A movie review/discussion podcast from Cinematary.com
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「映画は映画館で」をモットーに神戸を拠点に活動しているユニット cinemactif(シネマクティフ)、を大好きな東京在住のcinemactifファンが集まり東京支部を勝手に結成。月1でイベント MCTT(MONTHLY CINEMA TALK TOKYO)も行っています。https://cinemactiftokyo.seesaa.net
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O podcast sobre cultura pop pioneiro do Brasil. Um bate papo semanal sobre filmes, séries e streaming! Assistir é apenas o começo!
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Cinematography Podcast & Tutorials
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O maior ecrã da rádio portuguesa. As estreias da semana; as rodagens; um outro olhar sobre os filmes. Edição de Tiago Alves e Lara Marques Pereira.
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Curtas viagens pelo cinema de género, mais esquecido, de incendiar paixões. Relatos biográficos, rebobinador ligado, os suspiros pela arte que é companheira de vida. Às vezes também há blockbusters. Ao domingo, ocasionalmente, filmes de crianças por crianças. Santo Padroeiro: Lucio Fulci. Desenho de Carla Rodrigues e música do genérico de Stelvio Capriani.
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Do you love movies? Especially superhero movies? Then you've come to the right place! Each episode we talk about a different movie, with every other episode being a superhero movie (usually). Beware we will spoil the movie, so be sure to watch it before listening to the episode. Thanks for being here and we hope you enjoy our show! Artwork by Melissa Wolfert.
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As estreias e destaques da semana. Nos cinemas, na TV ou no streaming. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Greatest Movies Podcast Ever
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Néstor Bentancor (@NestorCine @DesdeHollywood), periodista de entretenimiento y crítico de cine & TV radicado en Los Angeles, comparte reseñas, entrevistas y coberturas de eventos, mientras analiza las últimas noticias de la industria, películas, series y mucho más, desde Hollywood. En Video: YouTube.com/NestorCine
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Junkfood Cinema is a shame-free celebration of cult cinema hosted by critic Brian Salisbury and Marvel Studios screenwriter C. Robert Cargill
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Art, Business, Craft and Philosophy of the Moving Image
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Assistir é apenas o começo!
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We know a lot about movies
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Reel Notes is a space for conversations about the relationship between rap and film with rappers, producers, journalists, directors, and more. Intro track via JWords (follow her @_jwords on Instagram & Twitter) Art direction via Big Flowers (Instagram: @watermichaelguy, Twitter: @michaelfornow_)
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Рассказываю весело о кино
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Programa semanal de Cinema, trazendo notícias e quadros especiais. Veiculado na Rádio Ponto UFSC.
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A podcast on high film art, entertaining film trash, and everything film in between. Subscribe to the Patreon for new premium episode every week. https://www.patreon.com/theimportantcinemaclub
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Cinema, séries de TV e Cultura Pop!
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Join Agatha, Tim, and their various guests as they discuss, analyze, critique, mock, and otherwise appreciate some of your favorite (and not-so-favorite) movies, from classics to the newest blockbusters.
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Maximilian A. Mastrangelo and Jenn Saunders host a weekly podcast dedicated to the celebration of new movies, old movies and favorite BAD ones. A show definitely not for the faint of heart.
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Cansou das alternativas que estão sendo apresentadas por aí? Aqui é o seu lugar.
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Un exhaustiu repàs d'actualitat, estrenes comentades pels seus protagonistes, festivals, premis i últimes novetats.
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Podcast by La Cinémathèque française
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Advertencia de contenido: Tenemos opiniones (impopulares). Debaten: Fer Casals y Valeria Massimino.
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Live Love Life
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Matthew Sweet's weekly look at music for the screen
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دردشة عن كل ما هو عظيم في السينما المصرية والعالمية Mohamed Abousoliman, creator of the popular CINEMATOLOGY video series chats all things movies with guests from various backgrounds and with one thing in common- their passion for cinema!
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Os jornalistas e críticos Renato Silveira e Kel Gomes analisam filmes e séries e convidam especialistas para debater lançamentos no cinema e no streaming, filmes clássicos, sucessos da Sessão da Tarde e filmografias de grandes diretoras e diretores.
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Each week on The Cine-Files we enter the world of great film and explore its themes, history, filmmakers and the influences it has on movies today Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thecine-files/support
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We've taken it upon ourselves to watch and critique bad horror films from A-Z. For better or worse. Let the suffering commence!
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Podcast en español sobre cine LGTBIQ de hoy y algunos clásicos.
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A dive into the beautiful, obscure depths of cinema.
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O podcast é uma iniciativa do "Projeto de Extensão Cineduc: Articulando Cinema, História e Educação", coordenado pela professora de História da Educação Senyra Martins Cavalcanti (DE/UEPB). O Cineduc é um Podcast sobre filmes históricos e ensino de história. Curtam!
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Podcast Cine de Barra, el cine que puedes disfrutar bebiéndote un liso.
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Film academics Dr Dario Llinares and Dr Neil Fox introduce a live screening followed by an audience Q&A. The podcast also features interviews with filmmakers, scholars, writers and actors who debate all aspects of cinema and film culture.
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L'un aime les COMICS, l'autre le CINÉMA, peuvent ils aimer le MERDIQUE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE ? À chaque émission, Amine et Victor décryptent MARVEL & le MCU, en tentant de dire (parfois) des choses intelligentes et (souvent) des jeux de mots bêtes. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Greg Srisavasdi, Bruce Purkey, and Eric Holmes host a weekly movie podcast that has been up and running since 2015! They cover new movies that are coming out each week. Join our CinemAddicts community to discover your share of movie gems!
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Each episode I travel six feet under and pry open a coffin of one of my favorite Hollywood corpses and perform a post watch examination of one of their forgotten films.
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404 What We Give Gratitude For in 2024 - The Cine-Files LIVE!
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On this episode of The Cine-Files LIVE, Steve Morris and John Rocha discuss everything they are grateful for in 2024 in the worlds of Film, TV, Entertainment and more! They talk their favorite film, TV shows, moments, events, relationships and more of 2024. PLUS, they give some special Thanksgiving love to the fans and supporters of The Cine-Files!…
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Cine de barra 9x03 - Vince McMahon con El Rabo de Morris
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¡Vince McMahon, el Titán de la WWE, llega al podcast Cine de Barra, con la participación de El Rabo de Morris!¡Damas y caballeros, prepárense para una entrada triunfal al ring de su podcast favorito! Esta semana en Cine de Barra, bajamos las luces, subimos el volumen de la música de entrada y traemos el golpe más contundente en formato podcast: «Vi…
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No Silo 17, o homem se apresenta a Juliette como “Solo”. Juliette descobre que existem dezenas de Silos e que suas ações podem causar uma revolução em seu Silo. Solo luta para se conectar com Juliette e lhe dá comida antes de sugerir que ela pode usar um traje de bombeiro para sair. Solo se recusa a abandonar o cofre, mas quando Juliette sai, ele m…
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Meta Cine, séptima temporada. En este ep. hablamos de: "MEGALOPOLIS" y "EMILIA PEREZ". Debaten Vale Massimino: Instagram, Letterboxd , Peliplat, IMdB y Fer Casals: Instagram, Letterboxd, Peliplat, IMdB
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Cruising (1980) / American Horror Story - NYC
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En esta oportunidad les traemos doble review, porque vamos a estar hablando de la pelicula ''Cruising'', de 1980, dirigida por William Friedkin (El Exorcista) y protagonizada por Al Pacino. Y por otra parte también vamos a comentar American Horror Story, NYC, ambientada en la decada del 80 durante el inicio de la epidemia del SIDA. Esperemos que le…
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Rio de Janeiro, 1971, a Ditadura Militar permanecia no país. O engenheiro e político Rubens Paiva saiu de casa em um fim de tarde, sem saber que seria a última vez que seria visto por sua família. Eunice, mulher de Rubens e mãe de cinco filhos,agora se vê sozinha e trava uma luta histórica para descobrir a verdade sobre o destino do marido, que se …
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S'estrena 'LAS CHICAS DE LA ESTACIÓN'. Juana Macías i Salua Hadra ens expliquen els secrets que s'amaguen a la pel·lícula i el missatge que es projecta amb la creació de la obra. Sinopsis: Jara, Álex i Miranda són tres noies que han crescut en un centre de menors sense saber què és l'amor sense condicions. És l'aniversari de Jara i les tres volen c…
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¡Nolan suma a Pattinson! WICKED, THE BRUTALIST, LOTR WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM, THE ORDER | Noti-Hollywood
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@NestorCine analiza las últimas novedades de #Wicked #Nolan #LordOfTheRings #TheOrder y responde preguntas sobre las últimas #películas del #cine, la #televisión y el #streaming en su programa de noticias El Noti-Hollywood.¡Hazte Miembro del Nestor Cine Club en YouTube y Respalda al Canal!👇👇👇https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgZxH5cl_o4iFQRF1CLD9yA/…
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Alerta Vermelho #243 - Gladiador: O Legado do Épico e sua Sequência
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Gladiador é considerado por muita gente um clássico absoluto do começo dos anos 2000 e, 24 anos depois de sua estreia, ganha agora uma continuação, novamente com direção de Ridley Scott. Aproveitando a ocasião, nada melhor que um podcast para olhar para trás e revisitar o longa original, assim como comentar a nova produção. Alexandre Luiz, Davi Gar…
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『トラップ』_シネマクティフ東京支部の音声配信 外伝Vol.474 otokeiさん(X: @otokei0426: https://twitter.com/otokei0426 )とmatsu(X: @yoshifumimatsu6: https://twitter.com/yoshifumimatsu6 )の2人で「トラップ」についてネタバレありで話してます。 よろしくお願いします。 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (matsu) cinemactif 東京支部はX(@mactiftokyo: https://twitter.com/mactiftokyo )やってます。よろしければフォローお願い致します。 Music:MusMus http:…
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She's one of the most prolific female filmmakers of all time, becoming a bona-fide entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry. She also worked entirely in sexploitation and horror, and has stubbornly resisted any attempts at canonization. Is there art in the unabashedly commercial cinema of Roberta Findlay? In this special report, Will talks to Pete…
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In cinema, US presidents have been portrayed as heroes, villains, great leaders who unite the world and hopeless puppets who are the butt of jokes. In this episode, Matthew Sweet casts his vote on classic soundtracks to films including Nixon and Independence Day. Celebrating the 1991 blockbuster, Point Break, as it returns to cinemas in the UK. To …
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Рассказываю что выходит интересного в кинотеатрах 28 ноября 2024 года: 00:00:05- Приветствие 00:01:44 – Кинопленка №8 00:05:55 – Эммануэль «Emmanuelle» 00:09:17 – Перевозчик душ «Black Cab» 00:12:29 – Астрал. Медиум «Oddity» 00:16:13 – Быстро про остальные премьеры четверга!
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BATENDO PAPO NA MASMORRA #116 Heretic, Wicked, Cuckoo e desenho que fez Hayao Miyazaki virar desenhista
Angélica Hellish: https://linktr.ee/angelicahelish Marcos Noriega: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noriegailustra/ e Estante Virtual Allan, o Bispo – O TIO ALAN na Twitch ***** link de mencionados será atualizado depois ****** acesse https://masmorracine.wordpress.com/ Marquês 1989 Legendado (18+) *SE FOR COMPRAR ALGUMA COISA NA…
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محمد ابوسليمان واسماعيل راضي بيدرشوا عن فيلم الهوى سلطان تأليف وإخراج هبة يسري وبطولة منة شلبي، أحمد داود ، أحمد خالد صالح وجيهان الشماشرجي If you like the pod, please give us a rating! Haki Fann Podcast about arts & culture from the Arab world. Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotifyتوسط Mohamed Abousoliman
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『ジョーカー フォリ・ア・ドゥ』_シネマクティフ東京支部の音声配信 外伝Vol.473 otokeiさん(X: @otokei0426: https://twitter.com/otokei0426 )とmatsu(X: @yoshifumimatsu6: https://twitter.com/yoshifumimatsu6 )の2人で「ジョーカー フォリ・ア・ドゥ」についてネタバレありで話してます。 よろしくお願いします。 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら (matsu) cinemactif 東京支部はX(@mactiftokyo: https://twitter.com/mactiftokyo )やってます。よろしければフォローお願い致します…
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シネマクティフ東京支部の音声配信Vol.521 イシヤマさんと映画についての雑談いろいろ。サールナートホール/静岡シネ・ギャラリーで観た『国境ナイトクルージング』の話、金星シネマの話、シネマネコの話話などなど。 Music:MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/ このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちらتوسط cinemactif_東京支部
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CinemAddicts Episode 270 covers movies that are opening week of Friday, November 29, 2024. They are Maria, Nutcrackers, Heavier Trip and Reinas. Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 6:30 - Reinas - Poster/photo credit - Outsider Pictures 12:50 - Maria - Poster/photo credit - Pablo Larraín/Netflix 21:14 - Heavier Trip - Poster/photo credit - Music Box Films 26:…
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No Cinemático 492, Bia Fiorotto, Ieda Marcondes e Alexandre Maron debatem "Herege", filme dirigido por Scott Beck e Bryan Woods. Pauta: 5:13 Spoilers: 28:36 🚨 --- SIGA @CINEMATICOPOD Twitter Instagram CRÉDITOS Apresentação: Carlos Merigo Pauta e Co-Produção: Bia Fiorotto Produção: Alexandre Potascheff Edição: Gabriel Pimentel Atendimento e Comercia…
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Pedro Almodóvar, Ico Costa, Viggo Mortensen
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Professor Vivian Sobchack, in Conversation
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In this return to the long-form interview format, The Cinematologists are deeply honoured to welcome Professor Vivian Sobchack to the podcast. In an incredibly profound and wide-ranging conversation, Dario discusses with Prof. Sobchack a diverse array of topics related to her work and life as one of the most important and influential thinkers and w…
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Spoiler alert
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Iron Man 3 (2013)
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Aujourd'hui, Iron Man 3 de Shane Black. Pourquoi Tony fait des crises de panique ? Pourquoi le Mandarin, c'est du fake ? Pourquoi Shane Black est épuisant ? Toutes les réponses sont là. ❓Suivre Victor sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/victorbonnefoy_/ Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.…
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From grunge to Gladiator II: John Mathieson, BSC
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Cinematographer John Mathieson, BSC began his career shooting music videos for bands like Nirvana and Hole, moving into documentaries and commercials before working in feature films. Rather than going to film school, he joined friends who formed a film collective and everyone learned from each other. Director Ridley Scott saw his work on the movie,…
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Deliver Us From Evil with Scott Derrickson Live at Fantastic Fest
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Brian and Cargill accept a holy charge to appear live at Fantastic Fest (the place the podcast began) and welcome director Scott Derrickson to discuss his detect-xorcist masterpiece: Deliver Us from Evil! Oh, and did we mention...this is officially our 500th episode??? Thanks for all the love and support for over a decade! Support us on Patreon!…
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kJADE | S4 Episode 40
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My guest this week is Arizona rapper-producer kJADE. We spoke about Kai Cenat and the pros and cons of streaming culture, the Megan Thee Stallion documentary and the nature of celebrity propaganda, the magic of video stores, Undercover Brother, The Pursuit of Happyness, our favorite movie soundtracks, moving from California to Arizona, how music is…
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シネマクティフ東京支部の音声配信Vol.520 ラフランスさん(コヨイチ)とDisney+作品の感想をネタバレなしで話していくDiggin' Disney+!今回のお題作品は『ジョン・ウィリアムズ/伝説の映画音楽』です。 Music:MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/ このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちらتوسط cinemactif_東京支部
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CineMAXers, 11/26/24
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Max and Jenn review a very dangerous, controversial and undisclosed film starring academy award winners Meryl Streep and Cher. SUPPORT US ON AMAZON – CLICK HEREتوسط CineMAXers
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No Cinemático 491, Bia Fiorotto, Ieda Marcondes, Sylvia Nazareth, Lucas de Britto e Ana Luiza Ferreira debatem "Wicked", dirigido por Jon M. Chu. Pauta: 7:41 Spoilers: 01:11:58 🚨 --- SIGA @CINEMATICOPOD Twitter Instagram CRÉDITOS Apresentação: Carlos Merigo Pauta e Co-Produção: Bia Fiorotto Produção: Alexandre Potascheff Edição: Gabriel Pimentel At…
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epuis 2016, la Cinémathèque française invite régulièrement une personnalité à programmer quelques séances pour parler des films de sa vie.À chaque séance, projection d'un film, suivie d'une prise de parole et d'un dialogue avec les spectateurs.En septembre 2023, c'est le cinéaste David Perrault qui se prêtait à cet exercice en programmant Jackie Br…
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Episode 497 - Gladiator II
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We are all here this week to review Hollywood's newest cash grab Gladiator II (2024) If you want to know what we are watching...What Did We Watch This Week? Dawson on Letterboxd Brent on Letterboxd Reggie on Letterboxd Rob on Letterboxd Wolfs Year of the sequel Give in to Kraven More Millie Bobby Brown at Netflix Marlon Wayans Resurrection Box Offi…
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This is not financial advice. I just think it is wild that the majority of cinematographers are so quick to dismiss such a massive opportunity when it comes to purchasing gear and renting it out to the productions they are on. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't but I can only say that in my experience it has definitely warranted the additional work o…
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Jurandir Filho, Thiago Siqueira, Rogério Montanare e Fernanda Schmölz batem um papo sobre “Ainda Estou Aqui“, filme brasileiro dirigido por Walter Salles e protagonizado por Fernanda Torres e Selton Mello. Na trama, Rio de Janeiro, início dos anos 1970. O país enfrenta o endurecimento da ditadura militar. Os Paiva — Rubens, Eunice e seus cinco filh…
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RapaduraCast 847 - "Ainda Estou Aqui" é a prova que cinema é memória!
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Jurandir Filho, Thiago Siqueira, Rogério Montanare e Fernanda Schmölz batem um papo sobre "Ainda Estou Aqui", filme brasileiro dirigido por Walter Salles e protagonizado por Fernanda Torres e Selton Mello. Na trama, Rio de Janeiro, início dos anos 1970. O país enfrenta o endurecimento da ditadura militar. Os Paiva — Rubens, Eunice e seus cinco filh…
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シネマクティフ東京支部の音声配信Vol.519 ronpeとラロッカさんがNetflix作品の感想をネタバレなしで話していくDiggin' Netflix。今回は『武道実務官』。 【告知】 Netflix映画のオンライン感想会MCTOS、11月のお題作品は『ドント・ムーブ』。日時は 11/28(木)21:30-23:00。『ドント・ムーブ』を事前に観てぜひご参加を! 参加希望の方はペップさんのTwitterアカウント @josep_guardiola へDM、または http://cinemactif.com/contactus/ から予約を! Music:MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/ このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら…
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Is there an artist lurking inside the quintessential Hollywood journeyman? Will welcomes special guest Ethan Vestby (of Bleeding Edge) to discuss Richard Fleischer, including such films as CHILD OF DIVORCE (1946), THE NARROW MARGIN (1952), DOCTOR DOLITTLE (1967), THE BOSTON STRANGLER (1968), and MANDINGO (1975).Check out Ethan's screening series Bl…
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RAQA és en si mateixa una missió en coalició, com la dels protagonistes de la pròpia pel·lícula. Coproducció entre Espanya, el Marroc i Alemanya, narra els esforços de dos espies dobles per neutralitzar des de dins als terroristes de l'Estat Islàmic. Amb els peus ben posats en el sòl, a nivell moral i formal, RAQA posa l'accent en el maltractament …
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Parlem de DALÍ amb Montserrat Alcoverro i Joan Frank Charansonnet. Entrevistem també a la directora i una de les actrius protagonistes de LAS CHICAS DE LA ESTACIÓN, Juana Macías i Salua Hadra. Escuchar audio
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L I N K NA DESCRIÇÃO *** Já deixe o seu like para que esse vídeo chegue em mais pessoas para podermos contuar falando sobre Silo aqui no canal. *** *SE FOR COMPRAR ALGUMA COISA NA AMAZON, USE OS LINKS DA NOSSA PUBLICAÇÃO (Pode ser qualquer produto, não somente esses abaixo – que são o meu setup de gravação – voce não paga nada a mais e nos ajuda!…
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Join us on an exhilarating adventure through the life of Andrew Bryniarski, the towering actor whose journey from a summer vacation to an illustrious Hollywood career is nothing short of remarkable. Discover how fate and chance encounters led Andrew from the gym to the silver screen, where his six-foot-five presence and remarkable talent caught the…
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Join us on a nostalgic cinematic journey as Kent Hill catches up with long-time friend and renowned film editor David Napier. In this week's episode of Cinema Yugen, we delve into the roots of a budding filmmaker's career, exploring Kent's early days out of film school and the invaluable lessons learned in David's cutting room. Napier shares his pa…
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Join us as we delve into the thrilling world of '12 to Midnight,' where the enigmatic filmmaker, Mark Savage, unravels the secrets behind his latest Bronzploitation masterpiece. Known for his relentless pace and diverse directorial ventures, Savage delivers not just an action-packed adrenaline ride, but a gripping narrative that weaves supernatural…
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Welcome to Cinema Yugen, where Kent Hill dives deep into the intriguing world of Bronzploitation. This month, bask in the cinematic marvels of Robert Bronzi, the enigmatic figure who breathes life into this unique genre. Join us for part one of the Bronzploitation tapes, featuring an exclusive interview with Jeff Miller, co-writer and producer of t…
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