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Just two cozy girls talking about video games. And sometimes life. Join us while we dissect our favourite indie games through our theme of the episode! From exploring new genres like cozy horror to how story games bring important subject matters to life, each episode will deep dive into a new topic, cover news in the industry, and more. Cozy up and grab a tea or coffee while we chat all things indie gaming! And definitely never our love for retro horror movie monsters. Definitely not that.
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Navigating Online Friendships on Twitch and Beyond
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IRL Video version over on the YouTube This is a special one! The IRL edition of the podcast was recorded in front of a live studio audience (producer Jack) in Vienna! Jess and Kat took a minute away from the Christmas markets to talk about making friends online, the dangers of parasocial behaviour and what they've learned from their good and bad ex…
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Fall Vibes in Our Favourite Indie Games
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We LOVE Fall. So this week we're talking indie games set in the Fall or that just give us those delightful autumn vibes. With spooky season behind us and Christmas markets on the horizon, we also chat about why we’re looking forward to the cold weather, some big life changes, and why marketing jobs can be the worst. Before Your Eyes discussion 6:34…
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The Power of a Good Story: Indie Games for Book Lovers
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For those of us who love to settle down with a good book and become immersed in a story, indie games can offer a similar experience. For all you bookworms, let's talk about indie games that are narrative-driven, text-heavy, or give us the feeling of flipping through a novel. Gaming news & releases 15:31 Games mentioned: Goodbye Volcano High, Stray …
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Beyond Dating Sims: Romance in Indie Games
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Romance is an important genre for these two cozy gamers, so let's talk about how indie games have explored love and relationships in their themes and gameplay. New & Upcoming releases 8:50 Games mentioned: Lakeburg Legacies, Venba, Oxenfree 2, Viewfinder, Dave the Diver and Baldur's Gate 3. Romance 22:36 Our assigned game: Haven Games mentioned: Ha…
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Can Horror Games Be Cozy?
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Can a horror game be cozy? Or do the two not mix? And who gets to decide? This topic has been quite divisive, but who better to talk about it than a scaredy Kat and a haunted Jess? New & Upcoming releases 3:00 Games mentioned: Fall of Porcupine, Smushi Come Home, Dordogne, The Palace on the Hill, To A T, Little Kitty Big City, The Invincible, Botan…
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Just two cozy girls talking about video games. And sometimes life. Join us while we dissect our favourite indie games through our theme of the episode! From exploring new genres like cozy horror to how story games bring important subject matters to life, each episode will deep dive into a new topic, cover news in the industry, and more. Cozy up and…
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I dag snakker jeg lidt om den vilde udviklingen inden for sexrobotter, lidt om cougers og så svarer jeg på nogle spørgsmål inde fra børnetelefonen.توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode snakker jeg om alle de ting der ikke kommer til tiden og mine oplevelser med de ting den sidste uges tid! Jeg kommer bl.a. ind på forsinkede toge, pakker der ikke kommer til tiden og Netlfix der ikke uploader nye episoder af serier.توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode af COZY CAST snakker jeg om Jasmin Barkov også kendt som Din-Skattemus. Hun er blevet "kendt" efter hun var med på et podcast fra radio 24-7, hvor hun snakkede om sugardating og prostitution!توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode snakker jeg lidt om nogle dr dokumentarer der omhandler skønhedsidealer og livet i ghettoen.توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode af COZY CAST har jeg besøg af en af de største skuespillere i Danmark, Marcus Laursen. VI snakker lidt om hvordan det er at være skuepsiller, hvad han bruger sin fritid på og hvordan han skildrer skuespillerlivet fra hans dagligdag som almindelig dansker.توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode af COZY CAST snakker jeg om hvordan det er er at lave videoer (professionelt). Jeg kommer bl.a. ind på nogle positive men også nogle negative oplevelser jeg har haft.توسط COZY CAST
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COZY CAST EP 4 - Fashion, musik og så meget andet fedt (ft. Tobias Ruberg)
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I denne episode af COZY CAST har jeg besøg af en af mine venner! Vi snakker om noget af den musik vi hører og om kunstnere! Derudover snakker vi også om mode, og om at finde sin egen stil osv.توسط COZY CAST
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I episode 3 af COZY CAST snakker jeg lidt om livet efter gymnasiet, og hvordan det er ikke at gå i skole mere! Derudover reflekterer jeg også på hvordan gymnasiet har været og mine forventninger til fremtiden!توسط COZY CAST
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I denne episode snakker jeg om 12 årige på YouTube og de forfærdelige kærestetags de laver! Små børn der snaver på YouTube og hvor slemt det generelt er på YouTube mht. drama osv!توسط COZY CAST
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Jeg introducerer podcastet, og hvad det kommer til at være på længere sigt. Jeg snakker også om sugardating og hvad jeg synes om det liv osv.توسط COZY CAST
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