Fast food reviews, movie reviews, & my wife n keeeds
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carolyn made donuts, frankie has a pink perch & vince's pedicure lady did not like him
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it's Motor City Pizza Co, available at your local costco and other participating retailers nationwide
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carolyn made lasagna with orange cheese, put tomatoes in stir fry & vince's 30 year high school reunion is coming up
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do you even know what a skirted toilet is?!
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I was at work for 5 minutes on Thursday!
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nipple height!
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also, lennox has homework with due dates but there's no penalty if he turns it in late, so what's up with that?
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also, our balcony plants were deemed an HOA violation
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also, what would be the theme at our funerals? we said no to buying 60 eggs and a $122 bookcase and carolyn hates paris hilton
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also, who would come to our funeral, our toaster oven caught on fire (again) & we talk about our new fave TV show Love After LockUp
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also, someone else flashed their brights at me on the freeway!
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also, Carolyn had a fried visit, we bought some plants from the clearance section & should Vince admit he mistakenly got over $100 in protein bars for free?
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I had a boiz nite out. I was sober & home by 6PM.
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Spicy seasoning is too spicy, Carolyn's been setting off the fire alarm and Frankie Blue threw up in our bed.
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Our garage door broke, our new years resolution is to only eat chinese & pizza, and fake snow is falling from our fake christmas tree.
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Also, do you talk to your spouse while they're on the can?
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also, our Christmas tree sucks
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Waiting 1 hour for food, moldy oranges and my Baking Queen
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Also, Kaiser won't tell me the cost of medicine til they charge me for it, the failed promise of Eraser Mate pens and get yo handz out my almonds!
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also, we had an encounter with Mean Shelly again
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also, if Carla ain't got it, we don't need it!
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also, do you shave your legs when you have goosebumps?
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WWGTD (What would Grandma Thien do?)
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Gravy has surpassed butter (in terms of Thanksgiving condiments) & Getting Dressed vs Getting Ready
our christmas tree lights went out, our smoke alarm went off, Carolyn dropped an egg and we witnessed toxic masculinity
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Also, Frankie's been crying while pooing, what's your airport drop-off etiquette?, and we've been watching Prison Brides which is a fantastic television show.
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and stuff my mum says..
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also, please, be more like Ivy
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also, our toaster oven caught on fire and realtors be desperate!
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i currently have 8 credit cards AND i shoulda never skipped leg day
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also: Frankie 9, Window Screens 0; Lennox didn't wear a costume but went trick-or-treating anyway; and do you refrigerate your tomatoes and/ or apples?
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i dont wanna be that guy but yet i am that guy..
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also, book readers don't be respecting us magazine readers!
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How much is a friendship worth? $1.40 per year.
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also, Frankie: The Escape Artist
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also, i still don't want to go shooting with my co-worker
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Also, which emoji do you send to someone getting divorced?
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also, do you warsh your chicken?
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and, how many pillows is too many pillows?
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And, the accident was 100% my fault.
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Also, Carolyn is using makeup with snail leavins as an ingredient
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Lizard Lips thinks we should have 2 locks on our front door
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Also, i didn't brush before seeing the dentist, there's a piano at Kaiser, Walden Farms coffee creamer is terrible, Carolyn bought herself a ring on Temu for $1.19 and she killed spider eggs.
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have we all had enough of rocks flying out of the back of trucks?!
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Couples Chat Cheat Sheet
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Also, I'm cutting the cord for a different, less expensive cord
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also, Carolyn is on the Jamie Lee Curtis diet
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Also, what's up with people who don't charge their cellular telephones overnite?
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Also, cutting your fingernails in the kitchen, drinking pickle juice and how to keep your house cool during the scalding hot summer months
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Also, do you loan your co-workers money?
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Also, women can't wash off their makeup in the shower, we tried buying a bike for Lennox, and we watched that new Scott Peterson doc. Oh and Carolyn went to the restaurant of the future!
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