World War II عمومی
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show episodes
Join historian and author Jeremy C. Holm as we discover the men and history of the legendary 11th Airborne Division in World War II, Korea and beyond! In this podcast, we'll cover a wide range of topics including the division's stateside training, their campaigns to liberate Leyte and Luzon from Imperial Japan, their historic statues as the first Allied unit to land in Japan for Occupation Duty and more. No wonder US Eighth Army's General Robert L. Eichelberger said of the Angels, "No one co ...
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World War II Chronicles is a weekly look back to 'This Week in World War II, 75 Years Ago.' Originally produced in coordination with the National Archives to mark the 50th anniversary of the war, World War II Chronicles features original newsreel reports and archival footage to tell the story as it happened, week by week. Hosted by famed World War II newsreel anchor Ed Herlihy, World War II Chronicles is produced by the American Veterans Center.
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This podcast series, produced in cooperation with the subcommittee of history of Second World War of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Central European University, introduces cutting edge publications by the members of the subcommittee and other authors. It's aim is to change the ways we talk about the history of the Second World War. The series features both English and Hungarian podcasts.A Közép-európai Egyetem és az MTA második világháború története albizottság közös podcastjában az albiz ...
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The World War II Story

Kayleigh M Aaron

For every history lover World War II was a major event that is filled with history from the beginning to the end. This podcast talks about all fronts, all divisions, and all branches. We even talk about the home front and how different they are in each country involved. Each year and event that took place we cover. Cover art photo provided by DAVIDCOHEN on Unsplash:
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show series
In this special episode of World War II On Topic, Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy Senior Historian Mark Calhoun, PhD, and Distinguished Fellow Rob Citino, PhD, discuss the legacy of D-Day, 80 years after the consequential invasion of Normandy began. Catch up on all episodes of World War II On Topic and be sure to leave us a…
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Join 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm for this special presentation originally given during the dinner banquet for Toccoa, Georgia's famous 2023 World War II Weekend. Jeremy was invited to speak on the impact that Camp Toccoa had on both the airborne and the outcome of the war. Attending the dinner were several Children of Currahee, …
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Join 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm as we discover the story of Private First Class Manuel Pérez, a Paratrooper from the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division, whose incredible actions on February 13, 1945 would earn this Angel the Medal of Honor. As one newspaper put it, "he fought with the strength of one hund…
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Join 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm as we discover the story of Private Elmer Fryar, a Paratrooper from the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division, whose incredible actions on December 8, 1944 would earn this former Marine the Medal of Honor. Elmer's story has never been fully told like this before and it is an h…
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The OSUN Network Collaborative Seminar Cultures of Hate and Oppression was coordinated address the complexities of these topics that are of urgent global importance in our era of continuing discrimination, forced migration, socially sanctioned violence – and war. This 3rd podcast gives insights into the work of the students. View Andrea Peto’s talk…
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Pető Andrea a legtöbbet idézett és legtöbb nemzetközi díjjal kitüntetett magyar történész. Munkássága előtt tisztelgő kiadvány jelent meg Aki kimondja, amit ki kell mondani címmel, visszautalva egy korábbi kötetének címére (Elmondani az elmondhatatlant) a Balassi Kiadó gondozásában és Virányi Péter és Klacsmann Borbála szerkesztésében. Ezt a kötete…
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Click HERE to follow the new podcast by The National WWII Museum: Making Masters of the Air. Masters of the Air is an Apple Original series from executive producers of Band of Brothers and The Pacific, streaming January 26 on Apple TV+. The series follows the men of the 100th Bomb Group (the “Bloody Hundredth”) as they conduct perilous bombing raid…
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Adolf Hitler a Reichstagban 1939. január 30-n köntörfalazás nélkül kijelentette: „Ha a nemzetközi zsidó pénzembereknek még egyszer sikerül egy világháborúban belerángatni a népeket, akkor ez nem a zsidók győzelmét, hanem a zsidó faj megsemmisülését fogja eredményezni Európában.” 1941 szeptemberében az NSDAP propagandaosztálya plakátot készíttetett …
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Az előadás az egyes plébániák fennmaradt Historia Domusai-ban rögzített leírások alapján tesz kísérletet a „kisemberek” frontátvonulással kapcsolatos tapasztalatának bemutatására és értelmezésére. A plébánosok korabeli feljegyzései a múltbéli közösségi tapasztalatok és a jövőre vonatkozó közös várakozások hálóján átszűrt személyes megfigyelések, eg…
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A bevezető a kulturális-intellektuális gyűlölködések és az erőszakos politikai cselekvések kölcsönhatásait vizsgálja átalában a szociálpszichológia bűnbakfogalma segítségével. Ezt a fogalmi keretet használom azután a győztesek második világháború utáni, Németország és a németek felelősségével kapcsolatos politikai álláspontjait értelmezve. Az utols…
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Ózd, magyarország egyik legfontosabb ipari településévé vált a 19. század végére, ahol az ipari munka társadalmának a kialakulásával párhuzamosan erősödött meg a modern polgári társadalom. Ennek a kialakulásában, kis-, közép-, és nagypolgárként egyaránt fontos szerepet játszott az Ózdon a 19. század elejétől megtelepülő zsidóság. A kezdetben kis lé…
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Előadásom témája egy 1932 őszén Horthy Miklós kormányzó és Bethlen István miniszterelnök ellen kommunisták által tervezett merénylet kísérlet bemutatása, amely azonban sokkal inkább látszik a csendőrség koholmányának, mintsem kommunista-internacionalista konspirációnak. A csendőrség célja ezzel az üggyel, nagy valószínűséggel az ekkoriban a csendőr…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm delves into the life of Major General Joseph May Swing, the Father of the 11th Airborne Division. Known as "Jumping Joe" to his men, General Swing is a legend in America's airborne history and this episode will cover the first half of his military service, including his …
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This speech was given by 11th Airborne Division historian and author Jeremy C. Holm on September 14, 2023 at the 2023 11th Airborne Division Association Reunion held at Sam's Town Gambling Hall and Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jeremy was honored to address the 11th Airborne Division Angels from WWII to today in attendance, as well as their wives, fa…
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This episode is a recording of a lecture on the 11th Airborne Division in World War II given by show host, historian and author Jeremy C. Holm in Roanoke, Virginia in 2021. Jeremy's grandmother lives in Roanoke and the lecture was given for her community to honor her efforts to preserve the history of the Angels from World War II through today. In …
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.A lengyelek annak ellenére, hogy országukat a második világháború elején totalitárius szomszédai felszámolták, a háború első napjától az utolsóig harcoltak a náci Németországgal szemben szinte az összes hadszíntéren. A le…
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In this special season of World War II On Topic, The National WWII Museum will explore J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and the history and ramifications of the atomic bomb. In this episode, Jason Dawsey, PhD, and John Curatola, PhD, historians with the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, discuss the lega…
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In this episode, show host and historian Jeremy C. Holm shares the first interview he ever performed with one of the 11th Airborne Division Angels, his own grandfather 1LT Andrew Carrico of Company D, 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Originally recorded on September 30, 2010, Jeremy sat down with "Andy" to discuss his early days in the United Sta…
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In this special season of World War II On Topic, The National WWII Museum will explore J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and the history and ramifications of the atomic bomb. The anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima was August 6. In this episode, we hear from two extraordinary people who experienced the bombing, albeit from vastly di…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne historian Jeremy C. Holm honors PVT Delbert "Bob" Hayes of Valparaiso, Indiana. Private Hayes served in the 11th Airborne Division in Company D of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment before he was killed on August 12, 1945 at Lipa, Luzon during World War II. Valparaiso's VFW Post 988 is named after thi…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm discusses the final Allied airborne operation of World War II, Task Force Gypsy. Jeremy is excited to share with you the history of this often-overlooked airborne operation from June of 1945. In this video you'll learn about the 11th Airborne Division's mission to seal o…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm covers the Angels' often-overlooked involvement in the historic surrender of Japan. This will include how the 11th Airborne was the first full Allied unit to land on Japan during their daring landings at the Atsugi airfield on August 30, 1945. The Angels then formed an H…
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In this special season of World War II On Topic, The National WWII Museum will explore J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and the history and ramifications of the atomic bomb. In this episode, Jason Dawsey, PhD & John Curatola, PhD, historians with the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, discuss the film Op…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm tells the full story of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, the "Pacific Theater's Band of Brothers." Jeremy's grandfather, 1LT Andrew Carrico, served in the 511th PIR during the war as a Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer. After a lifetime of talking about …
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In this special season of World War II On Topic, The National WWII Museum will explore J. Robert Oppenheimer, the Manhattan Project, and the history and ramifications of the atomic bomb. In this episode, we take a closer look at Lieutenant General Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project. While a lot of interest is rightfully set on Oppenhe…
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In this episode, show host and 11th Airborne Division historian Jeremy C. Holm recounts the military service of Rod Serling, "Hollywood's Angry Man", who served in the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division, during World War II. You'll learn about Rod's exploits as a Paratrooper in the Pacific Theater as the Angels fought to libe…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.A második világháború éveiben mintegy 100.000 – 120.000 magyarországi német teljesített szolgálatot a Waffen-SS-ben. Ott voltak a keleti fronton, a normandiai partraszállásnál, Budapest ostrománál, sőt Auschwitz és más lá…
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In this introductory podcast, historian and show host Jeremy C. Holm provides us with 11 fascinating pieces of 11th Airborne Division history from World War II through today in just 11 minutes... give or take. You'll learn about the 11th Airborne's first days at Camp Mackall, North Carolina in World War II as well as their bloody campaigns to liber…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.Előadásom két területet ölel fel. Egyrészt bemutatom a politikaipropaganda által leggyakrabban használt taktikákat, módszereket, másrészt bemutatom hogyan alkalmazták mindezeket a brit, amerikai, szovjet és német II. vilá…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.Előadásom során hat fő tézis mellett fogok érvelni. Elsőként azt fejtem majd ki, hogy az erőszak kultúránk egyik kulcskérdése, melynek tanulmányozása komoly tudományos kihívásokat is rejt. Másodjára azt állítom, hogy a tö…
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The podcast shares the perspectives of faculty and students of OSUN Collaborative Network Course on Antisemitism, Holocaust, Colonialism, Gender. This collaborative OSUN network course addresses topics that are of urgent global importance in our era of continuing discrimination, forced migration, socially sanctioned violence – and war. It promotes …
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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in Holocaust museums established worldwide, prompting numerous studies examining how they portray the Holocaust. Some researchers have emphasized the dominant roles of Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in creating a canon and universalizing the Holocaust narrative. Othe…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.A 1949-49-es szabadságharc leverésében segédkező orosz csapatok által zsákmányolt honvédzászlókat a Szovjetunió kétszer is visszaadta Magyarországnak. Először 1941. március 20-án Moszkvában kaptunk vissza 56 zászlót – rés…
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy. At the 2012 International Conference on World War II, we were privileged to listen to a conversation between renowned author, Rick Atkinson and World War II Veterans Walt Ehlers & Gerhard Hennes. Walt served in the 3rd Infantry Division of the U…
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This is World War II on Topic: Veteran Voices. This episode is a collaboration between the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy and the Curatorial Services Department. Back in May 2021, when Senior Curator, Kim Guise, had a conversation with WWII Veteran and Concentration Camp Liberator Alan Moskin. Moskin was a member …
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This is World War II On Topic: Veteran Voices. This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Media Center and Education Department. Back in 2020, Seth Paridon had a special conversation with Medal of Honor Recipient and Museum champion, Hershel “Woody” Williams to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima. Woody shares his experie…
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy. At our 15th International Conference in 2022, we had the privilege to hear from Nicole Spangenberg in conversation with the Institute’s Senior Historian, Dr. Steph Hinnershitz. Nicole, as a teenager working with the French Resistance, assisted w…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.Legtöbbünknek már nincs személyes tapasztalata a második világháborúról, sőt alig találkozhatunk ma már olyannal, akinek van. A második világháború mégsem csak könyvekből és az iskolai tanórákról ismert számunkra, hiszen …
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This is World War II on Topic: Veteran Voices. This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Education Department and The Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War & Democracy. In April 2020, Dr. Tyler Bamford, who was serving as the Institute’s Leventhal Research Fellow, had a conversation with Museum Volunteer and World War II Veteran, Steve El…
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Welcome to a special season of World War II on Topic: Veteran Voices. Where we listen to firsthand accounts from those who lived through the war. This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War & Democracy. At our 2022 International Conference, we were “lucky” to hear from Veteran John “Lucky” Luckadoo, who…
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Pillanatképek - nyitott akadémia a második világháború történetéről.Az MTA II. világháború története albizottság előadássorozata.توسط Klacsmann Borbála
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In April of 2021, Research Historian, Kali Martin, discussed the three services, that were all under the Department of the Navy, with each branch incorporating women reservists in a unique way. In 1942, the US Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard opened their ranks to most women. Despite more stringent enlistment requirements put on women, compared …
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy. Today we are traveling back to August 20th, 2021, to a conversation with Dr. Jeffrey H. Jackson, Professor of History at Rhodes College, about his book, “Paper Bullets: Two Artists Who Risked Their Lives to Defy the Nazis.” The book and the prog…
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Education Department. Back on November 3rd, 2021, Dr. Zachary Isenhower gave a lecture entitled: “Defining Patriotism: Native Military Figures & the Long Fight for Equality.” Dr. Isenhower is an Instructor at Louisiana State University teaching Native American History. The lecture explored how the hist…
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War & Democracy. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, join us for a conversation from July 2020 with Dave Gutierrez, author of Patriots From The Barrio. Patriots From The Barrio is a true World War II story of the men that served in the US Army's all Mexican Ameri…
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This episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War & Democracy and The Media & Education Center. Today we are taking a listen to a discussion we hosted during our Memory Wars: World War II at 75 and Beyond virtual conference, held in March of 2022. It was chaired by our own Research Historian, Dr. Jason Dawsey…
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Today’s episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy. In February 2022, Dr. Jason Dawsey, Research Historian for the museum, talked with Dr. Yoshikuni Igarashi, one of the country's leading authorities on postwar Japan. On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito announced to the Japanese people that t…
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Today’s episode is brought to you by the Museum’s Jenny Craig Institute for the Study of War and Democracy and The Media & Education Center. We are going back to 2020, when Dr. Ed Lengel, then the Museum’s Senior Director of Programs, hosted a webinar with President Harry Truman’s grandson - Clifton Truman Daniel - and Paul Sparrow, the Franklin D.…
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