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Catholic Women Preach

Catholic Women Preach

Catholic Women Preach offers the theologically informed perspectives of Catholic women on the Sunday readings readings and on some feast days. Visit to view preaching videos, to read preaching texts, and to learn more about the preachers.
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Preaching for the Second Sunday of Lent, Mayella Vasquez offers a reflection on listening - really listening: "Maybe that’s our invitation, too. To listen to the voices that have been silenced. To listen to the cries of the Earth, the wounded, the forgotten.To listen to the One who speaks—not just on the mountaintops, but in the valleys, too. Becau…
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Preaching for the First Sunday of Lent, Ana Gonzalez, OP, offers a reflection on standing our ground in faith: "Just as Jesus and the Israelites were tempted, we will too be tempted, we will be challenged and we, like Jesus, must respond. We must remember that Satan’s objective is to create division, destroy our faith, and separate us from the love…
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Preaching for Ash Wednesday, Dr. Jessie Thomas offers a reflection on living each day as Ash Wednesday:"While the Lenten journey only lasts for weeks, our journey of life is forever. Every day is an opportunity to ask for God’s forgiveness. Every day you and I must be an outward sign of our faith as well as an expression of our repentance..."Dr. Je…
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Preaching for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sr. Quincy Howard, OP, offers a reflection on rooting our selves in the "good soil" of love: "Character is either rooted in a foundation of love or else it will bear bad fruit. Good fruit, we learn from Scripture, is seen in words and acts of love, kindness, acceptance, patience, and humility. Bad f…
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Preaching for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Diana Macalintal offers a reflection on loving our enemies, even - and especially - when the stakes are high: "We can choose to love every time, but only if we remember what God has done for us. Choosing to love is powerful. Choosing to love is resistance. Because choosing to love your enemy remove…
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Preaching for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Julia Murphy offers a reflection on radical, Resurrection hope:"In these times of uncertainty, violence, and individualism, may we Christians act as if we believe in the Resurrection. José and his Salvadoran community showed my immersion group a model of this lived resurrection hope in their dedicati…
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Preaching for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Leah Sealey offers a reflection on how story telling can help enhance our lives of faith and discipleship: "What does this gospel reading about “being called” or even the Greek translation of “netting people” enliven in you? Perhaps you can spend some time alone or with a partner, journaling or refle…
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Preaching for the Feast of the Presentation, Anna Robertson offers a reflection on how the Prophet Anna's role in the readings informs our faith lives today: "[Anna] went forth preaching, carrying the Good News of the Light of the World beyond the walls of the temple to those who yearned for salvation. When we leave Mass on Candlemas, it is not eno…
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Preaching for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Pilar Siman offers a reflection on fostering belonging and solidarity: "As this new year begins, it may seem that you are looking into the horizon at your own large waves, and you may feel currents of uncertainty, anxiety and fear trying to pull you in different directions. Some of us may feel lost o…
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Preaching for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Claire Erlenborn offers a reflection on making change in community: "So how do we make real change today? We do it in community. We listen to our elders, the Marys in our lives, who remind us of the gifts we have been bestowed by the Spirit and we continue to slowly chip away at the slow work of the…
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Preaching for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Julia Louise Morrow offers a reflection on living with "holy envy" that allows us to see the Spirit at work in unexpected ways: "Our baptismal calling challenges us to live out this holy envy. Peter’s words—“I see that God shows no partiality”—are as relevant today as they were then, challenging u…
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Preaching for the Feast of the Epiphany, Elena Dini offers a reflection on embodying faith, charity, and hope: "May we follow at the beginning of this Holy Year, this Jubilee, in which we are called to be pilgrims of hope, the example of these wise men, and all wise men and women of history, Christians and non-Christians, who made themselves pilgri…
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Preaching for The World Day of Peace (also the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God), Marie Dennis offers a reflection on resetting and reimagining in this year of Jubilee:"Sabbath, Sabbatical and Jubilee are rooted in right relationships. Neither people nor the earth were to be exhausted or exploited. The Jubilee year offers a time for the land and th…
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Preaching for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sarah Simmons, CSJ offers a reflection on stubborn, sustaining hope: "Mary and Elizabeth’s meeting is the prophetic defiant joy that God is not only among these women, but within these women. They create a space beyond the boxes and are filled with wonder at the miracle of God, the miracle of their bodies …
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Preaching for the Feast of the Holy Family. Ellen Romer Niemiec offers a reflection on mutuality:"In a time when it may seem safest to preserve ourselves as individuals and avoid the risk of vulnerability, may we heed God’s radical invitation to love one another deeply and courageously. May we choose to trust that when we act out of love for one an…
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Preaching for the Third Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday - Kate Ward offers a reflection on letting God's joy find us in the stillness: "Joy comes from resting in the presence of what is real: our God, our loved ones, the beauty of God’s creation. God help us to make do with less: less power, less wealth, less busy-ness and activity. On this Gaude…
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Preaching for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dermis de Jesús offers a reflection on Our Lady's message of accompaniment: "Our Lady of Guadalupe recognized the dignity of the people of México, the color of their skin, their language, chose them as messengers. Her message of accompaniment- “Am I not here; I who am your mother?”- resonates with u…
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Preaching for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Jazmin Jimenez offers a reflection on freedom and discernment: "On this feast of the Immaculate Conception, let us remind ourselves that authentic discernment requires freedom and space. Let us ponder how we can imitate the freedom with which Mary discerned a big question. Loving God…
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Preaching for the Second Sunday of Advent, Colleen McCahill offers a reflection on "preparing the way" in our own time and place: "What will we do, this Lukan Advent, to prepare a way in the desert?We will see and seek reasons to rejoice, and we will share them. We will keep kindling even the smallest, and most domestic lights. And in our time and …
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Preaching for the First Sunday of Advent, Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley offers a reflection on hope in God's righteousness and justice: "When we seek a life centered in abiding in God’s way - we are walking humbling with God. It is then that God guides the humble to justice and teaches us in the way of truth."Valerie D. Lewis-Mosely, RN, OPA, is the reti…
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Preaching for the Solemnity of Christ the Kind, Olivia Hastie offers a reflection on belonging: "When Jesus says, 'everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice,' I think he’s asking for more than simple obedience and piety. He’s inviting us to create spaces of true belonging by connecting through shared stories and experiences. I believe h…
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Preaching for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Martha Ligas offers a reflection on being open to the Promised One who draws near in times of despair:"Maybe Jesus is reminding us of something that we need to hear when we’re at our lowest. When we feel the most despair, the most fear, the most anxiety, that is when God is the closest to us. That is …
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Preaching for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jen Frazer offers a reflection on the offerings and sacrifices of the two widows in today's readings:"In the end what meaning should we take away from these readings? It is the very generosity of our two widows (in the first reading and in the Gospel) that highlights their social oppression. Even if t…
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Preaching for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Eilis McCulloh, HM offers a reflection on loving God with our whole being and our neighbor as ourselves:"Before we can love our God with our whole being, we must practice active and holy listening. We must open ourselves to the movements of the Spirit–to the little fires of God around us. This is the …
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Preaching for the Solemnity of All Saints, Christine Firer Hinze offers a reflection on the invitation to live in solidarity today's feast offers: "But let’s be real—the record shows that to live as a finite-sinner-saint -- beatitudinally, in spiritual and practical solidarity with our neighbors and against the powers of sin and death— is beautiful…
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Preaching on the healing of the "Daughter of Abraham" (Luke 13:10-17), Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ offers a reflection on the abundant love and vision of our healing God:"Jesus decries the rigidity of the rule keepers—a perennial affliction of religious leaders of every denomination even to our own day— 'Don’t you understand? Freeing this woman, this…
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Preaching for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Courtney Esteves offers a reflection on the freedom of choice that God gifts to us: "I invite us, on this Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time, to receive this 'What do you want?' question in two ways: First, let’s put ourselves in the place of Bartimaeus and respond through honest prayer – what do we wa…
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Rebecca Malone preaches for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, offering a reflection on what it means to share in Jesus' glory:"In Jesus, glory can be so much more: serving, giving, caring. His glory is a radiance, a glow, a place to remain and abide. We want to be close, not to push ahead of everyone else, but so that the warmth of his glory become…
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Preaching for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Donna Orsuto offers a reflection on responding faithfully to God's call in our lives today:"So, this week, as we ponder Jesus looking at us, loving us, and calling us to follow him, I encourage you to pray for Wisdom. Plead for this precious gift which will put your heart right. Make an effort to read…
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Preaching for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mary M. Doyle Roche reflects on the the ways Church teaching and the lectionary relegates women to the recesses of life in the world and in the Church:"Perhaps you too are trying to hold a place for the scriptures, for the lectionary, for the Church even as you face squarely the harms that they have p…
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Preaching for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Veronique Dorsey offers a reflection each person's calling to share the word of God:"Would that all the people of God were prophets… oh what a time it would be! We gotta stop gate keeping and telling people who can and cannot proclaim the word of the Lord." Veronique Dorsey is a New Orleans educator a…
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Carolyn A. Wright preaches for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, encouraging us to participate in the continuing unfolding of God's plan:"Let us deeply grasp that we are on a journey with God and others and because of our relationship with God, let us each contribute to the fullness of the realization of God’s Kingdom through our one precio…
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Zulma Tellez preaches for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time:"If all Creation is good and God is omnipresent within us and the cosmos, then salvation is available to all creation. We are to be an inclusive church by all means and see Jesus’ cross as an instrument of resurrection, redemption, mercy, and salvation."Zulma “Zully” Tellez is a Hi…
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Preaching for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mary Jo Iozzio offers a reflection that challenges us to expand our understanding of Jesus' healing miracles:"Perhaps another direction for the healing was uttered, maybe it was Jesus and the crowd who began to understand the man’s manner of communication. The 'Ephphatha' challenges us to welc…
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Preaching for the Feast of St. Phoebe, Rose Lue offers a reflection on the Holy Spirit's invitation to rethink women's participation Church leadership and ministry: "Knowing about Phoebe, the role she played in the early church, and Paul’s recognition of her, however, affirms my call and gives me hope! Hope that one day women like me who are answer…
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Preaching for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Susana Réfega, offers a reflection to begin the Season of Creation:"We are first fruits, we are the coming promise of a greater promise and hope. Only when we work together and are united with God and Creation can the first fruits of hope be born. As my children approached the first fruits on my in-la…
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Preaching for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Anna Robertson offers a reflection on the fullness of God's faithfulness and promise to all people - and particularly women: "When the Church’s failures to honor my dignity threaten to undermine my sense of God’s fidelity to me, I look to the women who followed and continue to follow Jesus. They—you w…
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Sarah Hart preaches for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, offering a reflection on the wisdom of the feast:"And this is our call and charge; to invite all to the table, to make endless room for others, to leave no one out. Because Wisdom , in love, welcomes everyone to the feast. May we remain in Christ, and in communion with the world, and in the …
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Preaching for the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, Dr. Angela McCarthy offers a reflection on Mary's witness to us to live as a Resurrected people: "God’s presence in the world and revelation through the person of Jesus of Nazareth, culminates in the salvation of all creation through Christ’s death and resurrection. We are called to live as res…
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Preaching for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and weaving in the witness of St. Clare of Assisi, Kascha L. Sanor offers a reflection on living into our truest selves: "When we are called on to make sacred sacrifices in order to ‘live in love’ – it is not our very self - our created self - that we are losing. It is the assumptions and projec…
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Preaching for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Ariell Watson Simon offers a reflection on God meeting us in our spiritual hunger:"That feeling of holy discontent doesn’t mean that yesterday’s prayer didn’t work; it means that God is building a relationship of trust with you. Just like the Israelites’ physical hunger kept them looking to the …
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Kelly Meraw Preaches for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, offering encouragement and inspiration to women responding to Christ's call in their own lives: "We are reminded year after year on this feast day of Mary’s profound courage. We must apply her courage to our own lives and continue to respond to Christ’s calls of our very own names. We need M…
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Preaching for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yolanda Chavez offers a reflection on making space for rest and spiritual renewal: "Reflecting on the message of Psalm 23 with the example of Jesus in the Gospel, we find a refreshing and luminous call to be compassionate shepherds and caregivers, always seeking the balance between serving others…
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Preaching for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Katie Laskey offers a reflection on what we need and have been given for our lives of discipleship:"So today, I hope we can hear Jesus’s summons and missioning as directed to each of us - so we can find our companions, let go of what we think we need, and root ourselves in the confidence the Holy…
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Preaching for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Bonnie LeMelle Abadie, M.Div, offers a reflection on opening ourselves to the Divine and the other: "To be in conversation is to be open to conversion. We can be changed by understanding the other person’s point of view. We can grow in compassion and empathy when we listen to the reality of anot…
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Preaching for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sr. Abby Avelino, MM, offers a reflection on working together to end human trafficking: "The Spirit of God which calls us together in the work to end human trafficking is the same Spirit that has been present since the beginning of time working to bring forth life and free God’s people."Sister A…
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Preaching for the Twelfth Sunday, Teresa Thompson offers a reflection on entering into chaos - particularly the chaos of combating climate change - confident in God's presence: "Chaos gets a bad rap, and oftentimes when these large-scale proposals for climate changes solutions are made, they are dismissed as too messy, too disruptive, too difficult…
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Preaching for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Kathleen O'Brien offers a reflection on basking in God's abundance:"Whether you are in the beginning stage, budding stage, or at the end, Jesus reminds us that God is always present along the journey and abundance is always before us– let us be surprised by abundance! It’s natural for us to want t…
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Preaching for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Terresa M. Ford offers a reflection on God's unconditional love: "God is love and only love. God loves us with a faithful love and desires that we remain close to him. This is a love that defies reason and never gives up on us. God never changes God’s mind about loving us."Terresa M. Ford, M.Div., MF…
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Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA preaches for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ:"In our culture and time, we honor the body and blood of Jesus Christ—we become united as Christ’s body—as we honor the sacrifice of Christ upon the altar. We are nourished and strengthened, and sent to share feasts with our friends and boost one another up. We celebra…
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