Triathlon عمومی
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show episodes
Crushing Iron is an age grouper and his coach talking and learning about triathlon. Together they explore the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual side of training and racing everything from a Sprint to an Ironman. Great for beginners and intermediates triathletes. Released every Monday and Thursday.
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Es geht hier viel um Rennrad-, Gravelbike, Bikepacking und Triathlon. Oft gehen wir sehr in die Tiefe, vor allem bei nerdigen Technik-Themen. Für Anfänger und fortgeschrittene Sportler ist immer etwas dabei! Viele Erfahrungsberichte, persönliche Meinungen, interessante Interview-Gäste und viele persönliche Trainings-, Bikepacking und Sport-Abenteuererfahrungen.
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Hosted by Coaches Bevan McKinnon and Tim Brazier, Fitter Radio brings together their shared passion and knowledge of triathlon, running, nutrition and basically all things endurance. Listen to the latest research, interviews with pro athletes and leading experts to help you improve your sports performance and your health.
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triathlon talk – Carbon & Laktat

Frank Wechsel, Nils Flieshardt, Simon Müller, Anna Bruder, Peter Jacob

Die Topstars der Szene. Die Experten der Branche. Und die Gedanken der Nerds. triathlon talk – der Podcast aus dem Hause triathlon. Jeden Dienstag: Carbon & Laktat. Zwei Experten aus der Redaktion sprechen über das aktuelle Triathlongeschehen. (Fast) jeden Freitag: triathlon talk. Eine Persönlichkeit aus dem Triathlonsport im ausführlichen Gespräch.
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Love Ljungström & Emma Varga

Triathlonvänner är podden där vi möter elitaktiva, tränare, ledare, ungdomar, motionärer och alla andra som utgör triathlon! Tanken är förutom att förkovra oss i vårt största intresse - nämligen triathlon - också uppmärksamma, fördjupa och lära känna nya och gamla Triathlonvänner. Kortfattat: Gillar du triathlon är vår förhoppning att du också gillar Triathlonvänner. Värdar är proffstriatleten Emma Varga och inte-proffs-triatleten Love Ljungström.
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Im Mission Triathlon Podcast von und mit Lotta & Schorsch dreht sich selbstverständlich alles um den besten Sport der Welt - Triathlon. Neben Infos rund um den Sport bekommst Du natürlich Tipps für Dein Training, Hintergrundwissen zur Ernährung, Wissenswertes zur Regeneration und hin und wieder auch Facts zum Equipment. Zudem nehmen die beiden jede Gelegenheit wahr, um interessante Gäste im Podcast wichtige Fragen zu stellen.
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Triathlon Mockery

Triathlon Mockery

Two young lads, Joe Skipper and Tom Oosterdijk, happen to be professional triathletes, giving their opinions on tri-related things. Discussing weekly race results. And talk about the weekly main subject. Sit back, and enjoy listening to our BS. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Zwei Brüder – (k)ein Ziel Begleitet uns auf unserer gemeinsamen audio-visuellen Reise und schaltet ein, wenn wir Woche für Woche unsere Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse aus dem Training austauschen. Taucht mit ein in unsere Welt und trainiert eure Lachmuskeln. Das ganze Erlebnis runden wir ab mit Expertentalks: Ob Profi, Hersteller oder Veranstalter – Wir werfen ehrliche Blicke hinter die Kulissen des Triathlon- undRadsports.
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ATP, or 'Another Triathlon Podcast,' is a fresh voice in the world of endurance sports. Our name is a playful nod to the abundance of triathlon podcasts out there and also stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy source of our bodies, symbolizing the relentless energy of triathletes. We want to have some fun with triathlon, not take ourselves too seriously while delivering insight, answer your training and racing questions and give you everything you need from inspiration to information ...
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That Triathlon Show

Mikael Eriksson

The one triathlon show focusing on practical and actionable advice that you can use in your own triathlon training and racing. New episodes are released twice per week. The episode types are interview episodes with the greatest and smartest people in triathlon and endurance sports, and solo episodes with host Mikael Eriksson where you'll learn tactics and strategies you can apply in your triathlon training and racing, and all things swim, bike and run. All episodes, both interview and solo e ...
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Triathlon Nutrition Academy

Taryn Richardson

Welcome to the Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast! Brought to you by Advanced Sports Dietitian, Taryn Richardson. Listen as I break down the latest science to give you practical, easy to digest strategies to transform yourself into a Supercharged Triathlete! You have so much untapped potential...and I want to help you unlock that with the power of nutrition.
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The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

TriDot Triathlon Training, Andrew the Average Triathlete

This is The TriDot Podcast! We are here to educate, inspire, and entertain. We’ll talk all things triathlon, swim, bike, run, nutrition, recovery, & strength training, with expert coaches and special guests. So whether you are a triathlete training for a sprint, olympic, or IRONMAN event. Join the conversation, and let's improve together.
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No Limits Map to Triathlon Podcast

Todd Malcolm - Ironman specific triathlon coach

No Limits Map to Triathlon is a podcast for the everyday person. Coach Todd is your host and he is here to give you tips on how to train, race and live a great life filled with triathlons. No it is not easy...but doable. Happy Training!
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Aloha Kalle – der Podcast. Hier sprechen Triathlon-Profi Marcus „Kalle“ Herbst und Agegrouper und Unternehmer Conrad „Coke“ Kebelmann über Training, Wettkampf und Nonsense im Triathlon. Unterschiedlicher könnten die Betrachtungsweisen kaum sein. Der Profi auf der einen Seite, der alles auf eine Karte setzt und seinen Traum von Hawaii lebt und der berufstätige Familienvater mit ambitionierten Zielen auf der anderen Seite. Beide vereint eine Leidenschaft namens Triathlon.
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A weekly round up of everything happening in the world of triathlon! This podcast is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is happening in the greatest sport on the planet. Each week we will discuss the latest news, go through race results and give our analysis and preview upcoming events so you know who to watch and what to expect. We also chat to the biggest names in the sport about the sport. We aim to provide you with an insight into the workings of the sports bigg ...
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The Triathlon Gadget Lab

The Triathlon Gadget Lab

The Triathlon Gadget Lab is your AI powered go-to podcast for the latest and greatest in triathlon gear and technology. Whether you're a cyclist, runner, or swimmer, we dive deep into the world of power meters, GPS watches, smart trainers, aero gear, wearables, and more.
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Triathlon Swimming with TOWER 26 was created by Triathlon's go-to swim expert coach, Gerry Rodrigues, and USAT Certified Coach/Professional Triathlete, Jim Lubinski. These podcasts will help triathletes get the most return out of their swim preparation by covering all the essential topics and ingredients that are necessary to make triathletes better and safer swimmers. Through Gerry's countless years of coaching thousands of triathletes and Jim's racing/training/coaching experience, the two ...
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Mondo Triathlon Daddo Podcast, l'unico podcast di triathlon in italiano! Esplora con Dario Daddo Nardone il fantastico mondo della triplice, scopri i racconti e le storie di triathlon dei grandi campioni e di appassionati amatori! Trovi tutti gli episodi su Diventa un supporter di questo podcast:
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Triathlon Swimming: Insight for Beginners to Advanced Triathlete Swimmers. Learn how to swim faster and with ease with training tips and triathlon swimming advice from Tri Swim Coach and distinguished Ironman professionals and triathlon coaches. Kevin Koskella is a world-renowned triathlon swim coach with over 27 years of swimming experience. This podcast has tips, stories, adventures, and overall entertainment and education regarding swimming and triathlon. Join our community that contains ...
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Im Watt is los-Podcast spricht Host Sören mit Profisportler:innen und Menschen aus der deutschen Triathlon- und Ausdauerszene, um mal so richtig in deren Alltagsmomente, Kopfkino, Ziele und Gedankenkarussell reinzuzoomen. Das Motto: Bitte keine Fragen, die schon 8000 Mal gestellt wurden! Du bekommst hier journalistisch aufbereiteten Content und gut recherchierte Themen. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören. Feedback, Kooperationsanfragen und Gästewünsche gerne an:
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Transition, c'est un podcast triathlon, technologies et entrainement. On y traite de technologie, d'entrainement sportif et tout une variété d'autres sujets liés au triathlon, au cyclisme, à la course à pied, au trail et aux autres sports d'endurance. Une fois par mois, retrouvez un épisode qui plonge au cœur d'une thématique liée au sport ou à la technologie avec un invité ou une invitée, spécialiste du domaine.
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In this podcast I share the trials and tribulations of a middle-aged amateur triathlete. Take me along with you during your workout to hear about my personal experiences of training and racing and get some motivation to utilize for your own workouts. I'm not a coach. I'm not an interviewer. I'm a fellow triathlete! Feel free to reach me with comments or feedback at Feel free to check out my YouTube channel as well: ...
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The Tri Doc is a physician on a mission; to dispel all the false notions about injuries, training aids and pseudoscience that permeates the triathlon community. This podcast takes a fresh look at how to train and race for a triathlon while being smart about choices related to gear, nutrition and anything that goes in or on your body.
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HUB Life - Triathlon and Endurance Lifestyle

Dr. Marion Herring and Dr. Rob Green

Dr. Marion "Moose" Herring is an orthopedic sports medicine physician with Dr. Rob Green Sports Chiropractor. We are lifetime endurance athletes.We are trier of most fads.We are maker of many mistakes.We are husbands, fathers, sports med docs, and athletes just trying to be the best us.
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The show that helps Endurance Coaches bridge the gap from hobby to creating a dream, impact filled, profitable coaching business. We will discuss all things Endurance business: - time management - marketing - mindset - growing your community of engaged athletes Listen here to grow your athlete roster of ideal, perfect for you, athletes while bringing home more income for you and your family. Endurance coaching is already your dream job, let’s make it a full time reality!
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power & pace | Triathlon-Training by

Jule Bartsch, Anna, Bruder, Frank Wechsel, Björn Geesmann

power & pace ist das moderne Trainingskonzept von In den Kategorien MOVER, ALLROUNDER, CHAMPION, FINISHER und QUALIFIER trainieren viele Triathleten nach den Plänen von Coach Björn Geesmann auf ihre ganz persönlichen Ziele. Dieser Podcast bringt den Sportlerinnen und Sportlern die Trainingsphilosophie und deren wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen näher. Denn power & pace ist weitaus mehr als nur ein Trainingsprogramm: Rund um die Workouts hat sich eine große Community gebildet. Bei pow ...
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Aloha und herzlich willkommen beim Triathlon Podcast! Möchtest du einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Triathlonsports in der DACH-Region werfen? Suchst du nach den besten Triathlon-Tipps, Experten-Know-how zu Triathlon Themen, sowie Unterhaltung und Motivation für dein Training? Oder interessierst Du dich dafür, was Profisportler, Agegrouper, Rookies, Coaches und Unternehmen über den Triathlonsport zu sagen haben? Dann bist Du bei mir genau richtig! Triathlon Podcast bietet dir eine Vielzahl ...
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Coach Rob Dallimore( and Coach Jim Lubinski( present this podcast series preparing athletes for the specific demands of particular triathlon races. The two coaches speak about the course specifics, race preparation, location ins and outs, best training practices for the specific course, and anything else associated with the specific race. In the 1st season we will detail the Half World Championships in Taupo New Zealand taking place December 14th a ...
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Marcin Dybuk

Rozmawiam o pasji z pasją. Triathlon, to więcej niż tylko sport. To styl życia - mówię ja, Marcin Dybuk rozmawiający, ale nie przeszkadzający gościom podcastu :)
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Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup. The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete. In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuab ...
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show series
Donate to the TOWER 26 Athletes who lost so much here Gerry and Jim sit down to chat about how TOWER 26 Athletes have been impacted by the recent fires in Southern California. Adding to the content of the show the two then dive into propulsion and how to properly execute the propulsove phase of the swim stroke. Go to to subscri…
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The way we talk with ourselves matters. Today, we look how triathletes can get caught in a trap of doubt and negative talk for the wrong reasons. We look at healthy and productive perspectives, especially at this time of the year when training can be more difficult. We look at ways you can learn and build and have a great perspective on peaking at …
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Ever wonder what actually goes on in my Triathlon Nutrition Academy? Well you’re in luck! For today’s episode, I invited three athletes - Ben Meier, Tony Hampton, and Kathleen Gilton - who have already been through the program, to share their experiences. We dive into how the program works, the issues they were facing when they started, and the dif…
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Etre en contact avec les responsables produit de marques de montres cardio GPS est un privilège pour qui est passionné de sport, car ces personnes, toutes marques confondues, sont des passionnés convaincus de sport et d'outdoor, très impliqués dans le développement des produits qu'ils conçoivent. Et cela, quelle que soit la marque. Dans ce premier …
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Der erste Beef zwischen Alex & Seb? Außerdem geht es um Ziele, Laktatmessung, LinkedIn Aktivismus, FatMax Training & Vorfreude, Hybrid-Athlet:innen und und und ... Über die Serie: Norddeutsch mit Jeföhl? Watt soll das jetzt sein? In dieser neuen Podcast-Serie werde ich mich zusammen mit Alexander Siegmund aka Sockensieggi und Coach Sebastian Rösler…
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We bellen in deze uitzending met Thomas Cremers, die een bizar snelle tijd liep in Egmond afgelopen zondag. We bellen met Marloes Vos die helaas flink pech kende in Egmond en we bellen met Jerzy Kasemier die gaat kijken hoe ver hij kan komen bij IRONMAN Kopenhagen komende zomer.
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This week, we kicked things off with some triathlon news, followed by an intense round of “This or That,” and wrapped up with your listener questions. Topics we covered include: Why some pro triathletes don’t share power numbers on Strava Is it worth investing in a dedicated trainer bike? What is normalized power, and how do you use it? The best pa…
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VALERIO DOTTO protagonista della puntata 298 di Passione Triathlon. Segui l'intervista condotta da Dario Daddo Nardone, in prima visione il 15 gennaio 2025 dalle 21.00. #daddocè #mondotriathlon #ioTRIamo ❤️ ________ Video puntate Passione Triathlon: Segui il Podcast di Passione Triathlon su Spotify: https://op…
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Send us a text In this episode of the Trathlon podcast, Jenna and Josh discuss their recent training experiences, upcoming races, and strategies for dealing with various race conditions. They share insights on how to balance training intensity and volume, especially when recovering from illness. The conversation also highlights social media updates…
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I learned a lot in running my two businesses this year, Fiv3 Racing and the Dream Programs. In this episode, I give you the behind-the-scenes of what we learned and what you can take from those lessons to improve your coaching business! I spoke about a few of my programs/freebies in this episode. 1. If you are a head coach working with assistant co…
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Send us a text On our first episode of the New year, we have gone a bit off piste. We speak to Duncan Robb., who has been involved in triathlon for 40 years in one capacity or another. From racing, organising races, being one of the original organisers at the British Triathlon Association and starting the 220 Triathlon magazine. Such a great story.…
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In this episode of the Oxygen Triathlon Podcast Coach Rob answers some of the many listener questions we've received over the past few weeks. Topics include: The tri bike vs road bike debate... The importance of entering otehr events pre-Ironman... The value of FTP tests... How to manage training during a skiing holiday... Zwift equipment challenge…
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This week, I’m thrilled to welcome Paul Wheat, a dedicated 55-year-old triathlete who exemplifies what it means to be a High Performance Human. For Paul, high performance transcends athletic excellence; it encompasses all aspects of life, including sleep, nutrition, exercise, relationships, and mental health. The beauty of this journey is that you …
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Wie die Profis ins Triathlonjahr starten und was 2025 zu bieten hat Chefredakteur Nils Flieshardt und Redakteur Lars Wichert sprechen über die Hot Shots der T100, Trainingslagerumfänge der Profis und die Vorfreude auf die anstehende Saison. -- Unsere Werbepartner -- TrainingPeaks ist das komplette Toolkit für Triathleten, um deine Ziele zu verfolge…
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Wir sind zurück aus der Winterpause und sprechen heute über das tägliche Laufen. Denn Schorsch war im Dezember jeden Tag für den guten Zweck auf den Beinen. Jeden Tag zur selben Zeit am selben Ort 15 km laufen. Zum Glück war regelmäßig Begleitung mit dabei. Wie es genau war, erfährst Du in dieser Folge. Und das Spendenkonto lautet: Fontanherzen e. …
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Episode 2 of 2025 is here and we are joined by the middle distance GOAT and newly crowned Ironman 70.3 World Champion/T100 World Champion Taylor Knibb. We go deep on her training, particularly the new training approach she had in 2024 with coach Dan Lorang. We talk about weekly structure, bike workouts, long rides, long runs, run week structure, se…
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Whatever address you call home, where you live presents challenges and opportunities for your training. Whether you live in the heart of a major city or the remote countryside, at high elevation or at sea level, or even somewhere flat versus somewhere hilly, you have to adapt to get the most out of your training. Coaches Will Usher and Tony Washing…
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Send us a text Have you checked to make sure your supplement company 3rd party tests its protein powders for heavy metals? Email me to find out what brand of protein powder I settled on.توسط Todd Sauder
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The triathlon season is starting in New Zealand with the Mount Festival of Sport this weekend. Tyler Mislawchuk and Cecilia Perez win the IRONMAN 70.3 in Pucon, Chile. We chat to Andrew Buckrell PhD - Mechanical Engineering and Thermal Management Power Technologist and CEO & Chief Scientist at Endurance Innovation. Andrew returns to the show to dis…
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This is the episode is for the Garmin fēnix 8 Series smartwatch. The episode details the watch's numerous features, including activity tracking (running, swimming, golfing, climbing, etc.), navigation tools, smart notifications, health monitoring (heart rate, sleep, SpO2), and safety features. It provides instructions for using these features, trou…
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Ever sit there and think, ‘How the hell do I get more power in the water?’ Well, we break it down for ya in this episode. Check it out! - Check out the Force Prodution Progression here: - Tackle correcting your breathing in Freestyle with the TSC Breathing Crash Course - - Wan…
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#247 ALOHA KALLE - Von Hyrox bis zu den Jahresstatistiken Tim trifft sich mit den drei Young-Guns und bespricht zu Beginn des neuen Jahres, die Stunden und Kilometer von Alex, Willy und Johannes. Aber es bieten sich auch Themen außerhalb des Triathlons an, welche mal kurz bei den Triathleten für Gesprächsstoff sorgen. Triathlon Coaching https://per…
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In this episode: In this episode the Medical Mailbag looks at the evidence for the Calibre. Do the maker's claims stand up to the science and what can this device do for you? Plus, exploring the profound emotional landscape of addiction and recovery, the podcast then delves into the experiences of Todd Crandall, an individual who transformed his li…
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Das waren unsere Highlights aus 2024? Von sauberen Ketten bis zu warmen Füßen. In dieser Episode erwartet euch eine bunte Mischung aus coolen Community-Aktionen, Vorsätzen und Jahresrückblicken. Löwenanteil Bio Fertiggerichte (WERBUNG): Neues Gericht und 15% Januar Rabatt! Erhaltet 15% Rabatt auf Eure Bestellung! Über den Link…
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Folge 0 -Zurück zum Nullpunkt! Wir sind back von der Tour mit Laura Philipp, Philipp Seipp und Bocki und fallen einfach mit der Tür ins Haus! Wir sind müde aber glücklich. Kurze Folge zum Warmwerden! Werbepartner der Woche: PILLAR PERFORMANCE Hole dir IMMUN C oder TRIPLE MAGNESIUM mit 15% Rabatt mit dem Code PLATTFUSS…
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Episode 193 of the No Limits Map to Triathlon podcast focuses on welcoming 2025 with a discussion on goal-setting and new opportunities. Host Todd Malcolm shares personal reflections from 2024, including memorable experiences and upcoming races like the Wildflower Triathlon and the 70.3 World Championships. He emphasizes the importance of structure…
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Eine Betrachtung des vergangenen Jahres und der Start in ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2025 Die heutige Jahresauftaktfolge mit Sportpsychologin Viktoria Vida unterstützt euch dabei, noch einmal über das Jahr 2024 nachzudenken und dieses auch auf mentaler Ebene zum Abschluss zu bringen. Außerdem werfen wir einen Blick voraus und schaffen die Rahmenbedingun…
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In this episode, we reveal the biggest training DOs and DON'Ts to elevate your performance this year. We're talking about those crucial training nuggets you might be overlooking, going beyond the basic tips you might see over and over. As always this episode is brought to you by Giant. For all your bike training and racing needs, ride life, ride gi…
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Send us a text The Four Pillars of Physical Health Mobility: The ability of your joints to move freely through their full range of motion, ensuring efficient and pain-free movement. Stability/Balance: The capacity to maintain control and equilibrium during movement, essential for coordination and injury prevention. Strength: The power to generate f…
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Aloha! Der deutsche Triathlonprofi Jonas Hoffmann ist heute zu Gast im Podcast! Wir sprechen u.a. über sein WM Rennen in Kona 2024 und was sich seit dem 16. Platz für ihn verändert hat, wann und wie es zum Schritt Profi Triathlet gekommen ist, was er von einem sich übergebenden Norweger denkt (nicht respektlos gemeint!), welche Ziele er sich für di…
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Here we go again with the bombardment of “New Year, New You” ads and messages to “eat this, not that,” or “do this specific workout for 30 days to get amazing abs.” You know the drill and they’re probably in your feed as we speak. In this first-of-its kind episode, Feisty Media podcast hosts Kathryn Taylor (Girls Gone Gravel), Sara Gross (Women’s P…
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In this interview, originally published on the Endurance Innovation podcast, Michael Liberzon interviews Mikael Eriksson on topics related to acquiring and applying information and knowledge in an endurance sports context. IN THIS EPISODE YOU'LL LEARN ABOUT: -The role of social media, short-form vs. long-form content, and red flags for misinformati…
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This week, we break down all the action from the 70.3 World Championships, where Jelle Geens took an impressive victory in the men’s race, holding off Hayden Wilde and Leo Bergère. On the women’s side, Taylor Knibb delivered a dominant performance to secure the win, with Kat Matthews finishing strong in second. We also dive into the latest developm…
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Jim and Rob sit down to discuss and recap race week after an extrememly fun and successful time in Taupo. A lot of great take aways. The two then go on to discuss whats next on CtC. Thank you to all who listented to this series. Becauce of you we will continue to help prep athletes for races happening across the Globe. To suggest a race for Jim and…
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