also, the Rebbe Leibel Eiger mentions the Tzadick's ability to remove blockages for the Shefa & Bracha in I'm Imrei Emmes...Cover Pic - Thank you to AY for making the Trip to Haiditch the Kever of the Baal HaTanya (Yahrzeit…
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We go ahead in Lessons in Tanya discussing Chapter 29 in terms of identification with the Soul Level and breaking the Heart ❤️ the Bodies focus in a Healthy way... The Need to talk is so important giving time during this war filled mental health crisis... similar to Eckhart Tolle's books... We enter the Inner Benoni's world together during a Hashga…
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Shovavim & Teshuva - Bnei Yissacher Yahrzeit & Boruch Yitzchak - Likutei Moharan In the Real Office!
The Merit to Learn Together in the Real Office with Boruch Yitzchak Ben Masha who returned from North Israel by Syria 🇸🇾 guarding our holy land... We discuss the Bnei Yissacher Chizzuk from Shovavim on the Levels of Teshuva, Torah and Souls... We connect to Rebbe Nachman ben Simcha zya and his holy Talmid…
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Beyond Words special Learning from Rabbeinu Nachman ben Simcha ben Feiga zya of Breslov on Kedushas Habris...The Light and The Vessel... Cover pic 📸 a new book shelf of Sefarim Kedoshim...United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 50 - Miracles & Gratitude - Sharing the Light Before During & Always - Never Give Up on Our M…
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You are not Alone in Israel - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed & our Malachi HaShareit (Cover pic: my oldest son & main unit in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA BEN ELIYAHU ELIEZER HAKOHEN AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏DM your kindness to @EliGoldsmith @YosefAharon and thanks to @shiratdavid for hosting... #unityb…
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Learning again lkovod the special time #shovavim Lessons in Tanya Chapter 28 we get the opportunity to be real with External Thoughts During Avodas Hashem, Torah, Prayer... The Baal Hatanya's advice is to ignore these thoughts and channel the tension created by the Animal Soul to ignite the G-dly Soul with even more Joy & Strong Focus...The cover p…
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Remembering the Chorban to Chibur = Connection - 10 Tevet to Shabbos Chazak & Moshiach! Office Flow!
Learning in the Office Weekly we discussed The 10th Tevet, Hilula Yahrzeit of Rebbe Natan of Breslov, Shabbat Chazak, Teshuva of Shovavim and Bringing the Connection back in all way to Hashem, Beit Hamikdash, Shalom Bayit, & Mashiach... PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR Avraham Asher Ben Sarah, BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen AND ALL T…
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Dedicated learning Refuah Shleima for Chaim Shlomo ben Kila aka Dr. Peter and Ariel ben Dorit aka Tom beloved members of Shirat David Efrat ❤️ Reviewed last week's lesson the deepest of the deep from Rebbe Nachman ben Feiga zya and our generation's importance in fixing the Bris... Tikkun Brit Kodesh to receive the words of the Tzaddik and bring lig…
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We return in learning in Lessons in Tanya to chapter 28 as this foundational teaching needing internalization. Our G-dly Soul a portion within us all awakens The Highest Level of Mercy from Hashem like a father to a son in the most intimate way. We then begin Chapter 29 with this advice to help us turn Wokeness into Brokeness to transform darkness …
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We discuss the power of the Special day, judging people fairly and with love. Plus speaking on the good of others will help us all be inscribed for blessings only especially in our business while having the more elevated mindset...The Cover pic is the Tolna Rebbe Sreifus Pisilus aka 🔥 the whicks from Zos Chanukah Tish.United Souls - Extracts from N…
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Learning Weekly from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zya we reveal awesome Hashgacha Pratis aka Divine Providence in Likutei Moharan 36 5 on Zos Chanukah 2025 5785... New Torah & New Souls - Receiving the Torah of the Tzaddikim is all dependent on our Kedushas HaBris aka Guarding our Covenant Bsd... Cover Pic from my 2 middle sons on their way home from T…
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Lkovod Chanukah, Rosh Chodesh Tevet - A special class on "7 plus One = 8" a profound Chanukah Teaching from the Rebbe explained by R Shmuel Diamond for Shirat David Efrat! Check out
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Chanukah Party Shirat David - Mishaberech & Lit Candles Lkovod the Soldiers - The Solomon Brothers!
6th Night of Chanukah we wish all Happy Chanukah 🕎 Chanukah Party Shirat David hosted by Rav Shlomo Katz & Community - Mishaberech & Lit Candles Lkovod the Soldiers - The Solomon Brothers!Mishaberech for the soldiers & lit 🔥 lkovod Chanukah PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen AND Avraham Asher ben Sarah be…
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Learning Tanya Perek 28 - Reveal The Deepest Mercy on our Souls - all One with Hashem - 5th Chanukah
Learning from Lessons in Tanya chapter 28 the deepest light of Chassidus shines on the 5th night of Chanukah the lowest place in time, soul and even in London etc... We discuss the Unification of Rebbe Nachman & the Baal Hatanya connecting on this Torah that this is the ultimate nechama the Rachmanus we have on the Soul Level etc... so much light, …
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We merit the Siyum of learning Hilchos Chanukah from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch with a big focus on Al Hanissim and Hallel vHodah... Praising and Thanking Hashem a huge Avodah and theme etc... we end off with the hemshich Zos Chanukah fire 🔥 to Shovavim and Tu Bishevat... Bnei Yissacher Kabalah too...PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASH…
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Happy Chanukah 🕎 Rabbeinu Nachman ben Simcha zya teaches the challenges of Znut aka Promiscuity is fixed with a Tearful Krias Shema and Unification twice daily and at night... Then the Torah & light of Chanukah can be revealed... The 70 faces of Torah the root 70 Soul - United Souls... PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu …
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Rav YY Jacobson Farbrengen Yud Tet Kislev - Real Chinuch, Chanukah & Chassidus @ Shirat David Efrat!
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2:58:04#RavYYJacobson #Fabrengen #YudTet #Kislev on #Chanukah & Chassidus @ #ShiratDavid hosted by #ravshlomokatz & #chabad in Efrat, #Israel!Unity Marketing - We look forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program.Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let's do #UnityMarketing together. https://…
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Special Time and Classes inspire our Lessons in Tanya Chapter 28 Weekly session... Rav Yy Jacobson Special Live Fabrengen Yud Tet Kislev Chanukah Focus at Shirat David Efrat - tbcRav Moshe Weinberger Hostages Story Yud Tet Kislev Fabrengen Yerushalyim Motzai Shabbos Vayeishev! Souls - Extracts …
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At a weekly mishmar of Torah Learning for Teens @ Shirat David Efrat... Special chizzuk for our generation from Yosef Hatzaddick, Self Control, Journal of positive accomplishments and believing in our generation to bring Moshiach...PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏United…
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We Learned our Weekly 30 minutes in the Office about Hilchos Chanukah & Chassidus. Appreciating our righteous women's miracles, Lighting for our soulmates, and the key of Chassidus building a dwelling for Hashem in all worlds, Torah & Hearts... Lit Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Rav Dr. Yosef Bronstein's new sefer on the Essence of the Rebbe and Bnei Yissa…
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Crying on the Unification During Shema Removes Promiscuity & Heals Depression -Likutei Moharan 36 4
Learning Dedicated to our Soldiers Victory, Rav Chaim Menachem ben Leah Kramer's Refuah Shleima, etc... the most awesome revelation is today Rav Chaim himself learned this in his home Mamesh Today after a massive heart attack. Torah is the Koach - Rabbeinu Nachman of Breslov Torah 36 4 in Likutei Moharan is the needed preparation for Chanukah 5785,…
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Happy Lit Chanukah 5785? The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - JOC & UIP!
Happy @hanukkahofficial2931 #chanukah #lit... Dedicated to the success of @justonechesed3578 & our Malachei HaShareit (Cover pic: my oldest son in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA BEN ELIYAHU ELIEZER HAKOHEN AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏 your kindness…
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Learning from Lessons in Tanya Chapter 28 bringing the challenge for Beinoni to take their minds off negative thoughts especially during Prayer and Torah... the Goal is the Soul & that's with Joy aka Simcha no matter what...United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 49 - Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindn…
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The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - Yeshivat Har Etzion @ Shirat David Efrat!
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1:07:41Dedicated to the success of students of Yeshivat Har Etzion aka #YESHIVATHAGUSH & (Cover pic: my oldest son in Gaza, Lebanon, now in Syria 🇸🇾 💙) PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA BEN ELIYAHU ELIEZER HAKOHEN AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏Questions from Rav Yaakov Greenberg (Machon Zmirat Haeretz) and the Rakaz -1)What was your jo…
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Live in TLV - Nissim Black Intimate Chilled Concert & Story Flow - Unity Bookings - @JTLV &
Nissim Black Concert & Flow - JTLV - Thurs 12th Dec @ JTLV - #nissimblack #jtlv DM #unitybookings Marketing - We look forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program.Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email and let's do #UnityMarketing together. ht…
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The Unification of the Shema, Tribes & Chanukah all protecting us from the Source of Negativity from the Other Side... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 2 - by Eli Goldsmith - 49 - Joy of Living in Chaos, Flood of Truth, Love & Kindness, Hardest of Tests, Even in London… Keep Going, Subdue & Transform!…
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We continue learning in the Office Hilchos Chanukah from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch & the Inner light from Parshat Vayishlach & Sefer Bnei Yissacher. Joe Rogan & co. would learn so much from hearing from the Inner Torah 😀 to see the truthful light direct from our holy nation to share through the yearly Lighting of the Menorah 8 nights above 3 Tefachim a…
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We continued in Lessons in Tanya, pg. 363-365, about the main themes of Chapter 27: to subdue and transform the eternal war within with the Yetzer Harah, a.k.a. our Animal Spirit. We know that Yaakov reached the level of Yisrael, fighting the Sar of Esav... the question is, are we able to subdue the power of the Internet internally and, as a Baal T…
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Parshat Vayishlach is a continuation of the Eternal battle of Yaakov Avinu with Esav etc... through our Hiskafia - Subduing the Other Side we make holy all which is permitted in this world and thereby bring down the powers of evil even more... Cover Pic is BY (my oldest son) in Lebanon just the last few weeks on his 5th Mission... His next mission …
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Shema Souls Lighting up our Eyes & ALL 70 Nations - Likutei Moharan 36 3, Shirat Dovid @ R Nachman!
Learning Weekly from Rabeinu Nachman of Breslov Likutei Moharan currently Torah 36 connected to the 36 candles of Chanukah we light up our Eyes through the 25 letters of Shema Yisrael. Closing our eyes with 12 words of Shema & Boruch Shem we elevate everything including the 12 tribes of Kah created Parshat Vayeitzei & Vayishlach... Cover pic: Dedic…
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Happy to back learning Weekly in the Office now in the holy land 😀 🙌. We continue learning Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and Return to the holy sefer BNEI Yissacher on the Special Time of lighting the Hidden Light Filled Miracle Menorah 🕎 of Chanukah especially before Moshiach's coming... the Ohr of Mashiach Shines even brighter during this special 30 mins…
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We climax this special Intimacy Course for the World Bnei Akiva Gap Year Boys with a mature Q/A focus on what is the points, takeaways and Root of Real Connection... 7 clear points all for the Sake of Intimate Long Lasting Relationships.PLEASE KEEP🙏 PRAYING FOR BORUCH YITZCHAK BEN MASHA ben Eliyahu Eliezer Hakohen AND ALL THE SOLDIERS OF YISRAEL 🙏U…
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Learning Lessons in Tanya page 359 to 361 Strengthening teachings on Making Nachus Ruach above through self control below... Hiskafia and Hischafcha - By Subduing the Other Side within we Subdue the forces Above and Around us... The Inner war and wisdom 🙌 to elevate everything...Cover pic: My youngest son transforming the Shefa in London with speci…
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We learn from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Chanukah, Likutei Moharan 36 2 & Preps for Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the same themed focusing of seeing and receiving the light after facing the Challenges of Kedushat Habrit. This all depends on how we use our eyes and the good eye of Yosef Hatzaddick & Kohanim. Cover pic: old friend reminds us the importance…
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