Taking a look at the simple and complicated ethical decisions we make in our life. We both run ethical fashion brand (Uncaptive) and try our best be ethical individuals in our lifestyle but sometime these dilemmas need to be a discussion to find the best answer.
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan and Itala Hill - today following our Northern Sustainable Fashion Revolution event for fashion revolution week we talk about the Fashion Revolution, About its importance to remember the collapse of rana plasa, what great work is already being put in place to change the fashion industry for the better and what is ther…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan and Itala Hill - today during the time of fashion revolution week we talk about the education of ethical and sustainable fashion, why its important, what is already being done, what else can be done and who is responsible. From schools, higher education, media, brands, fashion revolution events and self education onl…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan and Itala Hill - today we talk about the second hand clothes market, why its growing so fast, what the future of fashion looks like and the pros and cons. From vintage, charity shops, clothes swaps to selling your own clothing online there is a lot of options when it comes to second hand clothes. Ethical Clothing: ht…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan and Itala Hill - today we look at the new UN Alliance For Sustainable Fashion to see how it addresses the damage of ‘fast fashion’ through collaboration and legislation. Ethical Clothing: https://www.uncaptive.co.uk/ Ethical Fashion Today IG: https://www.instagram.com/ethicalfashiontoday/ EFT Blog: https://www.uncapt…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan Hill - we look at Oxfam Australia's Made in Poverty - the true price of fashion report. How garment workers fail to be paid the living wage, when producing for fast fashion brands, with little human rights and what can be done about it. Ethical Clothing: https://www.uncaptive.co.uk/ Ethical Fashion Today IG: https://…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan Hill - where looking at BBC launching a sustainable fashion and lifestyle brand because of the planets series called BBC Earth. also acknowledging Selfridges ban on exotic animal skins. Ethical Clothing: https://www.uncaptive.co.uk/ Ethical Fashion Today IG: https://www.instagram.com/ethicalfashiontoday/ EFT Blog: ht…
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Ethical Fashion Today by Declan Hill - where looking at Boohoo's ban on wool and why they unbanned a day later. Whether Peta's campaign against wool is the best way. How feathers are coming back in fashion as an easy but cruel replacement for fur. Ethical Clothing: https://www.uncaptive.co.uk/ Ethical Fashion Today IG: https://www.instagram.com/eth…
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Ethical Fashion Today Ep1 - Gov. Report on the Fashion Industry and whats Organic/Sustainable
Ethical Fashion Today by Declan Hill, where looking at the differences between organic and sustainable, what to look out for to avoid green-washing. We also take a look at the enlightening research in the new fashion report for government "Fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability" and the solutions / recommendations offered. Ethical …
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