Three gamers around the age of thirty sit down to talk about gaming in all its forms. Console and PC games, RGP, tabletop, and even board games.
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Del and Griffin sit down to say farewell to our listeners and talk about random things that have happened along the way.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk Batman as well as an upcoming YouTube Series! Oh, and RP is discussed as well..YAY.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The "Original" Episode 30, released one year after the fact. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. You can thank Griffin for this one.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Del and Sildar recount their favorite moments in RP as well as some tales of campaigns of yesteryear.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk about Bastion. Del decides that Shadow Play uses too much overhead to run ULTRA in Battlefield. Sildar wipes the Party in RP. Griffin...breaths a lotتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers are back from the end of 2013. Welcome to the New Year and the New Night!!توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers review 2013's Games as well discuss their holdiay.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers decide to take a break from BF4. Griffin talks about his work in Blender. Del discusses his new GPU. Sildar runs through the RP recap.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers answer Annika's Questions from Facebook. Mavel and DC movies are discussed and they forget to mention Del's new Graphics cardتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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In this special Sunday Edition, Griffin and Del talk BF4, Batman Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Bioshock Infinite as well as Del's new additions to his table top collection.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Buckle your seatbelts; pull up a chair and listen while the gamers talk about BF4 at length. Griffin reveals why there was no podcast last week. Del goes on about the PS4. Sildar and Grif talk about Family gaming. Pathfinder finally makes a comeback.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Back from Halloween and all the sugar, the gamers discuss BF4, Batman Arkham Origins, as well as RP.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers reveal their favorite gaming music. Del discusses the recent developments between Quantic Dream and Ellen Paige. Sildar talks about gaming company failures.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers discuss upcoming releases, the delay of Watch Dogs by Ubisoft, and possible new projects.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers answers questions this week from fans. Grif talks about the troubles of the US government Shutdown. Sildar talks about SteamBox. Del talks about 99gamers.comتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss BF4 Beta. Del talks about GTA V offline/Onlineتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers are back after hiatus. Griffin talks about his new Rig. Sildar discusses what he's been playing. Del goes off on a few life eventsتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Griffin grieves the recent passing of his powerstation. Sildar discusses how to buy a gaming rig on a budget. Del talks about the one-off RP game.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Del talks about Sequels. Ultron is discussed. Griff mentions the "Play with Me". Sildar discusses the future of the home brew RP. Penny (Del's Dog) barks.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Del TPKs in RP. Griff Rants about real life, suits and Play with Me. Sildar talks about BF4توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers talk Old School Games.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss Cons and news.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Sildar and Del talk about the campaign. Sean and Griffin discuss TV shows and other miscellaneous fluff.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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FF14 is discussed. Legendary *Fancy Schmancy* editions. The future of MMOs and RECAP!توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss Game of Thrones again. Sildar is absent. Sean shows up, Del discusses RP and Grif barely talks.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss Game of Thrones. Del and Grif talk about new DLC. Sildar recaps the final battle in the RP campaign.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss what they have been playing. Del talks about The Last of Us. Griffin mentions Minecraft. Sildar gives his opinion of OUYA.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers mention the X-BONE...again. Sildar regails the Pathfinder campaign. Griff talks about vacation. Del gloats about his Alpha Accessتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss E3. Del decides to buy a PS4. Griffin is excited for Mirror's Edge 2.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss the new consoles. Are we the lost generation of gamers today? Pathfinder finally comes backتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Sildar Returns!توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers welcome Sean back, again. Griffin talks about his accomplishments, The Xbox One is discussed. Del brings up new topics for RP.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers welcome Sean back. Griffin talks about the future of the podcast. The gamers discuss gaming with jobs and how they made time for gaming in the past.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk about new indie Games. Grif and Sildar talk about building a gaming rig and Del finally gets to play DI: Riptide co-opتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers discuss Dead Island: Riptide. Sean comes back to the podcast this week. Finally RP makes an appearance.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk about BioShock Infinite...finally. Griffin griefs, Sildar stays silent, and Del finally plays The Walking Deadتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss past consoles. Del and Sildar talk about Battlefield 4. Griffin debates on buying Bioshock Infiniteتوسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Del destroys what's wrong with Sim City. Sildar and Del talk about the homebrew. Silldar brings up the Piston.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Del rants on Sim City's server issues, Sildar discusses Out of Exile Torment, and gives the gamers a quick tutuorial in Monitor overclocking. Griffin just says yeah a lot.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers don't have anything to talk about, so their rambling manages to fill nearly an hour and a half with tabletop theory, meta-backstory, and storytelling speculation.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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Sildar tries to resist discussing the PS4 announcement, a few bits of news on upcoming and current PC games, and discussion of Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss their trips, review next-gen console rumors and DRM, and brainstorm for the future of the homebrew.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers talk about the successful Pathfinder MMO Kickstarter, the WGA Nominees for writing in a video game, tech reviews of upcoming products, and a heavy review of the newly proposed Video Game Parental Advisory bill.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk a bit of Crysis 3 and the engine behind it, how games have lost their mojo, a call for turn based JRPG to make a come back, Paizo's upcoming Ultimate Campaign book, and more!توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The best and worst games we played in 2012, and more RP from the Pathfinder game, and the Gamers discuss how the Holidays may have brought about a low level of quality games into the new market.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers talk a good bit of RP this time around, and discuss the best moments in the Homebrew Pathfinder game that occured in 2012. And some video games for good measure.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers talk about RP, becoming a god, how Griffon broke a 4e campaign, the indie game Red Rogue, and a bit of Battlefield 3.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The gamers discuss the Pathfinder game, FarCry 3, Hitman Absolution, Transformers, and Christmas presents.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk some more Battlefield 3 in comparison to Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, some more indie magic, a review of Sildar's birthday presents, a recap of the Pathfinder game, and a review of WWE 13 to include a trip down memory lane.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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The Gamers talk Pathfinder, more alignment discussion with our guest, Raddick, a review of NFS: Most Wanted, and the Thornkeep module from Paizo as reward to their kickstarter backers.توسط Thirtyish Gamers
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