At the dawn of the social media era, Belle Gibson became a pioneering wellness influencer - telling the world how she beat cancer with an alternative diet. Her bestselling cookbook and online app provided her success, respect, and a connection to the cancer-battling influencer she admired the most. But a curious journalist with a sick wife began asking questions that even those closest to Belle began to wonder. Was the online star faking her cancer and fooling the world? Kaitlyn Dever stars in the Netflix hit series Apple Cider Vinegar . Inspired by true events, the dramatized story follows Belle’s journey from self-styled wellness thought leader to disgraced con artist. It also explores themes of hope and acceptance - and how far we’ll go to maintain it. In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews executive producer Samantha Strauss. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched Apple Cider Vinegar yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts .…
Helping Others Learn & Perform
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Guest Host: Rose Christens0n Topic: Coaching for Development Coaching and Developing Employees International Coach Federation Articles for this Week: 100+ Influential Learning Professionals Worth Following and 5 Ideas to Help You Go From Twitter Lurker to Active User and 20 Twitter Hashtags Every Teacher Should Know About (edudemic) List of eLear…
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Guest Host: Amy Christensen Topic:Â Barriers to learning at work Basic skills resources Articles for this Week: Audacity Tutorials (LibriVox) If you are interested in Audacity, take a listen to The Audacity to Podcast podcast by Daniel J. Lewis ADDIE Cheat Sheet (LearnDash) Forget Your Weaknesses and Build on Your Strengths […]…
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Topic:Â Brain Engage-Stimulate critical thinking and problem solving in the workplace What critical thinking is and why it is important in the workplace The Socratic Method: Leveraging Questions to Increase Performance The Six Types of Socratic Questions Planning for Critical Thinking: A 5-Step Model (TeachThought) Critical Thinking Correlation Stu…
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Topic: Are You Invisible? 3 in 4 L&D Staff are Invisible  Articles for this Week: Human Resources Learning and Leadership: Our Ten Predictions for 2014 (Bersin by Deloitte) The (new) role of the Workplace Learning Advisor (Learning in the Social Workplace) Teaching with YouTube: 197 Digital Channels for […]…
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Guest Host: Julie Caspar Topic: Managing performance problems How to deal with toxic employees with negatively affecting everyone else (The Business Journals blog) Â Articles for this Week: 8 Questions That Will Improve Your Relationship with Your Boss (Lifehacker) Performance Focused Smile Sheets (ASTD Learning & Development blog) Recruiting Top T…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic: It’s an all technology show! Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013 (Center for Learning and Performance Technologies blog, Jane Hart) Tech tools we discussed on the show: Symbaloo Padlet Doodle LiveBinder Glogster edu ScoopIt & Articles for this Week: The Best Thing to Happen […]…
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Guest Host: Vince Nix Topic: Flip It! In flipped classrooms, a method for mastery What is the flipped classroom? Flipping corporate learning Flipped Classroom Fact and Figures (LearnDash) Articles for this Week: A list of 75 MOOCs for Teachers and Students (Teachthought blog) — some are K-12 focused, but several are […]…
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Guest Host: Rose Christenson Topic:Â Best practices for Best practices? Best Practices Are a Lie (TalentAnarchy) Articles for this Week: 12 Things You Should Never Do When You Teach Online (21st Century Fluency blog) 25 Wonderful Effects Exercise Has on the Mind (Psyblog) The Future of L&D is Not the […]…
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Guest Host: Brian Mayer Topic: Facilitating Large(r) Groups An Introduction to Large Group Intervention Methods The World Cafe What is Open Space and Open Space World webpage What is Appreciative Inquiry and the Appreciative Inquiry Commons Articles for this Week: Create Digital Onboarding Experiences That Stick (ASTD Learning Technologies […]…
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Guest Host: Amy Christensen Topic:Â Motivate me! Motivate your learners with these 5 simple tips Get your audience pumped: 30 ways to motivate adult learners 5 principles for the teachers of adults Articles for this Week: How to Create Millennial Leaders in Your Organization (Great Leadership) 11 Habits of Amazing Bosses […]…
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Guest Hosts: Julie Caspar, Karen Appleby Topic: Orienting and Integrating New Faculty and Trainers Orientation Vs. Integration (–Human Resources) Helping New Faculty Members Get Off to a Good Start (pdf from Cornell University) Best Advice for New Teachers (Larry Ferlazzo’s Website of the Day) K-12 focused, but good tips for the rest…
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Guest Host: Kathryn Tripp Topic:Â Making Training More Effective Why Training Fails (ASTD Workforce Development blog) Articles for this Week: 12 Principles of Collaboration in Learning (TeachThought) Survey: US Workers Largely Satisfied with Work-Life Balance (Talent Management blog) Do You Have a Learning Management Strategy? (Chief Learning Offic…
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Guest Hosts: Rob Lion, Utah ASTD Conference participants Topic: ASTD Utah Conference Participants Share L&D Workplace Challenges Review the conference backchannel on Twitter by searching for #ASTDUtah  “I’ve always loved a challenge.” — Lana Turner THANK YOU to the ASTD Utah conference participants who contributed to our topic discussion this week…
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Guest Host: Vince Nix Topic: Oops! Regaining Balance After Fails and Falls 7 Ways to Bounce Back from Career Mistakes, Missteps & Misunderstandings Kathryn Schulz: On Being Wrong  (Ted Talks) Articles for this Week: Top 100 Tools for Learning (Learning in the Social Workplace) The Best Resources for Beginning […]…
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Guest host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic:Â Tech-a-paloosa…14 of our favorite tech tools for learning Pocket (Wendy) — Pocket is a program to let you mark web content and read it later. Dropbox (Terri) — Cloud storage (also DropItToMe to allow people to add to your designated Dropbox folder. Box (Robin) — Slightly more secure […]…
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Topic: Culture Crafting 6 Signs Your Company’s Culture Stinks (Fast Company Leadership Now blog) Articles for this Week: Your Online Reputation: What Does Yours Say About You? (ASTD Career Development blog) AND Job Hunting: Time to Scrub Your Facebook Page (CBS Moneywatch) Advice for New Faculty: Six Lessons From The Front […]…
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I could not find an image of a Bozo the Clown punching toy with a clear copyright to use on the website, but here’s a picture if you want to see what it looks like! Topic: Resilience Resilience: A “Must Have” Characteristic in Today’s Workplace (WITI-Women in Technology international) Resilience at work (Barry […]…
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Guest Hosts: Vince Nix, Jim Blume Topic: It’s back to school time…what are you learning this year? How to Set Goals That Will Keep You Fulfilled and Focused (Fast Company) Distraction Free Writing tools: OmWriter Write or Die (to use the cloud-based app on your computer, scroll down until you see “webapp.” […]…
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Guest Hosts: Nicolle Johnson, Wendy Rettenmeier, Brandon Schiffman Topic: Tired of Powerpoint? Try Prezi! Be Less Boring: The 4 Best Alternatives to PowerPoint (Government Executive) — The alternatives are described in a Prezi presentation Anything but PowerPoint: five fresh presentation alternatives (PC World) Articles for this Week: 7 Unconventio…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic:Â Taking the Lessons of Great Talks for Presentations and Beyond! The Secret Structure of Great Talks (TED video) Articles for this Week: Eight Roles of an Effective Online Teacher (Faculty Focus) Five Ways Leaders Help Others Belong, Not Just Fit in (Leading with Trust) The Future […]…
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Guest Host: Jennie LeGates Topic: Influencing UP Managing Up: How to Influence Your Boss Articles for this Week: 12 “Out-of-the-Boxâ€� Ways to use a 9 Box Model (Great Leadership) How and Why to Be a Leader (Not a Wannabe) (Harvard Business Review blog) 3 Ways Anyone Can Boost Team Performance (Random Acts of Leadership) […]…
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Guest Host: Kathryn Tripp Topic: Blended Learning ‘New’ Blended Learning Definition Pros and Cons of Blended Learning Why Blended Learning is Really Just Blended Training Articles for this Week: Experimenting with Facebook in the College Classroom (Faculty Focus) Build A Culture of Community (Chief Learning Officer blog) Four Easy Tactics to Engage…
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Guest Host: Vince Nix  Topic: Supporting the Smart Worker How the Smart Knowledge Worker Learns Today Articles for this Week: The MOOC Catch-Up Edition (ProfHacker) America Lags in Developing Leaders (Human Resource Executive Online) 7 Reasons Why Powerpoint Doesn’t Suck (Rapid eLearning blog) Tip of the Week: […]…
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Guest Host: Amy Christensen CORRECTION: In the audio Robin said this was show#123…it’s really show #124. Topic: Career GPS Following Your Career GPS: ReCalculating to Keep Yourself on Track (TLNT) Articles for this Week: 8 Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job (Mashable) 11 Secrets to a Happy Entrepreneurial Life (Income Diary) How […]…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic: Getting the Most Out of Conferences How to Get the Most From a Conference (Don Peppers via LinkedIn) Ideas to Action: 10 Hints for Getting the Most From a Conference Articles for this Week: Five Ways to Accelerate Leadership Development (Chief Learning Officer […]…
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Guest Hosts: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic: Serious Play Tim Brown: Tales of Creativity and Play Articles for this Week: Handling Tough Situations with Emotional Intelligence (ASTD Learning & Development blog) Is the Future of Learning Bite-Sized? (Chief Learning Officer blog) Meaningful Mentoring: 4 Tips on Taking Advice (Switch & Shift blog) 7 […]…
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Guest Hosts: Julie Caspar, Amy Christensen, Vince Nix Topic: Career Advice The Graduation Advice We Wish We’d Been Given (HBR Blog) Articles for this Week: 10 Reasons NOT to Create a Course and 10 Other Options (Learning in the Social Workplace) Manager’s Role in Employee Learning (ASTD Workforce Learning blog) […]…
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Guest Host: Max Gage Topic: Creating the Right Conditions for Learning The Right Conditions for Learning (Learning Conversations) Articles for this Week: Informal Learning’s Many Shades of Gray (Chief Learning Officer) Learning Theory Concept Map 7 Leadership Development Trends for a Stronger Bottom Line (Boston Globe online) 12 Advanced ipad […]…
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Guest Host: Jennie LeGates Topic: Lost in the Doldrums Creating Sustainable Performance Are You Too Comfortable in Your Job? Articles for this Week: Â Learning in the Workplace 2013 Survey Results (Learning in the Social Workplace) The Peaceful Mind: 5 Step Guide to Feeling Relaxed Fast (PsyBlog) Six Simple […]…
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Guest Hosts: Chris Hansen and Kale Bergeson Topic: First Time Teaching Tips for Faculty Teaching for the First Time (Washington University in St. Louis, MO) Preparing to Teach for the First Time (GradHacker) 10 Tips for New Trainers/Teachers (Creating Passionate Users blog) How to Conduct an Effective Training Session (Training […]…
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Guest Host: Vince Nix Topic: Networking to Learn How to Network: 12 Tips for Shy People (CIO) Professional Networking Made Easy:Priming the Pump (Cisco) Why (And How) You Should Create a Personal Learning Network (edudemic) How to Create a Professional Learning Community (Edutopia) Twitter for Professional Development (Prezi presentation […]…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic: Selling Training to Individuals and Organizations Top Tips for Encouraging Learners to Engage with Your Learning (Rob’s Learning and Technology blog) How to Sell Training Internally (Mindflash) Most Effective Closing Technique Ever (American Express OPEN) Articles for this Week: Terms e-learning Designers Sho…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic:Maintaining Boundaries Setting Healthy Workplace Boundaries Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries in the Workplace How to Set Healthy Boundaries: 3 Crucial First Steps Articles for this Week: Google Reader to Shut Down: Now What? (Profhacker) and Six Alternatives to Google Reader (NspiredD2 blog from the University …
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Guest Host: Janaan Haskell Topic: Â Creating an effective online classroom experience Applying the Seven Principle for Good Practice to the Online Classroom (Faculty Focus) Articles for this Week: Managing Controversy in the Online Classroom (Faculty Focus) 7 Characteristics of an Innovative Educator (TeachAmazing blog) 134 Awesome Twitter Accounts…
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Topic:  Conversations as Learning Tools What is Conversation? Articles for this Week: Making the Most of Webinars (Harvard Business Review blog) The Most Important Phrase You’ll Ever Say in a Meeting (Dave Kerpen on LinkedIn) 10 Ways to Increase Your Job Satisfaction (Work Awesome blog) What 5 Insights Can You […]…
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Topic: Â Meetings! Kill a Company Meeting Today–and Thrive (CBWNews Moneywatch) Articles for this Week: Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory: Five Ways To Make Sure Your Company Does It Right. (Forbes) Troubled Team? Consider Granting Amnesty (ASTD Workforce Development blog) Horizon Reports and the 2013 Higher Education Edition Preview […]…
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Guest Host: Wendy Rettenmeier Topic:  Inspiration and Why Constraints Are Your Friend The Beauty of Constraints (Illustrated Agile) Articles for this Week: The Shift from Push to Pull Learning (Chief Learning Officer) Leadership Thoughts: Master the Art of Active Listening (Elsua blog) Learning Design: When You Just Don’t Know Where to Start (Mi…
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Topic:  Effectively working from home? Solving the Top 4 Pitfalls of Working at Home (American Express OPEN) 9 Pitfalls of Working from Home (Entrepreneur) How to work from home like you mean it (Fast Company) Articles for this Week: Information learning, the 95% solution (Life in Perpetual Beta) The role of the L&D […]…
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Guest Host: Cheryl Mosby Topic:  Learning from Lowes? 9 Valuable Business insights from My Visit to Lowe’s HQ (Kevin Jones blog) Articles for this Week: Assessing the Value of Online Interactions (Learning Solutions Nuts & Bolts column by Jane Bozarth) How to Get People to Apply What they Learned: Just […]…
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Topic: Â Social + HR = ? 2013: The Year of Social HR (Forbes) Articles for this Week: 50 Best e-Learning Posts of 2012 (Upside Learning) Engage Passive Learners (Chief Learning Officer blog) Generational Trait vs. Life Stage (Chief Learning Officer) Chasing Inbox Zero (ProfHacker blog–Chronicle of Higher Education) Tip of […]…
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Topic: How can trainers influence behavior change? Why Trainers Lack Influence – and How They Can Get It Articles for this Week: Top 10 Leadership Soft Skills (Chief learning Officer) 9 Lies Unproductive people Love to Tell (Marc and Angel Hack Life) Reasons for Not Evaluating (and what to […]توسط Robin Lindbeck
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Topic: Is how we’re teaching getting us where we need to be? The Future or Learning, Networked Society (video, 21 m) from a blog post on the Upside Learning website. Articles for this Week: The Future of Higher Education, infographic (Committed Sardine) NMC Horizon Report 2012: Higher Ed Edition (New Media Consortium) What’s Your […]…
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Topic: Resolutions…What’s Your Plan? The Do Plan, or Why We Know But Don’t Do 5 Reasons Your New Year’s Resolution is Made to Fail Articles for this Week: Four Infographics About 2012′s Top Trending Education Technology Topics (EmergingEdTech) What’s the Difference Between Return on Expectations and Return on Investment? […]…
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Topic: Metaphors for Learning and Development (you know, metaphors are like binoculars…) Metaphors (Learning Solutions Magazine, Nuts and Bolts column by Jane Bozarth) Articles for this Week: Insights: Improving performance still matters the most (Clive on Learning) Residue Not Retention as a Strategy (Learning Zealot) Top 25 Twitter Tips […]…
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Topic: How to get more done in a day What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day (Fast Company) How to Accomplish More by Doing Less (HBR blog) 10 Steps to Getting More Done in Your Day (American Express OPEN) How to Be Productive in the Age of Distraction and […]توسط Robin Lindbeck
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Topic: Failure…It’s a Good Thing? How Failure Can Help You Succeed (Work Awesome blog) Articles for this Week: The Biggest Barrier to Leadership (Chief Learning Officer blog) Principles of Networked Unmanagement (Life in perpetual Beta) 15 Awesome Quotes on Collaboration (21st Century Fluency Project) Looking for a job using Facebook’s new […]…
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Topic: ISD or IS-SME? Do Instructional Designers Need to Know About What they Are Designing? (Clive Shepard’s Clive on Learning blog) Articles for this Week: Create High Impact Learning (Chief Learning Officer blog) 11 Simple Ways to Create Genuine Connections With the People Who Make Failure Impossible (Zen Habits) Why Employees […]…
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100th Show! Tip-a-paloosa! It’s the all tip episode with tips contributed by some of the guest hosts that made the first 100 shows so great! Thanks to everyone who has listened to our podcast for 1 episode or 100 episodes! We appreciate your support! We love to hear your feedback–leave a comment on […]…
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Topic:Â Congratulations–you’re a manager! 25 Tips for Managing Your First Direct Reports (Smartblog on Leadership) Articles for this Week: Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators (21st Century Fluency Project) Our Favorite Project Based Learning Resources (Powerful Learning Practices blog) eLearning Guild Research: What are the Ben…
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Topic: Speak up…Speak Fast…the Elevator Speech 3 Essential Ingredients in a Convincing Elevator Pitch (American Express OPEN) 7-Question Mini-Course: Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch ( Articles for this Week: The True Value of Conferences and How to Get More Value Out of Conferences (Christopher Penn’s Awaken Your Superhero blog) The Impac…
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