Stories that change the way the world treats animals.
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En podkast om Manchester United produsert av Med Jon Martin Henriksen, Fredrik N. Filtvedt og Eivind B. Holth. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Truth Unites promotes gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Church. Support:
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Aprende a leer, aprende de literatura escuchando. Un programa para contar un libro en una hora. Grandes clásicos de la literatura que te entran por el oído. Dirigido por Antonio Martínez Asensio, crítico literario, productor, escritor y guionista. En directo los domingos a las 05:00 y a cualquier hora si te suscribes. En Podimo, ¿Y ahora qué leo? nuestro spin off con los imprescindibles de la temporada
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Storiavoce est un podcast du magazine Histoire & Civilisations. Storiavoce s'adresse tant aux amateurs qu'aux passionnés d'histoire, en proposant des entretiens et des récits exclusivement dédiés à cet univers. Cette plateforme trouve également son écho auprès des étudiants et des universitaires, offrant ainsi une expérience unique et enrichissante. Les rubriques : Grands entretiens Cours d'histoire Nos mémoires Racontez-moi l'histoire Pourquoi tant d'histoires Hébergé par Acast. Visitez aca ...
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Um podcast voltado para os fans de anime, mangás e cultura otaku. Trazendo sempre de forma bem humorado, um conteúdo de primeira relacionado ao tema principal.
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Enjoy your Experience!
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Raconter des histoires du réel, et par le singulier toucher l’universel. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Hope Unitarian Church - Tulsa, Oklahoma
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'Un tema Al día’ es un podcast de para explicarte la actualidad. Con ayuda de los mejores periodistas de la redacción, nos detendremos cada día en un asunto: puede ser una noticia compleja o una historia sencilla que merezca la pena. Una píldora de sonido para acompañarte en el desayuno, de camino al trabajo, en la pausa de la comida o antes de dormir. Con Juanlu Sánchez. Disponible en tu plataforma de audio favorita.
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Podcast by Unite IE
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Apex Hunters United is a self deprecating podcast that gives motorsport fans an insight into the sport from professional drivers that are prepared to be honest and transparent with the fans, a no BS approach. No one is safe.
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Sermons delivered at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, OK.
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Nessuno che conti fino a 3 prima di twittare, e nessuno che chieda consiglio a un amico prima di postare. Piccoli e grandi tic degli italiani (e dei loro rappresentanti politici). “Non hanno un amico” è un podcast di Chora News, prodotto da Chora Media. Scritto da Luca Bizzarri con Ugo Ripamonti. La cura editoriale è di Francesca Milano. La post produzione e il sound design sono di Filippo Mainardi, Cosma Castellucci, Daniele Marinello e Guido Bertolotti. La supervisione del suono e della mu ...
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Host Ian Irving is joined by The Athletic's Laurie Whitwell, Carl Anka and Andy Mitten on the world's biggest Manchester United podcast. Subscribe for expert insight from inside the club, breaking news and two episodes every week.
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Un podcast para gente emprendedora e inconformista. Nos vemos todos los lunes a las 12am con empresarios de éxito y expertos en distintas áreas que nos darán herramientas para crecer en nuestra vida.
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United We Podkast er en podkast om Manchester United med Ken Wasenius-Nilsen som programleder. Rate oss gjerne på iTunes og skriv til oss på Twitter og Facebook:-) For annonsering:
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Tommy Unit brings punk rock’n’roll to the masses LIVE from New York City every week! You won’t want to miss it!
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A Uniting Church in Australia
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The podcast of the independent Manchester United fanzine United We Stand. Influential, incisive, irreverent and proudly independent, UWS tells it like it is.
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Sermons by resident and guest ministers on themes like Curiosity, Trust, Mystery, Sanctuary and so much more. Feel free to download and share our podcasts!
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Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
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This is SPLATTS UNICORNER where we talk about everything unfiltered uncensored open forum we talk about religion politics sports social media the social Warrior movement everything and anything you want to talk about its an open book here at splatts unicorner
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Sermons from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick Maryland (UUCF): We gather to encourage spiritual growth, build a beloved community, and act for peace and justice.
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Hope United's Weekly Podcast
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Podcast by Paris United
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Sermons from the First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, a Unitarian Universalist Humanist Congregation Celebrating the Human Spirit Within Us All
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A History of the United States. A podcast charting the history of the United States of America from the foundation of Jamestown to the end of the cold war, covering political, military, economic, social and cultural history.
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Weekly Sermons
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Studieren – Lehren – Informieren – Verwalten – Versorgen: Wer sind die Menschen, die die Bergische Universität mit Leben füllen? Wie sind sie hier hergekommen und was macht diesen Ort für sie so besonders? Alles das erzählen unsere Studis und Mitarbeiter*innen in Backstage Uni Wuppertal. Wenn ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, schreibt gerne an . Alle Podcasts der Bergischen Universität findet ihr auf
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The best variety in News, Sports, Esoteric talk online and over the airwaves on Earth. The new learning channel
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Sermons-First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
1st Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco Sunday worship service. Home of liberal spirituality for over 150 years, the Society welcomes people of all racial and religious backgrounds. Our Congregation includes gay, straight, transgendered, and questioning people. More information is available at
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Inspiring messages from Unity of Fairfax to advance you in your spiritual evolution.
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Der Podcast für Filmfans. Christian Steiner bringt in jeder Ausgabe eine spannende Person in die Sendung. In einer Mischung aus philosophischem Gespräch und filmwissenschaftlichem Seminar entsteht dabei ein ganz eigenes Filmgespräch.
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The Manchester United podcast from the Manchester Evening News featuring Samuel Luckhurst, Tyrone Marshall and Steven Railston.
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The website for all your MSRcast needs!
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Uniquely Human: the Podcast expands the conversation on autism and neurodiversity by amplifying the voices of autistic individuals and thought leaders in providing insightful, cutting-edge and practical information about the autistic experience. Hosted by Barry Prizant and Dave Finch.
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Lugar para comentar distintos acontecimientos históricos bajo una prespectiva actual
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A Manchester United podcast focused on detailed, evidence driven analysis. Hosted by Aaron Moniz (@amonizfootball) and Kees van Hemmen (@HemmenKees) – two data scientists and United fans.
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Las enseñanzas de Jesús a través de Un Curso de Amor
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Podcast souverainiste de Brick et Brack
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Podcast by LUSCOS
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Podcast services from Knox United Church Nepean.
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A weekly podcast for our Neighbourhood Church Communities.
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Chi Alpha UNI is a campus ministry at the University of Northern Iowa. We exist to give every student at UNI an opportunity to grow in relationship with Jesus and others. On this podcast, we feature teachings from our Tuesday night gatherings.
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The newest sermons from Trinity United Reformed Church on SermonAudio.
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Hoy recuperamos un episodio sobre la polémica llegada de David Broncano a Televisión Española. La batalla interna sobre su contratación provocó un cisma total en la dirección de RTVE, acabaron cesados el director de contenidos y hasta la presidenta. El segundo día, Broncano le gana a Pablo Motos. El tercer día, también. El trono del Hormiguero se t…
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10 Aprendizajes de 2024: Próximos planes, cambios en la rutina, cómo mejorar.
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👉🏼Llévate 26 € al abrir tu cuenta gratuita N26 con el código TENGOUNPLAN26: 🎤 Envía aquí tu mayor Cagada Financiera y la comentaremos en la próxima sección: 👉🏽Apúntate a nuestra comunidad interna para enterarte de todas las novedades y contenido extra: https://t…
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Faites un don et recevez un cadeau : [Rediffusion] Dans les premiers siècles de l'histoire du christianisme, s'est posée la question des rapports de la nouvelle religion avec le monde grecque incarnant, dans l'empire romain, la seule et unique culture. L'historien Sébastien Morlet nous présente ces liens complexes fait à …
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Riflessioni sul 2024 che si chiude . Fonti: video "Salvini in piazza a Milano: «Io al Viminale? Non ci sono più alibi, parlerò con Meloni e Piantedosi»" pubblicato sul sito il 22 dicembre 2024; video "Caso Boccia: Sangiuliano, intervista del Tg1 (integrale)" pubblicato sul canale Youtube trivigante il 5 settembre 2024; video "Caso…
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La Vague. Retour sur le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 2/2 : La seconde vague : un tsunami humanitaire !
durée : 00:29:22 - Une histoire particulière - par : Alexandre Héraud - Istouti, ou la reconstruction d’un village à Sri Lanka : c’est l’histoire, née d’un sauvetage, le projet de reconstruction d’un village à Sri Lanka alors que la plus grande opération humanitaire de tous les temps se déployait. - réalisation : Yvon Croizier…
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Pierre Boulle (Aviñón, 1912-París, 1994). Es uno de los autores franceses más traducidos en el mundo y también uno de los más olvidados. Es el autor de 'El puente sobre el río Kwai', adaptada al cine por David Lean, y de 40 novelas y libros de cuentos. 'El planeta de los simios' se publicó en 1963.
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Phil Roy - Un Pays dans l'Noël
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Eh oui! C'est notre classique du temps des fêtes Un Pays dans l'Noël! Cette année, nous avons trouvé sous notre sapin bio local québécois équitable woke élevé en semi-libarté le plus beau des cadeaux: Phil Roy! Joyeux temps des fêtes à tous les Quoicoubeh du Québec et un Pays pour 2025 xoxo Cet épisode est présenté par:Eros et Compagnies! Utilisez …
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Clase 28 - LA NATURALEZA DE LA MENTE - Viviana Bonassi - De Un Corazón a Un Corazón - 17 dic 2024
UN CURSO DE AMOR - Cap. 31 ◕ Clase en vivo por Zoom desde AMORQUESANA -► / @juky.91218 En vivo todos los martes a las 4 pm de Colombia / 6 pm de Argentina.توسط Viviana Bonassi
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En los anales de la historia de los emperadores romanos, pocos se acercan a Calígula cuyo reinado como tercer emperador, ha pasado a la historia como uno de los más odiados Cayó Julio César Germánico, era hijo del general Germánico. De niño, cuando acompañaba a su padre, los legionarios le llamaban Calígula que significa botitas, por llevar el mism…
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Xmas splattacular xmas special ep.210
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Merry Xmas ya gorgeous unicorns...enjoy
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Hoy te traemos una conversación de nuestra compañera de Cultura Laura García Higueras con el cantante Ismael Serrano. Es una charla que tuvo lugar el pasado 29 de octubre en la redacción de Madrid, con socias y socios de, en un encuentro en el que el cantautor habló sobre su último disco, la situación social y política y sobre el panora…
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Wednesday – 25th December 2024 – 8:00am Christmas Day
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توسط Glen Waverley Uniting Church
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توسط Glen Waverley Uniting Church
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“People in the animal welfare world, I think, should broaden their purview to the human parts of it and sort of work in coalition. Like if you can really expose the labor conditions, you're weakening the industry, and if you can increase labor regulations, if you can make it to where workers don't routinely get repetitive stress injuries and they'r…
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Christmas Dayتوسط Jacob London
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unwrapped ep.209
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we unwrap my Spotify wrapped and getting ready for the holidays..sorry for the late drop..enjoy
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# Episode Notes
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توسط Glen Waverley Uniting Church
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Send us a text Bro James Martin 12-22-24pm Support the showتوسط Unity Baptist
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This podcast is comprised of various segments from a service that was streamed on December 24th at 3pm and 7pm, 2024, led by Revs. Emily Gage and Roger Bertschausen. The theme for December is Presence. To read about our theme-based ministry, please visit on our website. To see the video …
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Presentadora, periodista, activista de unas cuantas causas, Inés Hernand es entretenimiento y es política. Es divulgación y es humor. Es intensidad y es información. Es podcast, televisión, cultura, fama, feminismo, dilemas internos y pasión: “Con 12 años viví un episodio desagradable en el instituto que me deja un poco marginada. Durante ese curso…
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#207 – Julequiz
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Som alltid mye prestisje i potten når Team Jonny og Team Drammen skal gjøre opp om tittelen som Uno-mester i quiz. Denne gangen med quizmaster Bjarte på plass i studio, mens førstnevnte lag må hente inn en reserve fra benken rett før avspark. God jul til alle Uno-venner! I studio: Bjarte Valen, Martin Jøndahl, Fredrik N. Filtvedt, Dag Langerød og E…
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This sermon by Rev. Dr. Nicole Kirk reflects on the themes of winter, both as a literal season and a metaphor for the challenging phases of life. Drawing on the symbolism of the winter solstice, the message emphasizes the cyclical nature of life, the importance of introspection, and the quiet preparation for renewal and growth. It concludes with a …
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Podcast Hors Jeu Capital / Débrief Lens v PSG 1-1 cdf
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Retour sur la qualification du PSG en 1/32eme de finale de coupe de France à Lens 1-1 (3 tirs aux buts à 4)توسط Paris United
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Stillness. Quiet. The presence of winter. Twinkle Lights. Glittery snow. Crisp starry nights. The gifts of the natural world surround us. The post Being Present to Awe appeared first on First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis.توسط First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis
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Gavin Ortlund responds to Alex O'Connor's comments in recent debates about animal suffering as an argument against the existence of God.My full video on angelic fall theodicy: 2015 article in Evangelical Quarterly: Truth Unites exists to promote gospel assura…
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Cómo No Sobrepensar y Hábitos para Tener Fortaleza Mental para 2025 (Grela Bravo)
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👉🏽Apúntate a nuestra comunidad interna para enterarte de todas las novedades y contenido extra: 📘 Más de 150 podcast resumidos en un libro, “Lo que Ellos saben y Tú no” disponible aquí: ¡Bienvenidos a Tengo un Plan! 🎙️ Grela Bravo, reconocida psicóloga y experta en inteligencia em…
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Episode 352 - S16E9 - Pattern Seventeen (ad@8.31)
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On this week's episode hosts Aviv and Matt view and review season 16 episode 9 of SVU - Pattern 17! This one is a PSA about ending the backlog, which the guys 100% support, but boy do they not make it subtle in this episode.توسط Matthew Reuter
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Manchester is RED | Back down to earth | Boxing Day preview
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Steven Railston and Samuel Luckhurst reflect on United’s heavy defeat to Bournemouth and look ahead to Boxing Day against Wolves. Learn more about your ad choices. Visitتوسط Reach Podcasts
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James and Kees discuss Man United's frustrating loss to Bournemouth at Old Trafford to kick off the festive fixtures, including discussions about set piece defending, composure, and Marcus Rashford. Learn more about your ad choices. Visitتوسط Aaron Moniz and Kees van Hemmen
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Banden er gjenforent, akkurat i tide til jul. Men dessverre var det bare myke pakker under juletreet på Old Trafford. Vi snakker oss igjennom 0-3-tapet for Bournemouth med to ulike spor, og konkluderer med at Rúben Amorim nyter full tillit i Uno-studio. Det kjøres også en skikkelig diskusjon på hvor god denne United-troppen er, og vi setter opp vår…
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Faites un don et recevez un cadeau : [Rediffusion] Les derniers siècles de l'Empire romain connaissent d'impressionnantes transformations : la fin d'une unité d'ordre, l'implantation de populations exogènes, la diffusion du christianisme devenu religion impériale. Dans cette émission, Claire Sotinel revient non pas tant …
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Episode 351.1 - Takedown Corner, Mailbag, and The Cheese Caves
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On this week's very special bonus episode hosts Aviv and Matt take a trip to take down corner as Matt breaksdown the bonkers and terrible Carry-On, the guys dive into the mailbag, and this podcast is officially considered educational as Aviv teaches Matt about the cheese caves of America. Give us a rate and review wherever fine podcasts are sold, g…
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Una advertencia antes de empezar: Este capítulo está pensado para adultos, así que si estás escuchando esto en el coche con la familia, tienes niños pequeños y tienes el altavoz puesto en casa, escúchalo mejor en otro momento. En el episodio de hoy transitamos por las contradicciones que atraviesan a los adultos con niños pequeños cerca durante est…
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Tonight i will be discussing different traditions in other countries.توسط UFO Paranormal Radio
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Angels Among Us Rachel Corpus ATP Media With KAren Swain
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See more here; Rachel Corpus is an Angel in a human body, who came into physical form to learn and teach how to live a fulfilled life in deep connection with Source. She was born with the ability to experience things that others could not easily see or feel, like watching an angel sing above her crib or playing with ghost c…
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Church Of Mabus Kevin Hile On Jim Willis S Lost Loot Cursed Treasures And Blood Money
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Church Of Mabus Kevin Hile On Jim Willis S Lost Loot Cursed Treasures And Blood Moneyتوسط UFO Paranormal Radio
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Rose Catherine KhanEpisode 031: December 21, 2024Rose Catherine Khan joins me to discuss both of us being working artists and mothers. About Rose Catherine Khan:Rose Catherine Khan is a fantasy illustrator from Orlando, Florida. Over the past decade, she has created designs and illustrations for clients across the country. Her artwork sells interna…
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Spirit Switchboard -Rhonda Doughty - Paranormal
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Spirit SwitchboardEpisode #87Date: Dec. 20th, 2024Topic: Be My Guest!This week Spirit Switchboard welcomes 12 Days of Giving winner, friend and colleague Rhonda Doughty to the show. Our extra special guests and co-hosts are Corine, Leanne and Kelly of Beyond The Haunting Investigations. Please join us as we chat about all things paranormal and Kerr…
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Writers & Illustrators of the Future Podcast, Andrea Fleck-Nisbet, IBPA 308. Andrea Fleck-Nisbet
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Andrea Fleck-Nisbet is the CEO of IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Assn), which is growing rapidly. After this interview with Andrea, it is no wonder why. She is a significant force of nature and, from my perspective, a major reason for this growth.In this interview, we discuss Indie publishing as well as author publishing. (She corrected me when …
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The Authors Quill 1st Guest Todd McCaffrey Second Guest Steven L Sears
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Todd McCaffrey was born to Anne McCaffrey on April 27th, 1956. The then-named Todd Johnson came into the world as a rather precocious middle child. Anyone who questions the precocious part has only to read some of the anecdotes in “Dragonholder” to have any doubt removed. He spent most of his childhood on the East Coast of the USA until moving to D…
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News On The Flipside Holiday Special Who Is Jesus The Man Who Is He In History Not The Biblical Man
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News on the Flipside holiday special who is Jesus the Man who is he in History what did people know about him what did they think of him ware did he travel who did he meet lets find out tougher also more info about the drones over Jersey America and world news a lot to go over tonight.توسط UFO Paranormal Radio
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Fr Shawn S Paranormal Ministry - Director -The Talking Board Historical Society - A Dahlman -
Fr. Shawn’s Paranormal Ministry Date: December 20th, 2024Episode: 20Guest: Karen A. DahlmanTopic: The historic usage, efficacy, and safety of talking boards.About the Guest:Karen Dahlman is an Author, Channel, Spiritologist, Ouijaologist, and Director at the Talking Board Historical Society.توسط UFO Paranormal Radio
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The Outer Realm - Exploring Lost Treasures With Mark Olly
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The Outer Realm Monthly welcomes back dear friend and special guest Mark Olly Hosts: Michelle DesrochersDate: December 19th, 2024Episode: 503Topic: Mark returns for another amazing segment. This evening Mark talks about his UK TV series called Lost Treasures. He will delve deeper into some of these incredible episodes. In this segment we also touch…
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Paranormal Insight -Zoey Quinn & Zoah Van Ecklensber -Dietary Requirements Of Monsters
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Paranormal Insight with Tim Sudano welcomes special guests Zoey Quinn & ZoahVan EcklensbergDate: December 19th, 2024Segment: 006Topic: Dietary Requirements of MonstersAbout the Guests:Zoey Quinn & Zoah Van Ecklensberg:The two are cousins, but have a more sibling vibe to them. Both are avid paranormal and gaming enthusiasts.Further, both are wonderf…
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Ethereal Encounters Unveiled -Gary L Wimmer - Miraculous Near - Death Experience
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Ethereal Encounters UnveiledDate: December 19th, 2024Segment: 0010Guest: Gary L. Wimmer TOPIC: Miraculous Near-Death Experience: A Voyage Beyond Space and Time And Into The InfiniteAbout the Guest:Gary L. Wimmer has been a professional psychic and Spiritual Advisor for over forty years and has been referred to as a medium, intuitive, healer, teache…
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The Outer Realm - Spooky Christmas Tales Drones Update Blue Beam
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The Outer Realm Monthly Open Mic - Spooky Christmas Tales, Drone UpdatesHosts: Michelle Desrochers, Amelia PisanoDate: December 18th, 2024Episode: 502Topic: We begin with Spooky Tales of Christmas, Victorian Lore, Mandela Effect, Macabre Stories that surround ChristmasContact for the show -theouterrealmcontact@gmail.comRumble: TheOuterRealmX - Mich…
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The Thing At The Foot Of The Bed With Lorilei Potvin & David Hanzel
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Thursday. /24 Join Us & help celebrate Boxing Day with Us, Co-Hosts Lorilei Potvin & David Hanzel, both Psychic Mediums & NDE experiencers, as we discuss & answer LIVE; Your burning questions about the strange, the unusual & the unexplained, with answers based on what we receive from Spirit as well as Our own personal life experiences! We talk abou…
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We’re approaching the longest night of the year, which is the perfect opportunity to light a candle, wrap up in your favourite comforter, and embrace the tradition of Christmas Ghost Stories. Thea Prothero, author of “A Guide to Pilgrimage,” will be rejoining us for a conversation on the tradition itself, authors that are well known for their Ghost…
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