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show episodes

吳姵瑩的心智宮殿 Chloe’s mind palace

愛心理 ft. 吳姵瑩諮商心理師

吳姵瑩,諮商心理師,有時理性犀利,有時溫和療癒,喜歡閱讀、旅遊,喜歡都市、叢林,喜歡攻克外世界的多元豐富,更喜歡探索心靈世界的神秘奧妙。 在這裡,將透過心理學的知識,建構你綺麗的心智宮殿,許你自由豐盛的人生。 |吳姵瑩個人官網: |吳姵瑩個人粉專: |愛心理官網: |愛心理粉專: |愛心理線上學校: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Chloe & the Y


Join Chloe and Chloey in ’Chloe & the Y’ as they turn their Music City adventures into your ultimate comfort listen. It’s the perfect blend of heartfelt chats, unfiltered laughter, and the real tea on chasing dreams and finding yourself along the way. Like catching up with your best friends, one episode at a time.
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Chloe Kreltszheim

Welcome to Chloe_:) where good things happen. 😎 Cover art photo provided by Rhii Photography on Unsplash:
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Are you overwhelmed? Stuck in survival mode? Do you need to focus more on self and be selfish. We see you. Join us, Chloe & Steph, as we explore alternative healing treatment. We’re on a mission to soothe our mind, body & soul. Chloe is a lifelong learner wanting to better herself. Steph is trying to rebuild and heal after the loss of her firstborn child. What really works? How can we get it together? What do we need to thrive? Through deep conversations and personal experiences, we tackle e ...
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Chloe Vs The World

The Fellas Studios

New episodes available to watch & listen EVERY Tuesday 6pm. Step into the vibrant world of Chloe vs The World, hosted by the irresistibly charismatic Chloe Burrows. Each episode, Chloe embarks on a new adventure through life, navigating the world! But this isn't just podcast; it's a gateway to the latest drama and gossip that's shaking the pop culture universe. Ready to get wHOElsome? If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on Follow the sho ...
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Real life with Chloe


I talk about everything form the smallest to the biggest. I cover in depth topics about, self confidence, school, suicide, depression, etc. I tend to focus on topics people don’t talk about.
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Coffee with Chloeé

Chloee Puckett

Coffee with Chloee focuses on debates and panel discussions with a variety of guests. Discussion topics range from sports, politics, race, gender, and to relationships. Each week there will be a specific topic to focus on, and some may be a part of a short series. Thank you for your support and we hope you continue to listen. Comments and critiques are both welcome. Follow on Twitter @CoffeeWithChlo and IG @CoffeeWithChloee Support this podcast: ...
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Kozy with Chloe

Chloe Gray

A playful yet insightful podcast that delves into the world of dating apps, relationships, love, and mental health. Hosted by Chloe Gray, a dating consultant with a background in clinical social work and therapy, and her boyfriend, a successful CEO on the Autism spectrum, this duo brings a unique blend of expertise and personal experience. Expect lots of laughs, expert advice, and relatable stories as they explore what it really takes to find and maintain meaningful connections. Whether you' ...
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Ethan & Chloe

Ethan & Chloe

We’re a couple of millennials reuniting after years apart to talk about life, love, and all the shit going on in the world. Join in on our unfiltered conversations as we bring you your new favorite podcast.
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Chloe Doust

Chloe Doust

Chloe Doust and she dedicated to helping clients in the Personal Injury and Debt relief fields. She serves North Carolina, Alabama, and Minnesota. Her law firm handles various claims, including automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents, property law claims such as unlawful eviction, drafting lease agreements, and consumer rights matters. When she not practicing law, she helps her small business to thrive in South Carolina.
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Being Chloe Barksdale

Chloe Barksdale

A place where opinions come hard and fast and censorship is forbidden. Each time you walk in the room - EVERYONE is both the teacher and the student. Unscripted. Uncensored. Unapologetic. The class is now in session! WELCOME TO THE MATRIX! Support this podcast:
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Join host Chloe Veitch (Too Hot to Handle, The Circle) for the ultimate sex and dating talk show! Each week, Chloe interviews your favorite celebrity guests and there's no topic that is too much or too HOT to handle. Relationship drama, secret crushes, will they won't theys - you can trust Chloe to ask the questions on everyone's lips. And we promise babes, it'll be Bangin'.
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Chloe's Clinic

Chloe Collins (BHSc Nut Med)

Chloe’s Clinic is a safe haven for women to speak about all things women’s health. As a Women's Health Expert and Clinical Nutritionist, we're on a mission to dismantle myths and misconceptions, giving women an avenue to share, learn and connect through vulnerability. We'll be diving headfirst into vulnerable, real-life experiences; from fertility to IVF, miscarriage, pregnancy, and postpartum health; taboo or not taboo, everything is on the table. Step inside Chloe's Clinic, and let's talk.
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Chloe's Infochat

Chloe Munoz

The topic I will be talking about is Stranger Things because, I like that show and I know a lot about the characters . My Podcast will be different than others because mine is talking about a show .
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The Heart Speaks is a curation of interviews with brilliant philosophers, artists, writers and academics who have made a profound impact in the world around us. Discover great insights from the world of art, creativity, philosophy and culture with unbridled perspectives from the world’s sharpest minds.
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Missing Person Cases with Chloe

Missing Person Cases with Chloe

This podcast is short stories about missing people. I honestly just want to keep people informed about these cases and their names. I will be doing 3 cases per state in the U.S. so stay tuned! Support this podcast:
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Comedian Chloé Hilliard returns with her solo podcast, Social Misfit, where she takes cues from today's social media and tries to make it make sense. The former journalist has written for The Village Voice, Huffington Post, Essence, The Source, VIBE Magazine and more. Her debut book "F*ck Your Diet" and comedy album "Big Dick Energy" are available everywhere.
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"Convos with Chloe" discusses topics Faith + Healing, Breakups + Divorce, Identity + Worth, Miscarriage + Pregnancy Loss, Dating + Relationships We hope to give you encouragement and guidance that brings you healing and hope through the love and wisdom of God. Chloe M. Gooden Ministries houses the "Convos with Chloe" podcast and focuses on leading women to healing, hope, strength, freedom, and fulfillment through Christ. Helping women experience a beautiful life on earth + eternity in heaven ...
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show series
BillieTheGoat pulls up for a convo - DMs Fanum from AMP, partying with the Sidemen, and breaking down the most unhinged streams. From gaming and dating advice to random chats about pickles and CRB checks. Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - Apple Podcasts -…
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In this special bonus episode, hosts Steph, Chloe, and Janika discuss their upcoming retreat, The Woman Within, designed for women seeking self-discovery and healing. They share their personal journeys, the retreat's purpose, and the significance of the astrological timing. The conversation emphasises the importance of creating space for personal g…
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Things get extra chaotic this week as Chloe surprises Chloey with something furry and unexpected. The girls TRULY enjoy some drinks and snacks, accidentally turn into protein bar influencers, and swap some crazy “HIP” stories. Oh, and did we mention they’re celebrating new music on the way? It’s unpredictable, unfiltered, and absolutely hilarious—j…
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今天我們要來聊聊一個非常多人曾問過我的問題:焦慮依附有得救嗎? 如果你也曾經在關係中感受到患得患失,總是擔心對方是否會離開,甚至因為一點小事情緒波動,這集一定要聽! 我們常常會問自己,這樣的情感狀態,能不能改變?能不能讓我們在親密關係中成為一個安全型的依附者?答案是:有可能的! 其實這不僅是關於療癒自己的過程,更是學會如何照顧自己,並能夠理解和體諒對方。 但這個過程並不簡單,特別是當我們的內心充滿焦慮時,很容易陷入一種情緒過度內耗的狀態,甚至對伴侶表現出強烈的需求或情緒反應。 這時候,我們如何能夠體諒對方呢? 其實這是一個循環,焦慮依附型的人在情緒上過度耗費心力,無法給予另一半足夠的空間和理解,這也導致我們容易在關係中出現衝突和誤解。 今天的影片,我們不僅會談論焦慮依附的根源,也會討論如何改…
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為什麼有些孩子長大後,依然擺脫不了「媽寶」的標籤? 這真的只是孩子的問題,還是背後有更深的家庭動力? 在這集影片中,我們將揭開媽寶現象的真實原因: ✔ 當媽媽把孩子當成「情感寄託」,夫妻關係出了什麼問題? ✔ 母子關係過度依賴,為何成為孩子成長的枷鎖? ✔ 媽寶的婚姻困境,如何影響另一半的幸福? ✔ 婆媳戰爭的真正導火線,其實不是媳婦? 【同場加碼】 為什麼很多父母只跟孩子拍照,卻忽略夫妻合照,這是心理問題嗎? 📌 如果你身邊也有媽寶,或曾被媽寶影響過,這支影片你一定不能錯過! 👇 留言分享你的看法!你認為媽寶問題該怎麼解決? #媽寶 #情感配偶#母職#家庭心理學#吳姵瑩心理師 🔔 記得訂閱 + 開啟小鈴鐺,讓我們一起探索更健康的親子與關係模式! 在生活的旅程中,難免會有些困惑與不安。如果你…
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你是否曾遇過這樣的人—— ◾總是渴望拯救他人,無私付出卻忽略自己? ◾在感情中扮演「照顧者」,卻難以真正建立親密關係? ◾付出愛的同時,內心卻藏著不安全感與價值感的不穩定? 這種模式,可能來自於 「拯救者情結(Savior Complex)」 —— 🚨 他們用幫助別人來證明自己的存在價值 🚨 習慣於照顧,而非建立真正平等的關係 🚨 過度付出,反而讓彼此陷入「拯救—被拯救」的循環 💡 在這支影片中,你將學到: ✔ 拯救者與英雄情結的心理成因 ✔ 為何有些人總是不自覺扮演「被拯救者」? ✔ 如何跳脫「過度付出」的愛,建立真正穩定的親密關係? 如果你或你的伴侶有這樣的模式, 💬 該如何調整?如何找到真正健康的關係平衡? #拯救者情結 #心理學#情感平衡#關係心理學#吳姵瑩心理師 在生活的旅程中,難…
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現在越來越多人開始關心自己的心理健康,去諮商找心理師幫忙,這真的是一個很棒的改變,但在這樣的過程中,「如何挑選一位適合自己的心理師」,也成了許多人在諮商前容易遇到的問題。 有太多人詢問我類似的問題,這部影片我將不藏私的分享給大家幾個面向,同時也是我在面試心理師會特別注意的重點: ◾同理心與情緒反應 ◾資源與資訊的拓展() ◾強化自我力量與賦能 ◾建立信任關係的能力 如果你最近在考慮開始諮商,或已經諮商了幾次,還是覺得自己還沒被真正理解,那這部影片對你來說會很有幫助!我會跟你分享一些選擇心理師的技巧,幫助你找到更適合的專業人士,讓你的諮商過程更順利、有效。 #心理諮商 #選擇心理師#心理健康#吳姵瑩心理師#不藏私 在生活的旅程中,難免會有些困惑與不安。如果你心中有一些疑問,邀請你在我不定期的I…
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Talia Mar spills all on pregnancy, baby names, and life with Simon (Miniminter) as a dad-to-be! From weird cravings to hopefully not pooing during birth, she shares the highs, lows, and unexpected moments of her journey. Plus, is a Sidemen baby on the way - and who does she think will be next? Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - …
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你是否也好奇:根據MBTI測試,最適合的配對究竟是哪兩種性格?不同類型在關係裡的樣子又是如何? 👀在這一集中,我要帶你一起來解密MBTI,探索在交友和戀愛中,我們應該注意哪些性格配對,我會分別介紹四大類型,幫助你了解自己和伴侶的差異,讓你在愛情中更有信心! 從《Sex and the City》裡的角色到《The Big Bang Theory》裡的科學家,我將透過真實生活中的例子,帶你解析每種類型在戀愛中的表現,讓你更懂得如何理解、欣賞和尊重每一種性格。 如果你對MBTI測試的準確性與自我認識有興趣,愛心理線上學校近日推出了【MBTI®職場高效應用:提升競爭力完整指南的66堂課】,目前可享超早鳥優惠,歡迎點選連結看更多課程介紹:…
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It's our 100th episode! Join Chloe and Steph as they shed a few tears and celebrate 100 before chatting about the retreat, and then on to the main topic of today, a deep dive into their romantic relationships. This is follow on from their conversation with Sally Jane Douglas and they have been sitting with the idea how our relationships evolve as w…
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大S的過世對很多人來說,像是一道無法抹去的傷痕。她不只是我們的偶像,更是許多人心中的堅強象徵。 今天,我想跟大家一起回顧她帶給我們的影響,並討論她離開後,我們該如何面對這種情感的空缺。 這不僅僅是一場對偶像的懷念,也是一場對人生無常的深刻反思。 #大S #情感共鳴 #悲傷 #大S逝世 #吳姵瑩心理師 在生活的旅程中,難免會有些困惑與不安。如果你心中有一些疑問,邀請你在我不定期的IG「請問心理師」的直播中提問,讓我們一起探索。 每次直播中,我會藉由過去的經驗和專業,回應大家的提問,幫助你更好地理解自己和周遭的世界。無論是情感上的煩惱、生活的挑戰,還是小小的疑惑,都歡迎你分享。 如果你剛好沒空參與直播,也歡迎隨時在留言區告訴我們,小編會整理大家的問題,我會視情況在下一次直播中回覆。 🌼 期待在直…
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For the first time ever, Anna and Mandi Vakili (Sisters in the City) join the pod to spill ALL the relationship tea! They give an exclusive update on what’s really going on with Ginger Beard and Cowslick 👀, plus we get into the real cost of being a boyfriend, dating red flags, and the most psycho thing we’ve ever done in a relationship. Would you f…
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你也曾經做過MBTI測試,結果卻讓你困惑不已嗎?為什麼測試的結果每次都不一樣? 👀在這一集中,我將揭開這些對於MBTI常見的迷思: MBTI測試到底有多準確? 為什麼網路測試結果不可靠? 為什麼同一個人測MBTI,結果會隨時間而變? 如何避免自我偏誤,真正了解自己的性格? 如果你對MBTI測試的準確性與自我認識有興趣,愛心理線上學校近日推出了【MBTI®職場高效應用:提升競爭力完整指南的66堂課】,2/10前可享超超超早鳥優惠,歡迎點選連結看更多課程介紹: 喜歡我的影片也歡迎按讚、訂閱並分享給你的朋友們,也可以在留言區告訴我你對MBTI還有哪些好奇,我會盡量回覆,或之後可以再做一集影片說明。 🙋‍♀️歡迎大…
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This week we welcome back the fabulous Sally Jane Douglas! Sally shares her journey into relationships and intimacy. Sally shares her personal experiences of cultivating self-connection and vulnerability, and how that has laid the foundation for her current intimate relationship. The chat delves into understanding feminine and masculine energies, p…
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Chian Reynolds sits down with Chloe Burrows for a Valentine’s Special that’s as juicy as it gets! They dive into love, dating, and everything in between. From Chian’s surprising experience with dating Andrew Tate (spoiler: he wasn’t that bad?!) to spilling behind-the-scenes drama with her old platform, no topic is off-limits. She also shares wild e…
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This Valentine’s episode gets extra spicy as Chloe and Chloey sit down with their powerhouse friend Emma Manning, a woman who’s worn more hats than you can count! From dancing in LA to life as a chef, lead singer, photographer, and now a mom of two, Emma’s journey is filled with twists, turns, and laughter. Warning: expect unfiltered fun and a whol…
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In this episode of The Selfish Podcast" with Chloe and Steph, the gals deep dive into the Year of the Wood Snake in the Chinese zodiac for 2025. They cover the key themes and predictions for each of the 12 zodiac animals, highlighting the opportunities and challenges they may face in the coming year. Chloe & Steph also run through the general theme…
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In this much-anticipated episode, GK Barry and Chloe Burrows dive into ALL the chaos. From Chloe and George Clarke’s hard launch to jungle disasters, IBS struggles, and regrettable mullets. There’s rooftop bodyslams, dating Lil Jon rumors, fish guts in hair extensions, and, of course, a deep discussion of kebab farts. Plus, Grace gives her take on …
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In this episode Chloe & Steph talk through the highs and lows of their respective Christmases and time spent in January plus back to school. This was recorded on 31 Jan. Hope you enjoy x ____ @the.selfishpodcast @chloe_cocks @ninelemonsfengshui @stephmccnchy The waitlist for our retreat is OPEN! Join the waitlist today to f…
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Millie Court & Chloe Burrows dive into their chaotic Australia trip, from campervan disasters to throwing a jellyfish on Liam. She also plays “Say It or Shot It” and shares her unfiltered advice on whether couples should make up or break up. Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - Apple Podcas…
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你是否也曾經在一段關係中,明知道該分開卻又無法徹底放下?總覺得有些情感糾結,分不清楚、也分不乾淨嗎? 在這一集中,我將深入分析在這樣難以分開的關係背後,究竟藏著什麼樣的情緒困擾,讓你了解為何你無法斷得乾脆,並教你如何釐清內心,重拾獨立與自信,找到真正的內在自由與幸福。 如果你也曾經在愛情中經歷過這樣的掙扎,歡迎按讚、訂閱並分享給你的朋友們,也可以在留言區告訴我,你在愛情中的困惑和想法,我們一起成長! 🙋‍♀️歡迎大家追蹤我的IG 跟Podcast(吳姵瑩的心智宮殿) 才不會錯過你可能有興趣的主題喔! #感情困擾 #心理分析 #情感療癒 #吳姵瑩心理師 --…
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Hey, welcome to Chloe & The Y! This week, we’re hanging out with Adamm Mitchell, who’s got some killer stories from his journey in music—think teenage tours, big-name collabs, and a few Grammy conspiracies to spice things up. We’re talking about everything from wild studio moments to travel fails, all while keeping it light with our rock-paper-scis…
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Welcome BACK To Season 3 of Chloe vs The World! We're back with a bang as Chloe talks partying during her Christmas and New Years in Australia. Chloe and George Clarke talk his experience during Sidemen's Surviving The 7 Wonders Of The World, their enduring relationship and kinks! Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - https://open.…
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你是否曾經認為,孩子年紀還小,什麼都不懂,夫妻之間的小情趣不會有影響?其實,父母的親密行為對孩子的心理影響,遠比你想像的要深遠。 從孩子的情感困擾,到可能的性格發展,這些都可能成為他們未來心理狀況的根源。 在這集影片中,我將會深入探討夫妻房事對孩子的潛在影響,並解釋為什麼這樣的行為可能會給孩子帶來無法言喻的情感創傷。 無論你是父母,或是曾在童年時期目睹過類似情境的成年人,這集影片都將幫助你理解這些隱藏的心理後果,並給予你實用的建議來建立更健康的親子關係和家庭環境。 歡迎分享給其他家長或朋友,一起了解如何更好地保護孩子的心理健康,也為自己和家庭創造更穩定的成長空間。 🔔 記得訂閱頻道,不錯過更多心理學相關主題,有任何想法或問題也歡迎留言給我。 🙋‍♀️歡迎大家追蹤我的IG/ / psychol…
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Hello, we are back! So happy to be back with you in 2025. In today's episode we talk through the days of the week and the planets that rule each day. This is a must listen as we look to the year ahead, getting out shit together and working with the flow instead of against it. We hope you enjoy x ____ @the.selfishpodcast @chloe_cocks @conscious.cons…
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Welcome to the first episode of Chloe & the Y! Join Chloe and Chloey as they turn their Music City adventures into your ultimate comfort listen. It’s the perfect blend of heartfelt chats, unfiltered laughter, and the real tea on chasing dreams and finding yourself along the way. Like catching up with your best friends, one episode at a time.…
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法國一名71歲丈夫佩利克在十年的時間裡,持續使用迷昏藥物性侵妻子吉賽爾,不僅讓妻子長期處於無法醒來的昏迷狀態,使她反覆感染性病,甚至還邀請了多名男性來到家中,與吉賽爾發生性行為,並將過程拍攝下來。 事件曝光之後震驚法國社會,而不同於其他性侵案,吉賽兒十分勇敢地選擇自願公開身分,並要求該案件公開審判,就是希望社會能參與整場辯論過程。 在這集的影片中,我想從加害者的角度來談談這起事件,佩利克的過去經歷了長期的性暴力創傷,當創傷未被好好處理,在未來的某時某刻,很有可能就會被再次喚起,進而造成想不到的傷害。 透過這個悲劇,我將帶你了解創傷如何影響行為,為何未療癒的創傷可能轉化為暴力行為。 如果你或身邊的人曾經經歷過創傷,這段影片也許能夠幫助你,也歡迎分享給你身邊的人。 🔔 記得訂閱頻道,開啟小鈴鐺,…
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Send us a text Happy New Year, 2025! 🎉 In this episode, we debate the usefulness of New Year’s resolutions, reflect on our highs and lows from 2024, and dive into the hard-fought lessons this year taught us—including finally accepting that not everyone deserves a spot in your life (or your bed). Join us as we chat about personal growth, share our p…
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【請問心理師24】問題列表: 1.跟異性吃飯聊訊息,男友完全不會吃醋還叫我多交朋友,要怎麼知道他有沒有愛我、在意我? 2.請問怎麼建置自己的重心,一直以來都是以別人為重心,好痛苦。謝謝。 3.如何判斷現在是感覺不到情緒還是平靜? 4.為何被人誤會時腦袋會一片空白,每次都等到回家或事後才想到,我那時應該要怎麼解釋。 線上課程推薦: 【患得患失的愛】找回愛情安全感, 改寫愛情劇本的21堂課 ★ 共21堂音頻課 ★ 第一版塊:重整你的愛情地基 第二版塊:深入愛情不安根源 第三版塊:轉化愛情不安癥結 第四版塊:療癒愛情不安傷口 第五版塊:改寫你的愛情劇本 ---------------------------…
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年關將近,太多人又開始出現年節焦慮的情況,今天來聊聊返家焦慮! 你是否有過回家時心頭一緊、不願面對父母的情緒?隨著父母年紀漸長,為何你反而感到更難以親近他們?這些情緒背後,其實蘊藏著我們與過往經驗、關係的深層糾結。 在這一集的Podcast/YouTube節目中,我們將探索 返家焦慮、情緒記憶與內在關係的交織,幫助你了解為什麼你對家庭、對父母,甚至對某些特定的空間或物品,會有這樣難以言喻的情感反應。是什麼讓你對「家」有這麼多未竟的情緒和未解的痛苦? 我們會一起深入: 為何某些回家時的情緒,與小時候的某些特定記憶有關(例如那張沙發椅或熟悉的市場攤販)? 這些情緒如何形成,並且為什麼它們如此難以釋放? 如何面對並修復那些與父母的矛盾或疙瘩?是不是真的需要「和解」才能放下,或許其實是你需要先與內在…
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I got really techy and recorded the Instagram live I did over at @the.selfishpodcast. Here it is x Just had a little chat about grief & missing someone you love over the holidays 🤍. A few thoughts from me: - it’s ok to set boundaries. This is strongly encouraged! It’s also ok to opt out of Christmas and other festive events. I like to have a pre pl…
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【請問心理師23】問題列表: 1.覺得自己很戀愛腦,要怎麼幫助自己改善? 2.家庭是自己的壓力來源,很難切除關係,還有什麼辦法嗎? 3.想得到愛情但又覺得有愛情之後,有很多問題要面對,不管是心理還是現實面都要處理 4.如何調適和朋友漸行漸遠的失落感? 5.請問如何面對死亡呢?面對和親友和寵物離世,如何調整自己? 🙋‍♀️歡迎大家追蹤我的IG 跟Podcast(吳姵瑩的心智宮殿),才不會錯過你可能有興趣的主題唷! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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「為什麼明明知道與某些家人相處會受傷,卻還是一直回去?」 最近爆紅的NPD是什麼,跟我們又有什麼關係?這集我們就來了解NPD(自戀型人格障礙)——而且這些特徵可能就藏在你身邊! 你是否曾經覺得與家人相處像是永遠在「付出」而得不到回報?或是你身邊有這樣的人,總是把所有問題推給別人,甚至在情感上無法共鳴,這其實可能與自戀型人格障礙(NPD)有關喔! 在這集影片中,我將帶你了解NPD的核心特徵,你可以識別看看你的家人是否符合NPD的特徵。同時我也會談談,長期與NPD家人相處會有什麼影響?會如何影響你的自我價值與人際關係? 最後,我們也會討論如何在這樣的家庭或關係中找到自己的聲音,學會設立界線。 如果你或身邊的人有著類似情況,這段影片或許能幫助你了解NPD,也歡迎分享給身邊的人。 🔔 記得訂閱頻道,…
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This week’s Chloe vs the World is a CHRISTMAS SOLO SPECIAL — Chloe dives into tales of wild office parties, holiday horror stories, and the chaos of flirting with your coworker. Also discussing her holiday plans and discussions of the future Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - Apple Podcas…
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This week Chloe and Steph interview Bridget Bennett, a holistic health and body image coach, who shares her journey from being a professional bodybuilder to advocating for body positivity. Bridget emphasizes the importance of inner work, self-talk, and mindful consumption of social media. She introduces the "catch, challenge, change" method for imp…
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【請問心理師22】問題列表: 1.想知道怎麼鍛鍊自我價值與擁有穩定的心態? 2.我喜歡上的人都不會喜歡我,該怎麼辦? 3.請問為何看到辛苦做勞工的人都會一陣心酸,會有憐憫的感覺?會有想幫助的衝動? 4.想找個伴又覺得兩人在一起有很多問題要處理,要怎麼調整? 5.周遭朋友叫我封鎖對方,但我做不到,該怎麼辦,我很想往前走 🙋‍♀️歡迎大家追蹤我的IG 跟Podcast(吳姵瑩的心智宮殿),才不會錯過你可能有興趣的主題唷! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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The one & only Tennessee is on today's podcast, revealing how she & Danny Aarons began their relationship, the truth about living with him, and the secrets behind Locked In! Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Tiktok - https://www.t…
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In this episode, we delve into Chloe Doust’s Informative Guide to Personal Injury and Debt Relief, a comprehensive resource designed to empower individuals facing legal and financial challenges. Chloe, a dedicated attorney at Gillespie Law Firm, brings her extensive expertise in personal injury and consumer rights to this guide, breaking down compl…
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It's December (!) and in this episode Steph shares some Feng Shui tips and tricks so we can create a calmer home this festive season. Before we dive into this, we have a chat about our general energy levels at the start of the silly season and Chlo gives us a download on the December astro activities. Tips to keep the energy in your home calm: Cons…
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In today's episode, we're excited to FINALLY have Rufus Rice address the Posh Boy Allegations as he dives into his best boarding school experiences. Rufus reveals the BEST DM he's received from a girl, gives his takes on 'Friendly OR Flirty?!', and MORE! Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify -…
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「為什麼被家暴者無法離開,或是逃離了一陣子又回到家暴者身邊?」 這是許多人無法理解的問題,為何他們明明知道自己在痛苦中,卻還是無法離開?這背後的心理機制究竟是什麼? 其實背後的真相遠遠比表面上看起來複雜,被家暴的人,往往不僅受到肉體上的傷害,更承受著深層的心理創傷。 在這集影片中,我將深入探討家暴的隱藏面,從心理學的角度剖析受害者為何會選擇繼續留在關係中,甚至不認為自己正在遭遇家暴! 同時也談談我大推的Netflix影集《女傭浮生錄》,影集描述一個長期遭受暴力的女性經歷了一段艱難的心路歷程,最終找到了力量去改變自己的故事。 劇情呈現了女主角如何從一個被暴力摧毀的狀態,逐漸重建自我,最終走向心理和物質上的獨立;強烈建議還沒看過的人都去欣賞這部影集👍 為何有些人會自責,甚至感到羞愧? 我們能怎麼…
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【請問心理師21】問題列表: 00:50克服了難題,還是沒有動力? 04:30被斷崖式分手,走不出來怎麼辦? 06:50生活的價值和意義,究竟是什麼? 12:00在做想做的事時若沒有問身邊的人,就會感到內疚? 18:40該怎麼穿過論文地獄? #克服困難 #情感治癒#生活意義#請問心理師 在生活的旅程中,難免會有些困惑與不安。如果你心中有一些疑問,邀請你在我不定期的IG「請問心理師」的直播中提問,讓我們一起探索。 每次直播中,我會藉由過去的經驗和專業,回應大家的提問,幫助你更好地理解自己和周遭的世界。無論是情感上的煩惱、生活的挑戰,還是小小的疑惑,都歡迎你分享。 如果你剛好沒空參與直播,也歡迎隨時在留言區告訴我們,小編會整理大家的問題,我會視情況在下一次直播中回覆。 🌼 期待在直播中見到你,讓…
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In this episode, we dive into the unique challenges of December stress and explore practical strategies to navigate the holiday season pressure. From managing endless to-do lists to finding moments of calm, we share real experiences and actionable tips to help you through this busy period. Key Topics Discussed: Understanding the "December Pressure …
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Podcaster, fashionista and NOMINATED Tiktok Creator OF THE YEAR the one and only Ayamé is on the podcast!! We are so excited to have Ayamé reveal what really went down with Yuval & Oliver, some wild conspiracy theories and reacting to some of the best of Women in Men's fields!! Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - https://open.spo…
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Ep.229 勞動部霸凌事件之後,各公家機關也開始接連爆出不同情境但都高度痛苦的職場霸凌內幕,很多報導都讓人看了不勝唏噓,很多時候,如果我們可以也多一點留意,多一點保護,或多一點危機意識,也許你我都有機會成為霸凌受害者的防護網。 這集音頻內容,除了提醒大家,每個人都可能在人生中某些時刻,不小心落入被霸凌的情境,但若是持續在被霸凌的情境下,往往有一些值得注意和深思的特質或不得不的妥協成分,但這究竟有沒有解呢?也許就需要有人不斷從旁提醒、協助,來避免憾事發生。 希望透過這集內容,讓更多也許正身處霸凌的人,可以勇於為自己發聲、跳脫,許自己健康且有成就的職場生涯! 推薦書籍: --------------------------------------------------------------…
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推薦書籍: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 吳姵瑩諮商心理師睽違三年力作《你這麼好,為什麼沒自信?》 3 階段深層探索 |25 則故事思考與心理練習|9大軸向俯瞰自我 活出你想要的人生: 博客來: 誠品: MOMO: 金石堂: 天下網路書店: ☆ 想預約或提案合作請洽 LINE@:@iiispace ❤ 如果你喜歡…
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This episode may or may not make sense. I truly can't remember what I discussed other than Machu Picchu and climbing Wayna Pikchu. Did I finish my story? Was it logically sequenced? Could you follow along? Did I mention the stairs of death? Unclear. May delete later. ____ @the.selfishpodcast @chloe_cocks @ninelemonsfengshui…
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Fresh Out of Locked In Adeola reveals what really went down in the house! PLUS Mariam's prep for giving birth & wedding plans! Listen to the FULL PODCAST and follow us on: Spotify - Apple Podcasts - Tiktok - Instagram - https:/…
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💡 職人精神的深刻啟發: 如何在日復一日的工作中,保持專注並不斷創新?愛德華的態度,讓我深刻感受到專注和用心才是最強的力量! 🌟 黑白大廚的啟發不止於美食,還有生活中的每一刻。當你專注並全心投入,你也能創造出屬於自己的精彩故事。 🔔 如果你也有看《黑白大廚》,歡迎留言跟我分享你喜歡的廚師或料理,同時也別忘了訂閱我的頻道,讓我們一起深入探討更多生活中的心靈與心流探索!#黑白大廚 #職人精神#愛德華李#美食#人生啟發#心理師觀察 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 吳姵瑩諮商心理師睽違三年最新力作《你這麼好,為什麼沒…
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【請問心理師21】問題列表: 1.曖昧狀態時,對方訊息變少,就擔心會不會開始對我沒興趣,少傳訊怕斷連,多傳又怕他煩,這心情是每個人都會有的嗎?還是我太焦慮,想太多呢? 2.希望探討直銷式邪教心靈課程~網紅護航只到道出事實網友酸民之類更易使大眾混淆 3.請問什麼是聖母心和綠茶? 4.明明有一件很重要的事必須做,但因為知道很困難必須花很多時間,所以一直拖延,怎麼辦? 5.什麼是真正接受自己?要怎麼接受自己而達到不自卑?(包含身材、成就、關係的失落等等) 6.很喜歡一個人,對方不會喜歡我,不知如何將7-8年的感情安放,不想再被影響,只能是朋友關係 推薦課程: 【增進自信】心理訓練基礎班 ★ 共24堂音頻課 ★ 【主 軸 一】架 構 內 在 自 我 框 架 【主 軸 二】建 立 內 在 正 向 循 …
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